Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 202


Chapter 202 Good luck and bad luck
The silver-grey horse rushed into the camp, and the alarm bell was ringing ring.

"Emergency assembly!" A loud roar shattered the night: "Emergency assembly!"

The Platoons woke up from their sleep and climbed out of the tent.

The torches were lit one by one, and the disheveled soldiers assembled in the Hundred Men Squad and ran to the school grounds.

The standing army is still in order, but the auxiliary army is in chaos.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert came to the alarm bell, barefoot, helmet, and dressing gown, without his boots on.

"What's the matter?" he asked Winters out loud.

"Fire!" Winters dropped the bell hammer: "The Hurds are setting fires!"

Lieutenant Colonel Robert was instantly horrified: "Where?"

"I don't know! I smell smoke!"

Lieutenant Colonel Robert tore off his nightgown, and Fiercely fell to the ground: "Barbarian... such a vicious method!"

It was only for a moment that he lost control of his emotions, and Robert quickly cheered up and urged Winters: "No matter what trick he has, let's catch it! You go back quickly, put on your clothes, are you not afraid of typhoid fever?"

Winters published The blanket he had been wearing during the camp had fallen somewhere, and now he was standing by the bell column, shirtless.

He was in a hurry to come back to warn him, but he didn't feel anything at first. Hearing Lieutenant Colonel's words, he suddenly felt cold.

Winters saluted and strode to his tent.


The White Lion couldn't hear Lieutenant Colonel Robert's "vicious" comments. Even if he could hear it, he would take it as a compliment.

When the alarm bell sounded at Bridgewood Camp, the Riverside Camp and the camps in the South and North Highlands were attacked at the same time.

For help, warnings, all kinds of information poured in.

"What kind of madness is Yasin doing?" Arpad was furious and kicked Maza with one foot: "What's the point of doing this little trick?"

The older you get, the more precious sleep is . Awakened in the middle of the night, Arpad's mood was also a bit wrong.

Selek held his forehead and frowned: "It's all a feint, it's just distracting our attention. The real move of the Hurds must lie elsewhere."

One The messenger rushed into the headquarters recklessly, and was caught in a cold wind.

"Badly! What kind of decency?" Arpad was furious: "Get out of here and re-enter!"

The messenger backed away with the helmet, and again walk in.


"Beijing Camp is reporting, there is fire in the Northwest of Qiaolin!"

Sekler slammed his fist on the table:" Not good!”


It started out as an imperceptible smoke that only livestock could smell.

The horses were restless and neighing.

But in winter Tiangan Wuzao, with the help of the west wind, the fire started very fast.

When the troops of the Qiaolin Camp set off, everyone could already see the red light from the gaps in the tree trunks.

This fire is a draw from the bottom of the cauldron. The Palatans want to build a bridge, and the white lion burns all the trees.

Winters had never seen a wildfire before, and the scene was very different from the one in Jade City.

It was not the trees that caught fire first, but the shrubs and grasses in the forest that started to burn first.

The fire burst into the sky, climbing all the way to the canopy. The canopy is on, but the trunk is still fine.

The flames spread among the tree canopies like red clouds floating on the surface.

The smoke thickens and becomes more and more choking in naked eye.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert led several officers, including Winters, to scout the fire.

While the flames were still in the shadows, black and ash could already be seen floating in the air.

At least two miles away from the fire, several officers could no longer go any further.

The scorching heat assumes the senses. The horse neighed and refused to move no matter how hard it was beaten.

Snakes, rabbits, deer... The wild beasts, who usually find it hard to find them, are now running in the direction of humans like crazy.

The sound of the fire was like the screaming of ghosts, and like thousands of people tearing cloth together.

Combined with the explosion of "peng peng" - that is the big torch of wood and stone burning and bursting.

"It's not a fire." Lieutenant Colonel Robert pulled the reins, tried his best to suppress the war horse that was about to run out of control, and shouted at the others: "The barbarians are probably setting fires in multiple places at the same time, otherwise they would never burn so fast. ”

Fortune was relatively calm, but paced a little restlessly, which saved Winters a lot.

He covered his mouth and nose and shouted at the lieutenant colonel, because he couldn't hear clearly if he didn't shout: "This fire can't be put out! Hurry up and dig the isolation belt!"

