Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 212


Chapter 212 Migration
The weather was warm and the wind was a little humid.

Winters sat on the crate, staring blankly as the felt tent he lived in was taken down by the others.

The skin is removed, the skeleton is unbound, and the warm felt tent turns into a pile of sticks and bundles of leather in an instant.

A lot of people suddenly appeared in the camp, and the herdsmen scattered for several kilometers all came over at once.

Strangers speaking unfamiliar languages walked around, quickly dismantling, tying up, and carrying the entire camp on the back of cattle.

Although it looks messy, in fact everyone knows what to do and everyone has their own responsibilities.

They are familiar with the process and needn't say much—except Winters.

Eerlun was taking stock of things and couldn't care about Winters for a while.

As for the lion cub, he was simply not in the camp.

Winters sat in the middle of a group of strangers, feeling like a child who was separated from the adults in the square.

Coincidentally, there were several little children with snots standing a few meters away, looking at him curiously.

Winters turned his eyes away, and the little children ran away.

They left Winters with the women, children, and the elderly with confidence, without even arranging any guards.

Women and old men passed him, nodding their heads and calling him "Hestas" respectfully.

The few wounded men in the camp looked at him warily and called him "Paratuba Bald" in awe.

Balabal is the honorific title of a warrior, usually placed after the name. It has a hard meaning, perhaps it can be translated as a Platonic tough guy.

The gossip spread like wildfire, and now everyone knew that Winters had killed Bara Bald of Teltown in the MacGola ceremony, and that he had a vengeance against the Fireboilers for doing so.

However, the pronunciation of "Palatubala Bald" is too convoluted, and it is quickly reduced to a loud two-syllable word: "Badu!"

Er Lun came over with a pot of hot mare's milk, a pair of willow-leaf eyes smiling like a crescent moon: "Do you want to drink some hot milk?"

"No." Winters shook his head: "I'll just drink water. ."

Drink cow's milk in the morning, mare's milk in the afternoon, goat's milk in the evening, and then do it all over again.

Three things come in turn, even if the intake of dairy products for military officers and students is much higher than that of ordinary people, they can't resist this way of eating.

What milk-flavored paradise? This is simply dairy hell.

"Drink a little, I don't have time to make a fire on the road." Eerlun coaxed Winters: "The doctor said that your injury needs to drink more milk to heal faster."

After a while After a fierce ideological struggle, Winters took the copper bowl and started drinking.

"That's great! I'll bring you some more milk cakes to eat on the way." E'erlun turned and left, the beadings of the belt turned away like flowers.

“Where is this going?” Winters asked.

Eerlun turned back again, frowning and explained: "Should we meet with the old camp first, and then go to the Hanlan River? Actually, I don't know..."

"It's fine. ." Winters consoled each other.

"Don't think of me as a bad person, I won't hide it from you." Eerlun was thoughtful and immediately understood Winters' emotions.

She said a little sourly: "I saw you two years ago, and the little lion and I only returned to the tribe. We don't know much about migration."

Winters Only then did I remember that the Erlun siblings had lived in the slave plantation in the archipelago for at least eight years, and Erlun could even speak fluent Mandarin.

Having been away from home for so long is actually no different from a stranger. I'm afraid she sometimes feels out of place, right?

"Don't be sad." Winters said softly, "How could I blame you? I can only be grateful to you."

Eerlun was even more sad, her eyes were red , sobbing away.

She came back after a while, brought Winters a bowl of cream cake, and walked away crying.


Winters isn't good at getting along with women, but he's not slow.

On the contrary, he is quick-witted and observant, capable of discerning many subtle emotions.

He was not unaware of Erlun's intentions, but he could only pretend to be ignorant.

Winters has no intention of staying in wasteland for long, he doesn't want to hurt this sincere and beautiful woman.

His heart was filled tightly by Anna, and there was no room for a second person.

What is Anna? Anna is a bonfire in despair.

As he gradually became numb and cold, it was those beautiful memories that guarded his last traces of humanity: family, hometown, and Anna.

