Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 203


Chapter 203 You come and go
After the fire swept through the bridge forest, Winters cut wood much easier.

The woodlands that used to be lush and green are now scorched black.

Only a few bare tree trunks are left standing alone on the peat.

Winters led people to cut down the scorched trees on the surface, and took the unusable fire and wood back to use as firewood.

In the days that followed, the Hurds repeated their old tricks and set fire to the rest of the woodland.

There is a saying that "fool me once, your shame; fool me twice, my shame; fool me three times, you and my shame", the Hurds obviously don't know this sentence.

Palatu people have suffered a lot and have grown their minds.

The logging team no longer blindly "cuts where it counts", but first opened up several criss-crossed firebreaks in the forest.

In this way, the remaining part of the bridge forest is divided into small areas by the fire belt.

Even if the Hurds set fire, the amount of forest that can be burned at one time is limited.

Firebreaks are also roads, and cavalry can quickly support them in the woods through the firebreaks.

At the same time, because the bridge forest has less than one third area left - and it is still "smaller by the day", the area that needs to be defended has also shrunk.

The Hurds not only failed to ignite another fire, but were ambushed by Lieutenant Colonel Robert outside the forest, killing and injuring many light cavalrymen with fire and support.

All in all, it's been a rare relaxing few days for Winters.

He doesn't need to be involved in combat, as long as he takes people out to chop down trees every day.

Charle picked up his blanket. The blankets were too burnt, making Winters a little sad.

That was the best thick woolen blanket that Mrs. Mitchell had brought him when he left Wolftown.

To avoid freezing to death, Winters asked the logistics department for a new blanket.

As a result, the logistics department handed him a duvet specially provided by the school officer, which was a blessing in disguise.

Because the bridge forest is divided into small areas, the range of animals in the forest is increasingly restricted.

Between the tree-cutting work, Winters led his militiamen to give a "big reunion" to the rabbits, pheasants, deer and the like in the bridge forest.

Simply put, some people rush out in a circle, while others wait in pockets, a bit like hunting.

Although the amount of meat allocated to each person is not much, Winters is not tired of it.

In addition, Legion, who was the first to warn people, gave a special grant of four eggs a day to the forcible transport.

Eggs are laid by hens carried by the army, and are so precious that even Winters do not have this treatment.

And old Lalo, who proposed the strategy of [fighting fire with fire], got a great warhorse.

The Dussac young men are jealous, but old Lalo is not very happy.

Winters, seeing Lalo's forced smile, went to ask him why.

After repeated inquiries, Lao Lalo finally confessed his heart: "Sir, it's not me failing to appreciate somebody's kindness. I'm a peasant, what's the use of a war horse? It needs food and care. , I can't afford it."

Winters was at a loss for words, and he found himself overwhelmed for a while, and he really did not think well.

Old Lalo asked hesitantly: "Otherwise...can you replace me with a mule?"

"For your war horse, five mules are more than enough. !" Winters patted his palm and laughed: "I originally wanted to give you two heavy draw horses that can pull a plow. But I thought again, the draw horse also needs food. Then replace it with two mules, and the extra value will be discounted. Ducat."

Angelo went to the carriage team again and picked up a sturdy, handsome iron azure mule for Lalo.

The mules picked by Anglo are robust, with strong mouths and bright, silky fur. Thighs and buttocks feel firm to the touch.

Lalo's fellow villagers were full of praise when they saw this beautiful big animal, and the old Lalo himself was very precious.

But there is only one, because the capacity of the chariot team is also tight, and there are not many spare draught beasts.

The rest of the money was converted into Ducat gold coins by Winters and handed over to Old Lalo privately.

He thought carefully this time: a mule is still in the "envy" range, if you add money, it will enter the "jealous" range.

"The gold coins are all sewn into the belt." There were only two people in the tent, and Winters handed the belt to Lalo: "Except for the difference in weight, it's not obvious from the outside."

Lalorian claimed thanks, cautiously closing his belt.

