Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 220


Chapter 220 Blood Wolf

July 1st, an ordinary and unusual day.

A strange officer has arrived in the workshop of the goldsmith Albert of the Castles of Kings.

The unfamiliar officer seems to have a weak left leg and walks with a cane with a horse's head.

Another unhappy-looking gendarmerie accompanied him with a knife.

Seeing the military uniform on the visitor's body, Goldsmith Albert said "ge-deng" in his heart.

This year, Heaven and Earth is big, the one with the biggest knife. Soldiers, now walk unhindered in the castles of kings.

The rebel siege was lifted only two weeks ago, and the remains outside the city have not yet been recovered.

The citizens of the castles were left with lingering fears at the mention of this siege.

As soon as the city was locked down, the price of flour went up like crazy. There is often one price when weighing, and another when paying.

Even if you can buy flour, you can't buy firewood. Trees in the city were quickly cut down, and many families had to tear down their furniture and set fire to it.

The streets and alleys are going crazy: the rebel leader Arpad has ordered, "On the day the city is broken, the rebels can loot at will."

Fortunately, in the end, General Sackler won.

On the day the rebels withdrew, the citizens of the kings fort took to the streets to cheer: "Long live General Sackler!"

But then, the troops chasing the rebels went to Jiangbei The province suffered a major defeat.

The war is not over, and it is not known when it will be.

But life goes on.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Albert entertained the officer diligently, thinking to himself, "It's broken, isn't it here to blackmail me?"

In fact, Albert didn't know much about the subtle differences in military uniforms, but from the fabric, shape and temperament of the visitor, he dared to conclude that this was an officer.

"I'm Lieutenant Moritz of the Gendarmerie." The strange officer's voice was involuntarily listening despite his young age.

He looked at Albert coldly and went straight to the point: "The gendarmerie has received a reliable report that you are selling stolen goods for the robbers."

"No! No! No! Absolutely not. !" Albert beat his chest and stomped his feet, screaming injustice. He shouted in his heart, "It's over, you really are here to blackmail me!"

Albert was so afraid because he was really selling stolen goods for the robbers.

The thieves and robbers get gold and silver ornaments and usually find goldsmiths to forge new coins.

One melt and one forge, no one can track it anymore.

Some simply exchange stolen goods for ready-made coins or jewelry.

The exchange rate is a little lower, which is better than convenience.

Albert often does this kind of business, he never asks where the stuff comes from, as long as it's cheap.

The strange officerfaint smile: "No?"

"No! Really no! How dare I?" Albert shook his head desperately, the other's eyes were like razors, Al Burt felt like he was being peeled off layer by layer.

He tentatively asked back: " say a 'no' way?"

"Last September, a robber came to find you. Accent, mouth full of gold teeth." The strange officer leaned back on the chair, remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, playing with a pocket knife: "You helped him with the loot, right?"

The pocket knife It is only the size of a palm, and the workmanship is very simple. The handle is wrapped with a leather rope, but the blade is sharp.

Albert's knees trembled every time the knife was knocked on the table.

Hearing the strange officer mentioned the features of black, thin and golden teeth, he immediately recalled who the other party was talking about.

He secretly rejoiced and replied happily: "Sir, I remember who you are talking about. I really didn't help him sell the stolen goods, I reported him! That person is still in prison now. Here we go!”

In September last year, a gold-toothed robber with a provincial accent came to Albert with a promissory note, which he would exchange for a thousand ducats.

The promissory note represents the gold deposited in advance by the customer, and theoretically, the goldsmith just keeps it for them. Seeing the votes and redeeming the money, the votes are not recognized.

But all goldsmiths will embezzle customer deposits, or invest, or lend money to make money.

Albert was no exception.

The business may be profitable or not, and the loan may not be recovered. A big gamble early last year, Albert unfortunately lost the bottom.

When the gold-toothed robber found him, there were only a thousand ducats left in his vault.

Pay it to the robber, and he will go bankrupt on the spot.

Why can Albert be sure that the other party is a robber?
The answer is simple: robbers, Albert has seen a lot. The other party opened his mouth, and he could smell the smell of the robber.

I heard that the robber had a provincial accent, and saw that the other party came alone. Unconsciously, Albert had a bold idea - black eat black.

