Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 207


Chapter 207 Finale (Part 1)

The southern highland fort that once belonged to the Paratus, now very quiet.

The barbarians have learned and imitated, not lighting lights or raising fires, so that the attackers can't see the layout of the wall. However, the fire is arranged in the open area outside the trench, which makes people have nowhere to hide.

The Paratus must retake the Southern Highlands, and the Hudds know it too.

Under the night, the dark tide surged.

A meteor streaked across the sky with a long trail, disappeared in an instant.

"Kill!" A man's desperate roar came from out of nowhere.

The snare drums rumbled and the horns stinged everyone's eardrums.

A group of humans jumped out of the darkness, carrying crude wooden ladders, and roaring towards the fortress: "Uukhai!"

The red light of the northern highland fortress flashed, and there was zero sound. Fragmented gunshots.

But the muskets don't have enough range to get from the North High to the South, where troops can only give friendly forces a boost.

Amid the deafening cries of killing and drums, the fortress is like a wild beast dormant in the shadows, still very quiet.

Wild beast stretched out his fangs as the Platoons crossed the fire.

A series of bowstring vibrations resounded on the wall, and the Platoons who rushed forward were shot down one after another.

The fire was quickly put out, and everyone was a blur in the darkness.

Shaved hair and a red ribbon on his left arm, the Platonic soldier leaped over the corpse of his comrade and charged into the trench screaming.

The battle has begun, but Winters stands still.

He crouched on the dirt slope, his head sideways listening to another battle.

The gendarmerie and flag-bearer Charles and Heinrich stood behind Winters, followed by two other soldiers of the Hundred Men Squad, and then Andre and Mason's troops.

Jesska battallion ambushed two hundred meters from the southeast corner of the fort, and will be exposed further forward.

According to the original plan, the death row camp took the lead in feigning the northeast corner of the fort.

After the barbarian's attention was drawn away, it was Jesska's turn to battallion.

The killing call fades away - this is normal.

Because once they started fighting face to face, everyone clenched their teeth and pursed their lips, unable to utter even the shortest cursing.

The muffled sound and screams of the blunt weapon hitting the human body replaced the screaming.

Winters rubbed his thumb lightly on the hilt. He was still nervous, excited, and scared, but he had learned to be patient.

Except the Musketeer, all of his men had changed into one-handed swords and shields, and wore all the armor they could find.

Super long spear doesn't come in handy in night battles, neither does long halberd.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska came up from behind, bent over.

Winters turned around and gave a small salute.

Lieutenant Colonel patted Winters lightly on the shoulder and asked in a low voice, "See where the cannon is?"

"No... it doesn't matter, it's there anyway."

Nominally, the raid on the Southern Highland fort was directed by Colonel Laszlo.

However, Colonel Laszlo basically has a walking corpse at present, so the battle plan is actually drawn up by Lieutenant Colonel Jesska and Lieutenant Colonel Robert.

The two lieutenant colonels agreed that capturing the Southern Highlands fort was an impossible task.

Take it tonight, and the Hurds can take it again tomorrow. With only the strength at hand, it is impossible to fight a war of attrition.

But you can think about it differently: the threat of the southern highland fort is not the fortress, but the artillery on the highland.

After capturing the fort, the White Lion immediately pushed the cannon to the heights and crossed the "pontoon bridge" of the strikes of the Palatine camp.

Only a test launch before dusk sank two pontoons. This is a threat that the Platoons cannot bear.

On the other hand, as long as the cannon can be destroyed, it doesn't matter if the highland fortress is given to the barbarians.

What the Paratus need most now is time. As long as they can buy two more days, the bridge will be able to reach the other side of the river.

The frontmost bridge pile is less than 50 meters away from the east bank, which is really only a little short.

Someone waving a torch under the hillside, disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

It was the agreed signal that Winters and Lieutenant Colonel Jesska exchanged one last glance.

“Go!” Winters ordered softly.

He took off his shield, lowered his body as low as possible, and approached the trench.

Charr carried five spare weapons, Heinrich rolled up his flag, and they followed Winters closely.

Winters' actions are silent signals, his warriors streaming from cover.

Different from the death row, the Montagne team didn't play trumpets, drums, or shout kills, but just lowered their bodies and walked quickly.

More than a hundred infantrymen pulled into two loose straight lines on the hillside, and the footsteps were rustling.

The wall remained silent.

The quieter it was, the more nervous Winters was.

It was already less than ten meters away from the fire, so even the figure could no longer hide.

"Wet blankets!" Winters ordered in a low voice, reaching out without looking back.

Charle unrolled the wet blanket, ignoring Winters' request, and strode forward to smother the fire.

