Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 208


Chapter 208 Finale (middle)

The harsh sound of the gong spread throughout every corner of the fortress, This is a signal to retreat, meaning [the artillery has been destroyed].

The barbarians in the fort were surprised to find that the two-legged people who were still fighting with their lives one second ago would run away the next second.

The Palatine who poured into the gap like a tide, and receded like a tide.

Run! run! Run away! Run back to the camp to live!

This is everyone's opinion.

Because the white lion is here.

The barbarians in the fortress are already too many for them to deal with. What if they add barbarian reinforcements? The raiding force will be wiped out in an instant.

But the barbarian reinforcements did not head straight into the fort, but moved towards the fort and the camp.

Does the white lion want to swallow this lone army in one bite? Or does he have bigger plans?

Winters didn't have the energy to think.

He used lance and clothes to make a makeshift stretcher, and Heinrich carried Andre, who had only one breath left, moved towards the camp under the hillside and ran wildly.

The moon was so dim that I couldn't see the road at all, so I could only run deep and shallow.

Winters' legs were as heavy as lead, and his armor seemed to weigh thousands of pounds.

He gritted his teeth and stepped forward step by step. Jesska battallion and those who were still alive followed him.

Winters felt like he was flying when he stumbled on something under his feet.

In less than a second of gliding, he fell heavily to the ground.

Heinrich issued a cry out in surprise, and the other warriors helped up the Hundred-Men Commander.

The blunt force wound just now started to hurt, and there wasn't a muscle on Winters' body that didn't hurt, even itchy.

He couldn't tell what was phantom pain and what was physical feedback.

a certain moment, he really wanted to just lie on the ground and lie down.

But he still struggled to his feet.

“How is Andre?” he asked.

"It's all right!" Heinrich replied quickly: "It didn't hit the Cellini Hundred-Men Commander!"

Winters unhooked and ripped off his helmet.

Stray bullets, flying arrows... He was too lazy to worry anymore, at this moment he just wanted to breathe some fresh air.

There were clearly audible shouts and gunshots in the direction of the camp, and Winters saw the lights flickering near the camp wall.

Apparently, the outflanking brute was at war with the garrison.

The white lion not only wants to eat the troops attacking the fort, but also wants to break down the camp in one fell swoop - at least to see if there is an opportunity.

In the direction of the fortress behind everyone, there was also the sound of shouting and the sound of weapons colliding.

It was Robert Battallion in the rear who was fighting the brute who came out.

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back. If we say that there was an opportunity to "take advantage of the time difference to withdraw to the camp while the enemy is not in place".

So now Winters can conclude: it's too late.

"It's too late!" Winters spat: "The whole team! Fight back!"

Winters stopped, and the other warriors around him stopped.

The militiamen at the back came one after another, and everyone was exhausted.

The fully loaded Jesska battallion has six hundred and sixty militiamen and five officers.

From Bianli all the way back to the Netherworld River, there were less than 300 people around Winters who could breathe.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska rushed to the front of the queue.

Seeing this situation, the lieutenant colonel took the battallion flag from the flag-holding soldiers: "Everyone, go to the flag to form a team!"

The militiamen dragged their tired bodies , step by step moved towards Flag move.

At the moment on the battlefield, the sound of horse hooves is heard in all directions in the west, but the roaring horse hooves in front are obviously getting closer.

Everyone ran towards the flag as if they were whipped to the back.

Jesska Battallion has no formation at this moment, elbow to elbow, shoulder to shoulder, and everyone is trying their best to squeeze into the center.

What if they form a square? Without super long spears, everyone only has short weapons and muskets, how to fight barbarian cavalry?

The sound of hooves getting closer and closer, and everyone became more and more panicked.

People stick to people, matchlock shooters can't shoot at all. Sword and shield hand can not fight.

"Musketeers!" Winters yelled loudspeaker: "Get outside!"

Mason was equally anxious, shouting hoarsely, "Musketeers! Get outside!"

The crowd is like a headless fly, how can the formation change be completed?

It was no use shouting, and Winters went straight to it, pulling the musketeers out of the wall one by one.

But the sound of the hooves was getting closer, and it was too late.

"It's us! Don't shoot!" shouted the visitor.

Pierre rushed out of the night, the Dussacs following him. There were also some pistol cavalry among the Dussac light cavalry.

"What's the matter?" Winters took hold of Pierre's horse by the bridle.

