Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 201


Chapter 201 Forced Luck
Three days.

It took less than three days from the time the Palatine sappers chanted the first piling boat into the Netherworld River, to the moment the lumber convoy was ambushed.

Eighty stakes were driven down, and the bridge deck was less than 20 meters away. The White Lion's countermeasures came.

The killing of the convoy was like a starting shot, and the Hurd cavalry broke into pieces and began to launch an endless attack on the Palatine logging team.

Plato hussars fought nine times a day and chased and fought with the Hurds like "dogs chase rabbits", but they still couldn't stop the enemy from infiltrating this coniferous forest.

Winters' team also suffered a surprise attack.

Twenty dozen Harders led the warhorses and quietly approached the lumber mill, not wanting to be smashed by the sentry sent by Winters.

The sentinel blew the whistle to warn the soldiers and bought time for the comrades.

Seeing that the sneak attack was not successful, the Hurds simply mounted a storm, only to run into the furious Montagne Hundred-Men Commander head-on.

The latter was chopping down trees when he heard the whistle, and rushed over in a single coat, carrying an axe, and mounted a warhorse.

The head of the red feather was killed by an axe, and the rest of the Heard were chased and chopped all the way to the edge of the forest.

The Hurds didn't leave Winters wounds, but he shed blood by running wildly in the woods.

By the time Winters returned to the lumber mill, his clothes had been shredded by needles and twigs, and his upper body was covered in blood like cat scratches.

Charle hurriedly boiled water and melted salt to wash Winters' wounds.

Warning Sentinel's body has been recovered, he is a very simple and honest peasant boy, his head and body have been separated by a machete.

"Cut it down!" Winters was furious: "Cut off the heads of the Hurds! Hang the corpses on the trees! Nail them! Nail them to the trees for me!"


The militiamen acted, and with the strongest hatred, they chopped off the head of Heard's dead man and burned it with fire.

In strict accordance with the Hundred-Men Commander's orders, they hammered through the thoracic vertebrae with thick iron nails and pinned dead enemies to the trees.

Headless corpses were nailed all the way from the lumber mill to the edge of the forest.

Since then, the Montagne logging team has never been attacked again.

But not every logging team is so brave.

Some logging teams repelled the Hurds;

Some logging teams fought a melee, and the Hurds evacuated themselves;
Some logging teams were completely overwhelmed, When the rescuers arrived, they only found the dead everywhere.

The next day, two infantry battallions and two cavalry platoons marched into the "Bridgewood".

[Note: Because the wood of this forest was used for bridge building, it was called Bridge Forest by the soldiers]
The commander of this detachment was Lieutenant Colonel Robert, an acquaintance of Winters.

Winters was called over by Robert for the first time. The lieutenant colonel wanted to know the specific situation of each logging team, and also wanted to hear what Winters thought.

"Let's go out of the camp before the construction in the middle of the bridge forest, and the logging teams will start from the camp and log in all directions." Cutting down trees will leave a road behind. This way, wherever there are policemen, the cavalry can quickly support."

Lieutenant Colonel Robert nodded again and again and asked: "You have fought, what is the fighting intent of the barbarians? ?"

"That's it. The size of the two ten-man teams is just right for the Hurd people to play. But after all, they are few in number. As long as the logging team resists, the Hurd people can't do anything. The key is that The morale of the auxiliary soldiers was shattered in the [Battle of the Unknown Valley], and it is useless now. The militiamen who did not participate in the Battle of the Unknown Valley dared to fight."

Lieutenant Colonel Robert pondered , and asked: "What do you think about having two soldiers for each logging team?"

At first glance, Winters just thought it was absurd: Isn't this a distraction?

But if you think about it, it might actually work.

Compared to the Hurd Raiders, the Timber Squad has a clear numerical advantage.

But they need the backbone to give full play to their numerical advantage.

Now there are eighteen logging teams left, and each team is equipped with two soldiers. The total is less than one battallion, and one battallion is left to defend the camp.

Even if it is necessary to send troops to rescue, it will send cavalry, not infantry.

"Yes, I think yes!" Winters agreed, adding: "Select capable sergeants to lead troops into each team, and with their support, the militia will not collapse on the first encounter."

