Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 210


Chapter 210 Finale (Part 2)

"Retake the Southern Highland fort, tonight. If you win, you will live. , or you will die."

This was the general's order.

The west wind grinned wildly as he passed through the tent, and the chill swept across everyone's backs.

"Has the South Highland Fortress been taken back?"

No one answered, and the South Highland Fortress was still in the hands of the White Lion.

"Take a break." Sackler's tone was unmistakable: "Your mission is still to retake the Southern Highland fort."

With that, the general turned to leave.

Colonel Laszlo was shot in the right leg as he sat on a three-legged chair and filled his pipe with a blank face, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert and Lieutenant Colonel Custer looked ashen, but did not speak.

The tent was as silent as death.

A hoarse voice sounded from behind Sackler: "The artillery has been destroyed, I destroyed it myself."

The general ignored it and did not stop. Just go outside.

So many people threw their lives on the mountain, climbed up the wall like ants in a hail of bullets, and fought in the corridors too narrow to turn around, the great character was all in vain with a single sentence?

"I used molten iron." Winters tried his best to suppress his emotions, his body was shaking: "The white lion can't even put a cannonball in it."

The family of the soldier Background, ten years of military school education, and a year and a half of military life make Winters · Montagne an "institutionalized" person.

No one sees it more clearly than Antonio Seranti: Military schools built to imitate the structure of monastery eventually cultivate batch after batch of "cultivator of painstaking cultivation" and "mad believers" .

Winters had little idea what the world looked like outside the military. From the moment gu gu landed, he was placed into the system.

Loyalty, responsibility, execution of orders, respect for superiors... Obedience to authority is almost ingrained into his bones.

That's why he fought so "hard" for the Palatine Republic - he didn't even realize it.

An institutionalized person doesn't really care who the order comes from, as long as someone gives the order.

Being part of a larger whole - an act that subconsciously gave him an irreplaceable sense of security because it was his life through childhood.

It's not that the Palatine army needs Winters ·Montagne, it's that Winters ·Montagne needs the army.

He is like a sapling. From the beginning of the shoot, it is put into a mold, tied with a rope, and grows and extends in a predetermined direction.

But human beings have their limits, and so do institutionalized people.

The taut strings snapped one by one, and the face of the dead warrior appeared before Winters.

They didn't die for Plato, much less for Sackler. They trusted him, loved him, and it was for him that they took their lives on bravely with no thought of personal safety to fight the barbarians, they died for him.

Winters drew his saber and shouted angrily at the general's back: "What the hell do you want me to do! Just for that bastard! All my people are going to die there! All are going to die there!"

Lieutenant Colonel Robert immediately reached out and grabbed Winters. He couldn't speak because of a wound on his tongue, and made a vague "wu wu" sound anxiously.

Lieutenant Colonel Custer also grabbed Winters' other arm: "Impudent!'re drunk!"

"Don't be impulsive!" Jay on the marching couch Lieutenant Colonel Shika stretched his arms in vain into the darkness, trying to stop Winters.

Colonel Laszlo lit his pipe by the oil lamp, his eyelids lowered, and he smoked slowly.

"Philpotter! Mihaly! Salter..." The names of the dead were called out by Winters one by one.

Sekler, who had already stepped out of the tent with one leg, stopped. He stood silently for two or three seconds, then suddenly turned and walked back to Winters.

He looked the second lieutenant in the eyes and asked coldly, "Do I need to tell you about my deployment?"

"Fuck You!!!" Winters struggled, furious Eyes blazing.

Custer and Robert were staggered by him, and Lieutenant Colonel Robert unscrewed his saber.

"Winters! Don't be impulsive! Don't!" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska almost begged. No, it is a pleading.

Sackler slowly wiped the saliva from his face, and said astonishingly: "The bridge is actually open!"

Everyone in the tent including Winters startled.

