Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 213


Chapter 213 Monsoon
For several days, the camp first moved southwest, then turned north.

The Hurds use a lunar calendar, which is different from the republics.

Winters had to estimate the date on his own, but he remembered that the baggage trains departed from Camp Shuangqiao on January 12th.

Go west all the way, cross the boundary river, cross the no-man's land, and arrive at the Netherworld River camp on January 30th.

That night, snow fell from the sky.

Before that, he was just a temporarily conscripted town officer, leading a squad of militiamen, doing some hard work of transporting supplies in the territory of Parato.

Since then, his world has been like a cart being dragged by a mad horse, rushing all the way to the cliff.

After twists and turns, the cargo team arrived at the Bianli Camp on February 24. Twelve days later, Bianli City was broken.

The next day, he set out to retreat as the vanguard, seeing Netherworld River again on March 29.

He recalled Heaven and Earth every day, and roughly determined that he woke up in Erlun's felt tent on April 16th.

April 23 is now seven days away.

"Have I been away from home for so long?"

April must have been very hot.

The men and women on the road have long changed into beautiful light singles, and only the elderly are still wrapped in winter clothes.

The wharf is full of shirtless porters, as merchant ships large and small assemble in the bay, waiting for the monsoon to arrive.

Holy Lord or Heavenly Section is coming soon, which is the most important festival of the sea blue.

On that day, everyone will dress up and follow the "Consul's Golden Ship" to St. Nicholas Island.

Awaiting them were priests holding holy water, salt and olive branches.

The prayer was unstoppable: "Oh, Lord! Bless us, and bless all those who are at sea, and let the sea be always calm and peaceful."

The next is grand. Celebrations and parades.

The Holy Lord's Heavenly Section is important because it marks the beginning of the new year's sailing season.

After a short revelry, the Hailan people will sail to the boundless sea. Either bring back the wealth, or just disappear.

Winters' thoughts have drifted to the sea.

He said blankly: "Eerlun?"

"en?" Eerlun is doing embroidery work.

"Spring is here."

"Yes, it's getting warmer every day, and the wind is blowing westward." Eerlun lifts the head with a smile, willow leaves curled up Wan: "The old man said it's time to take all the animals to the higher ground."

"Find me a knife."

"Okay." Erlun He kept running the needles in his hand: "What kind of one do you want?"

"The most ordinary one is fine." Winters sat up with support: "Please bring me some more branches."

He now knew that the saber was an important "token" for unmarried Heard women.

The man pays the bride price and the woman returns the saber, so you can't just take the saber of an unmarried woman.

Erron soon brought Winters a knife the size of a palm.

The steel mouth of the knife is very good, the blade and the handle are forged in one body; there is no grid, and the handle is wrapped around with leather rope; the overall style is simple and unpretentious, and it is a reliable tool for herdsmen's life. satisfy.

Carpenters live with specialized knives, but Winters doesn't plan on carving flowers.

He picked up a branch and slowly peeled off the skin, cut it off, and sharpened it.

In this way, he moved his stiff arm muscles little by little.

"Are you cutting wooden sticks?" Eerlun was a little puzzled: "Do you want to knit a sweater?"

"It's just moving the arm."

Erlun coaxed Winters: "If you cut it in the felt tent, the sawdust will get on the blanket. Then I'll help you to go outside, okay? Sit for a while, bask in the sun."

Winters didn't want to leave the tent or show his face in the camp, but he wouldn't turn down Erlen.


Winters' leg injury has subsided, but it's still a long way from being immobilized.

Eerlun helped him to the outside of the felt tent, brought a wooden box and let him sit at the entrance of the tent; he also brought a blanket and put it on his lap.

Another day's trek, camping in a sparse coniferous forest today.

The setting sun shone through the foliage, casting specks of light.

The little lion came over with a deer leg and said jokingly: "Just from the neck down, I thought you were an old fogey by the fire."

Winters cut silently. wood.

"Are you a wooden skewer for barbecue?" The little lion was also very curious.

He stared at the knife in Winters' hands and blinked.

Winters nodded and continued to cut wood.

"You, don't say a few words." Erlen walked out of the tent, took a woolen knitted blanket and draped it over Winters' shoulders, and took the deer leg from the little lion: "Let Hestas bask in the sun in peace."

"Ai, be fine." The little lion smacked his lips.