"Okay, that's it." Lieutenant Colonel Robert Winters patted Winters' shoulders, said solemnly: "No matter what tactics the barbarians have, our soldiers will come to block it, the water will come to cover it with soil, and we will meet them."

In front of his more familiar superiors, Winters finally couldn't hold back, he said dissatisfiedly: "The headquarters should have sent troops long ago!"

Lieutenant Colonel Robert comforted: " The old fogey has to build bridges and guard against a large army of barbarians. If it were me, I would not be willing to risk dividing my troops. Different positions have different considerations. Besides, didn't he send me?"

"What's going on with the Hurds?"

"No." Lieutenant Colonel Robert shook his head: "They set off at a distance of thirty miles, so they were very careful. Sentries were scattered all over the place. Yes, our reconnaissance cavalry can't make it either."

There were only two people in the tent, Robert and Winters, and the conversation was private.

Winters tried his best to be as calm as possible—but still with a three-pointed anger: "I'm a Hundred-Men Commander, and I'm a Veneta, and no one listens to what you say. You speak in the army, There's something I want to tell you."

Lieutenant Colonel Robert said resolutely: "Why is no one paying attention? Arpad gave you all his jugs. Jesska that' three sentences The two words that offend people's words are full of praise when you mention you. You can say anything you want."

The branches are peeling in the brazier, which is rare in winter Bring a touch of warmth.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska praised himself behind his back? Winters is unimaginable, because Lieutenant Colonel One-Eyed rarely gives Winters a good face in person - to be precise, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska doesn't give a good face to anyone.

But Winters is now concerned about another thing, he simply said: "Lieutenant Colonel, you Paratus people don't pay much attention to 'water', and even less to 'navy'. You I am used to riding horses, but there are also many big rivers in Palato. If you bring a fleet here, you will not be in today's danger."

The words of the Veneta made Lieutenant Colonel Robert confused and confused Ponder.

Winters fiercely slammed a fist on the leg, speaking quickly: "The priority is not to build bridges, but to build ships! The Netherworld River not only blocks us, but also cuts off the communication of the Hurds. The Hurds are a sampan. No board, even if we only have 20 small boats, the Hurd people on the other side are all alone and dead! We are trapped on the west bank, and we are afraid. If the Hurd people are trapped on the east bank, he is not afraid?
Don't forget , the Hurd people have cannons! Legion headquarters is now focused on building bridges. But if we can't control the water surface and let the Hurd people on the west bank send the cannons to the east bank, what's the use of building the bridge faster? It's a major event!"

Lieutenant Colonel Robert was slightly taken aback: "Haven't we destroyed the barbarian artillery?"

"Who knows if they still have it?" Impatient: "The width of the water surface is less than 200 meters, even a one-pound revolving gun like a large musket can easily hit the east coast to the west coast. If I were a Hurd, I would have to transport the artillery to the west coast at all costs. Go to the east bank! Just across the bridge! Strikes piling boats day and night, sinking all the piling boats! Just those broken rafts, launch one, sink another!" The tent, the flames rolled violently in the iron basin, just like Winters' mood.

"I'm glad you're not a barbarian now." Colonel Robert asked with a wry smile, "You haven't told the headquarters about this?"

"I reported to the headquarters the day before yesterday, and the result was clay. ox entering the sea, and there is no palindrome."

"Didn't you tell Jessica?"

"I was sent out to chop down trees the day before yesterday, if you didn't tell me today. Come here, I'm going to see Lieutenant Colonel Jesska."

Lieutenant Colonel Robert put his hands on his knees and said seriously: "If the Hurds moved the cannon to the other side, the bridge would not be needed. Don't worry, I'll go straight to Colonel Broad and let him see old fogey."

"With you here, I won't be worried." Winters breathed a little easier: "We didn't There are no boats, and the Hurds don't have boats either. Not much, twenty paddle boats are enough to control the water surface."

"Unfortunately, I don't know anything about water warfare. You must tell me more when you have a chance. Water battles and boats."