There was a sour clatter of a bow from the wall.

"Raise your shield!" Winters rushed over and pulled Ciel behind him, and immediately shouted with loudspeaker: "Watch out for bows and arrows!"

Before he finished speaking, the arrows It came like rain.

Winters raised his shield to protect his visor, three crisp sounds, and three arrows bounced off his shield and breastplate one after another.

He felt like he had been stoned three times, and he was fine.

Other fires nearby have also been smothered.

Winters shouted out loudly: "Attack!"

It was no longer necessary to cover up, Heinrich unfolded his flag, and the mournful charge horn sounded.

"Uukhai!" The Montagne team let go, shouting and charging for the wall.

The Paratus considered the loss of the fort, so the walls on the side of the fort toward the camp were lower and the trenches were shallower.

But it's still a daunting fortification that will take your life to fill.

Twenty steps forward, another round of arrow rain.

This time Winters only heard a crisp sound, he was not afraid of bows and arrows, he was waiting for the sound of gunfire.

The entire Montagne team wears armor, and some even wear a tie in addition to the plate armor. Bows and arrows don't want to kill unless they hit straight or aim precisely.

Within ten meters from the trench, Winters saw the red light flashed on the wall in front of him.

“Hold up your shield!” he yelled, raising his shield subconsciously.

The sound of gunshots resounded on the wall.


Winters only felt his left arm go numb from the shock, and the buckshot penetrated the outer iron and inner wood of the shield, and finally hit his left breastplate. smash.

Even though the breastplate wasn't pierced, Winters still felt a tightness in his chest.

The thing he was most worried about was still here. Only the Chihe Division of the White Lions of the allied forces would be equipped with muskets in large numbers, and only the Chihe Division had enough gunpowders in reserve.

There are musketeers on the wall, which means that we have to meet force with force tonight with the Red River Department.

In the face of the Montagne team, who had no casualties with bows and arrows, a dozen people were knocked down by muskets in an instant.

"Ladders!" Winters eye socket cracked, but at the moment only forge ahead: "Grenades!"

"Uukhai!" The warriors carried the ladders over the trenches.

The top of the ladder is equipped with a hook, which cannot be pushed out if it gets stuck.

Montagne's warriors begin their climb with their shields on.

"Uukhai!" Eighteen grenadiers threw their sizzling iron-shell bombs into the wall.

A series of dull explosions sounded inside the fort.

Grenadiers are physically strong men selected from the entire battallion, and Winters gave them a simple order: throw all four grenades in one minute.

The two-pound iron-clad bombs flew in arcs and flew behind the wall, but failed to kill the enemy on the wall as effectively as Winters expected.

Meanwhile, the musketeers and archers on the wall returned fire.

The buckshot and arrows flew horizontally. Even though Winters' deflecting technique had achieved a little, he still couldn't deal with so many stray arrows and stray bullets.

He simply stopped maintaining the deflection technique, waved his arms and shouted: "Climb the wall! Climb..."

"Be careful!" Ciel exclaimed from behind.

The next second, with a loud bang, Winters was overturned by the air wave.

Not far from where he was standing, a grenadier was blown off in the middle, and dirt, minced meat, and blood flew everywhere.

"Are you all right?" Ciel frantically rummaged through Winters' wounds: "Blood!"

"It's all right! It's not my blood." The lead-filled steel pipe was fiercely pumped to his chest, his breathing was stuffy, and the ringing in his ears even drowned out Ciel's voice.

What happened?
Winters don't need to ask, anyone can see it at a glance.

The grenadier was struck by a buckshot in the neck as soon as he ignited the pill. The moment before he fell to the ground, he tried his best to press the grenade under his body.

The blood-stained face once belonged to a wolf town man named Mihaly. Protestant, tenant farmer, nineteen years old, very clean, unmarried.

Pain, anger and powerlessness are all emotions Winters can feel.

He strode toward the wall.

"The lieutenant colonel won't let you go to the city!" Shire tried desperately to hold Winters, but he couldn't: "You can't go!"

Heinrich with the flag , followed silently behind Hundred-Men Commander.

The wall was less than three meters high, and the barbarians on the wall knew that this height would not kill anyone, and they had no other defense equipment, so they desperately used muskets and hard bows to kill and injure the attackers.

Picking up a shield from the corpse, Winters climbed up without a word.

The two warriors holding on to the ladder were stunned for a moment, and then held on to the ladder harder, not letting it shake.

The ladder was slippery because it was covered in blood.

The archers and musketeers on the other wall noticed the prominently armored Hundred-Men Commander and turned their guns on Winters.