" Evacuate first!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert drove away.

Other officers followed.

Retire to a safe place and the officers dismount for a meeting.

Winters took out the map—the map was drawn by Lieutenant Colonel Jesska.

Seeing that he took out the map tube from his arms, the eyes of the other officers went straight.

The situation is urgent and I don't have time to do that.

Winters activated the light spell, pointing to the map to explain: "The logging teams have already cut a lot of open spaces and roads in the woods. We connect and widen the logging fields near the camp, and maybe we can save part of the forest."

Lieutenant Colonel Robert didn’t talk nonsense, and slapped his thigh: “Just do it!” Just withdraw! The tree can still be used if it is too hot, don't fold people in!"

The commander on the scene made a decision, and the troops of the Qiaolin Camp immediately took action.

The efficiency of Palatine's army is indisputable, with each Hundred Men Squad carrying tools into the lumber mill.

According to the orders passed from layer to layer, everyone took out wet towels and scarves to cover their mouths and noses, and began to dig the isolation belt.

The method of setting the isolation belt was learned by Winters from the Jade City fire.

He didn't know whether it worked or not, but even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he couldn't just watch the white lion burn the forest down.

The steeds were taken to safety, and Winters walked through the forest on foot.

His voice was amplified by magic, and even drowned out the noise in the forest: "The withered grass, branches and pine towers on the ground are all taken away! Anything that can catch fire is not allowed to stay!"

While scouting the fire, Winters could see clearly: it wasn't the trees that came first, but the dead branches on the ground.

More than 3,000 soldiers and militiamen were scattered in the forest and almost lost their unified command.

At this moment, the only thing to rely on is the will and ability of each Hundred-Men Commander.

The Palatu people should be thankful for two things: first, they have a very strong corps of low-level officers; second, the vegetation in this forest is very sparse.

Fate is so tricky.

The trees on the wasteland are not very large, and the dense primitive forest can only be seen by entering the foothills to the south and north.

The bridge forest is sparsely vegetated and has little timber, which makes the Palatans extremely headaches.

However, it is precisely this "disadvantage" that has now become an "advantage".

It didn't take long for reinforcements from the camp to arrive at the scene.

Discovering the fire in the bridge forest, Sackler immediately dispatched all engineers and auxiliary soldiers, led by Colonel Bode to support.

Colonel Bode also brought General Sackler's order: "If you can save it, you can save it."

"Fart!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert was also anxious: "What is it? Can you be saved? Isn’t it saved anyway?!”

The reinforcements and the original troops of the bridge battalion made everyone go crazy.

Trees of all sizes were felled, dragged away, and even the turf on the ground was shoveled.

Not only the turf is shoveled, but the soil is turned over.

The fire has burned into a line, getting closer every second.

The skin on Winters' face was scorched by the heat, and the scarf that covered her mouth and nose would dry in minutes.

He sent people to the river again and again to fetch water, but the water still ran out very quickly, and there was no supply at all.

Two militiamen run over to find the Hundred-Men Commander.

Their faces were black with smoke, and Winters couldn't make out who it was.

It wasn't until one of them spoke up that he realized it was Ish, the one from Ganshui Town.

"My lord, this is old Lalo!" Ish said, pulling the militiamen next to him: "He is from Haoquangu, he has a way!"

Winters said in his mouth. Bitterness, no energy and politeness: "Speak!"

"Old Lalo" in Ish's mouth opened, sounding like a middle age person: "Sir, it's better to fight fire with fire!"

"How to attack?"

"Don't wait for the fire to come over! Let's light a fire first! It's to attack the fire with fire! But we have to wait until the fire ditch is dug."

"The wind is blowing east!" Winters pointed to the sky: "Light a fire, we must burn us first! How to fight fire with fire?"

"It's not like that, Sir." Old Lalo explained anxiously: "The wind in the fire field is chaotic! It can even swirl! The fire will suck the wind!" The level does suck the air and mess up the wind.

"Are you sure?" Winters stared at old Lalo.

Old Lalo lowered his head and Nuonuo said, "No, I... I'm not sure."

