Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 218


Chapter 218 Rose
The temperature difference between day and night in wasteland is large, but the felt tent is warm.

Rid cultivator pointed at Ciel: "This kid wants to collect your corpse!"

He pointed to the little hunter Bell: "This kid will collect your corpse too!"

In the end, the old man stroked his beard triumphantly: "cough cough. God has a good life, and my old man was afraid that they would die on the way, so he escorted them all the way. Fortunately, the mission is not disgraceful! Since you are not dead, just take me Three months' salary will be settled."

"You can get it!" Charles said angrily: "Didn't we drive the carriage? What are you doing besides sleeping in the car? "

Ciel was angry, but his eyes were smiling, and he took Winters' arm and wouldn't let go.

Winters went straight to the point: "How did you find me?"

"It's a long story, let's go back to Palatu with the army first." Reid cultivator said with a smile: " As soon as Hurd retreats, they will come to collect your corpse."

Winters gently nodded.

Bell said softly: "We originally wanted to go to the edge of the Netherworld River to turn over the corpses, and we happened to meet the Dajshaman who comforted the undead. Reid cultivator talked with the Dajshaman, and Dajisa Manpao brought us to the great shaman."

"The head of the shaman is also wise, and I can talk to him." Reid cultivator said with a smile: " I heard him say that there is a Palato champion in the hands of the Chihe Department. As soon as I hear it, isn't that you? I'll follow him to find you."

Little Lion mentioned that the great shaman needs to See Winters, but never came.

According to Rhett cultivator, the Great Shaman is probably nearby.

“Have you seen the white lion?” Winters asked.

"I see. When I came with the great shaman, I met the white lion who came back from the crusade of the Lord's Department." Reid cultivator changed to a comfortable half-lying position: "The dignified white lion saw The old man can't wait to bow his head, it's not like you brat, he is fighting with me in his heart. Seeing that he has a good attitude, the old man will call him a few words casually."

"What to call him?"

"Don't worry about that."

Since the Rhett cultivator has come, Winters will discuss with him about offering sacrifices to the golden people.

The White Lion did not agree to his deal, nor did he refuse.

The old cultivator's beard was furious when he learned of Winters' reckless behavior.

He hated iron for not becoming steel: "What do you think? What qualifications do you have to negotiate with the White Lion? If you are not a cultivator, the White Lion has the means to make you speak! The white lion has a little evil thoughts, you... do you know what will happen to you?"

In order not to stimulate Winters, the little lion and Erlun have been very careful not to let any "spoils of war" appear. around him.

But Winters knew that those captured Palauans had been reduced to slaves, and probably had his warrior among them.

Winters lowered his eyes and whispered, "I just want to feel better about myself."

"To feel better about myself? There's a way! The easiest way is to be in black. Heart, not recognizing one's family." Reid cultivator blew his beard and stared: "What prisoner? Mind your own business? As long as you don't care! You can leave with a pat on the butt. As long as you can do this, you will definitely be a major in the future. event."

Charle and the little hunter looked at the old man in horror, expressions all changed.

Winters said nothing.

Rid cultivator is good at persuading: "Don't worry about it so much, go home quickly. Go back to Veneta and accumulate strength under the wings of your parents. The world remains the same, and you are an official. The world has changed greatly, You can go up and down. You can attack and you can defend. It's the easiest and easiest way, I've already pointed it out to you, why are you hesitating?"

Winters sat there like a rock , still speechless.

Rid cultivator sighed, smiled and looked the head: "I'll tell you why the white lion didn't agree or refuse."

Winters lifted the head sharply .

Reid cultivator pointed to all directions: "The great wasteland is surrounded by mountains in the south, and mountains in the north. In the west is the tundra, and there are mountains behind the tundra; only the east is the exit, but it is blocked by the Paratus people. You say, what use are you giving the white lion gold? What can he buy?"

"This is an important sacrificial instrument..."

"Sacrificial instrument?" Rui De cultivator dismissed it and said carefree, "How many soldiers are the sacrificial vessels worth? Just that great shaman, is he honorable or not? But how many soldiers does he have? Does he speak well? The white lion is the Boya clan. Rules can't be called sweat, and you can't give him a golden statue. Generally speaking, you have to invite a golden man to come down to earth and feed the mother of the white lion. Can you?"

"But He can negotiate with the fire roaster..."

"Negotiate?" Reid cultivator widened his eyes: "When the white lion got the golden man, he completely lost the fire roaster as an ally! The Chihe Department and the Terdun Department are now relying on each other and guarding against each other. For the White Lion, the Terdun Department that has lost the golden man is the best Terdun Department. He can take advantage of its power, And don't have to worry about being annexed."

"I...I don't know these things..."

