Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 214


Chapter 214 Ball
On May 1st, wasteland had a hailstorm rain.

This is the First Stage precipitation after a long dry season, heralding the arrival of the rainy season.

From this day onwards, Herd herdsmen will gradually bring their animals to higher ground, where it is cooler.

When the dry season comes, they will bring the animals back to the low-lying winter pastures.

The Winters followed the camp.

The lion cub often comes to talk to him.

"Speaking of differences, the difference between our Boya clan and the Jinren clan is greater than the difference between the Veneta people and the Paratus people. They worship the stone piles, and we revere the ancestors. The deer herding savage tribes that go west do not understand our language."

The little lion said, "Hey, only people outside the grasslands can speak all the tribes."

Called the Hurd, and there is no pronunciation of 'Herd' in the words of the tribes."

Winters quietly sharpened the wooden awl, practice makes perfect, and his control of the knife has become more and more precise.

After camping, he would hang his knees on pulleys and do simple rehabilitation exercises with the help of Erlen.

While traveling with the camp in an ox cart, he kept cutting wood awls.

The wasteland has more grass and less trees. People in the camp learned that he was cutting wood, so they took the initiative to collect wood for him.

Thick, thin, branches, trunks, regardless of the quality, are sent to Eerlun.

The little lion saw him cutting wood awls all day, and brought him a set of iron tools.

Winters set out to do some simple carpentry work, and despite the lack of nails, he made a few folding stools.

The little lion seemed to only need an audience. He bit the sweet straw and said casually, "You know what? Most people on the grassland have never seen the sea, not even my brother. .I don't even know how to describe them."

"Even if they tried their best to imagine, the sea is just a big lake. For everyone, the southern and northern mountain range , the snowfields to the west, the Palatine people to the east, and this steppe, is the whole of the world.”

“Sometimes I can’t help but think, the tribes and the tribes, the tribes and the Platoons. It's absurd and ridiculous that people fight each other for such a small place from life to death."

"Sometimes I can't help but think, why do you and I kill each other? For food and clothing? But these In the past year, the grasslands have been in good weather, and everyone can at least eat enough and wear warm clothes."

"For hatred? The Tu people make 'Tuticia', wear iron chains, and are more vicious than the owner of Red Pine Manor."

"The tribes and the Paratus hate each other, but do not hate each other, because everyone I'm used to it. My brother also served as a personal guard for the big boss of Palato, don't you know? Just after that person killed my father's tribe."

"There are also various tribes. We attacked and killed each other. We fought with you, and then we turned our heads to guard against all the ministries coming to attack us."

"Even outside the grasslands, aren't you 'civilized people' killing each other? ? Your Veneta's war with the Archipelago was worse than the war between the tribes and Palato."

"Or because of greed? I don't know. I don't know, and I don't know. May the muddleheaded live. Outside the grassland, there is a boundless sea!"

The little lion spat out the grass residue, pretending to be relaxed: "These words, you are the only one on the vast grassland who can listen to them. I said. If I told it to others, they would not think I was crazy."

"Right, you know what? , through the tundra and snow, on the west side of the mountains, is another land and sea! Our ancestors migrated here from there. If I have the chance, I really want to see it, or we can go together ."

Winters stopped what he was doing. He looked at the lion cub and said softly, "You've grown so much more than you did on Red Iwo."

" What do you mean by that?" The little lion pretended to be angry: "Don't you mean that I was a fool when I was in the Red Pine Manor?"

"I want to see your brother."

"I want him to see you too." The little lion sighed: "He has been busy recently. During the war, the Zhuerqin people looted our old camp. They stripped more than fifty clothes and killed more than a dozen people. , robbed a lot of animal spirits. My brother led the army to conquer the people of Zhuerqin.”

"Aren't you going with me? "

"I'm guarding the stove." "What did the little lion think of again: "By the way, the big shaman wants to see you." To be precise, he wanted to see Hestas. Don't worry, he's a nice guy. "

"You call me Hestas." Winters didn't look surprised. "It's the ceremony." "

The little lion nodded, explained distressedly: "Yes, Kulhitahi ceremony is a kind of...I have a hard time explaining it, but it is a very important ceremony. Hestas chose you as his successor - I don't know why, but I now understand a little bit. "

"You are not only the name and title of inheritance Hestas, but Hestas and every previous generation of Hestas, whose spirits are inherited by you." They accompany you and protect you. The little lion continued: "So to us, you are Hestas, our bridge to ancestors and spirits - although you don't look like you now." "

"Why me?" "Winters pursed his lips.