The rest is simple—Albert has a cousin who works for the sheriff.

The golden-toothed robber was caught and thrown into prison.

At first, Albert was apprehensive. So he begged his cousin to save the robber's life, in case the robber's accomplice came over, he would have a bargaining chip.

As time went on, he also forgot about it, until today it was brought up by a strange officer.

"How did this thing come out?" Albert scolded inwardly: "Which bastard reported me! Uglaoy? Or Kovasiko?"

The unfamiliar officer didn't answer, but seized the loophole in Albert's words: "If that person doesn't exist, someone else has it, right? Look it up to prove your innocence."

Albert swore again.

This turmoil ended in bankruptcy, and Albert needed to "donate" a sum of money to the Gendarmerie of the Kings Castle.

Finally, Albert quietly passed a small packet of gold coins to the strange officer.

The behavior of the unfamiliar officer shocked him. He shook the leather bag and heard a crisp sound inside. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Bribery the military police? Do I still want to write to you? A receipt?"

Albert was taken aback, and when he was at a loss, he thought sadly: "Ming grab this is it."

He just handed over the biggest issue. I gave it to the other party, but luckily the other party didn't embarrass him anymore.

"Okay, that's it." The strange officer lightly snorted, put away the gold coin, and asked casually, "Where's the gold-toothed robber?"


Under the west city wall, in a remote corner, the City Guard Prison of the Kings Castle stands silently.

It is said to be a prison, but it is actually a few dilapidated bungalows.

It is customary for felons such as murderers to be taken to the Army Gendarmerie prison, which has stone cells and iron bars.

The prisons of the City Guard are filled with prisoners such as thieves, debtors and tax evaders.

Shortly after the turmoil at the goldsmith Albert's workshop, an unexpected visitor arrives at the City Guard Prison.

An officer walked into the prison with a gendarmerie, holding a warrant from Lieutenant Colonel Robert, the deputy director of the "Department of Public Security Administration and Supervision", to take a prisoner away.

The head of the cell didn't even know what the "Department of Public Security Administration and Supervision" was, and he couldn't even read the words.

However, the lacquer seal was well covered on the warrant, and the head of the prison still recognized the eagle emblem of Prato-although he did not recognize the small print below the eagle.

"Sir." The head of the cell led the officer into the cell and explained cautiously, "In the war some time ago, the prisoners were all conscripted into hard labor. I don't know if he is the person you are referring to. Still alive."

The officer gave a lukewarm "um".

"During the war, a lot of prisoners were killed and wounded. I really can't blame me, I too..."

"Stop talking nonsense." The officer frowned, his voice like a thousand years of snow Icy: "Lead the way."

"Hey, okay, okay." Nodded, the prison head, walked in front of him with a bow.

The lighting in the prison was poor, and many people should have been locked up because there was an unresolved stench in the air.

But now many of the cells are empty, and the prisoners who have apparently disappeared have died in the previous siege.

In the deepest part of the prison, the officer found the prisoner who had been imprisoned for "theft".

The already black and thin gold-toothed "captain" became thinner, and the skin was wrapped around the bones like tarpaulins. The golden teeth in his mouth are gone - all the prisoners have pulled out, and he has become Captain Ragtooth again.

"That's him." The officer nodded.

The head of the cell hurriedly led someone to open the shackles, and the gendarmerie, who followed the officer, walked into the cell and lifted the prisoner up.

"Yes, it's you...cough! cough cough!" The prisoner lifted the head with difficulty, looking towards the intruder by the dim light. Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly coughed violently.

"Take it away." The officer leaned on a cane and walked out of the prison without looking back.

The thin prisoner murmured in a barely audible voice, "I...I would come..."

The cell leader said kind words, All the way to send the officer out of the prison, but also borrowed a prison car to the other side.


At night, Albert the goldsmith's workshop—and his home.

A vengeance is underway.

"Don't! Don't! Don't kill me, I'll give you the money, I'll give you everything..." Albert scrambling to flee to the vault: "Help!"


The two guards he hired were brought down by the intruders before they could even draw their weapons.

The vault, it is safe to hide in the vault!