He squatted beside Winters, watching White's wooden core being sharpened a little by a knife, and asked, "Spoils of war are back. Do you still want your armor?"

Winters shook the head.

"When I found you, you had a pack of maps in your arms. Do you still want that?"

Winters put down the wooden sign, thought about it, and said, "That's the Please return the item of one of my elders."

"No problem." The little lion agreed without the slightest hesitation.

The two fell silent again, except for the sound of a knife cutting wood.

The little lion simply sat on the ground, looked into the distance, and said nonchalantly: "My brother is also back, and we haven't joined the camp yet. When the time comes, I will bring him to see you."

Winters indifferent expressions.

"You rest." The little lion got up: "I'm leaving."

These days, the little lion often comes to chat with Winters.

It's just that Winters has become more and more silent, and he is not even active when he just woke up, and only has some words when he is with Erlun.

After leaving the elder sister and Winters, the little lion did not return to his tent. He led out his horse and galloped eastward with his guard.

He climbed the hillside and ran along the stream to another camp several kilometers away.

The camp where Winters and Eerlun are located is very small and is not the real "old camp" of the Chihe Ministry. Most of the surviving old and weak women and children in Bianli, as well as a small number of wounded, were inside.

And the camp where the little lion came to was only adult men, and the sentry with armor and saber can be seen everywhere.

There are also a small number of powerful guards with bows and quivers, known as "quiver soldiers".

When people on the road saw the little lion, they greeted him, or called him "little lion", or respectfully called him "the cooker".

In addition to the members of the Chihe tribe, there were nearly a thousand men tied together by ropes and chains behind the camp.

These men are not wearing Heard robes, but blood-stained Platoon uniforms!
They are captives...and slaves.

The surrounding Heards threw food at them like pigs. The captives fought frantically, even fighting for it.

A middle-aged captive just grabbed a wheat cake with dirt and hay when another emaciated captive snatched it away.

The emaciated prisoner tried his best to stuff the oatmeal into his mouth, regardless of the other's punches and kicks.

Someone on the other side was screaming: "My hand!"

It was the other people who couldn't tell the difference between a finger and a wheat cake, bit it down and swallowed it with blood.

The onlookers laughed heartily and threw more wheat biscuits.

Are the captives ashamed?


But they were so hungry, desperately hungry.

For more than ten days, they have been trekking day after day and can only get very little food every day, feeding them like pigs.

If you don't grab it, you will starve to death.

The hunger is asking them all the time: How much is dignity worth? What is shame?
The Hurds captured very few officers and were held in solitary confinement.

Not only officers, but even sergeants have been stripped from captives.

Having lost their backbone and being deliberately mutilated, their will has completely collapsed.

A tantalizing scent wafted into the nostrils of the captives, and everyone couldn't help but stop.

The Hurds carried the fragrant roast lamb before them.

The prisoners rushed towards the roast sheep, and were dragged down by the chains and ropes on their hands and feet in a blink of an eye, and were forced to retreat by the cold glow of Lance.

The Hurds have launched a few more unkempt Paratus.

A tall Qing Lingyu walked over, followed by a thin interpreter.

The slender translator timidly translated: "The Huo Sui leader said that these slaves want to escape and will be punished."

The translator is also a prisoner, but because he can speak two languages , he was far better off than the others.

Qing Lingyu scolded coldly, and the thin translator shouted again.

Qing Lingyu was still dissatisfied, and the slender translator cried and roared again.

Qing Lingyu waved his hand, and the quiverer beside him lifted out the brazier.

They used red-hot iron cones to pass under the escaped captives' collarbone, and put the iron rings on the escaped captives' collarbone like a cow's nose ring.

The screams of the captives send cold shivers down one's spine, and there is a smell of burnt meat in the air.

"The Huo Sui leader said that those who run away will not be so lucky, and will be killed directly." You will be captured wherever you go."

The captives bowed their heads, and several of them stared at the interpreter with hatred and anger in their eyes.

"The leader of Huo Sui will pick out those who have the ability among you. Those who have the ability will come to eat barbecue, and those who do not have the ability will continue to pick up food from the ground." The thin and small translator's voice shouted hoarsely: "Which of you can strike iron? Who can..."

The little lion watched for a while, and walked to the big tent without a word.

Because there are no enemies around, the Chihebu camp is no longer a structure of tents surrounding horses.

The horses were taken outside the camp for food, and the small tents of the ten husbands wrapped the big tent in the center.