"I want to know too. The little lion said with a bitter smile: "If you are really Hestas, you should be able to ask the previous generation of Hestas yourself. Or wait for the big shaman to come and let him explain it to you. "

Speaking, the little lion picked up two wooden cones from Winters' lap.

In a side-by-side comparison, he couldn't help sucked in a breath of cold air: "I would have Thinking that you are cutting wooden sticks is a pastime, after all, it is too short to be used for barbecues. But I can see now that it's all the same, exactly the same! haha, you are also a unique skill. "

Winters indifferent expression, and continued to sharpen the wooden awl.

"Someone came to see you!" Winters. "Eerlun happily led a person in.

"Good luck, Champion of Palatine, is your injury better? "The visitor entered the tent and respectfully offered a small package of gifts: "My lord sent me to visit you. ”

The visitor is also fluent in Common language. There were only three people in this camp who could speak Common language before: Winters, Ellen and Little Lion.

When The fourth one?

Winters was expressionless and didn't accept the gift, he remembered who it was.

The little lion raised his eyebrows: "Who are you? "

The visitor replied docilely: "I am the interpreter of the fire roaster. "

The little lion, lightly snorted, took the gift and opened it: "Pepper?" "

"It's pepper. The old interpreter's attitude became more and more submissive: "I was afraid that this adult would not be used to the grassland diet, so I brought some spices. "

"What are you doing here?" "

"Please allow me to speak to this grown-up alone. The old servant is weak and weak, this adult can kill me with the touch of a finger, please rest assured. "

The little lion wanted to refuse directly, but he still asked Winters with his eyes.

Winters nodded slightly, and the little lion glanced at the old interpreter, and walked out of the tent with Erlun.

Winters didn't speak, neither did the old interpreter, the two just stared at each other for a while.

"How's your injury? The old interpreter broke the silence and asked with a smile, "Is there anything we can do?" "

Winters didn't say a word. "

The old interpreter coughed lightly, changed color suddenly, and asked like a surprise, "Where is the golden man?" ! "

Winters remain unmoved: "It's divided, let the monkey's butt face spell it out on its own." "

"You lied! The old interpreter stared at Winters' eyes, face and fingertips with sharp eyes, not letting go of the slightest movement: "We didn't find any golden fragments at all!" The prisoners did not have them, nor in the camp! No one knows where! "

"Very well, that's your business." "

The old interpreter suddenly grabbed Winters' wrist: "Where is the golden man?" ! "

Winters faint smile, the pulse is as steady as a drip.

Next moment, the old translator vaguely saw the shadow of the fist appear in front of him.

Then It was the crisp sound of broken bones, and he was beaten to the ground, with tears, nosebleeds, and saliva flowing.

"Don't court death. Winters' voice was cold and clear: "Monkey butt face wants to sacrifice to the golden man? Let him save money, maybe he can make a small one. "

The old interpreter was about to have a seizure when the little lion and Erlun outside the tent had already heard the sound and broke in.

"What's going on?" The little lion put his hand on the handle of the knife and stared at the old translator with a bad look.

The old translator held the bridge of his nose and slammed it straight. He got up from the ground and saluted a few people with a face Gloomily walked away.

"What's the matter? The little lion asked Winters again with concern.

Winters let go of his wrist and said, "It's a mess. "

"This old servant has some ability. The little lion scratched his hair and said, "It didn't even hurt. He fixed the bridge of his nose and left." "

"You don't necessarily win against him. " Winters recalled the touch of the old translator's palm: "The callus on that guy's hand... is thicker than mine. "

Winters' thoughts returned to the north bank of the Confluence River: "It's a pity I didn't see it at the time, didn't kill him with a sword on the battlefield. Now, even if you want to kill, you can't kill it. "

Erlen threw away the bag of peppers brought by the old interpreter in fear: "We don't want this. What if he gets poisoned? "

"Don't worry. Leaning on the blanket, Winters said slowly, "The monkey's butt face is the most concerned about my life right now." I think the sheep is slaughtered today, shall we make haggis soup? Add a little crushed pepper just like you did on Red Iwo. "

"Okay, I'll cook the sheep's head for you to eat." "Hearing the name of the monkey's butt face, Eerlun's willow-leaf eyes smiled and walked out of the felt tent with the pepper.

