Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 186


Chapter 186 Battle
At this moment, the straight-line distance between the reinforcements from Chihe and Bianli City is insufficient” One sheep", every arrow tower on the reddish-brown rammed earth city wall can be clearly seen.

[Note: A sheep field refers to the distance of grazing sheep, about 1.2-2.5 kilometers. In the same way, there is also a land of cattle and a land of horses, all of which are the measurement methods of the Hurd people]
But this short land of sheep is like a moat.

Because four thousand-person phalanxes, a camp, and an ice-cold river ten meters wide blocked in front of them.

Thousand-man Commander "Owl" galloped into the formation and tightened the reins until it reached the scarlet ponytail flag that symbolized the main general.

The horses neighed and the people stood up.

The owl jumped off the horse, rushed towards the flag angrily, and asked sharply: "[Herde] little lion! Why isn't it moving?"

[Note: the following said by the Hurd people They are all in Hede, and will not be marked otherwise]
Under the banner, the little lion in the mouth of the owl said nothing. He browsed tightly frowns, pursed his lips into a slit, and stared at Bian Li.

The Tucheng on the other side of the river is now shrouded in thick smoke, and the cries of killing, gunfire and explosions can be clearly heard.

The Hurd people advocate azure, and they value blue horses, blue feathers and blue stones. Red, yellow, and blue are next, followed by white.

The Heds next to the flags have azure feathers, which means they are at least Thousand-man Commander.

Like the owl, the little lion has only one green feather on its helmet. However, compared to other Qingling Yu, he looks a little too young.

There is another leader on the side of the little lion. There are three green feathers on the helmet, and the feathers are longer than others.

The leader was wearing a full set of armor, showing only a gulky face, looking very old.

The old leader pointed his horsewhip at the Palatine people who were waiting for the battle, and said to the owl: "The two-legged people form a hedgehog formation, and make it clear that they are waiting for us to attack. Since they know that there is a cliff in front of them, only the mad fool Only the cow will jump down."

The owl was furious, pointed at the tip of the old leader's nose and scolded: "Tie Duo, you are more greedy than a wolf and more treacherous than a fox, you just don't want to contribute! From the beginning to the end! Tail, we are all fighting! Can your troops shed blood? You want the white lion to die, so that you can swallow us up!"

Thousand-man Commander behind the old leader said angrily Color, jumped out and grabbed the owl's shoulder armor.

The owl controlled the opponent's forearm with his left hand, and knocked the man over with a ferocious right hook.

Thousand-man Commander, who was knocked down, got up and was about to get up again, but was forced back by the sharp blade.

The owl pointed at the crowd with a machete in his hand and jumped like thunder: "The white lion made an agreement with us to lure the enemy out of the camp, and then encircle and destroy them. Now they are here, but you are hesitant and afraid? There is more than this. Is it a good chance? Do you wait for them to enter the village before fighting? You also said that you have no ill intentions?"

The owl roared at the little lion again: "Little lion, the sound of the cannons in the city is like thunder, your blood relatives Brother is being attacked, do you want to betray him too?"

Under the banner of the horsetail banner, everyone kept quiet out of fear.

The little lion ignored Oxiao at all, he looked towards the old leader: "Uncle, what Oxiao said makes sense. I'm afraid Bian Li can't hold it anymore, this bait is poisonous and has to be eaten. It is indeed a good opportunity for the Latu people to divide their troops. Destroy the enemy in front of them, and the Platu people who are besieging the city will defeat themselves."

The old leader of the Honghe Department "Tie Duo [Qi Tie Ya]" was silent After a long while, finally nodded.

He said coldly to Owl: "If I wanted to annex the White Lion's troops, I wouldn't come here with you at all."

Owl groaned and put the knife in. sheath.

"Your anger is like wildfire." The little lion looked towards Owl again: "Don't burn your own people, go burn the Paratus people. I have something for you to do."


The Hurds didn't make any movement, and the Palatians wouldn't take the initiative to attack, so the two sides faced each other.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert was like a juggler, standing on the back of two horses, watching the enemy's movements.

His battallion and another battallion form a thousand-man phalanx at the easternmost point of the overall formation. The two ends are the most dangerous positions, and naturally they must be handed over to the most reliable troops.