"I don't know either." Winters remembered another old friend: "The Veneta Navy has a captain named Speyer, and that's the oar. An expert in sailing combat. If there is an opportunity, I would like to introduce him to you."

"Okay." Lieutenant Colonel Robert laughed heartily: "it's a deal."

… …

The Paratus first cut a clearing in the forest, and then used the felled trees to build a camp before building it—a.k.a. Bridgewood Camp.

The building materials are easy to obtain, and 18 logging teams rushed over to help. The construction progress of Bridge Forest Camp was advanced by leaps and bounds, and it was almost completed in one day.

Because of the use of a lot of wood, the fortifications of the Qiaolin camp are even stronger than those of the main camp with earth walls.

The logging team, plus two infantry battallions and two cavalry battalions brought by Lieutenant Colonel Robert, totaled more than 3,000 people and more than 500 horses.

[Note: War horses, slave horses, and pack horses]
The camp is built according to the standard Legion camp scale, which is more than enough to accommodate these people and horses.

In addition to the camp itself, Lieutenant Colonel Robert plans to build a series of sentry towers to provide early warning.

But that will have to wait until tomorrow.

After a long day's work, Winters was exhausted and just wanted a good night's sleep.

The Qiaolin Camp is almost completed, and the logging teams have moved into the camp from the wild.

Although it is still a tent, it is better to sleep in the wild with the surrounding trenches and camp walls.

At the end of the tour, Winters returned to his tent in three steps and two steps.

It was late at night, and Winters rushed into the blanket after scrambling to write "Nava Young Lady Lei, I chopped down trees all day today".

Almost as soon as he lay down, Winters fell asleep.


Winters walked into a bathroom, and several blurred, slender, classic beauties approached, reaching out to undress him.

He was startled and held on to the bathrobe.

Seeing that Winters couldn't take off his clothes, the beauty leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

"Don't do that!" Winters leaned back desperately, but the wall behind him made him unable to move even a little bit.

The beauty begins to lick Winters, starting from the chin and moving up to the cheekbones.

Winters had only one thought in his mind: "God! Why is she drooling so much?"

He reached out to wipe the drool, and woke up from the dream.

Waking up, Winters was frightened to death and almost hit a Decomposition Spell.

Something unknown was licking him.

Winters took out the dagger and activated the light spell, and in front of him was a horse face—literally, a horse face.

He was all too familiar with this face shape, this coat color, and this star pattern on his forehead.

"[Words of horror]!" Winters was about to collapse: "Why did you run into my tent! Good luck?!"

What a fucking beauty? No wonder so much drool!

The horse grunted softly and nuzzled Winters.

"I don't have any sugar! How did you get out of the stable?" Winters crawled down to the army couch in pain: "Get out, I'll take you back to the stable!"

Hearing this , Qiang Yun neighed and shook his head, jacking up Winters' tent.

Pegs were pulled up one by one, and a bone-chilling wind swept across Winters' body, taking away his precious body heat.

Winters shivered involuntarily, shaking from the toes to the chest.

He was really angry.

"You brat!" Winters grabbed the Mane of Fortune: "Go back to the stables!"

Fortune refused to give up, biting Winters' blanket, Drag him out.

The horse's eyes flashed, as if he was saying something.

Force continued to drag Winters out.

Winters' heart skipped a beat, grabbed the blanket, wrapped it around him, and turned on his horse.

There is no saddle either, just riding a bare horse.

"Go!" He squeezed the horse's rib lightly: "Tell me what you want to say?"

Fortune took Winters to run outside the camp.

The sentry guarding the gate saw Montagne Hundred-Men Commander wrapped in blankets and riding a saddled horse, but he did not dare to stop him, although he was surprised.

Luck didn't get far before Winters knew what he wanted to say.

The west wind blows a faint smell of smoke.

"Fuck!" Winters' face lost all blood: "Fire!"

In Bienli, the White Lions were given a fire by the Plato army.

Tonight, the white lion returned the gift.

This chapter is an update for Sunday, December 27th.

[His companions are all riding horses given by their mistresses, but his horse is lucky. And luck is the best mistress]
I feel like I'm going to say something in the author's words, but I can't remember it...crash.

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