Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 217


Chapter 217 The River
On June 20, after a full ten weeks of fixation, the tribal healers dismantled The wooden mold that lost Winters' left leg.

"Does it hurt?" Erlun asked distressedly.

Winters shook the head.

After two months, the broken left leg was finally reunited with its owner.

The owner of the left leg has become a little fatter, and his complexion is much better - the herdsmen's diet is too high in fat and protein, and the originally sunken cheeks and eye sockets are almost naked eyes and rebound visibly.

But the left leg is thin and muscle atrophied, and it looks like a stalk compared to its twin brother's right leg.

Tribal healers pinched Winters' wound inch by inch.

Then leaned over Winters' leg and tapped with the mallet.

"[Hede] Edun." The doctor respectfully said to Eerlun: "[Hede] Batu can walk."

Eerlun was extremely happy, Take out a lot of gold and silver jewelry as a reward to the healer.

“How is it?” Winters asked quietly.

"He said you can walk."

Winters put his hands on the ground, ready to get up.

As soon as he took a step, he lost his focus and fell suddenly to his left.

Eerlun cried out to help Winters.

But Winters wiggled his arms, struggled to regain his balance, and wobbled around in circles in the tent.

The doctor observed Winters' pace and asked, "[Herde] Batu, does your leg hurt?"

Eerlun wanted to help but didn't dare to reach out and stood Interpreting for the doctor next to Winters: "He asked if your leg hurts?"

"It hurts."

"[Herde] hurts!" The doctor took out The plaster packed in the horns explained: "[Herde] hasn't seen him for two months, and the mastiff doesn't recognize the Master, not to mention the legs? Pulling all needs to slowly adapt to his legs, and his legs also need to adapt slowly. He. Erlun must remember to apply medicine and massage for Tudu every day. If the bones are not crooked, Tutu will be fine."

Erlun happily sent the doctor away, and when he returned to the felt tent, he saw Winters Wearing boots.

Eerlun was a little panicked and asked weakly: "What is this going for?"

"The felt tent is too small, I will go outside for a walk."

Winters struggled to get through his boots, his left leg was stiff and sore, making it difficult to move.

Eerlun hurriedly brought the folding chair: "The doctor said you have to take your time and don't be in a hurry."

Winters laced his boots in silence.

The felt curtain was lifted and the little lion came in.

"I heard that you can walk?" The little lion said happily: "Go! I'll take you to take a bath!"

Eerlun gave the little lion a reproachful look : "He's not completely healed yet!"

The little lion looked left and right: "Isn't this good looking? It's not crooked."

I heard At the words of the little lion, Winters stopped the movement of his hands.

For two months, he has almost only moved within three meters of the felt tent.

In addition to daily washing, cleaning the body depends entirely on wiping with a damp towel.

Earlun was the one who wiped his body for him when he was in a coma at first. When Winters woke up, he did it by himself.

He really wanted to take a quick bath. If there is no hot water, cold water will do.

Winters looked at the little lion, slowly nodded.

Eerlun couldn't beat two men, and silently helped Winters get dressed.

Today's Winters almost looks like a Hurd at first glance: he wears a slanted robe and leather boots, and his beard and hair have been left untouched for two months, growing naturally.

Only his eyes, very melancholy, do not have the bold and unrestrained temperament of the Hurd people.

The lion cub brought a horse and softly called to put the horse on the ground, so that Winters could saddle up with ease.

"Are you still getting used to it?" The little lion asked with a smile.

Winters tugged on the reins, bowing slightly.

The Hurds don't use iron chews, but neither did Winters in the past.

The two walked slowly at first, the speed became faster and faster, and finally they almost galloped on horses, running all the way to the river bank.

A pile of clothes was thrown on the river bank, and many men were fighting in the water.

The people who fight in the water fight look like adult men, but at the moment they play like children.

"Let's go!" The little lion jumped off the saddle and took off his clothes excitedly: "Let's go down too."

Just as he tore off his robe, the little lion suddenly remembered that Winters had inconvenience in his legs and feet, and again Help Winters dismount.

Winters was obviously hesitant, but he didn't say no.

He slowly took off his clothes, folded them, and staggered into the river.

The river water is so cold that the hairs on your whole body stand on end the moment you touch it.

But once you get used to the water temperature, it's not at worst, but rather refreshing.