The pepper was mashed and sieved.

Wash and shred the lamb belly, lamb intestines, lamb heart, and lamb lungs, blanch them first, and then boil them into a white soup.

Sprinkle the lamb soup with pepper, and add a little prairie wild leek to stuff it. The sauce is finished.

Drink a big sip, and the spring cold will disappear without a trace.

Finally, Eerlun serves the secretly prepared noodles.

This was the warmest meal Winters had on the big wasteland.

Winters had a good meal, but some people were annoyed.

After Lao Tong Yi left the camp, he drove south without stopping.

In a mountain pass sixty kilometers away, the fire roaster was waiting for him.

If the little lion saw This scene will definitely be furious.

The pastures of Telltown are to the south of the Dahe River, and closer to the Golden Peak mountain range to the south.

The pastures of the Chihe part are to the north of the Dahe River, It is closer to the shaded mountain range to the north.

The "big river" in the mouth of the Hurd tribes is the Ember River in the Palatu population, and the rushing river in the Veneta and the United Provinces.

The river flows from west to east, which is divided into two mountains.

Even the Netherworld River will eventually merge into the big river, so the big river is also called the Hurd people. It is the river of all rivers and the father of all rivers.

But before it joins the Netherworld River, there is no more water upstream than the Netherworld River.

The battle of the Netherworld River did not take long , the fire roaster separated from the white lion, and led the troops of the Teldun team back to the "Henan Grassland".

But he actually not only did not leave, but also led five hundred elite cavalry to hide in the Chihe Department. In the mountains near the camp.

This is a serious act of provocation, and there is only a layer of paper between the two.

“How about it? "Seeing the old interpreter coming back, the fire roaster asked impatiently: "What did that guy say? "

"The calm is like wood, and the cold is like stone." The old interpreter said with a sullen face: "The last time I saw him, he was as shallow as a pool of water. This time, I couldn't even see him. "

The fire roaster was at a loss: "How about that? Echig, do you still want to grab people? "

Not to mention the people from the Chihe Department, even the lower-level subordinates of the Teltown Department would be startled when they heard the leader call "Echige".

Echig, which means "father" in Hedd.

Considering that the previous leader of the Teltown Ministry did not hang the old translator from a tree and shoot arrows to death, the meaning of the fire roaster should be "Asian" "Father".

The quiver of the fire roaster is accustomed to this. Obviously, this so-called "interpreter" is not just a simple translation.

The old interpreter said thoughtfully: " Another possibility is that the kid really doesn't know anything. So I can't see through him. "

"So what? The fire roaster panicked: "If he doesn't know, where do we go to find the golden man?" "

"The worst possibility is that the Jin people are taken away by the rebels." "The old interpreter sorted out his thoughts: "The head of the golden man was cut off, and it is likely that other parts were also dismantled." It is not difficult to take away. There is also a possibility that after dismantling it was buried or even sunk in water. "

"What if you are really taken away by a two-legged person?" ! "The fire roaster has been so anxious to break the sound.

"What are you panicking about?" The old Tongyi scolded with a stern face: "The golden man can neither produce horses nor kill people, he is a lump of gold!" In this battle, we got 1,500 sets of armor, and the weapons were innumerable. As long as we can recover our vitality, even if there is no golden man, who can get us? If we are weak, the golden man will be taken away from us. "

"So what? Still robbing people? "

"No, now we are dead with Chihe." According to the value of that kid, it is not enough to take the risk of a war with the Chihe Department. It is best to let the white lion make friends by himself, and be careful not to let the white lion know the rumors of the golden man. "

"Okay. "The fire roasters are nodded again and again.

"The rebels are so resolute in their retreat, I'm not sure if they will leave with gold. "The old interpreter slapped his leg: "Go!" Go to the Netherworld River! Send someone out to find out the retreat route of the rebels. I can't believe I can't find any clues. ”

The five hundred elite riders of the fire roaster moved quickly, they packed up their bags, took their horses, moved towards the bank of the Netherworld River and galloped away.



Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the sea blue city, Navarre Manor.

Catherine happily walked into Anna's room and saw the elder sister sitting haggardly in front of the dresser, one by one. Flicking through a stack of letterheads, she couldn't help being a little annoyed.

