Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 211


Chapter 211 Embers
Click, click.

The sound of the scythe hitting the flint.

The fireless ashes burned again, and Winters awoke from a coma.

His body was dizzy and painful. He tried to open his eyes, but his vision was blurry.

The vision is blurred, and the consciousness is also blurred, and he smells a good smell of milk.

Winters fluttered his nose, thinking dazedly, "is it possible that heaven really exists? Or is it milky?"

His vision gradually returned, a strange thing It became clear in his eyes: it was a wheel, made up of dozens of thin spokes, covered with cloth, gleaming faintly.

It's weird.

Soon, Winters' ability to think gradually recovered, and he began to be able to think.

He decided this wasn't heaven - unless God lived in tents too!

Where is the wheel, it is clearly the dome of the tent, and he is lying in a felt tent.

Winters was suddenly alert, and he moved to see what was going on all around.

Suddenly, a tear-like pain came from his left calf, and the pain made his forehead sweat.

Winters gritted his teeth, not making a sound.

He was sure he was in the hands of the Hurds, and instinct made him want to hide.

It hurts too much! It hurts so much as if the left leg is no longer growing on him!

The filthy infirmary...the mud of blood and dirt...the mounds of sawed-off arms and legs..."Don't let them saw my arms!" Andrei was crying Pleading: "Winters!"...

These images suddenly appeared in his mind, and a great sense of fear tightly restrained his heart: "Am I..."

Winters had never been so frightened before, desperately reaching for his left leg, left foot.

Fortunately, they were all there, Winters let out a long relaxed breath and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Someone seemed to hear movement inside the tent, and the curtain was lifted.

"Crap," Winters thought.

Enter a young girl in an embroidered Heard robe.

Seeing Winters with her eyes open, Miss Heard smiled and said, "Are you awake?"

She smiled, and the felt tents became bright— - It's really bright, because someone took off the sunroof.

Winters thought it was a fully armed guard waiting for him, but he never thought it was such a girl.

He froze in place, not knowing how to react.

"Are you thirsty? Are you cold? Want something to eat?" The strange girl approached Winters and took another blanket for Winters to put on his back so that he could sit.

Winters is tense and alert. He didn't know each other, and it seemed to him that they were acting each minding their own business.

He stared at the strange girl's eyes, like a wounded wild beast falling into a pit.

But the strange girl seemed familiar and natural to take care of Winters.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to turn around, Winters scrutinized the felt tent with his eyes.

The wooden skeleton was covered with leather—a typical felt tent structure, but much smaller than the felt tents he had seen.

The floor of the felt tent was covered with a thick blanket, and he was lying on the blanket at this moment, and the Hurd seemed not to sleep on the bed.

An iron stove stands in the center of the felt tent, Winters can't believe his eyes,

There is an iron stove in the center, Winters can't believe his eyes - it turned out to be a shellfish. Leon's "Sawyer Furnace".

Not new, but old, with traces of Winters use on it.

He and his friends used to cook noodles and pass a bottle of spirits around the iron stove.

There is a copper pot on the iron stove, and the "gu lu gu lu" is cooking in it, and the aroma of milk comes from there.

Miss Heard picked up the copper pot, poured a bowl of hot milk, and brought it to the small table beside Winters' pillow: "Don't drink it first, it's hot."

Little There is also a gold plate on the table.

In the golden plate was a cooked lamb loin, a small dish of salt, and a silver-handled gem-set knife for cutting the meat.


Miss Heard turned and walked to the stove, put up a few pieces of dry cow dung and put it into the hearth, and stoked the fire even more.

Winters tried to get the knife, but his limbs were too stiff.

Before he could reach out, Miss Heard turned around abruptly.

Miss Heard brought a small stool and sat beside Winters. She holds the milk bowl and blows lightly.

"Do you like milk skins?" She smiled warmly.

" speak Common?" Winters asked hoarsely.

Girl Heard speaks lingua franca and has no accent.

<> Miss Heard gently nods.

“Where did you learn it,” Winters asked again. He hadn't spoken for so long, his vocal cords seemed to be stuck.

Just as Miss Heard was about to speak, she was interrupted by a rough male voice from outside the tent.