On the way, Qingling Feather Stag [Bo Han] stopped the little lion and walked side by side with him to the big tent.

"Xun Ying is dead." The stag whispered and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Ai, Swift Eagle is capable, and his herd is always more prosperous than others." The little lion was a little sad: "But if he pulls out his feathers and runs away, he should die."


Stag sighed, in this battle, most of the white lion's "arrows" were killed or injured.

A disgraceful death like the swift eagle will also be deprived of all herds, subjects, and slaves.

But because of this, many positions were vacated, and Hart was able to advance from Hundred-Men Commander to Arrow.

[Note: "Arrow" in Hedd represents the leader of the green feather level, and is divided into "short-range arrows and long-range arrows". They are both military and civil officials]
When the little lion and the stag entered the tent, a quiver man came out holding a bloody green feather.

It should be the helmet of the Swift Eagle, because the Hurds are taboo to separate their heads. If it is not a bloody feud, even the death penalty will not be decapitated.

In the big tent, everyone was sitting around the bonfire, and the Qingling Yus were arguing fiercely.

"The Palatians are strength great injury, it's a good opportunity to hit the grassy valley in the east!"

"Grey-Eyes and Health Eaters are gathering their respective battle groups for this autumn Prepare for the looting. We should also erect a big net, otherwise those small tribes that depend on us will be attracted away!"

"Damn it! I haven't fought grass valley in thirty years! Obviously Are we bleeding and not taking us to eat meat?"

Because of Plato's blockade, the great wasteland is short of everything.

Once the old enemy is defeated, everyone can't wait to go to Palatu to grab one.

It should be noted that the last time the tribes hit the grass valley was in the time of Que Yehan, thirty years ago. An entire generation of the Hurds had not seen what Plato looked like.

"Fuck it! You bastards!" Tie Feng jumped up and scolded: "The fire has already burned to the eyebrows, and you still want to hit the grass? The top priority is to maintain the alliance with the Teltown Department! Let's save yourself first!"

The Qingling Yu suddenly became quiet.

Tie Feng looked towards the white lion, said solemnly: "Telltown has lost a lot of people, we have suffered more than their losses, so we should stick together to protect ourselves. Go to the grass valley, who knows if it is to destroy us?"

"In my opinion, the fire roaster is not at ease." The little lion sat on the edge of the bonfire, brows tightly frowns: "He didn't Take the opportunity to swallow our minds? The three major divisions are all poured out of the same mold. They are all as greedy and bad as wolves."

Tie Feng spread his hands and said helplessly: "Who made the three major divisions? Are they the direct descendants of Hongyun Khan? Who made them [the descendants of the golden man]? Are they [successor]? Only they can be the great Khans, and they are always famous as the Khans.

My thoughts on the fire roaster Can you not understand? But the lion bites the throat, the wolf bites the hand, we don't fight the lion to fight the wolf? Just be careful."

"What do you mean by that?" When he got angry, he shouted loudly: "Tie Feng! Why do you always want to please the fire roaster? Who said that there are only three major divisions called Khan? Why can't the white lion be? I think you want to go to the Teltown division! Take it Our Chihe Department should present a gift!"

"Let the mother-in-law fart!" Tie Feng was furious, pointed at the opponent's nose, saliva splashed across and questioned: "If I have bad thoughts, I will lead the troops. To help you? Ten years ago, the Chihe Division was leveled like ash. Who helped the White Lion to gather the troops? Who borrowed soldiers for the White Lion? Wow! The forest is part of the camp!"

After saying that, Tie Feng was about to leave, and the little lion hurriedly stopped his uncle.

Qing Lingyu, who was on the opposite side, was dumbfounded by the words like arrows, bowing her head and sulking.

"Uncle." The silent white lion finally spoke, his hazel eyes like deep pools. He said gently: "I never doubted you. Please don't be angry."

Tie Feng shook off the little lion, sat back by the bonfire panting with rage, and said to the white lion earnestly, "One More than a hundred years ago, Hongyun Khan made a blood oath with the tribes to kill nine animals, stipulating that only the descendants of the Jin people could be called Khan. Although times have changed, there is still such a thing in the hearts of the people.

You must Don't be in a hurry to say Khan, and don't have this thought, the tribes will not be convinced! If one day the Chihe tribe dominates the grasslands, and you want to be a big sweat or a chanyu, I won't say a word."