"Alas. You child trapped in this little felt tent, you What do you know?" Reid cultivator sighed: "What you gave to the white lion is a volcano that may erupt at any time. What you want to take away is thousands of laborers. Do the white lions have to trade for you one by one?"

Winters' expression darkened: "What should we do?"

Rid cultivator asked: "Why is the white lion? Don't refuse you, or just kill you? Once you die, the golden man will disappear, death ends all one's troubles."

The wood in the hearth crackled.

"There's a chance?" Winters' pupils dilated.

"Two tons of gold is two tons of stone in the Great Wasteland. In Palatu, it is two tons of hard currency." Reid cultivator sneered: "If you can bring two tons of gold worth Supplies, the White Lion will happily hand over the captives to you. Do you understand?"

"Isn't Palatu blocking the Heard minions?" Winters frowned: "He wants me to smuggle? "

Reid cultivator did not answer, but changed the topic: "Remember I said that no matter the victory or defeat of this battle, will it not affect Prato's absolute suppression of Heard's tribes?" ”

Winters gently nods


"At that time, I felt that although the nomads often said that "someone is dissatisfied with ten thousand people, they are invincible". But as long as they settle down in the country and stabilize their positions, they can definitely beat the nomadic people. ." Rhett cultivator's eyes cracked with a smile: "But now... the situation has changed."

Winters waited for the old magician to say the most important sentence.

The old cultivator smiled and said, "The Palatians are fighting themselves!"

The coup d'etat in the Castle of Kings had just ended when the trio set off.

Arpad, who returned to the Shuangqiao camp, immediately marched eastward and attacked the castles of the kings. As for who wins and who loses, they don't know.

Winters listened to Plato's change with a blank face, seemingly remaining unmoved.

"Father!" Ciel asked the old man in dissatisfaction, "Why do you feel that you are not worried about the civil unrest in Palatu at all, but rather happy?"

"Of course I don't. Urgent. The soul is the guest of the body, the body is the guest of Heaven and Earth, and I am your guest." Reid cultivator rubbed his palms and laughed: "Of course it's not too big to watch the fun."

Charle dumb I was speechless, I wanted to say something, but I didn't know where to start.

“Why the fight?” Winters asked.

Reid cultivator twitched his beard and smiled: "This matter is also simple to say. It is like a marriage between a man and a woman with very different personalities. One is called the noble republic, and the other is called the citizen republic. Self-satisfied, the case is raised, and as time goes by, there are more stumblings, and it becomes more and more difficult to bear each other. Then there are endless quarrels and even violence.

It is the child named "Victory" who maintains the family Now this child is dead, and both parties claim ownership of the family property. If we can't agree, we'll fight?"

"Oh, is that so?" Charles asked in surprise.

"Of course not!" Reid cultivator shuddered at Charles' forehead: "Why is politics so simple? History, grievances, deep contradictions, the character of the parties involved, every link will It affects the direction of politics. Simplifying the political struggle and simplifying it to the metaphor of the separation of men and women is simply a big mistake!"

"Just say it." Ciel covered his forehead: "Do it! What a beating."

Bell grinned beside him, and also received a violent shudder.

"But there is also good news for the people of Paratus." Rhett cultivator sighed, said a little sadly: "The white lion... is a hero."

Ciel and Little The hunters were stunned.

What kind of good news is the White Lion being a hero?
Winters' eyebrows are raised slightly and his lips are pursed.

The old cultivator said with emotion: "If the white lion is a vicious and merciless, black-belly lord, then he will be far more difficult for the Paratus people to deal with than now. It's a pity...he A man of compassion."

After saying this, the old cultivator looked at Winters lovingly.

Winters looked back at the old cultivator calmly, and the two looked at each other wordlessly for a few seconds.

"Some people think that people with low moral standards are better able to make achievements." The old cultivator suddenly rubbed his palms and laughed, with a rare trace of sadness in his laughter: "I don't want to believe this is true. If someone can prove it How good would it be that they were wrong?"


Although the fixation had been removed, Winters limped. And the pain is unbearable after walking a few steps, and his left leg muscles need time.

Ciel, Bell and the old cultivator stayed at the camp until he fully recovered.

Charle was with Winters most of the time.

Bell and the little lion quickly got to know each other, and the two were almost inseparable.

As for the Rhett cultivator?

He sees the head of the divine dragon but not its tail all day long, or chats with the white lion, or talks with the great shaman Scripture Lecture, or eats and drinks in the camp.

Old Guy has a special knack for taking good care of himself wherever he goes.

The white lions respected him very much, and the people of Hurd also called him Dexuechan [Great Wise Man].

There is also a real "little white lion", which has grown to the size of a calf and has a hairy mane.