As Winters went deeper and deeper, the buoyancy of the water reduced the load on his left leg, making his left leg less sore.

Yes, it's just soreness. He didn't feel pain, just an overtired soreness.

The men in the water didn't notice that two more people joined in -- in fact, there were always people in -- they were clamoring for water fights, wrestling in the water, groping fish, swim.

Winters took the river water and slowly scrubbed his body.

The man beside him laughed and threw himself over, raising the water on his face.

Winters' muscles suddenly tensed, and he looked up sharply towards him.

The man in front of him, still laughing and throwing water at him, still hadn't realized that Winters could riot at any moment.

Winters was stunned.

Because the man who poured water on him and laughed like a child was the hero of wasteland, the warrior of various tribes, and the leader of the Chihe tribe - the white lion.

Two mortal enemies on the battlefield met naked in this way.

Winters' eyes were inevitably drawn to the scars on the White Lion's body.

The body of the white lion has been smashed into a sieve, and no part of the body more than two palms is intact.

Most were the spots left by the arrows, then the streaks left by the sword, and a few horrible to see gunshot wounds.

But what about Winters himself? It's the same as the white lion, but with fewer scars.

The white lion noticed the strangeness of the person in front of him. He leaned on his waist and panted, and asked with a smile: "[Herde] Why haven't I seen you?"

Winters couldn't understand What the other party is saying, he can understand and can't answer.

It was the first time that the white lion met him, and it was the third time he had met the white lion.

It's just the first two times that the two sides were absolutely irreconcilable enemies, and his face was hidden under the helmet.

Silence is like an invisible sound wave, spreading rapidly in all directions.

The men playing in the water stopped one by one, and everyone felt the change in the atmosphere.

The riverside, which was still full of laughter just now, was deadly silent.

The air seemed to freeze, everyone looked at the white lion, and the strange man in front of the white lion.

"[Hede] I caught a fish!" The little lion's head came out of the water, and a thin-scaled salmon was struggling desperately in his hand, he laughed happily: "[Hede] German] Look what this is!"

No one spoke.

The little lion shook the water on his head, his smile hardened, and he realized that something was wrong.

"Brother [Herde]! Let's grill the fish and eat it!" The little lion clutched the fish tail and fluttered to the side of the white lion, explaining quickly, "This is the person I told you. "

The white lion gently nodded to the strange man and greeted the others: "[Herde] don't worry, a little misunderstanding."

The people around them relaxed, they Keep playing with water. But the atmosphere has become strange, and it is not the same as before.

The White Lion sighed, nodding again to Winters.

He walked slowly to the bank, sat down on the sandy shore, and let the wind dry the water droplets on him.

The little lion whispered to Winters: "I was rash, my brother just came back, and I wanted to let you come to see him quickly."

Winters shook the head and continued cleaning Body.

The sky is getting darker.

Someone brought a few sheep, slaughtered them on the shore, dismantled the meat, and started a fire.

Part of the mutton is boiled in a pot, and the other part of the mutton is grilled.

The people from the Chihe Department washed away Zhengchen, walked to the river bank with a smile, and naturally participated in the preparation of food.

Someone was picking up firewood, someone was cutting meat, and someone was manning a bonfire. It was a lively scene, but Winters sat silently on the riverbank.

The meat is cut into small pieces and grilled and cooked quickly.

It's just that there are not many trees on wasteland, and there are few branches that can be used to wear meat, so this practice is not common.

Fortunately, some poor shrubs can be found in the nearby river bay where the sediment accumulates.

I don't know how many years it took these shrubs to multiply to their current size. Anyway, today they are all used as fuel and skewers.

The little lion pulled the big brother to talk to Winters.

The three of them sat on the bank, looking at the deep black river in the night, not knowing what to say.

Winters said suddenly, "Why didn't you kill me?"

The little lion was startled.

"I didn't save you." White Lion replied.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

The white lion didn't answer.

"Do you know that I am the 'chosen one' you call me?" Winters asked, staring at the white lion.

"Slightly heard."

"I'll do it now, all of you here won't survive."


"Why didn't you kill me?"

A look of horror appeared on the little lion's face. He wanted to stop Winters, but he didn't dare to interrupt.

"Didn't you do it yet?"

Winters asked word by word, "Why didn't you kill me?"

