Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 206


Chapter 206, Act II

No more insects, no more birds, complete silence Murderous intention down the forest everywhere.

Therefore, the series of hooves in the distance is particularly abrupt.

The soldiers on the battalion wall set up their muskets and pointed in the direction of the sound of the hoofs, their fingers resting on the firing rod.

The smoldering matchlock flickers on and off, the musketeer's taut jaws faintly discernible, and everyone unconsciously swallowed saliva.

Three riders broke through the night and moved towards the camp gate.

Seeing the leader's black armor and silver horse, the sergeant on the camp wall immediately shouted: "Don't shoot! It's the Montagne Hundred-Men Commander!"

The camp wall sounded With a panting sound, the musketeers snapped the Medicine Pond cover, unlocked the matchlock, placed their muskets against the wall, and returned to their stand-by stance.

"Open the door!"


The heavy wooden gate slowly rose, and the three riders had just entered the door, and immediately It crashed down again.

The two riders went to rest their horses, and the leading rider went straight to the command post.

The command post was deserted, with only a few people inside.

"How?" Lieutenant Colonel Robert asked without looking up, chin resting, staring at the map.

"I headed north and then west after leaving the bridge forest. I ran for at least two kilometers before I encountered the enemy's light horse." Winters took off his helmet and pointed out the approximate range on the map: "I didn't find it in the bridge forest. There is no trace of the Hurds, not even a rabbit."

The barbarians don't look like they are going to attack the Bridgewood camp - at least not from the north, this is the conclusion that Winters personally led the reconnaissance. .

The sound of footsteps and the collision of armor plates came from outside the tent.

"Lieutenant Varga is back." The guard came in to announce.

A short while later, Varga, who was scouting south, walked into the tent.

"There's a fight in the south." Varga didn't care to salute, and bluntly reported: "The screams of killing can be heard in the northern highlands, and the fire can be vaguely seen in the southern highlands. The camp is fine for the time being. "

"How's that over the bridge?" Lieutenant Colonel Robert asked.

"Half of it was destroyed." Varga replied: "The sappers are repairing the remaining half."

The movement space of the Palatine scout was compressed to a very small area , the battlefield turned into a fog, and no one knew what the white lion had planned.

Although defense has a tactical advantage, the enemy also gains the initiative in exchange for it.

The tent became quiet, and the atmosphere was dull for a while.

"It's nothing strange." Seeing that his subordinates didn't speak, Lieutenant Colonel Robert opened the mouth and said: "Yasin has been holding his urine for more than ten days, so he should be happy."


This metaphor is too vulgar to be uttered by a gentleman like Lieutenant Colonel Robert.

Someone laughed in agreement, but Winters didn't appreciate the leadership's sense of humor, and he was actually more frightened.

"There are two reasons why the barbarians are making big moves. Either their reinforcements are coming, or our reinforcements are coming soon. Whether it's good or bad, we'll see in the next few days." The lieutenant colonel said casually, "Let's go back to rest, you have to eat well and sleep well before you have the strength to fight."

This night, everyone was nervous and vigilant.

The soldiers on the night watch widened their eyes, trying not to see the enemy from behind the dark wood line.

Soldiers who are not at night can't sleep well, and most of them will fall asleep without even taking off their armor.

One after another, Arpad's cavalry returned to the Qiaolin camp, most of them wounded.

When I asked about the battle situation, these people couldn't explain clearly. They were all separated from the large army in the melee.

Most people were wielding sabres and slashing left and right one second before, but the next second they suddenly found that there were no enemies or comrades beside them, so they moved towards the nearest friendly army.

Can't blame them, most night battles are like this: the two sides collide, fight in confusion for a while, and each throws down wounded soldiers and corpses to retreat.

In this case, the one who comes prepared always has the advantage.

One by one, Lieutenant Colonel Robert already has understood clearly in the mind about the situation in the Alpad department.

Evidently, the cavalry led by Arpad was intercepted by the enemy.

The two sides fought for a while, and the barbarians should have been repelled—otherwise, it wasn't just scattered wounded soldiers who came back.

General Arpad continued north along the river bank with a large cavalry force.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert ordered to take in the scattered cavalry, and arranged for people to boil water and melt salt to treat the wounds of the wounded.

As time went on, more and more lost and wounded soldiers returned to the Qiaolin camp, and several officers were unconscious and carried back by war horses.

The news that Lieutenant Colonel Robert received became more and more detailed: the Hurds in the upstream discharge had been defeated, Arpad continued to march north, and encountered more and more Hurd cavalry.