For Winters, Anna represents the best part of his life.

In the dream, he rested on Anna's lap countless times, and Anna gently stroked his forehead, dispelling the enemies of blood, death, stumps, broken arms, face looks sinister...

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder: "Is Anna really as good as I imagined? Or am I constantly beautifying my memory? Making up someone who can't exist in reality?"

He Hence the fear and anxiety: "If this is the case, will I be disappointed when I reunite with Anna?"

Leaving Winters' anxiety aside, he can't accept another people.

He didn't even dare to get close to Erlun, because Erlun was also very beautiful.

When she first saw her when she woke up, Winters felt that she was as bright and warm as the sun.

Although he didn't know what Erlun liked about him, he was flattered by this admiration.

Winters is "Winter" and he is afraid of being melted.

In fact, he was terrified to discover that he had developed a sense of dependence on Erlun.

If Antonio heard Winters' thoughts, he would be helpless: "Childish! A fool who was carried away by his first love! How can he be The head of the family in the future?"

However, considering the family status of General Serbia Ti, this sentence is somewhat pale.


The few little children sat in the frame, supported by long-haired cows.

There is no ceremony, nor any commemorative act like smashing a wine bottle or sprinkling holy water.

Like normally going out for a walk, Winters' camp set out to "migrate".

Riders led the way in front of the horses, then the long-haired cattle with all their belongings, and the goats and goats huddled in the back.

Mature men and women either ride horses or walk with bulls.

Winters, whose left leg is fixed by a wooden mold, enjoys special treatment and rides in an ox-cart like a few old grandmas who are about to lose their teeth.

Since Lieutenant Mason led the wrong way, the most common order given by Lieutenant Colonel Jesska is: "Lieutenant Montagne! Be a pioneer!" One of his poems: "The lord still loves tin, and the general is in front of him."

It was the first time for Winters to ride an ox cart and "rear drive".

He was a little ashamed, but he couldn't help but wonder: How are the lieutenant colonel, the old man and the others now?

But the grandmothers were very happy. They murmured slurred words and moved wobbly, trying to make him sit more comfortably.

Winters heard only one word: Hestas.

He still doesn't understand why the Hurds call him "Hestas", do they regard him as the successor of the old shaman?
He suddenly recalled the anointed blood ceremony, which answered some of his doubts and brought more doubts.

Winters has a fiery temper at times, but he doesn't have a bad temper with the elderly. Even in the face of an old and disrespectful person like the old magician, Winters is bullied most of the time.

So he shrinks his body as much as possible and does not burden the elderly.

An old man stared at Winters for a long time, suddenly grabbed Winters' hand and shouted.

Winters couldn't understand what the other party was saying, but Erlun came over after hearing the sound.

Eerlun's face became more and more pale as she listened to the grandmother's words.

“What are the old people talking about?” Winters also became serious.

"You wouldn't want to know." Erlen said with difficulty, "I'll find you another car."

"Tell me, it's alright." Winters said somewhat The joy finally came.

He knew very well in his heart that he had killed so many people from the Chihe tribe, and sooner or later there would be such a day.

"Grandma Tucha was also the slave of the Red Pine Manor. She has seen you and she wants to ask you." Erlun's eyes were full of tears: "The Palatu people are in Bianli City. Were you there on the day the prisoners were killed?"

"I was there." Winters only replied.

I was there, but I didn't do it. That kind of remark didn't make any sense to Winters, and he didn't bother to say it.

“If you want revenge, come here.” Winters thought to himself: “Everyone thinks that I have a bloody feud with the monkey butt face. In fact, my feud with the Chihebe is higher than the mountain and higher than the sea. Deep."

Eerlun faithfully translated Winters' answer.

The old man named Tucha held Winters' hand, quiveringly placed it on her forehead, and finally put it on her chest, muttering something.

"She said, she knew that she saw Hestas that day." Erlen listened and translated: "She knew that Hestas rescued them, otherwise everyone would Killed. She said she knew..."