Winters struggled to maintain the deflector, clenching his teeth and crawling upwards with his shield on his back.

"Why did he go up again!" Seeing this scene, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska was furious: "Didn't I strictly forbid him from going to the city?!"

No one dared to answer.

The lieutenant colonel ordered the second cell of the Cellini team to arrive on the field: "Lieutenant Cellini! Go and capture another wall!"

Although the southern highland fort was very crude, it Still a star-shaped fortress. Attacking any wall alone will expose the sides and even the back to the other wall.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska just asked Andre to put pressure on the other wall to reduce the pressure on the Montagne team.

The Mason team arrived slowly, and the musketeers formed a formation amid the shouts of Lieutenant Mason, and began to suppress the barbarians on the wall.

About to climb to the top of the ladder, Winters lifts the head, only to see the black muzzle of the gun against his forehead.

A ferocious barbarian with a musket in his hand, with a grim expression on his face, was about to buckle his launcher immediately.

Winters is maintaining a skewer and it's too late to switch to another spell.

In desperation, he grabbed the barrel of the gun and pushed it desperately high.

Barbarian presses down on the launcher, and the lead flies past his helmet. Through the glove, his palm was also shaken and painful.

Winters grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled it out with all his strength. The barbarians were also ruthless, and gnashing teeth refused to let go.

The stalemate lasted for less than a second, Winters shouted out loudly, and the barbarian was forcibly "pulled" out of the wall by him.

The barbarian musketeer fell heavily from the city, and was instantly stabbed to death by the Platonic sword.

But until the very last moment of his life, he held on to his musket and did not let go.

"[Hedde] White Lion!" The barbarian squeezed out a discordant voice, and then died.

"Hooray!" shouted the Platonic man under the wall.

Montagne Hundred-Men Commander's 'feat' is seen by all under the wall.

"Long live!" The musketeers also shouted desperately.

Winters didn't even know it, he didn't even know the crowd was calling for him.

He leaped up the city wall and drew his saber.

In his heart there is no joy of success, only endless anger: in the small space inside the fort, there are barbarians everywhere.

The White Lion knew they were coming, and the White Lion was waiting for them.

His warriors were still crawling up the wall, and Winters couldn't make them retreat.

Their mission has not been completed, and it is impossible to retreat.

"Come on!" Winters roared at the enemy on the wall: "Come and kill me!"

There is no reason to say that only one side can survive.

A barbarian musketeer hurriedly grabbed his gun when he saw the Palatine Hundred-Men Commander rushing towards him.

Only when I buckled down the launch rod, I found out that the matchlock was not attached, and went to touch the handle again. Before he could pull out his machete, Winters' cage sword had been thrust into his chest.

The blade pierced the lobe of the lung from between the ribs, leaving a horrific wound. The alveoli were pushed into the trachea by atmospheric pressure, and the barbarian musketeer vomited bloody bubbles and slowly fell to the ground.

And the man who killed him has drawn his sword to kill the next man.

As more and more Palatians climbed the city, the barbarian shooters and musketeers suffered heavy casualties, and the pressure on others outside the wall plummeted.

None of the barbarians' archers and musketeers are unarmored, and neither is Winters' combined enemy.

For those non-lethal attacks, Winters didn't even dodge, relying on the strong armor to resist.

The barbarian slashed on his shoulders, armguards and breastplate, and it only hurt him a lot.

In exchange, his sword will kill the barbarian.

After knocking down more than a dozen enemies in a row, the all around Winters had formed a vacuum, and the archer and musketeers on the wall were desperately trying to escape him.

The barbarian leader shouted hoarsely: "[Herde] these two legs are awesome! The musket hit him! The musket hit him!"

The voice came from under the wall, the wall Winters couldn't see where the barbarian leader was.

He shot three steel nails in a row in the general direction, and that annoying sound never appeared again.

The Platonics had taken up an area on the rampart, and Andre had climbed up.

Seeing the large number of brutal soldiers inside the fortress, Andre couldn't help but curse.

The barbarian archers and musketeers have retreated to the rest of the fortress, while armored and sword-wielding barbarians continue to emerge from the stairs.

Winters looked all around and saw only gun mounts and no cannons on the wall.

However, the scout only saw the White Lion move the cannon into the fort, but did not see the White Lion move the cannon away.

"The death row is silent! We're the only ones left!" Andre grabbed Winters: "Where's the cannon?"

"Moved away!"

Andre was anxious: "Then what should we do?"

"It's in this fortress!" Winters' face was hidden under his helmet, and Andre couldn't see his expression: "Go to Fight!"

During the conversation, the brute shouted and attacked the upper base wall again: "Woo kaha!"