Old Lalo was at least twice Winters' age, with calluses on his hands, and a very mature man.

Winters shouldn't have said much, but he remembered those Wolf Town people who squandered their hard-earned money on Gervodin, and he couldn't help but warned repeatedly: "Don't gamble... and don't spend it on a woman's belly. Come on. Take it back and bring it to your family, even if you buy a few new clothes."

A youngster in his early twenties told a middle age person who was nearly half a hundred years old. This scene is very special. For the absurd.

But Winters' words were sincere and heartfelt, and old Lalo nodded: "Don't worry, Hundred-Men Commander."


Winters has had an easy few days, but Sackler and Alpad have not been very secure.

The Hurds stopped trying to attack with fire, but the harassment of the Palatine army did not stop there, but intensified.

The sporadic Hurd light cavalry went to the Palatu camp in the middle of the night to fire guns, blow horns, and release cold arrows, which annoyed the people of Palatu.

The sentry sounded the bell, and the Hurd turned around and ran. Without the sentinels ringing the alarm bells, the Heards are endless.

Sekler set up ambush outside the camp and arranged for hussars to watch the night, but the effect was not satisfactory.

Because the white lions are happy to engage in small-scale engagements with the Platonics, they are more than happy to consume the Platonic spirits in this way.

Tonight we will kill one, and tomorrow the White Lion will continue to come from another tribe.

In the end, Sackler angrily discovered that the best way was to ignore it.

So the Palatine defenders in the north and south highlands buried their heads in fortifying their camps, ignoring the Hurd light cavalry who came to harass them.

When the Paratus refused to fight, the Hurds went even further.

In the most extreme case, several Heards lit a bonfire outside the range of their muskets, sang and danced while grilling.

Ryder cultivator heard about this and asked Winters with a smile: "Are you going to send some women's clothes next time?"

Winters didn't understand the profound mystery, obediently and honestly replied: "The clothes of the Hurds are not divided between men and women, and the styles are similar."

The old god stick was boring, sighing and pacing away.

Faced with the repeated provocations of the Hurds, the soldiers and junior officers were so angry that their teeth itch.

General Sackler was quite determined. He ordered the defenders of the villages to dig three trenches to enclose the area between the southern highlands, the northern highlands and the river bank, showing that he wanted to be a hedgehog.

Knowing that the Paratus would not attack, the White Lion still sent people to harass and provoke him every day.

For in this way, the confidence of the Heard tribes is gradually being restored from the defeat at the Battle of the Nameless Valley.

The Hurds walk their horses out of musket range, while the Paratus watch.

The Hurds urinate out of range of the muskets, and the Paratus continue to watch.

The Heards wrestle out of range of the muskets, and the Platoons watch—but happily.

So the Hurds stopped wrestling and switched to other, more insulting activities.

Lieutenant Mason sighed every day, regretting that he didn't bring his cannon, "otherwise, he wouldn't be mad at him."

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska proposed a plan: build a fort 50 meters away from the camp, and select soldiers from Orion to garrison;

Fifty meters is within the effective kill range of a normal matchlock gun, and the musketeers on the battalion wall can provide support for the pier.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska also sees the potential of rifled guns.

However, due to the high cost of this kind of gun, it is currently used as a hunting toy in the hands of military officers and wealthy families.

Apart from this, only Orion is forced to spend a lot of money to buy a shot because of his livelihood.

It's better to try than to stare, Sackler agreed to Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's plan.

The general made a decision, and the other officers had to hand over their precious shotguns, including Winters' double-barreled short-barreled gun.

Palatu people have a common mentality of comparison, and guns naturally pursue beauty. The rifled guns of officers are all finely crafted, and the decoration on the gun is more expensive than the musket itself.

It is so reluctant to hand it over to the big-headed soldiers.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska had invisibly offended many of his colleagues, but his solution was immediate.

Rifle shooters have been able to effectively threaten targets within 100 meters - although not one shot at a time.

If one shot fails, only two or three shots...