"I don't know either. The sparrow is driven into the grass by the Harrier, and the grass will protect it." The white lion fell backward and lay on his back on the slope, looking nothing like a barbarian chief with tens of thousands of strings, but an ordinary shepherd: "Once we see each other as 'people,' it's very hard to kill each other."

"But I killed your people, a lot...a lot."

"I also killed your people, many, many." The white lion's brown eyes drooped: "Of course people have hatred, hatred makes people feel comfortable. Hatred does not make people painful, understanding the enemy is painful. If I Now stab you twice and you'll feel much better. We're enemies again, just try to kill each other."

This time it was Winters' turn to be silent.

After a long time, Winters said, "Can you understand the Paratus people? Can you understand the people who are coming to kill you, the people who kill you?"

"I understand, but it doesn't mean I agree I understand, so I'm more determined."

"I know what you mean, and I know what you're trying to say." Winters spoke faster and faster: "You keep telling me , you're not Barbarians, you're human and you live your life. But it doesn't make sense, you know? It doesn't make sense!"

The white lion and the little lion listened quietly.

Winters gets more and more emotional: "If I hadn't been taken to Parato and we could have been friends, I would have invited you to my house! But I came to Parato, and I was standing there Position, all this is meaningless, whether you are Barbarian or not, it is meaningless! You..."

The white lion reached out for Winters to stop, he sighed, and said, "You Don't have to think about it so much. Let me ask you, if you met me on the battlefield, would you stay?"

Winters shook the head.

"Neither would I, but the war is over."

"For now."

"Then let it pass."

"If you don't kill me, one day I may kill you."

"Then wait until that day."

Winters fell silent again.

"I'm not advising you to let go of your hatred, I still have the strongest hatred for the Paratus people." The white lion looked into Winters' eyes: "It's just that you have to make yourself feel better, no matter what you use. The way. You saved my younger sister and younger brother, and they saved you, and that's how it is."

"Hestas and the others paid the blood money, and the little lion and I don't owe anything. ."

The white lion shook his head slightly: "You think it's a business, but I think it's a bond. It just happened, who knows what fate has arranged for us?
We don't know each other, But when I see you, I think of me many years ago. There is a person who killed my father; the same person saved my mother, younger brother and younger sister. What should I think of him? I don't know .

We are carried away by the river, our pain, thinking and struggle are not important to the river. Everyone comes here, only a few people can change the direction of the river in the end Chance. If one day you have a chance to change the direction of the river, I hope you don't forget what you were thinking about today.

And just have to make yourself a little better."

Winters chews the words of the White Lion.

The white lion gently patted Winters' arm like his brother: "Go get some meat, it's delicious. The little lion is wrong, you won't stay here. Heal the leg injury, Just go."

After saying that, the white lion got up and moved towards the bonfire.

"What about you! Did you change the river?" Winters yelled at the white lion's back.

"Not yet." The white lion didn't turn his head back: "But I've never forgotten the old me."

Winters stood there for a long, long time.

The little lion didn't understand what the two men were talking about. He tugged at Winters' sleeve lightly: "Come on, I'll take you to eat meat."

Winters suddenly strode towards White lion.

The little lion didn't even have time to stop it, and everyone didn't have time to stop it.

The "Na Ke'er" and "Na Yan" of the white lion turned pale in fright, or went to grab a knife, or pounced on Winters with their bare hands.

But Winters didn't do anything, didn't hurt anyone.

He stood in front of the white lion and said calmly: "I want to buy the same thing with you."

"Go on." The white lion lowered his head and cut the meat.

"Plateau captives, all."


"Two tons of gold."




When Winters returned to Erlun’s felt tent, it was already completely dark.

The white lion did not agree or refuse.

He just laughed heartily, handing Winters a piece of meat.

A little light shone from the felt tent, and it was obvious that Erlun was waiting for him to come back.

Winters pulled back the felt tent, his hairs standing on end, and the wind whirled past him.

A huge monster lunges at him.

Winters was caught off guard and fell straight down.

The huge monster opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and the strong stench almost stunned Winters.

Then the huge monster started licking Winters' face, its barbed tongue rough as sandpaper.

Winters slapped the opponent on the head: "get lost!"

The huge monster whimpered aggrievedly, tucked its tail in anger and walked away.

Inside the felt tent are three people Winters never expected to appear: Ciel, the little hunter, and the old magician.

This should be considered everyday, right? ( 确信)


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