The strong brute rushing in front held Warhammer high. , slammed into Tao Marsh in front of Winters.

Poor Tamarsh raised his shield to block, only blocking the first blow. He stabbed back with his side sword, but was blocked by his breastplate.

The strong brute forcefully stabbed with a straight stab, and smashed Tamarsh's brain with a hammer with a rounded arm.

Seeing all this, Winters threw away Andre, raised his sword and threw at the hammer-wielding brute, and slashed at the opponent's neck with all his strength.

His sword was already curled, and the brute had neck armor. Only sparks flying in all directions, no blood.

The brute wanted to repeat the same trick, but Winters' sword was so powerful that it staggered his feet.

Not waiting for the Brute to regain its focus, Winters grabbed the Brute's helmet with an unreserved Decomposition Spell.

The head of the Hammer Brute was instantly torn apart in the helmet, and red and white flowed out from the gap of the armor.

The other brute soldiers around were so frightened that they not only dared not move forward, but also retreated a few steps.

Winters reaches for Warhammer the brute, his cage sword out of use.

"Please use this." A page hammer was handed from behind.

Charle also climbed the wall at some point.

Heinrich with the military flag also came, as well as Ish, Samukin... those who were still alive came.

Winters took the page hammer and burst out laughing.

He tore off the barbarian's red and white helmet and threw it at the barbarians in the fort.

"White Lion!" Winters ·Montagne's roar pierced the cloud and cracked the stone: "What if you knew I was coming?! Lao Tzu still pierced you!"

"Kill!" Winters pounces on the barbarian in the stairs.

"Hooray!" the Montagne warriors roared in unison.

The siegeists with the disadvantaged numbers not only failed to defend the city wall, but pushed the defenders off the city wall—partially.

The stairs and corridors inside the fort are narrow, and no matter how many people there are, they cannot be used.

The person at the front who is in contact with the enemy has almost no room to turn around. Under the hammer with a blunt weapon, he could only raise his shield or even his arm to resist.

The attack has only two lines, one is to smash from top to bottom, the other is to stab forward, there is no room for people to slash left and right.

In less than 3 minutes, Winters who rushed to the front had been smashed many times.

The sword technique would have allowed him to subconsciously avoid the point, yet he still inevitably became dull and numb.

He uses spell without reservation, reaping his life like a legendary court wizard.

He no longer uses Decomposition Spell or other formidable power terrifying spells, all his "magic" is used on the most efficient and most practiced spell - Flying Arrow
He almost launched the flying arrow technique against the target's forehead, and it was impossible to miss, and there was no chance to dodge.

The number of Paratus people is at an absolute disadvantage, but with the imposing manner of life and death, they have faintly overwhelmed the barbarians.

People stick to people, and the musketeers of the barbarians are afraid of accidental injury and dare not shoot.

The barbarians also realized this, and a voice shouted desperately: "[Herde] Don't be afraid! Shoot them! Kill them all! Hit the leader!"

The barbarian musketeers were hesitating, and the voice shouted: "[Hedde] Get out of the way! I'm coming!"

In the corridor inside the fort, there was a "hong" shot, and the wooden ceiling was shaken. trembling.

The Hurd in the front right of Winters was killed on the spot, and the voice shouted again: "[Herd] Go on! Hit him! Hit those two bosses!"

In Under the pressure of that voice, a Heard musketeer gritted his teeth and opened fire. The lead hit the wooden wall, and the sawdust flew.

The other musketeers gritted their teeth and held their muskets.

Winters and Andre looked at each other and dashed forward in unison.

There is no way out. Only by desperately moving forward can there be a glimmer of survival.

A few more shots were fired.

Andrei was tall and strong, regardless of rushing forward, the enemy in front of him was forcibly knocked to the ground.

Winters followed closely behind Andre, making sure he didn't get hit in the back, the back of the head.

Winters saw the shouting barbarian. When he was ten steps away from the other party, he grasped the steel nail and raised his hand.

The cold glow flashed, and the barbarian's eyes turned into blood holes. He leaned against the wall and sat down slowly, his head drooping weakly.

The barbarians in the corridor scattered as birds and beasts, rolling and crawling to escape.

"Haha." Andre leaned against the wall, his laughter came from his helmet, sounding muffled: "Are we buddies okay?"

" Always the best." Winters bumped fists with Andre.

"Tick, tick."

It was the sound of blood dripping to the ground.

Andre raised his arm to bump his fist, then tilted his head and seemed to smile bitterly: "I said...why is it numb?"

His right arm has changed. Turned into rotten flesh, a thirty-gram lead bullet pierced through his arm armor, blasting open in his muscles, leaving a terrifying wound.