"[Herde] Qing'er, is that kid dead?"

A brawny man with a red face broke into the felt tent, drawing in a cold wind.

The red-faced brawny man intersected with Winters four eyes, the pupils of both sides suddenly dilated.

"Monkey butt face." Winters' thoughts flashed: "Have I fallen into the hands of the Terdon department?"

The fire roaster's face turned redder, as if red Can bleed.

Because he saw that "Paratuba Bald" not only did not die, but also woke up from a coma.

Because he saw "Qing'er" sitting beside him holding a bowl of hot milk.

The firebender's hand reaches for the hilt.

"[Hede] Grandma! Grandma! Go and call the little lion!" the strange girl shouted to the outside of the tent, she stretched her arms to protect Winters: "[Hedde] you can take advantage of this. What kind of ability is it to bully him at this time?"

Winters tried to enter a spellcasting state, and the intense phantom pain made him unable to concentrate.

It wasn't surprising to him that this happened. He was mentally prepared when he pushed himself to the limit time and time again.

Can't use magic, doesn't mean he's going to die.

Taking advantage of the distraction of the fire roaster, Winters quietly took the knife from the plate and hid it in the palm of his hand.

Considering the condition of the left leg, it is impossible to dodge the opponent's attack.

Winters was ready to grab the other's arm, stab him in the neck, and slit open while the fire-boiler pierced his abdominal cavity.

He was only concerned that the bed was too stiff for his muscles to fight back. So he moved his wrist gently and slowly regained his strength.

Winters didn't realize it himself: his mindset had changed dramatically.

His body left the battlefield, but his spirit remained there. He has regarded himself as a dead person, and he can make money if he can replace one.

The fire roaster and the strange girl are having a heated argument.

Winters listened carefully, he couldn't understand what they were saying, but he could see that the stranger was protecting him.

He also heard the word "Ahazy" coming out of the girl's mouth.

"Little lion?" He simply analyzed the situation and concluded: "This is the territory of the Chihe Department."

The fire roaster fell into the lower hand in the quarrel. He took the hilt of the knife, kicked open the curtain, and walked away flustered and exasperated.

Girl Heard sat back on the small bench again, picked up the milk bowl, and blew lightly.

Blowing and blowing, she started to cry.

“Why are you crying?” Winters didn't know what to say.

"It's nothing." Miss Heard wiped her tears and brought the milk to Winters' lips: "It's ready to drink, you can drink a little."

Winters lifted the stiff Arms, took the milk bowl in panic: "I'll do it myself."

"Okay, you can do it yourself."

I don't know how long it has been in bed, Winters' muscles are particularly stiff and sore . I didn't drink a bowl of milk into my mouth, but spilled half of it.

Miss Heard brought him a square towel again.

At this moment, another person walked into the felt tent.

The comer speaks a common language, but the accent is much stiffer.

The visitor smiled and asked, "Are you busy?"

Winters saw the visitor's face clearly, his expression gradually subsided and became calm: "Is it you?"

"It's me." The comer nodded.

Winters wouldn't admit it, how could he forget someone who nearly killed him?

Although the other party was taller, stronger, and wore better robes, the stubbornness in the bones was not less than in the past.

As if a transparent glass door was knocked in my mind, Winters was awakened: the slave boy in the dark longhouse on the red sulfur island, that is, the little lion, the younger brother of the white lion.

“What should I call you?” Winters simply lay flat.

The little lion sat cross-legged beside Winters: "Whatever you want, hello, you, kid."

"Then I call you little lion?"

The little lion scratched the back of his head: "I feel ashamed every time I hear that name. I don't deserve to be a lion."

Winters is eager to know the outside world: "Where am I?"


"Where else? The prairie."

"How many days have I been in a coma?"

"Six days." The little lion added: "From me Find you."

Winters thought: Six days? The Chihe Department didn't cross the river to pursue it?
These questions were too sensitive, and he was careful not to speak.

The little lion pointed at Winters' belly and said, "You got a shot here, the thread was torn apart, and we sewed it up again for you."

He Pointing at the back of Winters' head again, he said, "I was hit in the back of the head too, knocking you out, but the bones are fine."