"The bridge deck is less than 30 meters away from the other side of the river. Lieutenant Colonel Elek (engineer) thought of a way to rigidly fix the pontoon on the frontmost bridge pile for the first 15 meters. Meter, send someone to the other side to pull the cable to fix it. The last five meters, the water will go directly." Sellek looked at the others in the tent and said word by word: "Except me, Arpad and Lieutenant Colonel Elek, You are the only ones who know about this."

Lieutenant Colonel Custer whispered, "Since the bridge has been opened, why not go?"

"Can you go?! Sackler asked: "The Hurds are guarding outside the camp, can they go?! At least 30,000 reinforcements have come from the white lions, and the three major tribes are connected to the following tribes to 'eldest son'! You tell me, Why hasn't he launched a general attack yet?"

Bu Lao's subordinate replied, Sackler reprimanded sharply: "Because he's just waiting for the moment the bridge is opened! There is a retreat in front, and there are chasing troops in the back. If the lion exerts its strength, we will be crushed!"

This is too straightforward for Winters to refute.

The bridge is hope and the spiritual pillar of the Paratus fighting against the water.

But if the bridge is really opened, it will not be a last-ditch battle, but a "surrounding three ques and one".

Waiting for the Platonics will not be "escape alive", but "halfway shot".

There are tens of thousands of vicious barbarians in front of them, and there is the only way to survive. As long as a person throws his weapon and runs away, the heart of the army will collapse like a domino Bone Token.

Sackler's tone was cold: "I want you to take back the Southern Highland fort, not only for the artillery, but also for the purpose of blocking the enemy's vision and clearing the Heards in the trench. Occupying the Southern Highland, the enemy will The camp is in full view, and they know what we do. Tell me, can we go?"

No one could answer that question.

Sackler speaks faster and faster: "When you attack, Arpad will lead another force to clear the enemy army that is attacking the main camp, and the North Highland fort will also dispatch a battallion to strengthen it. You. A platoon's hussars are already crossing the river downstream, and as soon as your battle starts, I'll send someone to build the bridge.

I want you to attract the attention of the Hurds, the time difference for fighting the white lions .Let him think we're still fighting for the fort, let him think the bridge isn't fixed. Three hours! Within three hours, everyone will have to cross the river!

Win or die! Do you think I'm talking empty words? The army is fighting against several hundred li, and less than half of the people who can still carry a knife. If you bleed, others won't?!"

Silence, there was only silence in the tent.

"Remove him! If you don't want to go, don't use him! Laszlo, Jessica battallion will give you the command!"

After finishing speaking, Sackler He turned to leave, this time he didn't look back.


After a short rest, a small amount of troops were replenished, and the raiding troops that had just returned to the main camp attacked again.

This time, instead of heading straight for the Southern Highlands, they detoured to the northwest.

There they will join forces with the Baldur battallion and attack the southern highland fort.

Meanwhile, another force was gathering outside the north wall of the main camp, led by Arpad.

They would attack the flanks of the enemy who were attacking the southern wall of the camp, repelling them and preventing them from supporting the southern highland fort.

A silver-grey horse walked slowly out of the night.

Angelo led the fortune to Winters, and the horse snorted with joy when he saw his master.

As he got closer, Qiang Yun twitched his nose unhappily, obviously he didn't like the smell of blood on Winters.

Winters wanted to give Force Luck a sugar cube, and after rummaging for a while, he suddenly remembered that he didn't have a sugar bag.

“Have you got candy?” Winters asked Anglo.

"Candy?" Anglo rummaged for a long time with wide eyes, and said apologetically, "I didn't bring it today."

"Don't act like a spoiled child." Winters patted the side of Luck neck and start checking the harness.

He adjusted the chest strap so that it was tight; checked the underside of the saddle carefully so that no straw was left; he patiently smoothed the skin where the fork and the saddle came into contact, without leaving a single wrinkle.

Lieutenant Colonel Custer came over on his black warhorse, Lieutenant Colonel dismounted beside Winters, and praised Qiang Luck: "What a good horse, in the hands of your Infantry Section. What a shame."