In the opinion of Lieutenant Colonel Robert, any sane commander will not attack a large phalanx hard.

But Sackler gave the enemy generals a reason to have to attack - Bian Li.

He perfectly clearly told the enemy generals: I will be divided into two groups, one will attack Bianli, and the other will attack you; if you defeat this road, the siege of Bianli will self-solve; if you do not defeat this road, the city will be destroyed today. .

In addition to the Beizhai defenders, Sekler had only 5,000 men. In front of the grandiose army of the Chihe Department, there are at least 10,000 knights in the battle.

Five thousand to ten thousand, infantry to cavalry.

Although Lieutenant Colonel Robert looked calm as usual, he was still in a cold sweat.

The line debate and decision-making process within the Hurd army, of course, the Platoons have no way of knowing.

Robert only saw that the enemy started to move, the horses hooves rolled up the dust, and the cavalry flanked from the flanks.

Orders also came from the Palatine Army. The squares move slowly, one square moves forward, and the other squares close.

The four square matrices are lined up in a line and transformed into a character layout.

The Hurd cavalry screamed strangely, charging closer and closer, and the imposing manner was amazing.

"Musketeers, get ready!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert ordered.

The musketeer Pinter listened, put the fork in, and steadied the musket.

He knew that there was only one chance of a smooth shot like this, so he aimed carefully.

The Hurd cavalry, flanking on both flanks, rushed to about 100 meters, and suddenly turned their horses. It turned out to be a false shot.

Pinter's hands are very steady, and this kind of trick can only scare recruits, but certainly not Pinter, nor anyone else.

The Palatine Square was silent, no one shot by mistake, and the musketeers were quietly waiting for the order to fire.

Hard's cavalry retreated to a distance, no longer charging or testing, nor dismounting, just like that.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert involuntarily licked his lips, as he visually observed that the enemy stopped at about two hundred meters, not far or near.

A 200-meter cavalry sprint takes only 20 seconds, and no more than 30 seconds at most.

But this distance is just outside the effective range of the musket.

Someone once said: If a person can be killed by a musket at a distance of 200 meters, it is no different from being killed by a meteor.

The Hurds pinched this distance very accurately. If it is not a coincidence... it means that the enemy has a good understanding of the performance of the Platoon's musket and came prepared.

While the two wings were outflanking, the Chihe Department had other moves.

More than a thousand Hurds got off their horses and approached the phalanx from the front with their carts.

Seeing that the Hurds took out their heirlooms, Lieutenant Colonel Robert also changed his team.

He clenched his fists and slandered: "Why don't we bring a few artillery pieces? Otherwise, why are we being bullied by the chariots?"

The musketeer Pinter received the order and quickly followed Companions ran to the front of the square to line up.

Hard's car stopped when it was pushed to about 200 meters.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert was surprised to find that many of the Heards beside the carriage were carrying muskets.

First shock, then strange, a certain moment, Robert's hands and feet suddenly became cold.

At the same time, the charge song suddenly sounded, and the messengers rushed westward from the Central Army.

"The general has orders! Attack!" The messenger ran towards Robert's phalanx, shouting as hard as he could: "The general has orders! Attack!"

"All of them!" Robert shouted: "Move forward, keep pace - go!"

The Hundred-Men Commander and the sergeant repeated their orders.

Pinter, carrying a musket, hurriedly ran from the side of the phalanx to the front. Just put the gun in the rack, and haven't had time to hang the matchlock.

He was at a loss when he heard the sudden order.

Looking up and looking forward, Pinter saw the Hurds not far away lifting the cover on the carriage.

The muzzle of the black hole was exposed.

Red light flashed.


Twenty dozen iron balls the size of walnuts were sprayed out, scattered in the air as steel hailstones, and swept towards the Platoon square.

Pinter felt almost nothing, and his consciousness was annihilated.

The comrades beside him only saw Pinter's body slammed backwards, his musket dropped to the ground.

The same brother quickly helped Pint up, only to find that he had been hit by an iron ball on his forehead and was already dead.