The "little fellow" doesn't have a name yet -- Bell remembers that Winters wouldn't let him have a name, so he calls it little fellow.

little fellow remembers Winters, remembers the smell of the man who pissed for him.

But that night he took the initiative to get close to Winters, got a slap, and was sulking for days.

The people of Chihe tribe regarded it as a miracle, and offered cattle and sheep to feed it. little fellow does not worry about eating and drinking, and the lazy character of the big cat prevails.

It eats and sleeps all day long, sleeps and eats, and has nothing to do to bask in the sun at the door of the tent.

You must know that the three Rhett cultivators crossed the no-man's land all the way, relying on the little fellow to guard the carriage and drive away the wolves.

At that time the little fellow caught rabbits, marmots and even antelopes by himself, and never asked anyone to feed it.

Bell originally thought that he could take the opportunity to train little fellow to survive in the wild, but after he came to the Chihe Department, he became even more lazy.

Winters also met the Great Shaman.

Perhaps the closer you get, the more sacred and majesty disintegrates.

After being disenchanted, Winters sees that the shamanic leader of Heard's tribes is just an old man with vicissitudes of life, through the intricate decorations and ornaments.

Eerlun acted as a translator, and the two had a simple conversation.

"Good luck, Hestas." The Great Shaman greeted Winters kindly.

"Have you seen Hestas?"

"I saw it, but I didn't see it either." The great shaman's words seemed to point to something: "The Singer is preaching. For the first time since the first syllable was sung, someone outside the steppe has inherited the responsibility of communicating with all spirits. What about you? Can you see it?"

"No, Hestas Why did you choose me?"

"I don't know, our inheritance is a kind of inspiration. Like spring comes and autumn passes, it happens naturally. Or the other way around, it's not Hestas who chooses you , but you helped Hestas.

If you didn't show up at that moment, the spirit of Hestas' name would have been lost. And you are the Chosen One, and you are The one chosen by the spirit of all things."

Winters thought for a moment, then said, "Have that ceremony again, and I'll give you back the name of Hestas."

"Don't worry." The big shaman smiled and shook his head: "If you are really Hestas, you will know when that moment comes. Just as Hestas chooses you. If you are not, then you will Don't worry, it's pointless for you to hold ceremony."

The other party's logic was rigorous, and Winters was silent for a long time.

"Your Hehar is a rare animal spirit speaker." The great shaman suddenly asked, "I want to borrow him for a while, do you agree?"

"Ha'er?" Winters frowned: "Bell?"

"Yes, the child named [Bear]."

"What do you want him to do? ?"

"Don't do anything. He's your haha, and I won't take him."

"What do you mean by beast whisperer? Talk to a lion? "

"Of course not." The big shaman laughed: "Can the hunter talk to the mastiff? But the hunter can communicate with the mastiff and command the mastiff. The mastiff is willing to do many things for the hunter, Not because they're afraid of hunters, but because they see hunters as family.

The same is true of Spirit Beast's relationship with Beast Whisperers. Not in chains and whips, but in Spirit Beast Treat Beast Whisperers as relatives. Spirit Beasts like giant lion are difficult to get close to once they become adults. But when this giant lion was very young, the child named bear was inseparable from it. This kind of Beastlingers who are twins with giant lion are also rare in the history of the tribes. At least there is only one recorded in the songs of the singer."

Winters asked coldly: "You just want to Bring the white lion to the white lion?"

"Yes, and more than that. Let him stay here, and I will teach him and help him master the power of the Beast Whisperer. He is your partner. Ha'er, I won't force him to keep him."

Winters thought for a moment, and solemnly said to the great shaman: "Bell is a free man, and he can decide whether to stay or go by himself. If he decides to leave, I'll take him away. If you exploit him, I will come back to you. ”

The great shaman nodded in salute, and the two said goodbye.



When Winters and the great When the shamans met, another banquet was being held in the banquet hall of the Great Council of the Kings Castle.

This banquet was to declare victory—the victory of the Second Republic.

The past two months have been quiet for Winters on wasteland, but Plato has been one drama after another.

First the "April Coup", the Blue Bloods and The kings and castles attacked each other in the city, and the streets were bloody.

And then the "Siege of May", Arpad led all the troops he could find and launched a strong attack on the kings' castles.


The assault quickly turned into a siege, as the castles of the kings were too fortified - otherwise how could she be called a "fort".

As the battle dragged on, Arpad The troops under his command fled one after another.

In the end, even people like Arpad who refused to admit defeat had to admit that the siege of the castles had completely failed.

After all, the shield was still Victory Hammer.

Sekler defended the castles with the city guard and conscripted militia, and Arpad retreated to [Jiangbei Province] with the last loyal troops.