Before Albert could run a few steps, his knee suddenly hurt and his body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Immediately after, he was grabbed by the hair from behind and pulled up fiercely.

Anyone who picked up Albert was a punch to his Adam's apple.

Albert's body shrank into a ball, clutching his throat and retching, unable to say anything.

"Tuk, tuk, tuk." It was the sound of the cane hitting the ground.

"It's you!" Albert suddenly recalled the voice, and the cane with the horse's head, and he made a broken voice with difficulty: "It's you..."

Another thin silhouette came out from behind the cane officer, who shakily walked up to Albert, squatting with great effort.

The thin silhouette tore off the mask, revealing the black teeth, put her face close to Albert's, and asked with a happy smile, "Hello... Do you remember me?"

The light was dim, and Albert couldn't see the other's face or recognize who he was. He shook his head desperately, trying to dodge back.

"My name is Gold, good luck... Gold." Gold coughed violently and said word by word, "You don't remember me... It doesn't matter, I never... ...I didn't forget you..."

After speaking, Gold slowly stabbed a dagger into the goldsmith's heart.

His movements are slow, both because he has no energy and because he is enjoying the process.

The goldsmith twitched a few times, but stopped moving.

After doing all this, Gold seems to have been sucked out of his soul.

He slumped on the ground, gasping for breath, two tears streaming from his dry eyes. He looked at Winters: "Thank you, my lord..."

Winters shook the head and helped Gold stand up. The latter is still very weak, and is striving for revenge.

"There's a woman upstairs, and some children." Ciel walked back and whispered, "It's under control."

Winters looked towards Gold. .

"Enough." Gold suddenly laughed a few times: "I'm not dead, it's enough for him to die."

Charle took out another stamp parchment: "Nawa Young Lady Lei's promissory note was found at this guy's counter."

Gold took the promissory note and said persistently, "I'm going to cash this promissory note. "

"Okay." Winters nodded.

Then opened the vault with the key found from the goldsmith.

Gold counted Ducat gold coins one by one, not even taking a single silver coin.

Pointing out a thousand ducats, Gold placed the promissory note on the goldsmith's body and pressed fifty gold coins on it - a deposit that should be paid.

Then he spat at the goldsmith's corpse.

“Let’s go.” Winters helped Gold away.

"If I was still in the business of licking blood, I would have no complaints if I was beaten or killed." The former pirate chief was sad and sad: "Why...why..."

Winters couldn't answer, and he supported Gold all the way outside the house.

Because of noise problems, the workshops are all single-family houses, far away from other residences.

Winters and Shire move quickly, and no one has noticed the vendetta in the goldsmith's workshop, and the night watch has not yet come.

Winters helped Gold get into the saddle and whispered to Gold, "Alpad blew up the southwest corner of the city wall, and the Ciel will take you out of town from there."

"What about you? Your lord." Gold realized that Winters wouldn't come with him.

"Me?" Winters in the dark seemed to laugh. "I still have work to do."

Gold gripped Winters' hand tightly, shaking his head desperately.

"If I haven't gone to find you at dawn, I don't have to wait for me, and take Gold back to Hailan," Winters said to Ciel.

Charle wiped his tears, nodded heavily, and rode away with Gold.

Winters watched their backs disappear into the night.

He put the stick in the saddlebag, hung the saber around his waist, and took out the one hundred and sixty-four wooden awls from the saddlebag.

Then he mounted and moved towards Northern Part of City.

In the middle of the night in the streets of the Kings Castle, he walked alone.

The further you go to the Northern Part of City, the more often you encounter the Night Watch.

The kings and castles implement a curfew, and citizens are not allowed to go to the streets at night, but soldiers are not included in the restrictions.

Winters wears the uniform of an officer and has no trouble getting through. The Night Watch just raised their hands in salute, without questioning him to stop him.

He made his way to the gate of a beautiful second layer stone building.

This second layer stone building is the office of the Palato Army Military Council, which is the former Army Headquarters.

Winters tethered his horse in no hurry outside the gate.

The guard looked at the officer curiously, wondering why he didn't send the warhorse to the stables in the compound.

Securing the steed well, Winters picked up his saber and dragged his wounded leg straight to the main gate.