She lay down on Anna's bed, looked at the embroidered patterns on the top curtain, and made fun of her elder sister: "tsk tsk tsk, are you still thinking about your lover? You sing a bitter drama here, maybe people have forgotten you completely, and you are mixing oil with which Palatine hoof honey! ”

These are Anna’s two taboos:
First, lying on her bed without permission—of course, she never allowed it;
Second, maliciously attacking mysterious WM Mr.—there is no malicious attack either.

Catherine will resort to these two tricks whenever she wants to provoke the elder sister, and it's been tried and tested.

But today Anna doesn't know what's going on. , it was only one o'clock in the past, but today it remains unmoved at all.

She is still sitting in front of the dresser, looking at the letter.

Catherine is almost going crazy with anger.

She jumped out of bed, snatched the letterhead from Anna's hand, and taught the elder sister angrily, "Isn't that the first love? What's at worst! You are so sad, is it worth it? "

"Okay. " Anna's voice was very tired: "Don't make trouble, give it back to me."

"Look, I'll burn them all!"

Anna stopped talking, she was lying on her face and dressing On the table, weeping softly.

"The more you give, the more you get hurt." Katherine said, the more angry she said, "The only way you will never get hurt is if you don't give your heart. You really think you, me and Olivia will never be hurt. Can Ya marry for love? Are you a five-year-old child? We are the heiress of the Nawa Lei Family, and our marriage must be carefully considered. A little carelessness is ten thousand zhang abyss. The mother also said you You are more mature than me, but how can you give all your heart to everyone. God! How can you be so innocent!"

Anna's cry became louder and louder, and Catherine also became sad.

She sat next to Anna and hugged the elder sister's shoulders: "Okay okay, don't cry. It's all my fault, I'm an evil witch, you are a pure Princess. Her Highness the Princess, would you like to dance with me? Mrs. Moluc just sent an invitation for us both to go."

Catherine ran her fingers through Anna's tousled hair and posted On the elder sister, she coquettishly said: "Let's dress up today, and we must beat the three stupid girls in the Moluc family. At worst I'll be a little bit more restrained today and let you be the most popular, okay? Madam dazzling. Meet another handsome guy at the ball and soon you'll forget about Mr. M."

"I'm not going!" Anna choked and kicked the dresser.

Catherine also had no choice, she was helpless: "Well, well, it's all my fault. You are a good person, Mr. M is also a good person, only I am a bad person. Mr. M must be thinking about you day and night, Every day I can't keep my soul away, I just want to fly back to you. And he is loyal, even if a dozen or so platoons are beside him in a prosperous scene, he will not be chaotic and will not die."

"You're really annoying!" Anna burst into tears: "Where did you learn Xiao... Xiao Sao... Where did you learn such words?!"

"Men That's all." Catherine snorted softly: "What kind of good people do you think they are?"

"These letters were written by Mr. M in Tanilla." I was shy, so I used Mr. M instead: "He was taken to Palatu before he could give it to me."

"Really?" Catherine's fox eyes were smiling: "Then I You have to appreciate it."

Anna blushed and hurriedly reached out to grab the letterhead, but Catherine refused to give it.

The two grabbed the bed from the dresser.

"Ai, it's good to have Mr. M." Catherine sighed like blue, she attached to Anna's ear, and lightly bit the earlobe of the elder sister: "Before you met him, I Thought you liked women!"

Anna screamed and threw her fists and hammers, pushing her out of the bed.

Catherine groaned and was forcibly pushed off the bed despite trying her best to grab the cover.

The next second, she climbed up unyielding and threw herself at the elder sister with a big laugh: "Let me see, who is so innocent?"

The two sisters After fighting for a while, they were reconciled again.

"Are you going to the Moluc family dance?" Catherine pressed her elbow against the elder sister's waist.


"Go, go, go..." Catherine hugged her elder sister and started coax and pester.

Anna shook her head gently: "I'm not in the mood."

"Ai, that's good." Catherine gave up completely, she sighed: "I'm not going either."


"Why don't you go?"

"If you don't go, I don't want to go either." Katherine said with a stern face: "There must be some room for other ladies to express themselves."

Suddenly, a series of footsteps came from the corridor.

The owner of the footsteps stumbled with great sadness and urgency.