The Jiangbei province is Arpad's hometown and the place where the old aristocracy took root.

Now, the Second Republic of Palatu urgently needs to tell everyone that only they can represent this country.


They declared their victory by celebrating ceremony and banquets, and completely beat the Arpad side as a traitor.


A bitter literati commented: Latu people have always lived in poverty, so once they have it, they go too far.

This is the style of the Grand Council Ballroom:

Glittering white walls, arches Shaped ceilings, gold hammered doors and windows...

Under the ceiling decorated with colorful paintings, intelligence activities are going on.

In the intertwining times, people exchange all kinds of Information.

The Platoons know this, but don't stop it, because they are part of it.

There are three main types of attendees:

The first category is the MPs of the Second Republic of Palato.

The MPs are easy to distinguish - bright eyes, smug faces, and chatter with a glass of wine.

Now they're Sovereign here, and they know it.

Members all have a red rose pinned to their necks - and the "blue" rose giving tit for tat, which is a way of separating them from the enemy
The second category is the military.

Most of the military wear uniforms, according to their affiliation, service or Is the seniority in groups of three or four standing there. He glanced coldly around the house, as if searching for some hidden murderous intention.

The third category is diplomatic envoys.

The envoy is the representative of all influence outside the Palau. They are dignified, with mechanical smiles at all times, and careful wording.

The envoys traveled thousands of miles to the castles to confirm the victory and collect information. So they listen more and speak less.

Everyone has their own place in this banquet, but only one silhouette looks out of place.

He wears an officer's uniform, but he doesn't stay with his colleagues or talk to other people.

Just sitting at the table, drinking glass after glass of stuffy wine.

Turagno - Veneta's top diplomatic representative in Palato - walked up to the man with a smile that almost froze on his face: "Lieutenant Colonel Moritz, what the hell are you doing? ?!"

"What are you doing? Drinking." Moritz, still thin and handsome, poured his own drink, cup after cup: "Shouldn't we drink here? Latu wine, I'm thinking of a friend. Oh, it's all gone."

"I really don't understand why I put you in the spectator attache."

Moritz suddenly laughed: "General Serbia sent me to retrieve his son, but what? He couldn't even find the body. We are drinking with the Palatians here. Is it enough?"

[Note: Moritz only knew that Winters was Antonio's adopted son. Not only Moritz, most people think so]
Turanio sighed: "I know about those children, and I'm sad too. Of course, things don't just end like this, it's just that you don't understand. "

He sat beside Moritz and poured himself a drink: "Sackler hasn't won it all, and Arpad hasn't lost it all. The Red Rose and Blue Rose war isn't over yet." , we have to find a way to fight for the best interests of Veneta."

Lieutenant Colonel Moritz did not speak, tilted his neck and poured another glass of wine down his throat.

The servant outside the door suddenly announced loudly: "Empire special envoy! Narzia count is here!"

Everyone's eyes are turned to the hall door.

The gilded oak door slowly opened, and a handsome man walked into the banquet hall with an entourage.

The hosts of the banquet, the Palatine members, greeted them one after another, and the envoys from all sides also stepped forward.

Only the soldiers stood where they were, without moving a single step, watching Narzia count hello to everyone.

After a while, the banquet hall returned to its previous appearance, with members of parliament, soldiers and envoys chatting in groups of three or five.

Narzia count took a glass of wine and calmly came to Moritz, who was drunk,

"Good evening, Van Nassau count. "Narzia greeted kindly: "Or should I call you, Young Master Su school."

Moritz lightly snorted, not looking at each other at all: "Your file is It's time for an update, it's already a lieutenant colonel."

Narzia count did not feel annoyed, but doubled his greetings: "Good evening, lieutenant colonel Nasu."

"What does the pseudo-emperor want you to come for? Look at the fun?" Moritz sneered and asked: "It's fun to see the rebels kill each other, isn't it? In the Palatine civil war, isn't the pseudo-emperor the happiest?"

"Why do you say that? You think of us too badly." Narzia Count gently shook the glass and smiled playfully: "Your Majesty just sent me to protect his property. After all , he is also one of Prato's creditors."


At the same time, on the north bank of the Ember River, in a mountain col.

Alpad stood on the cliff, and the thunderous roar spread across the field: "They said, I lost!"

"They want to come over and give us everything Take it!"

"Their troops are camping five miles away!"

"You said! Did I lose?"

The Colliery A roar that went straight to the sky broke out: "No!"

"Come with me!" Alpad buckled his helmet and rushed out of the col.

Thousands of "freemen cavalry" follow closely from behind.

The 6000-word chapter is updated today.

There should be two more chapters of 4000 words to end this volume...

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