Winters ignored Custer.

Custer wasn't annoyed, and asked again, "Didn't Sackler say you don't have to go?"

"I'm fucking willing!" Winters was furious. go back.

"Yeah, if you don't go, your people will die more." Laughed, Custer began to get down to business: "Sackler said to dismiss you as a fart. This time You're the reserve team, and we're the vanguard."

"What the hell?" Winters asked with his eyes.

"What that guy Laszlo means is, if we can win, you will follow. If we have finished, you can justifiably withdraw." Custer said nonchalantly: "Plato Fighting barbarians can't keep you Veneta in the limelight."

Winters said nothing.

Custer wanted to leave, but suddenly turned around and asked: "You brat always looks at me sideways, do you still remember the revenge of the whip at Wolf Town?"

In Mi Chell Manor, Custer beat Winters for no reason. Although he didn't "hold grudges", his cultivation was not so good that he was slapped in the face and then brought the other face close to him.

Anyway, Winters didn't show any good looks to Custer, maintaining only grudging courtesy.

Fortunately, there is not much intersection between the two, and the number of encounters can be counted on one's fingers.

"If you don't answer, then you have it?" Custer asked.

"That's right!" Winters was annoyed: "Why did you whip me for no reason?"

Custer's tone was helpless: "You Venetas. , really careful! [Vengeance is the greatest happiness in the Human World], is that what you Veneta people say?"

Winters didn't want to argue, he turned and continued to arrange the harness.

Lieutenant Colonel Custer was unsatisfied and said with a smile: "Why don't you punch me? You and I are just kidding..."

Winters turned and rushed Custer's left face is a right uppercut.

Custer was beaten with his heels off the ground, staggered and fell like a drunk, spitting out bloody saliva: "How dare you fight!"

Winters flicked his wrists, saddled in the stirrups, and rode away.

Lieutenant Colonel Custer stood up, clutching his cheeks, and shouted at Winters' back: "It's even now! We don't owe each other!"


Colonel Bode waited with his troops in the valley between the southern and northern highlands.

The troops from the main camp headed northwest first, crossed the ditch and then turned southwest, finally meeting the Bod battallion.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Robert's orders, the troops from the main camp each carried three torches.

After the two sides joined forces, Colonel Bode took over command.

The existing troops are no longer enough to split up to feint and attack the city.

The only viable plan was to attack through the opening on the west side, where Colonel Laszlo had made his previous attack.

The white lion did not replenish the defenders, and the reinforcements he sent were tentatively attacking the south wall of the camp.

Beyond the southern wall of the camp, the battle has begun.

Alpad led the eighteen Hundred Men Squads, which were still fully organized, including standing armies, auxiliary soldiers and sappers. With the last light and heavy cavalry as the tip of the sword, fiercely inserted into the left flank of the barbarians.

If Arpad can rout or stop this part of the enemy, the Southern Highlands fortress is the remnant of the remnant.

With the addition of Bode battallion, the Palatine side has a chance to win.

Seeing the situation of the brother's troops, Colonel Bird took the initiative to take over the work of the vanguard, with his sixth Legion chief battallion as the first echelon.

Colonel Laslow's Fifth Army regiment chief battalion and Lieutenant Colonel Robert's 6th Legion 2nd battalion served as the second tier.

The Winters' men serve as reserves.

In order to ensure the impact, Lieutenant Colonel Custer's cavalry also participated in the first wave of the attack.

Even with the Bode battallion, the total strength of the second wave attack was only over a thousand.

"There's already a fight in the camp! We don't need to cover up! This time we have to make a big noise! Let the barbarians be afraid!" Walking in front of you: "Raise the flag! Raise the torch!"

First, one or two torches were ignited, and the flames passed quickly. From a distance, it looked like a flame python emerging from the ground.

The barbarian sentry on the southern highland fort was startled and forgot to sound the horn.

It wasn't until the flame python was crawling slowly that Winters heard the sound of a horn from the hillside.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert's intimidation tactics worked, and the Southern Highlands fort was in chaos.