"Sir, when he talked to us, he spoke clearly and well. logical." Ish shouted and grabbed the old Lalo: "There is Lord Hundred-Men Commander! What are you afraid of!"

Winters clenched the teeth, grabbed the old Lalo's shoulder, and said: "What's wrong, I'm responsible. If you have any ideas, tell them all! I'll go to Lieutenant Colonel Robert." valuable things.

He had no choice but to make a wish first: "I don't have any gold or silver on me. If your method works, I will let Anglo pick the best horse and bring it home for you."


The 20-meter-wide isolation belt extending from south to north has taken shape.

Lieutenant Colonel Roberto agrees with Winters' "fighting fire with fire" on a small scale.

This is a total bet, no one knows if it will work or not, everyone's palms are sweating.

Outside the perimeter of the Montagne Hundred Men Squad, Winters started another fire with his own hands.

Lamp oil, resin, and whatever fuel the militia could find. Blazing flames soared into the air and began to spread to the east.

Everyone was ready, and the flames reached the bare isolation belt.

People watched with trepidation as the embers of red flew towards them from the air, for fear that the canopy would be ignited by these flying ashes with fire star.

The eastward advance was blocked, and the new fire field began to spread westward, and faster and faster.

Seeing the effectiveness of fighting fire with fire, everyone cheering excitedly, tears from their dry eyes.

Behind the smoke, out of sight, two lines of fire collided, burning to ashes everything they touched - including themselves.



The fire burned overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, the leaders of the Hurd tribes came to watch the enemy.

The woodland is still shrouded in smoke, the trees are burnt bare, and some dark red embers can be seen on the surface of the fire.

The white lion groaned and said nothing.

"White lions, it looks like you burned them all to death." The chief of the black liquid department said in a pleasing manner.

The black liquid department has suffered a lot, and the chief of the black liquid department is now a die-hard supporter of the White Lion.

"In your favor, Shortbow. I hope so too." The white lion still respects the black liquid chief as before: "However, I'm afraid it won't be so easy."

The Palatine Sentinel spotted the group of enemies on the nearby hillside and ran back quickly to report.

"Let's go, it's time for us to go back." The white lion beat the war horse gently: "Just look at it, don't bother the Paratus people to see you off."

After a while, The Platoon sentry led a black cavalry out of the smoke-shrouded forest.

The two guards accompanied by the leaders of the various ministries raised their guns to fight, but they were beheaded by the black armored cavalry one after another.

The black armored cavalry ran to the adjacent hills and shouted a few words at the leaders of the tribes.

Before the other guards could surround him, the black armored cavalry had already left with a big smile.

"What did he say, little lion?" asked the fire roaster.

"Want to burn us?" The little lion looked at the back of the heavy armored cavalry, and translated expressionlessly: "Fuck You."


Bad news: The Bridge Forest was two-thirds burned.

Good news: Bridge Forest has one third left.

And another piece of good news: some of the fire and wood are still useful, especially those with large diameters, and the white lion inadvertently helped the Palatine with their wood sifting.

"The misfortune is where the blessing depends. The blessing is where the misfortune lies." Reid cultivator twitched his beard and smiled: "the people from the past truly haven't deceived me."

[Actually in this volume, although Winters is still a Hundred-Men Commander, he actually often commands thousands or even more troops, which is a very valuable experience. In Veneta, a big tree shades him. In Palatu, he can only grow by himself]
Generally speaking, a low-organization army will not attack and collapse when it encounters a fire, let alone put out a fire.

The troops of the Qiaolin camp, firstly, found the fire very early, and secondly, the standing army was highly organized, which was a grade higher than the feudal troops.

A book friend mentioned before that a Hundred Men Squad only has one Hundred-Men Commander, isn't it too few? In fact, for the army of the feudal era and the Renaissance, there were already many.

According to the preparation of the Spanish phalanx, a Cap [originally referred to as Captain, later evolved into the rank of captain] should bring 250 soldiers.

Because for a long time, officers were full-time nobles. To promote ordinary soldiers to be officers, I have the impression that we have to wait until Cromwell's model army.

The Roman army could send individual Hundred Men Squads to perform tactical missions during battle, such as flanking and flanking.

But in the Middle Ages, armies rarely saw this kind of dexterity.

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