Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 204


Chapter 204 Prelude
Patrol boats on the Netherworld River were the first to warn.

The things tumbling in the river sank, floated, and moved very fast, passing the boat and approaching the bridge.

The bridge is not afraid of barbarian fireboats - this is the consensus of the discussion at the bridge headquarters.

"Want to use fireboats?" Colonel Hogwitz said disdainfully at the meeting: "Barbarians must have boats first!"

Shipbuilding generally requires wood and nails , glue and sealant, the composition of the sealant varies according to the local product.

The Veneta people use bitumen more, while the Interprovincial people like to use tung oil.

The material conditions are fairly well resolved, but craftsmen who are proficient in shipbuilding will not fall from the sky.

Even "Canoe", which seems to be the most unskilled, does not require glue or nails, requires an astonishing degree of craftsmanship and labor hours.

Who can't hack people with a knife?
But Plato's army could build furnaces to smelt iron, use hydraulics to saw wood, and build bridges across rivers under the eyes of the enemy.

As for the Hurds... Colonel Hogwitz said: "It would be nice to have two rafts."

This is the engineering capability gap.

Winters is also optimistic about the threat from the surface.

Shipbuilding is indeed not simple. If it were easy to build boats, the Palauans would have crossed the river by boat long ago.

Despite all the resources and resources of the entire army, they only made twelve ten-man paddle boats that were barely leaking. Also nicknamed by the soldiers as [The Twelve Apostles].

Even if he wanted to weave a raft, the white lion had to get ropes and nails first. Most importantly, he could not find wood.

Within a radius of fifty miles, there is no second forest outside the bridge forest.

In order to prevent the white lion from taking advantage of it, Arpad led people to burn down even a few small woods.

This is also the reason why the Palauans must build bridges here.

And Sackler set up three lines of defense on the water.

Even if the white lion could make a raft, he would have to break through three lines of defense before he could reach the bridge.

The first line of defense was easily broken as the shadows in the water swept past the Platoon ships.

The speed of that thing is so fast that the musketeers of the main camp have not yet been in place, and only the posts along the coast have fired a few shots at it.

So the second line of defense didn't work either.

The black shadow was like a giant snake running through the water, moving towards the bridge and dashing.

Winters broke into a cold sweat, now it all depends on whether the third line of defense will work.

The moonlight is hazy, and the shadows float up and down in the water.

Winters couldn't see at all, he could only barely see the shadow and the bridge pile getting closer and closer.


A loud, dull sound.

The black shadow in the water collided with the [Dragon Slaying Sword] in front of the bridge pile.

Dragon Slaying Sword - This is the name of the Rhett cultivator.

Selikas often compare rivers to dragons, and the name Dragon Slaying Sword is poetic and majestic. Winters thought it sounded good and learned to call it that.

Plato's sappers called it a [water-dividing pile].

That is, another wooden pile is driven two or three meters upstream of the bridge pile, and an inverted V-shaped water divider is installed on the wooden pile.

The turbulent water will be divided into two by the Dragon Slaying Sword, and the impact on the bridge pile will be weakened accordingly.

In normal times, Dragon Slaying Sword is responsible for reducing the erosion of water currents on bridge piles.

Once attacked, Dragon Slaying Sword is a city wall on water.

When attacking from the surface, the Dragon Slaying Sword must be destroyed before the bridge itself can be approached unimpeded.

But if you want to pull out the Dragon Slaying Sword in a boat, you have to withstand a hail of bullets from the bridge and the shore.

This is the third line of defense.

[Note: There is no rope or chain connection between the water-dividing piles. Otherwise, one of the water diversion stakes will be pulled out, and the other water diversion posts will also be taken away]
I saw the black shadow and the Dragon Slaying Sword collided firmly, the latter swayed sharply, but it was like being head-on The punching boxer stubbornly refused to fall.

The shadow was bounced off and went downstream.

The Palatine people on the shore—including Winters—are all relaxed, regardless of their officers and soldiers.

The third line of defense still played its due role.

But soon, Winters' smile froze at the corners of his mouth.

He saw that the Dragon Slaying Sword that was knocked crooked seemed to be under some kind of enormous force and was slowly falling down the direction of the water.