Winters withdrew his hand like a burnt iron, his voice trembling: "No, I can't save anyone. You should hate me! "

"I can't ride in this car..." He struggled to climb out of the car, and fell to the ground in Erlun's exclamation.


Erron got another car for Winters.

It's said to be a car, but it's actually a bed-like thing. One is fixed on the ox, and the other is on the ground. There are no wheels, just dragging along.

The preoccupied Winters lay in the car, unable to calm down for a long time.

When he regained his composure again, he had come a long way.

He looked towards all around, and suddenly realized: "This turns out to be nomadic."

"Herd, which means herd. Heders are people who herd large animals. , they live by water and grass."

The text on the book is hollow and cold, but Winters is inadvertently in it.

Compared with the knowledge learned indirectly, witnessing the "nomadic" is a different experience.

There is only such a group of creatures in the desolate wilderness, and no one can be seen.

The cattle and sheep are sometimes scattered, sometimes gathered, and the riders use long poles to beat the stray animals from time to time.

The people and animals walked with their legs open, as if they knew where they were going, as if they could go on like this forever.

After walking and resting for about six or seven hours, the migratory procession stopped by a small lake.

Livestock are brought to drink, tents are reassembled, and lion cubs have long been waiting here.

Winters suddenly discovered that nomadism is not only not the horizon of boundless, but also has nothing to do with being free and wandering everywhere.

It's more like a series of carefully planned limited journeys, not just random luck.

This life is very different from settled farming, and migration is an important part of it.

This life is not unlike the life of a Wolfstown farmer that Winters has seen.

Hard work, simple, ordinary, not spectacular, not interesting, just a group of people trying to live.

Winters has a strange feeling: perhaps the power of man lies in the fact of "trying to live".

While Winters was wandering off, the little lion came over.

The little lion knocked on the board of the car and asked with a smile, "Are you still used to walking along the first day?"

Winters came back to his senses: "Riding in a car is better than riding a horse. Relax."

"I heard that you are not used to eating? When I first came home, too." The little lion patted the bow and said happily: "I'll go get you two rabbits. Wait for you. After the injury is healed, let's play around, it will be fun!"

"The rabbit is not in a hurry, I have something to ask you." Winters looked serious.

"Come back and talk about it!" Laughed heartily, the little lion jumped on the saddle and galloped away.


When the little lion came back, besides the rabbit, he also brought another person, although he was very reluctant.

It was a very old Heard with a weathered face.

He came with two gifts: a bag of flour and a fancy machete.

Without the red feathers and blue feathers, Winters could not tell the identity of the Hurds. But judging from the fabric and embroidery of the robe, it should be a leader of high status.

The little lion was too lazy to be an interpreter, and the man was not annoyed, so he called Eerlun for help.

After a brief explanation, Winters knew that the other party was Tie Feng [Qi Tie Ya], the uncle of the white lion siblings and the leader of the Eagle Forest Department.

Two gifts, Winters took the flour without touching the machete.

Tie Feng said a word, and Erlun translated it:
"Don't worry about the fire-boiler seeking revenge. The Teltown Department and us are blood alliances. You are safe here with us."

Winters is silent.

Leader Hurd didn't make any detours and asked straight to the point: "[Herd] heard that you are a two-legged Kota?"

Translated by Erlun At the time, Kota was transliterated.

But Winters knew that Kota was a military aristocrat of Heard society.

The little lion and Tie Feng had a big quarrel and left in a huff.

Tie Feng said another word to Winters, and Erlun was stunned.

Tie Feng urged Eerlun.

"Uncle asked." Erlun whispered: "Are you willing to train new troops for us? You can give you anything you want. It can even include me."

Winters looked at Tie Feng blankly, no need to speak, his body language was the answer.

"[Hede] understand? If you can really tie him, I won't say a word." Tie Feng said to Erlun: "[Hede] looks down on two-legged people. We, no matter how much thought you put into it, he simply doesn't want you. It is the third time that the fire roaster has asked the White Lion for you. The Chihe Department is at the most dangerous time, do you want your brother to lose the most important ally? Is it?"