"hahahaha." The white lion looked up to the sky and laughed bitterly: "How can I have such a mind? When I was a child, I just wanted to feed my mother younger brother younger sister; when the mother younger brother younger sister is gone, gather together My friends were also killed, and I just wanted to take revenge. Later, more and more people followed me, and I just wanted to keep them alive. If the fire roaster can do it, I can lead him a horse! "

The green feathers around the bonfire were also aroused by sadness, and everyone looked sad.

Different from other clan tribes that are connected by blood, the tribes of the Houchihe tribe come from various clans. Because the tribe was separated and the family was destroyed, they gathered under the command of the white lion one after another.

[Note: The post-Chihe division is different from the former Chihe division, dominated by the blood relatives of the white lions, which was leveled by Arpad's troops]
For 30 years, the Paratus have continued to attack The ministries, whose living space was squeezed, attacked each other again. I don't know how many tribes have been crushed in the turmoil, and which Hed has not lost a loved one?

The little lion jumped up and shouted, "big brother! How can you say that? What is a fire roaster? He deserves it too?"

"Yes, he Not worthy!" The white lion slammed his fist on the knee, with a firm tone: "He is too greedy and too ruthless, and will only treat us as slaves. I don't want to hand the Chihe tribe to him!"

"I don't want it either!" The Qingling Yus responded: "Me too! The three major divisions want to come to beat us, so let them come! Kill them!"

Tie Feng Sitting on the spot silently, looking very tired.

"First, we must continue to maintain the covenant with the Terden Ministry, and it is fine to be their vassals in name. But we will not migrate to their pastures, nor will we join forces with them. We must make an appointment with the fire roaster. If Haidong and Suzi want to attack us, he doesn't have to come to help, just loot the enemy's old camp."

"Woo!" Qing Lingyu slapped their chests Shouting in unison is a way of expressing approval.

"Uncle." The white lion looked towards Tie Feng: "For the fire roaster, please send an ambassador."

Tie Feng was slightly taken aback, he put away his tired expression, Shen Sheng said: "Don't worry. In my opinion, even if you don't make an appointment with him, the fire roaster will go to copy the other two old camps. We bleed, and they eat meat. This kind of thing, the fire roaster is very happy."

"Second, the Eater and Grey Eye are not of the same mind. This is an opportunity for them to restrain each other. If words are used in the right place, they can be worth ten thousand soldiers. I have asked the great shaman to go to the east of the sea and Suzi. Ministry, explain the interests and interests for them. Although our strength is damaged, we help whoever wins, and whoever we fight loses. I am willing to reaffirm the oath of the Red Cloud Khan, and only the descendants of the golden people will be the Khan." The white lion spread his hands: "I I would like to swear again that I will not be sweaty in this life, or I will die under ten thousand arrows."

The Qingling Yus looked at each other in blank dismay, but someone broke the silence and said happily: "Big The shaman is on our side, so what are we afraid of?"

"Thirdly, this fall, I don't plan to convene a warband east to fight the grassy valley."

Big tent Nei was quiet, and everyone felt a little regretful: "At least send some people? It's a pity not to eat meat."

"Not only do we not go, we have to persuade the three major ministries not to go." The white lion pondered then said: "The interior of Palatu is a boiling kettle, relying on the victory of until now to relieve the pressure. They suffered a big loss this time, and they are likely to be turbulent. We rashly send troops over, but let them Unite again."

When it comes to strategic issues, everyone has unlimited trust in the White Lion. Although there are some regrets, we still shouted in unison: "Woo!"

"Fourth, we must find a way to unite the small and medium-sized tribes around. Although the three major groups are powerful, they have twisted the small and medium-sized tribes together. Not weaker than them. The leaders of the Canine Army and Black Liquid are willing to convince them for us."


"One last thing." The white lion showed a smile: "According to the old rules, let's divide the spills of war."

"Woo!!!" The cheers broke through the tent and reached the sky.

For the war of the Hurds - or looting, the two are the same word in the Hurd - the most important thing is the spills of war.

The second only to death penalty is the deprivation of spills of war.

What are the so-called spills of war by the Hurds?


carriage? nice one!

A tent? nice one!

Iron tools? nice one!
Armor weapons? It could not be better!
All the things that the Platos throw away are good things for the Hudds.

But there are only three things that can actually be put on the account: people, horses, and armor.