His leg wasn't fully healed, and his pace was a little lame, but he walked firmly.

"Sir, please show your identification." The guard stepped forward and asked the strange officer in an old uniform.

Winters raised his hand.

With a series of crackles, blood poured from the guard's helmet, and the guard fell softly.

The other three guards were stunned. They had no idea what the other was doing or what the other was going to do.

As soon as the other party raised his hand, the person in front of the other party died violently.

Winters continued to walk to the stone building and looked at the remaining three guards: "Don't court death."

First a little fire star, followed by a few inches of flame, the fire was icy cold The hearth rose, and the fiery anger was burning in his chest.

He's been waiting too long for this moment.

A guard recovers from panic and reaches out to ring the bell. Before his hand touched the clock rope, he was already killed by a knife.

"Don't! Look! Die!"

The will of the remaining two guards, who were only militias not long ago, was completely defeated. The two of them rolled and crawled back, stumbled and fled to the door.

But the movement of the door still alarmed the others, and the guards with disheveled clothes poured out from the duty room, and they looked at the scene in surprise.

"Enemy attack!" Someone shouted like a waking dream.

The guards were thrown into confusion, some turning back to the house to get their weapons, others coming out with swords.

There are also people who want to take down this alone attacker directly.

"I only want Sackler!" Winters drew his knife and rushed into the crowd: "Whoever stands in my way!"

In the second floor office of the old army headquarters, Brigadier General Sackler— — No, it’s now Major General Sackler and Grand Corps Head — and he sensed the strangeness outside.

During the siege, Sackler ate and lodged in the barracks. After the rebels were defeated, Sackler moved his family to the old army headquarters.

He lives here, in the heart of the Army of the Second Republic of Palato.

He heard a noise outside and opened the window.

A thunderous roar spread from the darkness to all directions, like a wild beast devouring people in rage:


“ What do you think!"

"This thing!"

"Will it end like this!"

"I only want Sackler! Whoever stands in my way will die! !!!"

Major General Sackler was stunned for a moment, when he remembered who this voice belonged to, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiled bitterly: "The Veneta..."

Sackler He got out of bed, lit the lamp, groomed himself, and put on his military uniform meticulously.

He stroked his uniform, trying to smooth out every wrinkle on it. But no matter how hard he tried, there were always a few folds that remained stubbornly there.

Sekler gave up his efforts, and sat upright in his chair, quietly waiting for the arrival of the other party.

The sound of killing and the collision of weapons is getting closer and closer, first the main entrance on the first floor, then the stairs, and then the corridor.

In the end, Sackler's door was kicked open, and a bloody Veneta walked into the room with a rolled-bladed saber.

His uniform was covered in blood, whether it was his or someone else's. Deep red liquid ticked down his saber, leaving a bloodline all the way from outside the house.

Winters spat bloody saliva and coughed violently.

"You're here." Sackler gestured, "please sit down."

Winters threw away the curling blade weapon and sat unceremoniously in front of Sackler.

With the faint candlelight, the two looked at each other.

"This is Mihaly, less than twenty years old, the grenade fell on my side and he held the grenade down with his body. I was alive, he was dead..." Winters took out a wooden Cone, placed in front of Sackler.

He took out another wooden cone: "This is Tao Marsh, a native of Sanke Town, whose skull was smashed by a hammer. He didn't die immediately, he struggled painfully for more than a dozen years. Die in minutes."

In Winters' rucksack, there were a total of 164 wooden awls, which were his 164 warriors.

They trusted him, followed him, and protected him, and they fought valiantly all the way, leaving their lives in the unnamed corners of the great wasteland, and ultimately abandoned on the west bank of the Netherworld River.

"You don't care about them." Winters' voice didn't sound sad or angry, as if he was judging from the point of view of someone who didn't care: "You don't care about them."

Seck Le sighed: "I would have made the same decision again, because..."

"No need to say more." I understand you."

Sackler's eyebrows raised slightly.

"Would I make the same decision if I were you? I don't know." Winters asked himself calmly, "Who knows?"

Sek Le smiled wryly and shook his head, with a glimmer of light in his eyes: "This country..."

The next second, his head was suddenly torn apart by an invisible force, and the red and white ones were thrown into the room. on the wall, on the ceiling.