Ana and Catherine looked at each other and hurriedly got up from the bed.

Elizabeth slammed into the door, almost unsteady with a stack of blood-stained letterheads in her hands.

Ana's heart felt like it was being tightened by Vengman.

"Don't say..." She stepped back in horror, waved her hands again and again, and her voice was crying: "Don't..."

Elizabeth hugged Anna and cried bitterly: "My brother. , he passed away..."

Anna's eyes darkened, she fainted, and fell heavily to the ground.

Similar scenes are being staged all over Hailan.

The sad news was sent back by Pegasus, the chief advisor of Veneta in the castles, and quickly spread through the channels of the military members.

Everyone is eager to know what is going on with their children.

The unfortunate family cries loudly, and the lucky family also has sympathy.

Kesha fell into Mother Marita's arms, sobbing.

Antonio is still in the archipelago and doesn't know the news yet.

Mother Marita, who has cared for three entire generations of the Da Granasi family, patted Kesha on the back like a baby.

"The hard-working little Young Master." Mammy's tears couldn't stop flowing: "The hard-working Eldest Young Lady."


Everyone The castle has just experienced a bloodbath, and the smell of blood on the street has not yet dissipated.

The starting point of the carnage was an accidental assassination.

It was an accident because no one thought about killing Alpad on the spot.

In the beginning, they just wanted to wipe out Arpad and the Blue Bloods leadership—with arrest.

The public weapon of the state has its own better means of killing, so why should it be assassinated?

But things got out of hand and three people died, including [Alpad Klein Heisler]. And the real goal [Alpad Duyoom] escape alive.

Starting with this failed assassination, the violence quickly escalated beyond control.

The blue blood faction's counterattack was extremely ferocious. Before the king castle factions could arrest them, they had already come to the door with swords and private soldiers.

The 30-year-old hatred exploded once, and the destructive power released far exceeded the most terrifying imagination of the originator.

The Great Hall was almost turned into a slaughterhouse, and the two factions that killed the red eyes searched each other in the city, going from house to house looking for "rebels".

There are those who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic fish in troubled waters;

The castles of the kings were shrouded in thick smoke, but the fire brigade did not dare to go out to put out the fire.

Innocent citizens hid in their homes shiver coldly, desperately praying for this to end soon.

It was thanks to Sackler's decisive action that he led the garrison to suppress the riots, and enforced martial law and military control in the castles, and the situation gradually subsided.

But in this melee, Army Headquarters is firmly on the side of the blue bloods.

To the officer class, Sackler's actions amounted to betraying the Army to the Great Council.

Most of the officers of the Army Headquarters, together with the remnants of the blue blood faction, counterattacked out of the city and went to join General Arpad.

The remaining officers fish and dragons mixed in together, each for their own reasons.

It's either because they've always been at odds with the Blue Bloods, or because of their wild ambitions, or because they're loyal to Sackler, or because they're all in the castles.

In the Shuangqiao Camp, Arpad, who shouted "We have been betrayed", rode his horse into the gate and regained command of the army in an instant.

The "special envoy of the Great Council" was publicly executed immediately, and Arpad sent the envoy's head and a letter.

That's a gauntlet.


In addition to the death notice of Veneta’s young officers, Veneta’s chief advisor to the castles [Turagno] has just received worse news .

Ignoring the guards, Turanio stormed into the speaker's office angrily and slapped a paper fiercely on the table.

"What does this mean?" The chief advisor suppressed his anger: "Mr. Grove!"

The previous speaker, Arpad Klein Heisler, has died, and the new The Speaker [Grove Magnus] turned around and replied with a smile: "It's literally."

"I asked exactly what you meant!" Roar: "What do you mean by not paying it back? Do you want to provoke Veneta at this time?"

"The Great Council has declared the financial bankruptcy of the Republic, and existing assets will give priority to repaying domestic debts. Tower's debts will be restructured. The illegal loan signed by the previous conference will not be recognized by this conference." Grove little by little smiled, stared at the chief advisor, and replied word by word: "If you don't pay it back, you just don't pay it back!"

Thank you for your collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly pass, reward and comment, thank you all.

Catherine is an absolute realist and can see through half the compromisers. But she really cares about her elder sister, which is both family love and a little jealous.

When Catherine attacked Mr. M hard, how could she know that she was not envious?

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