The war songs of the Heard tribes do not sing about how much gold and silver cloth was snatched, but they certainly record how many men, horses, and armor were snatched.

The battle of the Netherworld River ended, and the allied forces were basically disbanded.

The white lion does not want to cross the river to pursue, and the others do not have the ability to organize if they want to cross the river to pursue. Even if the white lion thinks, he lacks the capacity.

The Hurds failed to capture the mules and horses, as they were all taken away by Sackler.

There are quite a few armors, plate armor and Zhajia have more than ten thousand collars.

The plate armor belonged to the Palatine Army, and the Zhajia was captured by the Palatine Army from the Heders.

There are also many hot and cold weapons, muskets, swords, and so on.

For the Heard tribes in the cold weapon stage, the battle strength of Armored Soldier and unarmored soldiers is incomparable.

So armor is a treasure, a pair of armor can be passed down for generations, from one tribe to another. Plate armor is the baby of the baby.

According to the prior agreement, the armors of the various ministries will be returned individually - there are marks on the armor leaves, and the Palatine armor will be divided according to the amount of effort.

Adding up the two, the Chihe Department got nearly 3,000 sets of armor, and they also shed the most blood.

Although their eyes are hot, they are not allies in one second, and they will slash with knives in the next second.

In addition to armor weapons, there are slaves.

Although the Paratus destroyed the bridge temporarily to stop the pursuers, they also left the people who did not have time to cross the river on the west bank.

The ministries captured more than 2,600 prisoners, most of them auxiliary soldiers and wounded.

According to the market situation in previous years, the value of the Palato slave is very high, because in the past 30 years, the Hurds have no chance to catch the Palato slave.

And the Hurd tribes grabbed the Plato slaves, and in addition to their daily work, they mainly let them farm the land.

Yes, there is also arable land on wasteland, and the Hurds also need crops to supplement their food source.

In order not to let the Palatu slaves escape, the leaders of the tribes even offered the Palatu slaves to marry Heard slaves.

If it is a skilled slave such as a blacksmith, mason, and carpenter, the value will be higher.

But the season is not right now. The Hurds caught the Plato slaves to ask them to plant the land, but now the planting season has passed.

Too many prisoners were caught in one go, and the Palato slave was also rapidly depreciating.

Hard's ministries simply don't distinguish between craftsmen and labor, and are directly allocated according to the head.

There are more than a thousand sheepskin sacks in the hands of the Chihe Department, so the White Lion arranged for a man to be a shovel on the Netherworld River, collecting prisoners as a boat fee-and the tribe was not satisfied with the harvest, and wanted to Chase across the river.

The leaders of the various ministries are all very shrewd. It should be noted that almost all the essence of Plato's army is on the east coast.

Chasing a person to death is a piece of plate armor—the Paratus would never have the strength to take away the corpse and armor.

It is precisely because of this that in the pursuit of the 100-kilometer no-man's land, the Hurds are all united by tribes, rather than the "allied forces" like before.

Other tribes may not need captives, but the Chihe tribe, which has lost many of its tribes, is in desperate need of additional labor.

So Chihe has a thousand captives, they need to take these slaves back and try not to let them die on the road.

All of the above are allocations at the coalition level. When it comes to the tribe, it is another way of dividing.

Many leaders don't give any portion of the spills of war to the public at all, especially if the spills of war are mainly military supplies.

But the spills of war in the Red River will be distributed to everyone as much as possible, no matter how many.

Each member can get his share, and the family of the deceased also has pension.

This may result in a slave having multiple owners, and according to the customary rules of the Chihe Department, one of the owners can redeem it.

If you can't afford it, you can share a slave.

The will of the Chihe army is far stronger than other troops, partly because the white lion is fair and willing to share spills of war with everyone.

[Note: The concept of spills of war is not limited to fighting, and the prey hunted is also spills of war. The distribution of spoils of war is an important part of the Heder society]
Qingling feathers happily counted the accounts with their fingers.

"What do you want? Little lion?" Tie Feng asked.

"Me?" The little lion smiled: "I just want a Veneta."


The little lion said Veneta , is making a pulley block at the moment.

Winters has no other tools, he only has a pocket knife.

The tribal doctor said he needed to move his knees and ankles a little bit more so he wouldn't get the root cause of the disease.

Erron assists Winters in "rehabilitation" every day.

But with Winters' height and weight there, Eerlun was struggling to support him.