“I understand you.” Winters unclenched his fist and said to where Sackler’s head had been, “But I’m still pissed.”

Sackler Dead, whether he is a great man or a pseudo-man, he is dead. No matter what kind of thoughts he harbored, they were all annihilated by the wind.

Is this the end of it?
Winters feels unreal.

He cut out one hundred and sixty-four wooden awls with the most decisive hatred. He originally wanted to use these wooden awls to crucify the enemy, but he finally gave Sackler a good one.

Is this the end?
From the moment he was abandoned on the west bank of the Netherworld River, from the moment he laughed and cried and scolded "fuck", from the moment he regained consciousness, he was longing for revenge.

This sentiment took him from Erlen, took him from Hed wasteland, and carried him all the way to the castles of kings.

What about killing Sackler? The dead cannot be brought back to life - he knew this very well, but he had no option of forgiveness.

"That's it," he thought.

He had no weeping bitter tears, no revenge, just a little peace and endless weariness.

Winters suddenly had a kind of confusion: what am I going to do? Where am I going? Where else can I go?
Go home!

I still have a home to go back to!
Someone at home is waiting for me!
With hope rekindled in his icy chest, Winters stumbled towards the door.

He can still go home, he wants to go home.

There were noises of people and the neighing of war horses in the distance. It seemed that someone had noticed the strangeness of the old army headquarters and sent reinforcements.

But it doesn't matter, Winters ·Montagne wants to go home, and no one can stop him.


The night gradually receded, and the sky turned into a deep blue little by little.

Outside the Castle of the Kings, one kilometer southwest.

Ciel stood on a boulder and looked out on the road out of town, waiting anxiously.

It was getting brighter, and Ciel couldn't bear the wait any longer: "I'm going to find my brother."

"I'll go with you." Gold was weak say.

"You're dying, how are you going? You stay here." Ciel stepped on the saddle: "If I can't come back, go to Wolf Town, recover from your injuries, and return. Veneta."

Gold also got on the horse: "I'm good luck, I'll go with you, it doesn't matter."

"No need." Ciel's tears welled up: "My brother is back."

A rider turned his back to the morning sun and moved towards Shire and Gold.

Ciel shouted, jumping up and waving vigorously.

Even Gold secretly wiped away two tears.

Charle didn't see the blood and wounds on Winters until Winters got close.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Ciel helped Winters to dismount, with a cry in his voice: "Why is there still a gunshot wound?"

"No way." From Netherworld River Since the bloody battle on the bank, Winters showed a smile for the first time. He smiled and said, "Who says deflecting can't guard the back. Stray bullets, flesh wounds."

"You sit still, I Treat your wounds." Charles sobbed and dug out his sewing kit from his saddlebag.

"Let's go home."


"But." Winters gasped in pain: "Go to Wolftown first. Look."

[Vengeance is the greatest happiness in the Human World - Veneta Proverbs, from Volume II, Chapter 96th, "The Last Act (Part 2)"]
[Veneta folk customs "are as violent as Fire, life and death, great revenge, in addition to the custom of wearing swords and masks, there is also the tradition of secret associations" - Volume 1 Chapter 28]
[A book friend mentioned the part of Heard wasteland, Winters Fall into self-isolation. It can't be autistic to be precise. On the one hand, he overreacted to the outside world, such as facing the old interpreter, if it was the past that he It shouldn't be punched the bridge of the opponent's nose; on the other hand, he was thinking about revenge almost all the time. He couldn't really laugh when the face of the dead warrior appeared before his eyes as he was cutting wood awls, as he struggled to rehabilitate. ]
[Plato's situation is like a balance, and no one cares about the anger and hatred of a gadget man before this. But it was such a person who broke the balance of the situation and also steered Plato's future in an unknowable direction - Winters doesn't know this yet]
[About Winters' personal battle strength - Palato I can't find a second sorcerer with stronger overall strength and richer combat experience than him. Because the sorcerer is given priority for promotion, most of the branches will soon leave the front-line positions, and the spell training will be slack. A sorcerer like Winters with one blade after another on the battlefield is rare]
[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, reward and comment, thank you everyone]

(end of this chapter)

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