After being killed and wounded more than a dozen people in a row, the Hurds dare not be reckless.

Before this, the Hurds even ran to a place less than 50 meters from the camp wall to provoke a demonstration.

Since the rifled shooter came into play, the Hurds all retreated to a distance of two hundred meters.

It's just that the nighttime conditions are still annoying.

Because the piers have limited defensive ability and are easy to be touched, the rifle shooters will retreat to the camp at night.

The Hurds don't dare to impudent during the day, and they do more tossing after the sun goes down.

The two sides just come and go, and the low-intensity battle has never stopped.

During the bad days, there was only one thing that comforted the Platoons: the progress of the bridge was very satisfactory, thanks to a steady supply of timber at the Double Bridge Camp.

The bridge piles extend across the river at a speed of at least ten meters per day and have crossed the center of the river.

The Heards on the other side of the river are also racking their brains to destroy the bridge.

Hard people's way of thinking is extremely straightforward: can't heavy arrows be shot? Then I'll switch to light arrows.

So they hurriedly made a batch of bone arrows, thin wooden poles and light arrows, moved towards the Palatine people using bows and arrows.

The arrows are lighter and the range is longer, but the formidable power is also weaker and more affected by the wind.

The Hurds shot hundreds of light arrows against the wind, and the hit rate was appalling.

A lucky arrow hits the Palatine without pain.

Not enough formidable power? Then I use a stronger bow.

So he used three heavy bows nailed into a crossbow and carried it to the river bank to shoot at the piling boat.

If a special heavy bow is used, it may also pose a threat to the piling ship.

But the Hed's bed crossbows only use ordinary horned bows, and the Plato piling boats are extremely heavy, and the arrows hit them like tickling.

The Heards on the other side covered the arrows with resin again and tried to set the piling boat on fire.

It was still a failure, and the fire didn't start as fast as the Paratus.

After shooting for a long time, the boat and the bridge were fine.

The despairing Hurds launched another towed trebuchet. More than 40 people pulled the poles, and moved towards the bridges and rafts on the water and threw stones the size of human heads.

This time it was a real threat to the Paratus.

A human head-sized rock cannot sink a raft, but it can kill people.

However, when the Hurds launched the trebuchet, the bridge was less than 100 meters away from the other side of the river.

Seckler sent musketeers and riflemen directly to the bridge to shoot at the Heards on the other side of the river.

And the equipment of the Hurds is still the same old problem - shoddy and unusable for a long time.

The raft didn't sink, the bridge pile didn't break, and the trebuchet disintegrated by itself...

The Hurd man who operated the trebuchet dispersed in embarrassment, and the two sides went back to work. Ended a day of fighting.

Winters watched from the riverbank, watching the whole thing.

Watching the battle is one of the traditional entertainment activities of the army, and many officers who are not on duty come to the river bank to watch the battle.

When the officers communicated, most of them agreed with this view: the closer to the other side, the greater the resistance; Ten; the final breakthrough, I am afraid it will not be easy.

Present were all Palatine seniors and seniors. Winters didn't want to intervene and hid in the back to listen to him - he was actually very recognizable.

On the way back to the Bridgewood Camp, Lieutenant Colonel Robert asked casually: "Winters, do you have other ideas?"

In front of the familiar superiors, Winters is not so cautious.

He stroked Qiang Luck's mane and replied: "I think people look down on the Hed people on the other side too much. If the bridge is pushed forward 50 meters, the Hed people on the other side will probably die. I ran away."

"What do you say?" Lieutenant Colonel Robert was interested.

The other officers who accompanied him also pricked up their ears. They all knew that the little Junior Brother beside him had fought against the Hurds on the other side.

Winters sorry nodded, explaining: "The Hed people on the other side are actually a miscellaneous army made up by many small tribes. The battle strength is far less than that of the Chihe Department, the Teltown Department, and the Suzi Department. The heirs of these big tribes can easily fall apart."