With the exclamations of the soldiers on the bridge, the Dragon Slaying Sword was pulled up by the roots and fiercely hit the bridge pier, and then went downstream.

The second lieutenant Varga with outstanding eyesight pointed upstream and exclaimed: "Look! Here! More!"

It turned out that the shadow just now was just an outpost. Shadows are rushing towards the bridge in groups.

"Could it be that the barbarians are still raising monsters in the river?!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert was both shocked and angry.

His subordinates didn't know how to answer, the shore was dead silent, only the sound of the rapids hua hua was heard.

“I see!” Winters fiercely slammed his thigh. The strength is so great that the strong luck is startled.

Winters was unaware of the pain, gnashing teeth staring at the water: "Wooden rafts! White lions are going to release rafts to overrun the bridge! No wonder! No wonder General Arpad is heading north!"

"Wooden rafts? How could that thing be a wooden raft!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert brows tightly frowns.

"If it's really a wooden raft, it's easier to handle. Two small boats can kill all the people in the platoon! I don't know what to call it." Winters grabbed the reins and gestured to his colleagues: " That thing in the river is a tree! The white lion must have connected two or more trees with ropes and chains and lowered them upstream."

"[Angry swearing]!" Robert The lieutenant colonel has a sharp mind and understands it at one point. He rarely cursed: "Look at this barbarian! [Vickish adjective]!"

The other officers were still ignorant and did not understand what it meant.

Winters, holding the reins with both hands and using the horse's neck as a bridge stake, continued: "A single piece of wood is likely to float directly between the bridge stakes. The two trees are connected by a rope. Even if the force is not strong enough to knock down the water diversion piles and bridge piles, the wooden piles can be dragged down. It is like pulling a net in a river! This trick is useless for pontoon bridges, it is specially designed to deal with bridge piles!”

Speaking of this, other officers also suddenly realized.

But the means of seeing through the white lions are useless. A group of them are standing on the shore and can only be anxious.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert dispatched Varga to report to Headquarters what Lieutenant Montagne had said.

Winters also thought of two countermeasures: First, use a boat to pull the net on the river and drag the driftwood; second, send water-savvy soldiers down the river and cut off the ropes hanging on the bridge piles— - The white lion should have no money to use the iron rope.

He could only think of these two solutions in a hurry, and Winters said with little confidence: "Maybe someone at headquarters has already thought of what I said."

"Don't worry about that. ." Lieutenant Colonel Robert simply said, "Tell me."

The rapidly changing battle situation gave Winters a severe headache.

When I was a trainee in the Vengeance Fleet, there were people on board and at sea who had arranged things properly, and he was qualified if he didn't spit into the cabin.

Vinetta's large number of naval officers, any one of them is better at surface combat than him, but he is a landlubber who has not even learned to swim.

At this moment, Winters misses the Veneta Army's loyal enemy, the Veneta Navy.

If Captain Speyer and Adjutant Cage are here, should they be able to come up with better countermeasures?
Thinking is no good, Winters shakes his head, trying to clear his mind.

"Let's go!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert pulled on the reins and turned his horse around: "Our responsibility is to guard the camp and not let the Hurds take advantage of the chaos. Others are responsible for matters on the water."

The officers followed suit.

Some Hundred-Men Commander muttered dissatisfiedly: "If they can't keep the bridge, our hard work will be in vain..."

"One person can't do everything, trust you Colleagues." Lieutenant Colonel Robert said, without looking back, "I trust them as much as I trust you."

Winters chewed this sentence, remembering General Nareshaw at the Battle of Lighthouse Harbor. As he said at the time, "Vinetta expects everyone to do their best."

The army does not fight by one man, one Hundred-Men Commander. In any case, he can still rely on his seniors, seniors and even generals.

Thinking of this, Winters calmed down.

To find out the situation, everyone rushed back to the Qiaolin camp.

The Hundred Men Squads have been assembled, the camp is pitch black, and there are no signs of the Hundreds appearing.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert suddenly sighed heavily: "'s up to Arpad's ability."

The Hundred-Men Commander didn't know why.

"The Netherworld River is meandering, and the Hurds would never be too far upstream to place their 'rows'. Otherwise all those 'things' would be washed ashore."