After the retreat was ordered, the Palatine cavalry were the first to leave the battle. Winters thought they had withdrawn safely to the camp.

"The barbarians are blocking the front! We are separated from Lieutenant Colonel Custer!" Pierre replied briefly: "The barbarians are coming this way!
Behind Pierre, more The sound of terrifying hooves was approaching.

In the middle of the crowd, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, who held the flag high, suddenly shouted: "Musketeers stand! Others get down! "

Everyone not knowing what to do upon hearing this order.

Suddenly, Winters divine light flashed.

"Get down!" Get down! ' he ordered with amplicon: 'The Musketeers stand! Only the musketeers are allowed to stand! "

The magic-amplified voice reached everyone's ears clearly.

Understanding or not, the militiamen subconsciously obeyed the orders of the Montagne Hundred-Men Commander.


One person is on the ground, others are on the ground, and more and more people are on the ground.

The crowd becomes loose - because it takes more to lie down than to stand With more space, the formation began to expand.

Mason also figured out what Lieutenant Colonel Jesska meant.

“Musketeers must not get down! Lieutenant Mason pulled up the musketeer who was lying on the ground: "Stand up for me!" Cowardly Slash! ”

Soon, only the musketeer was standing on this hillside, and everyone else was already in a lying position.

The shooting space that wasn't there just now is now there.

"Ready for matchlock! Load up the ammo! Shoot at my command! ” Winters roared as he walked: “Others! Stand up at the command! "

A group of musketeers woke up like a dream, and took out the paper bags containing gunpowder and buckshot, and started the loading process.

"Mr. Mitchell!" "Lieutenant Colonel Jessica in the center of the circle shouted at Pierre: "The cavalry is under your command!" Take them to the back! ”

Pierre raised his hand in salute from a distance, whistled, and led the cavalry toward the hillside.

The sound of the rolling hooves was getting closer, not this time. It is his own cavalry, but a vicious barbarian.

One cavalry, two cavalry... Hurd's light cavalry filed out from the night.

Seeing the strange formation of the Platonic people , the barbarian who ran at the front was shocked and suspicious, and did not dare to move forward for a while.

But as a red feather feather arrived on the battlefield, the barbarian's actions became organized.

More than 300 barbarians, about 100 dismounted from their horses, and removed an object from their backs.

Winters could see that the barbarians were holding muskets, and they were actually mounted musketeers.

The barbarian musketeer loaded the ammunition, hung up the matchlock, and moved towards Jieska battallion.

The remaining two hundred cavalrymen were divided into two groups, one left Flanking on the right.

A hundred cavalry surrounds and can wrap thousands of people.

The thunder-like sound of horse hooves came from all directions, and some of the militiamen lying on the ground tried their best to bury their heads in the grass. , as if he could escape the catastrophe.

The musketeer of the barbarian walked to about 60 meters and began to shoot at Jesska battallion.

The lead flew horizontally, one after another. The Musketeers are down.

If you shoot at the barbarians, hit them.

"Aim at their cavalry! Do not be afraid! "Winters looked at the distance of the barbarian cavalry: "Musketeer!" preparation! ”

Fifty meters.

There are Platonic people praying with trembling.

Forty meters.

The sound of hoofs is deafening .

Thirty meters.

Winters could already see the heat from the enemy horses.

He yelled, "Fire! ”

Each Platoon musketeer pressed the firing rod without the slightest hesitation.

The sound of more than two hundred muskets firing was like a shot.

The savage cavalry at the front was knocked down like a scythe cutting wheat.

The savages in the back gritted their teeth, bowed their bodies, and continued to charge forward.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska yelled: "Stand up! Everyone! "

"Stand up!" "Winters pulled up the warrior beside him, activated the amplification technique, and ordered sharply: "Stand up! "

The militia could not carry out such a tactical order, nor could the standing army.

But the Winters warriors trusted him as much as they trusted their own eyes and hands.

Hearing Winters' orders, the Montagne warrior stood up without hesitation.

Some militiamen dared not stand up, and more militiamen followed the Montagne warrior.

Just like a dragon's tooth planted in the ground grows into a warrior, the Paratus "drilled" out of the ground.

There are no suitable words to describe the shock felt by the barbarians.

The savages are so close to Jesska battallion, they only need to do one thing - bang.

The outermost warrior has closed his eyes.