After speaking, Tie Feng didn't even look at Winters again, turned and walked out of the felt tent.

In Winters' opinion, it was Tie Feng who had scolded Eerlun fiercely and left.

“Why did he do this to you?” Winters asked softly.

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Eerlun sobbed in a low voice: "I have flour, I'll make bread for you."

After a while, the little lion panting with rage walked back. When he saw the elder sister crying, he understood it all.

"Don't cry! Erlun, you have to be happy." The little lion patted his chest and said, "With my big brother and I, don't be afraid of anything."

Erlun wiped away her tears and walked out of the felt tent with flour.

"Do you think my uncle and I are playing the 'good master, bad master' trick?" The little lion scratched his hair and asked with a wry smile.

"No, never felt that way." Winters answered honestly, "Because you're more tempered than I am."

"I tell you, I do want you to stay. Help my brother." The little lion said sadly: "The current situation of our Chihe Department... you may not quite clear. Alas, the tribes won, and our Chihe tribe lost. "

The little lion was wrong, Winters knew it very well, he couldn't have been more clear, at least 30% of the loss of Chihe was his "credit".

Overview of the Battle of Great Wasteland , Winters met force with force almost every time with the Chihe Department...and the Fire Roaster's Teltown department.

Everyone knows that he has a grudge with the Teltown department because of that fight. Duel in front of the battle.

But Winters are dressed neatly when they fight against the Chihebu, and almost three-quarters of the Legion's Hundred-Men Commander are almost the same.

even more how Winters now lives in the same camp with old and young women and children, and it's even more impossible that someone finds out that he is "he".

"I want you to stay, but only if you volunteer. I will never force you to stay. You are safe as long as I live. "The little lion laughed heartily, said ten thousand zhang with pride: "If you stay." You will be infantry, my brother will be cavalry, which of the tribes can compete with us? "

"But..." Winters sighed: "I don't want to fight anymore." "

"Then what do you want to do? asked the little lion strangely.

Then what do you want to do? This question fiercely knocks Winters' inner world.

A "loyal heir", one born destined to be a soldier A man, a man who entered the military academy at the age of nine, a man who knows nothing but fights, a man with blood on his hands.

Besides fighting, what else do you want to do? What else can you do?
He leaned on the pillow and looked straight at Qionglu: "Lie down. "

Thank you for reading, reading, recommending tickets, monthly tickets, giving rewards and likes, thank you everyone.

The content of this chapter on the migration of nomads is from the documentary." Nomadism is not just a boundless horizon, nor is it freedom and wandering everywhere. It's more like a series of carefully planned, limited journeys without a shred of luck. ” is a quote from the original text.

The white lion and the blood wolf, this TM is simply a dream men’s doubles [land group].

[sea group] is six Star Divine General Nareshaw+ E-God Great Demon Speyer.

But Winters now... just want to lie down.

Through Winters' experience in wasteland, the battle of Great Wasteland from the perspective of Heard's tribes is It can be shown.

A book friend mentioned "Why does the white lion always have a way? "

If you look at it from the perspective of the Hurds, it becomes "Why did the Paratus always have a way?" ”

Some book friends mentioned that White Lion's sneak attack success rate is 100%.

Is this right? This is not right, because Winters' sneak attack success rate is 100%
Some book friends mentioned that none of the Paratus did as much as Winters.

This is also not true, many hardships were fought by the Paratus. The ones who died the most were not the Veneta, but A Plato.

Winters did not fight for Plato, but because he felt responsible for his subordinates. A strong sense of responsibility, which is Winters' personality, is closely related to the education of his adoptive father .

Antonio was the one who had a strong sense of responsibility, and he taught Winters to "do your due diligence".

So even if Winters was involved in this war, put him in that position上,他也会拼尽全力,在他的选项里更没有[当叛徒]。字数有限,卷末我们再总结。

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