A hit in the back of the head? Winters was not impressed.

He tried to remember, but his memory was only as long as he had reunited with Colonel Bode.

After that, there are scattered fragments, and the context is not clear.

The little lion patted Winters' left calf: "The bone is broken, and the horse's hoof can step on it. I've hired the best doctor for this kind of injury. Don't walk around, take care of it. Hey. , first take care of the injury and then talk about it."

"First take care of the injury and then talk about it", this sentence is very ambiguous.

Winters nods.

No matter what others think, Winters doesn't plan to stay in wasteland for long. But he only needs to know this for himself, there is no need to say it to stimulate others.

"The most powerful thing is here." The little lion pointed at Winters' chest with interest: "You were also shot in the heart, shot at close range, and the armor was completely penetrated."

"Then why am I still alive?" Winters raised his eyebrows.

The little lion took something out of his arms, laughed and said, "Because of this!"

The thing that saved Winters' life like that was the wine Alpad gave him pot.

Half of the thumb-sized buckshot shattered, and the remaining half was embedded in the jug. The jug was completely deformed and leaked.

Winters covered his face: "What a vulgar plot!"

The corners of the little lion's mouth curled into a smile: "Don't worry about it so much, it will save your life anyway."

"Where did you get that iron stove?" Winters asked, pointing at Sawyer's stove.

"This iron stove is a good thing, I brought it here specially for your use." The little lion couldn't express his excitement: "It saves fuel, has no open flame, and is easy to carry. I took twenty sheep. It's a pity that there is only one."

As a Veneta native, Winters subconsciously calculated the profit of the business. He knew exactly how much iron material Bel Ang used, even ten sheep could make a profit—but the point was the labor cost.

He looked at the little lion and told each other with his eyes: "You've lost money."

Without saying a few words, the two suddenly fell silent.

I was the enemy of the life and death battle one second ago, how could I be chatting happily the next second.

Both sides are trying to maintain the atmosphere of the conversation.

As soon as the topic runs out, the air becomes heavy.

The little lion withdrew his smile, solemnly took out a small tin box from his arms and placed it beside Winters' pillow.

In the tin box is a bunch of gray bristles.

Winters was expressionless, as if not sad at all: "Thank you."

"According to our custom, nothing will be wasted, and everything that can be eaten is eaten and used. It's all used up." The little lion said seriously: "But he is your close friend, so I buried him well. It was buried so deep that the crows and vultures couldn't pick them up, and the wolves couldn't pick them up. Wait for you to raise them. I'll take you there."

Winters still had no emotion: "Thank you."

The little lion was a little sad: "He...will protect you in the end. If not I can't find you either. He left after fulfilling his wish, and I'll tell you about him in detail later."

He pointed to the girl Heard and said: "This is my elder sister. You are in a coma. She is taking care of you these days. She washes your wounds, wipes your body, and feeds you. If you need anything, just tell her. I'm leaving, you are fine. Rest."

After he finished speaking, he nodded, got up and left.

Winters buttoned up the tin box containing the forcing mane and placed it on his heart. The tin box is ice-cold.

He had no tears, all the tears had turned into blood and flowed out.

He couldn't tell what it was like, because some of his emotions seemed to be paralyzed.

Girl Heard took the sewing basket and said, "My name is Eerlun. If you think it's a mouthful, you can also call me Miria."

"Eerlun, what do you mean?"

"It means 'green'."

"There are also two pieces of jewelry, which are also yours." Eerlun took out a gold pendant Locket and a delicate statue of Athena, gently placed beside Winters' pillow: "You are safe here, no one will hurt you again."

"Thank you."

"But this is mine." Ellen took the silver-handled knife from under Winters' blanket: "You can't take the girl's saber."


The same time Winters woke up, Plato The remnants of the expedition finally reached the border.

Just seeing the Jiehe made many people fall to their knees, crying and praying.


When the Palatine Expeditionary Force crossed the Boundary River more than three months ago, there were:
three generals;

the fifth , The Sixth Legion's standing army infantry, with a total of 10,734 officers and soldiers;
an independent engineer auxiliary force with a total of 1,175 officers and soldiers;
50 platoons of cavalry, 6,172 light and heavy cavalry.