"[Hede] wake up!" Some Heders ran wildly and shouted: "[Hede] two-legged people are here! Say less!"

Yes The Hurds snarled: "[Hede] farts! How can there be tens of thousands, at most three thousand! You lie!"

"[Hede] knife! My knife!"

"[Hede] Who led my horse?"


Some Heards were hurriedly wearing armor, and some Heards were holding war horses Sneak away.

"Uukhai!" A chilling battle cry came from the west side of the fort.

The rudimentary wooden fence was dragged down, the black armored cavalry rushed into the wall like thunder, and the sword and shield of Baldur battallion followed closely from behind.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert and Colonel Laszlo were fighting outside the 100 meters, and their troops were also staying 100 meters outside the wall.

Learning the lesson of the last time, this time the Palatine people did not swarm in, but went to the city in batches.

Colonel Laszlo took his last puff, as if to suck everything from the pipe into his lungs.

He then tapped the clean pipe on the heel of his boot and handed the pipe to Lieutenant Colonel Robert, Junior Brother.

"Send you off."

"Send me?" Lieutenant Colonel Robert took the pipe and asked in a vague voice: "I don't smoke. Squad leader?"

A rare smile appeared on Colonel Laszlo's mouth: "My son gave it to me. Originally he wanted to learn sculpting, but I forced him into the army..."

Robert was amazed, He quickly waved his hand: "I can't... ah!"

When he spoke, he accidentally touched the wound. His mouth was sweet, apparently bleeding again.

"Go!" Colonel Laszlo drew his sword, stabbed the horse's ribs, and ran to the fortress first.

The soldiers behind him charged and shouted.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert was completely unprepared and had to put his pipe in his clothes and follow with the whip.

A hundred meters behind Robert and Laszlo—out of musket range—Montagne was on standby.

Winters watched the battle, biting his lip impatiently.

Fortune also felt Winters' mood and stepped uneasily.

Winters is completely tired of this war. He didn't want to fight for the Platos anymore, but he hoped from the bottom of his heart that Colonel Bode, Colonel Laszlo, and Lieutenant Colonel Robert would win.

At the same time, Winters was closely observing the surrounding situation, and the Dussacks in his hands were scattered as sentries.

Will the White Lions send the Second Support Army? he does not know.

Before the fortress was defended by the troops of the Chihe Department. I don't know if they came to help. Winters was not sure whether the White Lion could mobilize the troops of other tribes in addition to his own troops.

The internal decision-making process of the Hurds is completely a fog for the Paratus.

They didn't even know who was in charge of the barbarian army, but everyone knew the "white lion". So much so that the "white lion" has been abstracted from a single individual to "the leader of the barbarians".

Suddenly, he heard a series of hooves coming from ahead.

"Who?" Heinrich asked sharply.

The visitor shouts: "It's me! Barrog!"

Lieutenant Barrog is Colonel Broad's Hundred-Men Commander.

"The barbarians can't hold it anymore!" Lieutenant Barrog rushed to Winters and shouted, "Colonel Bodur ordered your troops to strike immediately! Overwhelm them!"

Winters turned around and looked at his warrior: "Do you still believe me?"

"Hooray!" Ish from Ganshui Town slapped his breastplate and was the first to shout: " Blood wolf!"

"Blood wolf!" Even those who weren't his old subordinates were shouting: "Hooray!"

Mason said softly, "They are willing to follow you, even if Go to hell, give the order."

Winters' eyes were sore, he pulled down his lower armor and drew his saber: "Then come with me! Charge!"


The battle inside the fortress was at a stalemate, and the Platoons gradually took over the square, but the barbarians remained firmly in control of the fortress walls and interior buildings.

The battle strength of the barbarians of the Chihe tribe is far more ferocious than other tribes. The forces of the Platoons were not dominant, but the barbarians of the Chihe tribe gradually gained a firm foothold.