The brutal assault of the Palatine cavalry ends with a fire that burns the sky red.

The smoke billowed straight into the sky, and even the sentry sent by Lieutenant Colonel Robert could see clearly.

Before this, Arpad led his troops to burn all the trees in the 50-mile radius of the bridge, except for the bridge forest.

Judging from the results, the Grand Guardian guarding the range of fifty miles also underestimated the white lion.

This time, Arpad should have hit farther.

While everyone rejoiced at Alpad's victory, Winters had a bad feeling about it. He couldn't say why, maybe it was just because it went so well.

It wasn't just Winters who was uneasy. Colonel Robert was equally concerned—but he hid it well.

At the same time when he learned that there was thick smoke rising into the sky in the north, Lieutenant Colonel Robert ordered the Qiaolin camp to prepare for the war.

The troops at Camp Bridgewood are divided into two parts: "sendable" and "unsendable".

The Hundred Men Squad of Winters was drawn to the side of the strike force due to its strong battle strength.

The premonitions of the two "pessimistic" officers soon came true.

When it was just dawn, the messenger cavalry, who had lost their helmets, brought Arpad's ring and a message: The defenders of the bridge forest camp came forward to meet.

"Could this be fake?" Lieutenant Varga objected to taking the initiative: "General Arpad will ask us for help?"

First trick the defenders out of the sturdy Camp, reunite and annihilate it. This set of things has been rotten by the barbarians, and the Paratus people can't help it.

"Checked, the ring is real, and the person is real." Lieutenant Colonel Robert ended all discussions: "Alpad should really have encountered a problem."

With Three days of dry food, one day of drinking water, and no baggage, Lieutenant Colonel Robert led 1,200 soldiers to attack lightly.

Winters is among them.


Walk, walk, keep walking.

all around At first, there were only sporadic Hurd cavalry, their courage was as small as a sparrow, and they would run away when they were slightly frightened.

The further you go, the more barbarians gather around Robert's group.

The courage of the barbarians increases dramatically with the number of people. When they ride one or two, they will only spy from a distance.

Fortune snorted, Winters rubbed the side of its neck lightly.

A horse snorts when anxious and snorts when excited, and only a close rider can tell the difference.

"Don't worry, little fellow." Winters buckled his helmet, pulled up his throat plate, and lowered his visor: "Don't worry."

Eight hours later, the Arpad Department Finally reunited with Robert's Department.

The cavalry was defeated, but the Platoons were only victorious.

Winters saw Dussack in Wolf Town, and it turned out that the cavalry of Jesska Battallion also fought with Arpad last night.

He didn't see Andre and Bud.

"Andre! Bud!" Winters frantically rummaged through the wounded and asked, "Have you seen Lieutenant Bud? Where's Lieutenant Cellini?"

No one can give him the answer.

The crowds clamored, the horses neighed, and Winters' mind went blank.

"Behind, I seem to see Second Lieutenant Cellini." A soldier whispered.

Winters jumped on his horse and ran to the rear of the line.

He didn't see Andre, but he saw Andre's very strong black horse.

The horse he would never admit was wrong, because it was the steed of the Turtletown champion and was found on the riverbank after the war.

Winters won the win at Torretown as a rule, and the horse was his, but he passed it on to Andre.

Seeing the dark horse, and looking again, isn't the dirty groom holding the reins Andrea Cellini?

Winters hopped off the saddle and sprinted across, clutching Andre's shoulders. At first, I wanted to cry, but I couldn't help laughing when I saw Andre's embarrassed appearance.

Winters had never seen Andre so embarrassed in his life.

The latter's flamboyant hussar uniform has been charred, and the fringe fringe has been burnt.

His bearskin hat had gone somewhere, and he was wearing a tattered knitted hat that he "would rather die than wear" - it seems that keeping warm is more important.

Winters has a bit of stubble on his jaw, and that's because he's too lazy to shave.

Andrei deliberately has a very delicate beard in order to be beautiful, and he has to take care of it every day.

Now those beards are gone too, huddled and charred to be exact.

Andre's face was even worse, as if he had washed his face with coal.

The contrast is so great that at first sight Winters doesn't even know that the "groom" is Andre.

"Why are you here?" Andre was startled at first, but he was very happy after recognizing who was in front of him.

"To meet you!" Winters hurriedly asked: "Where's Bud?"