The blood dripped into Andre's gloves and dripped to the ground.

Winters hurriedly removed Andre's cuffs and pulled out the belt to stop Andre's bleeding.

"I can't help you guys." Andrei sat on the ground and said nonchalantly, "The rest is up to you."

"Stop talking... Stop talking..." Winters seemed to be crying, but no one could see his face hidden under his helmet.

The blood loss made Andre very tired, and he whispered, "I want to rest for a while..."


Meanwhile, Jay Lieutenant Colonel Shika also climbed the wall.

The lieutenant colonel swept the fort with his one eye and had a general idea.

"Sure enough." The lieutenant colonel asked, "Where's the cannon?"

"Not on the wall," replied the wounded soldier beside him.

“What about the Montagne Hundred-Men Commander and the Cellini Hundred-Men Commander?” the lieutenant colonel asked again.

"We're going to the fort."

"It's impossible to take back the Southern Highlands!" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska said to the messenger, "Send the signal!"

The messenger listened to the order and cautiously took out a wooden box containing three flares.

The messenger found fire and set it off.

Three green flares screeched into the air and exploded.

A short while later, another red flare screeched into the air and exploded.

Not from the east of the fort, but from the west of the fort!



The sky-shattering battle cry of Palatu rang out, not from the fortress It came from the east, but from the west of the fort.

A landslide and tsunami of hoofs are approaching the South Highland fort.

"Uukhai!" A black-armored cavalry with short guns leaped into the fort, not from somewhere else, but from the place where the barbarians came in during the day.

The gap that the barbarians collapsed was only repaired by wooden fences. Because the gap in the west was closer to their camp, it was just right for the transport of troops and artillery.

The Hurds attacked from the west and the Paratus attacked from the east, which was a mental trap.

And the Platoons are going to hit through the gap in the west today.

The left and right hands of the black armored cavalry who jumped into the fort each held a short gun.

After him, more black-armored cavalry jumped into the fortress, and they all slashed with their swords after firing two shots.

The barbarian defenders of the fort also noticed the difference, and the musketeers and archers ran to the west to build the wall.

After the forty or so black armored cavalry, there were thirty or so Dussac light cavalry, including Pierre, Anglo, Bell and Wasika.

Afterwards, hundreds of Platonic swordsmen and halberdists poured into the fort.

Laszlo battallion is here.

The death row is a feint, and the Jesska battallion is also a feint.

Colonel Laszlo's standing army battalion and Lieutenant Colonel Custer's pistol cavalry were the main attacking force.

Robert Battallion was in charge of the rear.

This was originally a plan of "death row and Jieska battallion to attract the enemy's attention, the main force to sneak attack from the side and rear, and to retake the fort in one fell swoop".

But this plan has now gone bankrupt, because there are too many barbarians in the fortress, too many for the Paratus to clear in a short time.

And reinforcements from the White Lion will arrive at any time.

The plan can only be turned into a main force to attract the enemy's attention, creating opportunities for Jesska battallion to destroy the cannon.

Hundreds of cavalrymen rushed into the narrow fortress, which suddenly became extremely crowded.

The cavalry was inconvenient to move, but was dragged off the horse by the barbarians fighting on foot.

Lieutenant Colonel Custer also found that the situation was not right, and planned a charge to defeat the defenders, but the number of defenders was unimaginable.

It's impossible to withdraw again now, and the battle has completely turned into a big melee, it depends on who can't hold back first.


The brute defending the fort was pinched from both sides, and the pressure on Winters plummeted.

He led the surviving men on a rampage inside the fort.

"Cannon!" Someone suddenly shouted in surprise from behind.

In a large warehouse inside the fort, four golden twelve-pound bronze cannons lay quietly on the ground.

"Nails! Hammers!"

Charle rummaged through to find six large steel nails for destroying artillery pieces.

Each nail is thicker than a thumb, ideal for tougher bronze cannons.

"All nailed to death!"

Without a hammer, a knife handle, a stone, and the fire door of the four bronze cannons were quickly nailed to death.

Winters took out the casting materials and filled each cannon with a blast of molten iron, making sure the shells didn't fit into the barrels.

After doing all this, he seemed to be drained of all his strength in an instant, "Come on, our mission is over."

I originally wanted to finish writing a chapter, but found a I still can't write the chapter, the emotions are too long...

Thanks to the book friends for reading, subscribing, recommending tickets, monthly tickets, tips and comments.

[Draw a map of the battle of Netherworld River, which can be found in this chapter and in the circle of book friends.

The battles in this chapter are also sketched, but will be drawn a little later. ]

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