"[Hedde] musketeers on the wall! Hit their leader!" The real commander of the fort, Thousand-man Commander Swift Eagle [錦真] stood on the eastern wall with a ponytail banner in his hand, and the big Roaring and commanding: "[Herde] hit those two-legged men with the most gorgeous armor! Hit those two-legged men with the largest tassel! Don't be afraid to hit your own people"

The pistol cavalry instantly became the best Conspicuous targets, one by one shot down.

Lt. Colonel Custer stabbed at the sight of his sons being shot one after another. He held his machete high, galloped up the steps, and roared at the Swift Eagle: "Damn! pay with your life!"

"[Herde] hit him!" The Swift Eagle pointed with the horsetail flag Lieutenant Colonel Custer, shouted: "[Hedde] kill this leader!"

The dark horse was about to rush to the base wall, and the musketeers on the opposite wall aimed at Lieutenant Colonel Custer and pressed the launcher.

After several shots were fired, Lieutenant Colonel Custer's body seemed to tremble. He weakly moved towards the horsetail flag and threw a machete, then he leaned back and slipped off the horse's back.

The black warhorse with two guns lost the control of its rider, jumped out of the wall in pain, and fell into the gully outside the wall.

"[Hedde] Good! Good!" Thousand-man Commander Xun Ying laughed loudly: "[Hedde] has a reward! Reward!"

Suddenly, outside the castle The battle cry "Uukhai!" that frightened the Hurds sounded again.

Thousand-man Commander Swift Eagle was startled, and shouted a warning: "[Hede] has two-legged people coming! Follow them Fight!"

The silver-grey warhorse leaped from the gap in the wall, and the Montagne team joined the battle.

Through the smoke and dust, Winters caught sight of the horsetail banners and blue feathers on the east wall.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert hugged Colonel Laszlo, who did not know his life or death, and shouted at Winters from a distance: "Lieutenant Montagne! Go to the city wall! Slash the flag!" Varga Senior, who had a hole, lay quietly beside Lieutenant Colonel Robert, God failed to protect him.

The next second, there was a hole in Lieutenant Colonel Robert's breastplate. He touched the breastplate in disbelief and slowly fell back.

"Climb the wall!" Winters' heart seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand, and suddenly clenched, he roared angrily: "Climb the wall! Musketeer! Shoot the red feather!"

Montagne's Sword and Shield and Musketeers bypass the War Zone and attack the wall-climbing steps.

"[Herde] hit the silver horse!" Xun Ying also saw the Hundred-Men Commander riding a silver-gray warhorse at a glance, and shouted to the musketeer beside him: "[Herde] ] Hit his warhorse!"

The furious Winters shot a flying arrow at Qing Feather: "Shut up!"

Too far away, the steel nails lost Get your head right. The green feathers were still fine, and more and more musketeers were turning their guns on Winters.

"Little fellow, stand firm, don't move." Winters said softly to Qiangyun.

Force stood completely motionless, the section of the wall beside him was hit by lead bullets, causing dust and sawdust to fly.

Winters threw off the stirrups, stepped on the saddle, and jumped straight from the gap to the top of the wall with the exclamations of Ciel.

Even the barbarians on the city wall were dumbfounded.

It wasn't until Winters smashed a musketeer's head with his page-turning hammer that the other barbarians woke up.

"[Hedde] is that guy!" The Musketeer and Archer fled to the distance: "[Hedde] that guy is here again!"

"[Herde] German] It's him again! Do you want to come again?" Xun Ying ordered with a resentment: "[Herde] Quiver! Surround that Armored Soldier!" , to allow them to carry quivers beside the chief, as "quiverers".

Twenty quivers in double-armored armour and quivers with hammer axes face the fleeing archers and musketeers and pounce on Winters - Swift Eagle prepares them, just waiting this moment.

Seeing a group of wolf-like savage soldiers attacking Winters, Ciel shouted in a hurry: "Go help the Hundred-Men Commander! Human ladder! Send me to the wall!"