Andre's face turned ashen, he pointed to the simple sledge dragged by the dark horse, and whispered : "In the back."

The dark horse dragged a rudimentary sledge made of branches and straps. Bud lay on the sledge, with a bloody clean cloth around his head, and didn't move.

The words were like a bolt from the blue, and Winters' eyes went black and he could barely stand still.

"Not dead!" Andre also found something wrong: "Not dead!"

Winters didn't care about anything else - although he really wanted to give Andre a fiercely. Punch - Check Bard's condition immediately.

Bud is still breathing, but has fallen into a deep coma. The other injuries on the body are not fatal, so only the wound on the head remains.

"I got a hammer on the head." The more Andre thought about it, the more sad he became. "The helmet was dented."

"It's good to be alive." Winters cautiously used his clothes Fixing Bud's neck: "It's good to be alive."

Andre squatted on the ground, scratching his hair in pain: "We...what is this!"

"I... don't know either."

"We should escape, from the very beginning we should escape. If we made up our minds to escape back to Veneta at that time, we now..."

"No, listen to me!" Winters rudely pulled Andre up, he stared at the latter's eyes, and said word by word: "It doesn't matter what happened in the past. Now , whether we like it or not, we're going to win this battle for the Palatine. Only then will we have a chance to live."


The Hurds The reinforcements are really coming.

Because the barbarians went to great lengths to tell the Platoons about it.

The hearts of the Hurds who received reinforcements were greatly lifted. They lined up in front of the southern and northern highlands. The leaders of the tribes could not wait to let the Paratus walk down one by one to count the heads.

This is of course a psychological tactic, extremely simple and rude.

But it also worked, because even the most stubborn Paratus could no longer deny that reinforcements from the barbarians had really arrived.

As for the Paratus reinforcements? There is no news from them for now.

The white lion burned two-thirds of the bridge forest, and Arpad also burned the source of the white lion's wood into ashes.

It is not easy for trees to thrive on wasteland. A forest may take hundreds of years and various coincidences to grow, but it is much easier to destroy them.

The fire that Arpad set burned for two days and one night.

If the white lion wants to get wood again, it has to travel a hundred kilometers away.

But the Platoons also suffered heavy casualties: half of the platoon cavalry was beaten incapacitated, and almost no one was uninjured; the loss of horses was greater than the loss of personnel in long-distance raids.

Arpad is said to have given away the platoons of the cavalry and the eagles of the Fifth Army regiment.

The cavalry that could continue to fight was reorganized into nine platoons of cavalry - the first time since Legion was founded.

Auxiliary soldiers can be scattered and reorganized at will, but for a standing army with a stronger sense of belonging and honor, dismantling and reorganizing is equivalent to the destruction of an honorable group.

The Paratus began to shrink their forces, and Camp Bridgewood was ordered to evacuate.

The logging teams cut down as many trees as they could, and the remaining shrubs and small trees were torched.

Then Lieutenant Colonel Robert led the crowd to demolish the Qiaolin camp and retreat to the main camp.

The Winters team is back at the Jessica battallion, and Bard's Hundred Men Squad is now in the hands of him and Mason.

Bud regains consciousness, but has a fever again.

After an examination by Father Kaman, it was judged that Bud's skull had suffered a linear fracture, and his doctor's order was brief: rest.

Plato's entire army shrank to three camps: the South Highland, the North Highland, and the Great Camp.

Sackler and Arpad also knew that they could not count on auxiliary troops, so the three camps were guarded by the standing army.

Auxiliary soldiers were all put into the bridge building, and Jieska battallion was also transferred to the bridge building headquarters.

The white lion's fire raft destroyed the original bridge, which had a length of more than 110 meters, to less than 50 meters, and the remaining bridge piles also needed to be reinforced.

The Palatians have been driven to a dead end, working almost day and night to repair old bridge piles and reinsert new ones.

At the same time, the white lions also attacked the fortresses on the north and south highlands.

A city is being attacked on the mountain, and a bridge is being built under the mountain. The people building the bridge can hear the fighting on the hillside, and the people on the hillside can hear the piling.

The pain in the hearts of the Platoons is beyond words.

It was too late to build bridge piles, bridges, and bridge decks step by step. Engineer officers quickly witted in an emergency and proposed that "without building bridges, directly use bridge piles to fix pontoons and rafts, and build [pontoon bridges]. ]" and was immediately adopted.

Plateau Sapper no longer builds beams.