Yes Hundred-Men Commander asked: "General Arpad just brought his troops from the camp to deal with the Hurds upstream?"

"I guess so." Lieutenant Colonel Robert browses tightly frowns .

"Where did the barbarians get the wood?" Winters couldn't figure it out either: "Didn't we clean up the woods around here?"

"I don't know either." The lieutenant colonel tightened Holding the whip, he said angrily, helplessly and unwillingly: "The white lion is not an ordinary barbarian, we... still underestimate him!"


Palatu people Desperately trying to protect the bridge.

Cold wind whistling, the brave soldier stripped naked and jumped into the icy river with only a hemp rope tied around his waist.

They don't have much time, and every second the river takes a lot of heat from their bodies.

The water-dividing piles were dragged down one by one, and the ones that had not been dragged down were just struggling to support them.

Because of its arched structure, the bridge piles can barely withstand one or two impacts.

The Hedd's ropes were tangled up on the bridge piles, and the submerged Paratus had to cut them before they lost their heat.

A brazier was lit on the bridge deck to warm up the diving soldiers.

But when many soldiers were pulled up, they were so cold that they couldn't even speak, only their bodies shook uncontrollably.

Some people's skin surface has turned blue, and their limbs are swollen like radishes.

Sackler grieved in his heart that the soldiers who jumped into the Netherworld River were his best sons.

But he couldn't show any emotion and just kept sending more people into the water.

The Netherworld River is fast-flowing, and the river slams into the bridge with giant trees.

What the Palatu people have to fight against is the power of nature. Swords and muskets are all useless at this moment, and the weapons of mankind are only courage and will.

All twelve small boats were dispatched, but the fishing nets were not found in a hurry, and the soldiers on board had to use their long spears to try to intercept the driftwood in the water.

A half-thick tree trunk was half-submerged in the water, and it didn't rise to the surface until it got close to the bridge pile.

The soldier who was cutting the rope beside the bridge pile could not dodge and was hit by the tree trunk, and immediately vomited blood.

By the time he was pulled out of the water, he was out of breath.

This is a very young, handsome young man, who is lying naked on the bridge at the moment, his eyes are wide open, there is blood on the corners of his mouth, and a large chunk of his chest is crushed.

Someone was crying softly.

Sekler untied the cloak, covered youngster's body, and closed his eyes gently for him.

"What's his name?" Sackler asked.

"I don't know, General." Colonel Laszlo replied with a deadpan expression, "I don't know."

The Hurds on the other side also found the platoon's army. Unusually, whether or not the White Lion communicated with them in advance, they will not miss this opportunity.

Arrows and stones moved towards the Palatine people on the bridge, and the brazier is the best guide.

Hunters with rifled guns hurried over, the sound of gunshots and arrows breaking through the air symphony. Some fell into the river, and some fell on the shore.

"Boat!" The Platoons on the boat exclaimed: "Boat!"

On the river, a huge object was emerging from the night, moved towards the bridge step Step tighter.

"Where's the boat?"

"It's not a boat." Colonel Laszlo only glanced at it, a matter of no concern to oneself, and replied calmly: "It's a raft, Sheepskin raft."

Platoon's soldiers on the boat rowed hard and slammed into the huge sheepskin raft.

And there are Heards on the sheepskin raft, moved towards the boat oarsmen shooting bows and arrows.

"Such a big sheepskin raft." Sackler said with a sneer: "I'm afraid I don't know how long I have been preparing...I thought I had looked down on him. In the end, I still looked down on him."


The Paratus were eager to return home, and the Hurd were equally eager to destroy them. So the barbarians are impossible to pass up any opportunity to chase and intercept, and the same is true of the Paratus.

The raft prepared by the white lion was used to cross the river. Before that, he also didn't expect that the Paratus people could actually build a bridge across the river. Like his venerable foes, he is a man of tricks, making the most of the limited resources at hand.

This chapter has some diagrams, if you don't see it, please refresh it later.

[Dragon Slaying Sword] not only divides water, but also breaks ice, which is found on Lugou Bridge.

I read this story myself, and I feel that Winters is too difficult, and I swear to treat him well in the next volume...

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