The battlefield was unusually loud, but Winters seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat. There is only one target in his eyes, that is, the horsetail flag and the green feather.

He raised his hand and fired two arrows in a row.

As soon as the shot hit the chest, the quiver stagnates and continues to charge forward.

Another middle visor, with a blood hole on the quiverer's face, fell straight forward.

The formidable power of Winters' Flying Arrows is not enough to penetrate two layers of heavy armor, and must be aimed at the weak points of the visor at close range to kill.

The barbarians come prepared - so what?
Winters pulled the glass bottle out of the bracers, closed his eyes, and crushed it.

Lightning rays of light erupted from his palms, even briefly illuminating the entire fort.

The quiver soldiers were blank at first, then suddenly turned to darkness, covering their eyes one after another and screaming.

A flash of light destroyed the quiver's vision, and Winters charged into the quiver with a page hammer.

The oncoming quiver hit the top of the head, without making a sound, and slumped back to the ground.

The second quiver was knocked to death, but he was not killed instantly. With the last of his strength, he shouted, "[Herde] he's here!"

The other quivers, even if their eyesight had not recovered, still followed the sound.

A quiverer touches Winters' armor and hugs Winters by the waist as if he were going to be snapped in half.

"[Herde] I got him! Kill him!" the quiverer yelled.

With just one sentence, he was blown away by Decomposition Spell.

But more quiverers rushed over to hear the sound, and their eyesight was gradually recovering.

Winters was already in a tight siege. He knocked over the quiver in front of him and smashed the opposite side with a hammer.

As he swung the hammer down, a hammer slammed into his back fiercely.

Winters' body was knocked forward, onto the quiver's body. The impulse was scattered all over his back by the plate armor, and it still hurt so much that he couldn't breathe.

With a wave of his arm, he smashed a quiverer's knee. Twisting his body desperately, he launched Decomposition Spell at the vicious barbarian in front of him.

Hot blood sprayed onto his visor and even flew into his eyes through the viewing window fence.

The dead quiver loses control and slams down on Winters.

"Not good." Winters had only one thought in his head.

Before he could push the corpse away from him, the other quivers rushed towards the corpse.

The internal organs of Winters' limbs are being crushed by little by little - not phantom pain this time, but real pain.

Below the quiver's corpse, Winters growled and wailed like a dying wild beast.

He no longer retains his magic power, launching Decomposition Spell with no directionality, shot after shot.

But it didn't work, he killed the quiverers one by one, the quiver's body still pressing down on him like a mountain, slowly crushing him to death.

Many fragments of life come to mind.

He remembered going to the grave with his mother when he was a child. The mother pointed to two unfamiliar tombstones and told him that these were his parents - from then on, mother became an aunt.

He was ecstatic at the thought of getting his first wooden sword from Antonio. But since then he will be woken up early every day to practice the sword technique, and he has hated that wooden sword since then.

He remembered the fight with Ben Venuto when he first entered Lu You, and the child in the dock area always wanted to teach the child in the military housing area a lesson. After a few fights, everyone became good friends.

He thought of the ugly, wrinkled Elizabeth at birth. Ella has grown into a big girl.

But when Ella was just born, his heart was full of fear that his "parents" would no longer love him unconditionally. Ugh, why did you think that way then?

Finally, he thought of Anna's hair in the sunshine, Anna's raised mouth, sly eyes, and Anna's calling him "Mr. Montagne".

When did he start caring about Nawa Young Lady Lei? He couldn't tell, maybe it started with that slap in the face.

"Will you forget me?" Winters closed his eyes slowly, really tired. Although it is unwilling, it is good to dissipate like this.

He felt his body getting lighter and lighter, and suddenly a strange thought came into his mind: "I'm not going to fucking go to heaven, right?"

Even himself They all laughed at the idea.

No, it's actually getting's the weight that's on my body that's getting lighter.

Beyond the "corpse mountain", Charles fiercely stabbed a knife into the back of the quiver who was still alive, and Heinrich and the other warriors frantically ripped open the corpse of the quiver.