After they laid the stakes, they fixed the pontoons, rafts, and boats directly on the stakes. If you put on a simple wooden board, you can barely leave.

The speed of building bridges has been greatly improved.

And the offensive and defensive battle on the hillside once again verified an unbreakable truth: Human beings learn other things slowly, but killing skills are the fastest.

The Paratus had absolutely no idea what the White Lion had learned from them.

The Palatu people have blasted the city wall of Bianli three times, and now the barbarians have begun to blast the Palatu camp according to the bottle gourd.

Their first blast was no accident with fireworks.

The second time too.

The third time too.

In the beginning, the Platoon soldiers were still laughing at the barbarians, but soon no one could laugh.

With practice and improvement time and time again, the Hurd people gradually mastered the know-how, and the blasting formidable power is getting bigger and bigger.

The speed at which the barbarians absorb military technology is so fast that the people of Plato are terrified.

The proliferation of military technology is a hundred times, a thousand times more terrifying than the mere circulation of weapons.

Any Plato who sees this scene, will not question again the strategy of smothering Plato over the past three decades. They will only regret why they didn't hold the white lion's throat harder.

The blasting sound that can be heard almost every day is the best whip. Fiercely slaps the backs of the Palatine sappers and auxiliary soldiers, urging them to exert twelve points of strength.

The bridge made great progress, and it only took two days to cross the river again.

At this time, it doesn't matter what Veneta people, Platonic people, regional discrimination, portal views, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope. If you lose this battle, no one will survive.

Winters also had a sense of danger as if he was being pushed against his back by a sharp blade, so he took up the axe and worked hard like the lowest-ranked soldier.

The only thing that comforted him - Bud's fever was gone.

Father Kaman stayed with Bud for one night, and on the second day, Bud miraculously subsided his fever. Just because of the massive blood loss, he is still very weak and needs to rest.

Seeing that the bridge pile was less than 50 meters away from the other side of the river, the last thing everyone wanted to see happened.

Accompanied by the sky-shattering explosion, tons of soil mixed with human body fragments flew into the sky.

The camp was like a rain of mud, with bloody sludge even flying to the feet of Winters who were sawing wood.

Winters sees: First one man flees from the southern highlands to the camp, then two men, and finally hordes of rout soldiers run down the hillside.

Not even the Superintendent could stop the rout.

Winters didn't speak, he spat in the palm of his hand and continued to dig into the wood.

In the morning, the southern highland camp was breached.

In the afternoon, the barbarians pushed the cannon up the southern highlands, strikes bridge.

In the evening, Lieutenant Colonel Jessica, Winters and Andre were called to the Legion headquarters for a meeting.

Colonel Laszlo, Lieutenant Colonel Robert, and their surviving Hundred-Men Commander were there.

Colonel Laszlo remained calm as a dead man.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert was shot across the cheek by a heavy arrow, three teeth were knocked out, and the wound was sewn with cotton thread.

He was speechless and nodded to Winters.

Apart from this, there are also two Hundred-Men Commanders with shaved hair and red cloth tied to their left arms - officers from the death row.

These are all the units of the Palatine Army that still have a fighting force.

Sackler didn't talk nonsense, and blunt told all the officers present: "Retake the southern highland fort, tonight. If you win, you will live, if you don't win, you will die."


In the dark, the Montagne Hundred Men Squad has assembled.

By the dim moonlight, Winters one by one saw his warrior.

Here are the children and soldiers he brought from Wolf Town, young men who were added by Black Liquid Town and Shengke Town, and other farmers and tenants who were born in newly cultivated land.

He can call everyone by name and recognize everyone's face.

This battle, campaign and even war has entered the moment of life and death.

Winters didn't need to say much, he trusted them and they trusted him.

Winters' eyes were sore, but the tears swirled in their sockets and stubbornly didn't flow down.

"Go away, night. Fall, stars." A word echoed in Winters' mind as he slowly chanted: "At dawn, we shall prevail!"

The cold wind brushed the corners of everyone's clothes, and the Netherworld River flowed silently.

Winters is the first to walk into the night: "Go!"

Draw a map of the battle of the Netherworld River, which can be found in this chapter and in the book club.

I owe another chapter... Turandot didn't premiere until 1926, but please ignore the details. Because before this story was born, the scene of Winters chanting "Go away the night, the stars go down. At dawn, I shall prevail" was born. This singing has been echoing in my mind for more than a year at least.

Thanks to book friends for reading, subscribing, recommending tickets, monthly tickets, tips and comments, thank you all.

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