A total of 18,084 people - just soldiers.

The conscripted militia entering wasteland has 103 Hundred Men Squads, with a total of 8563 officers and soldiers.

The total number of auxiliaries is more than 10,000, including the conscripted militiamen and the civilian husbands and merchants who cannot be counted in detail.

The total number of soldiers plus auxiliary soldiers exceeds 28,000.

This is an army that will make the Hurd barbarians become terror-stricken at the news, with a battle strength that surpasses the republics.

It has the strongest cavalry unit of Senus, two standing Legions that are fully loaded, a Warhammer that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, and a shield that is invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

In fact, it's a bit too big for the Republic of Palato.

This should have been an ordinary short-term war: the army went to wasteland to sweep away the Hurds, demarcate new boundaries with the tribes, and then drive the herds over. Successfully accomplished, promoted and made a fortune.

There may be sporadic skirmishes after that, but that's not a big deal, and the Paratus have a well-established set of countermeasures.

The strong demand from the Interprovincial and Veneta woolen textile industries meant that no matter how much wool was produced in Palato, it would be swept away.

A large number of immigrants from Monta, Vine, Provinces, and even the Empire enabled Plato to develop the wilderness at an astonishing rate.

Following the general strategy of "cutting the sausage", Palato cuts only a small piece at a time. Thirty years have passed, and I have never lost.

If someone told them, this time they'd be hit with blood. The Platonic would laughed heartily, then walked away shaking his head.


Seven days ago, more than a thousand Dussac light cavalry recruited from the newly reclaimed land secretly arrived on the east bank of the Netherworld River.

The raiders who crossed the Netherworld River approached 6,000, and the day they set foot on Paratu, the Army Headquarters issued a general call-up.

Long before the militias from all over the country were assembled, the barbarian army had already left with full spills of war.

In addition, there are still more than 1,000 wild horses stranded in the territory of Palatu - perhaps not enough.

They chased like cats and mice with the troops in Palatu, involving a large number of troops.

The wild ride into the bandits after 30 years has also made all kinds of rumors spread like wildfire, and the domestic situation of Palatu is very disturbing.

The "local councils" of cities, towns, and towns did their best to keep the troops in their localities for self-preservation.

The two regiments of more than 1,000 Dussac light cavalry were all the mobile troops that the Parato Army Headquarters could dispatch for a while.

A thousand light cavalry is also considered a force.

If the mainland of Paratus sent 100,000 troops in one go, without the need for barbarians, everyone would have to starve to death on wasteland.

When the Palatine army on the west bank crossed the Netherworld River that night, the Dussack hussars also launched a surprise attack on the more than 4,000 Heard marauders on the east bank.

But crossing the Netherworld River does not mean escape alive. In addition to the more than 2,000 sheepskin sacks that bound the giant raft that hit the bridge, the barbarians still have more than 1,000 sheepskin sacks in their hands.

With these sheepskins, the Heard tribes each pursued the Palatine expedition.

Until they reunited with the troops that came to meet them, the Paratus and the Heard tribes fought thirteen times. The worst is also the kill is equal, not a single loss.

But the expedition force of more than 28,000 people reached the boundary river alive and less than 11,000 people.

The standing army was nearly half damaged, and more than eight thousand auxiliaries were either killed, captured, or abandoned on the west bank of the Netherworld River.

Except for the only weapons, armor, mules, and lives left, all that remains is left on wasteland.

Is the war over?

The two sides licked their wounds and retreated, and the war may have ended like this.

But this is not the end for the Palatine Republic and the Heard minions, it is not even the beginning of the end.

This is just the end of the beginning.

But none of this had anything to do with Winters, who lay on the great wasteland and fell asleep again.

This volume isn't quite over yet, but the rest are desserts, and there are a few things to explain.

Because it is nearing the end of a volume, it was a bit difficult to write a while ago, and the update is not very stable, I apologize here.

Thanks to book friends for reading, subscribing, recommending tickets, monthly tickets, tips and comments, thank you all.

Yesterday's thank you list is combined with today's.

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