Under the corpse pile, they found the Montagne Hundred-Men Commander.

Ciel took off his helmet with trembling hands, and Winters under the iron helmet seemed to be laughing.

"Why do you want to do this?" Ciel slammed his fist on Winters' breastplate, with a cry in his voice: "You still have us! Why do you always have to go on your own! You still have us? !"

Winters laughed even more.

Others help up the Hundred-Men Commander.

"That's right." Winters said with a smile, "I still have you guys."

"Bang! Bang!" There was a series of gunshots not far away, the living people, The dead were beaten to pieces.

Xun Ying shouted in ecstasy, "[Herde] killed him!"

Winters felt a heat in his stomach, and he subconsciously reached out to touch, only to touch the steel plate - The wound is under the armor.

He sat on the quiver's corpse, struggling to support himself.

"Charle!" Winters pointed at the green feather: "Cut the commander and capture the flag for me!"

"You take care of the Hundred-Men Commander." Heinrich yelled, who was heavily nodded.

Ciel took the flag, raised his saber high, shouted out loudly: "Follow me!"

The warrior at the top of the wall let out a thunderous battle cry and followed Ciel to the horsetail banner the location of.

Witnessing the tragic deaths of all the quiverers, the barbarians on the wall are already courage entirely to break, and they all fled.

Yes, Charles was right. Winters still have them and can count on them.

Winters leaned back against the parapet and watched as Ciel and the other warriors press forward to the ponytail banner, slashing the flagpole.

And that Qing Lingyu plucked out his own and fled to somewhere unknown.

The Palatine flag replaced the horsetail banner, and the Palatine people in the fortress became very popular.

The barbarian seems to have had his spine removed, and no longer has that fierce energy.

"Get out of the gap and let them out!" Colonel Bode roared and ordered.

The soldiers guarding the gap backed up to the hatchback, giving way to escape. So far, the barbarian has completely lost his will to resist.

At first, a barbarian dropped his weapon and fled, and all barbarians were routing in the blink of an eye.

"Long live!" The Platoon soldiers cheered loudly: "Long live!"

But soon no one shouted again, and the brave Platoon soldier's face was now Fear appeared.

The rumbling of hooves came from the northwest and southwest, and everyone knew what it meant.

"The barbarians are coming!" Anglo rode Ryzhik into the fortress and warned everyone: "The barbarians are coming."

There were also several Dussacks with him. Behind Anglo, but far fewer than the Dussacks sent by Winters.

"Block the door." Colonel Bode yelled hoarsely: "Seal the breach!"

The Platonic soldier who came back to his senses moved everything at hand to the base Wall gaps - even dead bodies.

Anglo found Winters and saw the appearance of Hundred-Men Commander, tears welling in his eyes.

"What are you crying for, I'm not dead yet." Winters gave the stablemate a weak look and asked, "What about the others?"

"We were scattered, they It should be back to the main camp. The barbarians who attacked the main camp have been defeated and have been driven out of the trench by General Arpad."

Suddenly there was a neighing sound of a warhorse from the gap, and a grassy yellow warhorse leaped in The gap that hasn't been closed yet. Immediately after, three horses filed in.

"It's a barbarian!" Some Platoon soldiers shouted in horror. More Platonic soldiers took up arms.

The four reckless savages were quickly surrounded and killed, and the horses were also stabbed to death and carried to the gap to act as a barricade.

Heinrich supported Winters, who sat against the wall. He gave the latter another sip of the spirits in the jug—a conventional pain relief method.

Then the two took off Winters' breastplate, and Charles took the lead. The lead didn't penetrate deeply into the body, and it didn't hurt the abdominal organs. It only took two daggers to get it out.

“How is he?” Colonel Bode asked Heinrich and Shire, coming to Winters.

"I'm fine." Winters tried to force a smile.

After a brief wash, Ciel began stitching up the wound. He hadn't done

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