And she usually takes care of Winters' daily life, and Winters really can't bear to see her suffer like this.

Winters is going to make a set of pulleys that hang from a brace so he can move his knees and ankles on his own.

Also works his upper body muscles.

He has work to do and can't lie here.


At the same time, the castles of the kings.

In the setting sun, Arpad and his two guards rode into the city.

It has been more than a week since the remnants of the expeditionary force returned to Palatu, and they are currently stationed at the distribution center of the Palatu army, which is where Winters set off - Camp Shuangqiao.

Although he has returned to the mainland, the situation is even more severe than in wasteland.

The expeditionary army was not disbanded, not only the standing army, but also the auxiliary troops.

Not only that, but Arpad also took over the garrison and conscripted militia of Camp Two Bridges.

His appeal was simple: "First, solve the pension problem for the expeditionary army."

Before the war, the Army Headquarters and the standing officers and soldiers agreed that all rewards would be distributed in the form of land.

The expedition has brought back the ears of countless Heard barbarians who have fought bloody battles and should be honored.

"Second, mobilize the troops and prepare for the war. This battle has not been lost yet, and the Paratus will fight again."

Alpad knew very well that, The tribes of Heard are like a pack of wolves surrounding a lion.

Now the lion's deterrent power is weakened, the lion's claws are broken, and the wolves have begun to stir.

For the past three decades, the Paratus have kept the frontier thriving. Not by defense, but by offense.

Two Legion's standing armies, scattered across the long frontier, are like pouring salt into a lake.

If the barbarians are in the offensive, they can launch raids from various positions, grab one and run.

The Palatu people will face the strategic dilemma of the ancient Muluo Empire.

The size of the army had to continue to grow without making enough profit.

Yes, the Palatine Standing Army is now profitable.

With loans, mortgages, bonds, and a dizzying array of "financial instruments," each of Plato's three decades of war with the Heard minions was a profitable business.

When the army went to war, the land in the no-man's land had been divided, bought and sold, and flowed into the warehouse of the army headquarters and the grand council as military expenses.

Not to mention the consequences of defaulting — just the thought of it gave Alpad a splitting headache.

Just by going from a strategic offensive to a strategic defensive, the Palatine Standing Army will change from a Treasure Gathering Pot to a bottomless pit.

In the open letter sent to the Great Council, Arpad clearly wrote: "To solve the problem of pensions for the expeditionary force, I am willing to take off my military uniform, bind my hands, and take full responsibility for the failure of this battle. . As for General Janosh's Grand Corps Head position, I've nominated Brigadier General Sackler, who is the only one who will be ready for the next battle."

Arpad thought he was right— - He is a person who is not good at failure.

Faced with failure, his first reaction is always "I didn't lose, I want to fight back again".

His comments were also supported by the Palatine Army.

The Army Headquarters sent General Adams to the Great Council to explain Arpad's case to all members.

But in the opinion of the Great Council, this is betrayal, this is coercion, this is "forcing the palace" - but it is also true, because Arpad is trying to force the palace.

With resentment, he learned that the pontoon bridge was destroyed, and he sent someone for help immediately.

But the Great Council only sent him five withdrawal orders.

Alpad was furious when he thought of this: "Remove your mother! I was bitten on the tail by the barbarians, can I go without a fight?"

In his opinion, If the Great Council could "mobilize quickly, react quickly, ignore the Hurd raiders, and directly send troops to rescue" as he once demanded, he would never have been reduced to where he is today.

Alpad has made up his mind: he can take the blame, and he can deal with it if he wants to kill or cut it. But this battle is not over, and everything he does is for Plato!

And how did the Great Council react?

In the eyes of the members of the Kings Citadel faction, Arpad Duyoom is already treasonous.

The kings and castles are dominated by the burghers. They have always advocated limiting the power of the army and imitated the Republic of Veneta to bring all the powers of the army under the parliament.

In the eyes of the blue-blooded congressman, although General Arpad did something abruptly, he had a good starting point and his opinion was right.

The origin of the Blue Bloods is the second stage of the Sovereign War - the product of the integration of the noble officers who followed the old marshal into the new republic during the Civil War of the Duchy of Palato.

Their bases were vast rural areas, local councils, and a class of "free men" who relied on military merit to grant land.

The so-called "free people" are citizens who have the right to participate in the election of parliamentarians.

They must be male and possess enough property or merit to generally play an important role in local life.


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