The quick-thinking colleagues already understood what Winters was trying to say, and Lieutenant Colonel Robert patted his thigh.

"They walked around in Palato and got a lot of money. The white lion can keep them on the other side of the river, which is beyond my expectations. This shows that the white lion is in their mind. Very prestige, but..." Winters braided a bunch of braids for Qiang Yun, said with a smile: "That's it."

When Winters went to Bianli, Alaric [ Rainstorm Eagle] almost cornered him.

But if the current Jesska battalion is guarding the Netherworld River camp, Winters is confident that he can beat Alaric's thousand team to crying.

No matter how sluggish my colleagues were, they also reacted at this moment:
The troops on the west bank were bent on fighting back home;
The Hurds on the opposite bank had already grabbed enough money, and their will to fight was better than going to par. It's not as good as drawing.

As long as the bridge can reach the other side, it shouldn't be too difficult for the rest.

Back at Camp Qiaolin, Winters ate dinner as usual, toured the camp, and wrote letters—he had actually treated letter writing as a diary.

Blow up trees with Decomposition Spell every day and save the sorcerer training.

After all this, he burrowed into the eiderdown.

“Duck down comforters are good anywhere,” Winters regretfully thought, “but still not as comfortable as my old blanket.”


The hooves rolled. such as thunder.

And the rushing bell.

Winters jumped off the couch and reached for his sword.

"Is it a dream?" He turned his head slowly, trying to discern the direction of the hooves.

Not a dream! Really hooves!

Winters scolded and rushed out of the army tent to shout, "Enemy attack!"

The formidable power of this roar was close to the sound of explosion, which made him dizzy.

The soldiers rolled away from the tent and began to arm.

Ciel and Heinrich hurried over to arm Winters.

"[Ambiguous swear words]!" Winters gasped, "I just can't get a good night's sleep, can I?!"

"It's the other way around! !" Ciel shouted anxiously: "The armor is reversed!"

Winters was still angry, but suddenly his stomach hurts from laughing: "I said how is it like being strangled by the throat..."

The taciturn Heinrich suddenly said: "Sir, The sound of the hooves seems to come from the camp."

Winters was horrified, and his hair stood on end: "That's right... from the camp..."

Efficiently put on the armor, Winters strode to his camp.

Ciel went to lead the horse, while Heinrich followed the Hundred-Men Commander with his flag.

The sound of hoofs passed around the camp.

The green-helmed tassel's cavalry rushed into the Qiaolin camp, ran wildly on the main road, and shouted: "General Arpad has orders! Everyone who can ride will follow! Arpad... ”

Winters was sighed in relief at the words of the herald cavalry.

At a certain moment just now, he thought that the main camp had been breached.

The brazier is lit one after another, and the Twin Bridges camp is waking up.

When the team was finished, Winters took his men to the school grounds.

When Montagne Hundred Men Squad walked into the campus, there were not many people on the campus, which made Winters a little proud.

Seeing Lieutenant Varga, whom he knew well, Winters hurried over and asked, "Squad leader, what's going on?"

"I don't know either." Lieutenant Varga gave a salute , face revealed a bitter smile.

Riding into the school field, it was Lieutenant Colonel Robert.

"The Hundred-Men Commander present!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert ordered: "Follow me!"

After saying that, Lieutenant Colonel galloped out.

Winters and Vargar looked at each other and rode to keep up.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert did not speak, and led a few people out of the Qiaolin Camp.

Unable to recognize the direction at night, Winters could vaguely feel that he was heading towards the river bank.

Worried about breaking the hoof, Winters slowed down a bit, so he landed last.

Not waiting to reach the river bank, by the silver moonlight, through the sparse tree shadows, he saw something rolling in the river.

"Fireboat! No, not a boat! What the hell is that!"

If Jesska battallion from chapter 89 goes to guard the riverside camp for chapter 48, yes Really can beat the Alaric Thousands to cry.

Not only did the troops doubled, but the experience of the soldiers was incomparable at that time.

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