But what? It didn't happen either.

The barbarian's warhorse neighed, raising its front hooves high, almost standing.

The front barbarian was less than three meters away from the Jesska battallion where he stopped.

Are the riders afraid? Or the horses?
Winters didn't know, but he saw an opportunity.

Only a few savages were too late Slowing down and rushing into the crowd, the rider was thrown off the saddle directly, and several militiamen who were too late to dodge were knocked into the air.

The barbarian's charge did not exert the formidable power it should have, and the Paratus did not rout. .

The battle turns into a fair hand-to-hand fight.

"Kill! "Winters lunges at the enemy with his saber.

"Uukhai! "Every warrior in Jesska battallion raised their weapons and charged towards the barbarians closest to them.

"Uukhai! "Even the musketeers raised their butts and screamed to kill the enemy.

The barbarians also came back to his senses. Although the charge was interrupted, they still had the strength to fight.

The barbarian on horseback wields a machete condescendingly, severing arms and necks with a single slash.

Jesska battallion's warrior grabs the reins of the warhorse and stabs the enemy with his sword like a madman.


The gunshots of "bang, bang" kept ringing. It wasn't the Platoons who were shooting, but the musketeers of the barbarians.

The lead was flying around, and I didn't know how to hit it. Whoever wins, both sides are fighting against their own identified enemies.

“Ура! "Pierre led the last of his cavalry down the hill.

He did not join the melee - in the dark the Paratus couldn't tell the difference between foe and foe, and killed the horse when he saw him - but circled around. Cross the battlefield and rush to the barbarian musketeers behind.

There was also a battle cry from behind the barbarian musketeers, and more than two dozen black armored cavalrymen pulled into a straight line. The imposing manner of charging was better than the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses: "Uukhai! "

The black armored cavalry did not hesitate to smash the line of barbarian musketeers.

Lieutenant Colonel Custer is back!
"Lieutenant Montagne ! "Lieutenant Colonel Jesska pulled Winters out of the melee.

"It worked! "Winters gasped, unable to hide his excitement: "We did it!" The barbarian is afraid! "

"It's not over yet! "Lieutenant Colonel Jesska handed the flag to Winters: "Second Lieutenant Montagne!" You are the pioneer! "

"Yes! "Winters salutes earnestly.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska seems to be laughing as he puts his helmet on Winters and taps: "Don't be so rash again. "

"Got it. "Winters nodded again and again, and Lieutenant Colonel Jesska suddenly became gentle, which made him a little uncomfortable.

A gunshot suddenly sounded in the distance.

There were shouts, The screams and the collision of weapons, Winters should not have noticed the gunshot, but he really heard it.

He also heard a sharp cracking sound, as if there was a gust of wind blowing. His face.

Then there was a crisp ping, a sound Winters knew well, the sound of lead smashing against armor.

Lead shards It even splashed onto Winters' visor.

Winters closed his eyes, but he didn't feel the impact of the buckshot.

He opened his eyes in horror: "Lieutenant Colonel! You..."

"Winters..." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska was unusually calm, even calmer than he was usually: "I...I can't seem to see..."

[It is recommended that you refresh and watch it first.]
[Originally, "The End" should only be up and down, but Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's "exit" should get a chapter.

Of course not It is said that Lieutenant Colonel Jesska will retire in this story, but he will be off stage temporarily. Losing the other eye is also what happened to Jan Jesska of parallel universe. This makes the story suddenly feel a little fatalistic. .]
[About the tactical action of "lying down", this simple action appeared on the battlefield earlier than most people imagined. In the general impression, it should be that bombs and rifled guns gradually became popular in the 19th century Afterwards, the soldiers will "lie down".

In fact, at least as early as 1554 at the Battle of Cheresole, the Swiss mercenaries were already using the "lie down" action. I remember that the Spanish phalanx also used I have used a similar tactic. Soldiers lie on the ground and let the enemy's lead and shells fly over their heads.

But this tactic has high requirements on "morale and subjective initiative". If morale and subjective Troops with relatively low mobility will probably not get up after they fall down...

Morale and subjective initiative are things with a high upper limit and a low lower limit. The troops of the "Frederick Great Emperor" once描述为“只要在战场上散开编队,就一定会有士兵逃跑”——当然这个也可能是敌人污蔑。士气很旺盛的部队也有62年战争那些英雄的例子。]

(End of this chapter)

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