The four artillery pieces fired in sequence, and the musketeers in the outer circle of the phalanx were knocked down one after another.

Range is the last word. I can hit you, but if you can't hit me, then you can only be beaten.

After a round of firing, the Heard gunner reloads.

There was a commotion among the Palatine soldiers, who didn't expect the Hurd barbarians to have artillery and were not trained to "take a beating and not fight back."

"Go forward!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert shouted at the dazed soldiers around him: "Keep walking! Go forward!"

The drummer who was still in a daze hurriedly played the snare drum.

To the beat of the drums, the Paratus quickly recovered from the shock and began to push forward.

They are impossible to stand and beat, and they must capture these four artillery pieces.

But the more important thing is to maintain the formation than to capture the artillery.

The normal pace is 72 steps per minute, each step is about 60 cm, and it takes about five minutes to reach the artillery position 200 meters away - provided that the artillery does not move.

Seventy-two steps per minute is not slow, but for most of the Plato soldiers at the moment, this speed is like a turtle crawling.

Only at this speed will the large square array not collapse.

The Chihe Department has only four artillery pieces, and a single round of shelling can't kill a few people.

But the sight of the dead is in front of you, and the wailing of the dying is in your ears. Each round of shelling is like a lottery, but if you win the lottery, you will die. No one wants to participate in this kind of death lottery.

The Palatine soldiers' mouths dry, the pace underfoot involuntarily quickens, and chaos begins to appear in the phalanx.

From time to time soldiers would go into other lines, or accidentally fall and disturb more people.

"All Hundred-Men Commanders! All sergeants!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert looked in his eyes, anxious in his heart: "Maintain the formation!" is this time. The cavalry on both flanks suddenly activated and launched a torrent-like charge against the Palatine Army.

"Stopping Song" came from the Central Army, and the short melody was repeated by the trumpeter as if urged.

"Stop! Stop all!" Lieutenant Roy didn't care to save his magic power, and ordered with amplifying: "Reform!"

Plateau's phalanx stopped Step, regroup on the spot. The musketeers retreated into the phalanx, the long spear leveling the barrels.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Heard's gunner fired a second round salvo, then dragged the gun further afield.

The Hurds armed with muskets quickly approached the Platoon Square, and what they wanted to do was self-evident.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert's fingers were cracked, but his priority now is to withstand the charge of the Hurd cavalry, and he can only let the Hurd people bleed.

The military flag waved, and the Chinese army spread out with a bang.

Lieutenant Hundred-Men Commander [Lieutenant Laszlo] held the flag high and took the lead. One hundred and fifty halberdiers shouted and rushed out of the phalanx, killing the four artillery pieces of the Hurds.

This is a total suicide mission, but the Paratus must destroy those four cannons or they will continue to be passively beaten.

The Hurd Musketeers retreated in haste, followed by hundreds of Hurd Armored Soldiers pouring out from behind the carriage to meet the Palatine halberds.

Those Hurd Armored Soldiers were still galloping in their double armor. The weapon in hand is not the iconic machete, but the Page Hammer, Heavy Axe and Warhammer.

The elites of the two armies collided, and because everyone was wearing heavy armor, it became extremely difficult to kill each other.

Warhammer hits the helmet and the iron plate is dented. The man in the helmet was not breathless, blood poured back into the intake pipe, the warrior coughed up the blood and threw the opponent down, grabbed the halberd and stabbed it into the opponent's mouth, and inserted it to the end.

Few people get a clean death, and fighting becomes a torture. Almost all of the dead were from internal bleeding from multiple blows with blunt weapons.

There is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy. Some soldiers have their limbs broken, but the person is not dead. The iron man is begging for a good time.

In the back, the outflanking of the Heard cavalry on both wings was repelled by the rearranged large phalanx.

Dozens of brave Hurd cavalry rushed into the phalanx, and were immediately surrounded and killed by the halberdiers and spearmen inside the phalanx.

In the front, Palatine's halberdist was tied with Hurd's Armored Soldier.

"[Hede] what's so crazy about the owl?" The little lion watching the battle slammed into the flagpole in the main formation of the Chihe Department: "[Hede] told him to withdraw a long time ago! Withdraw?"

The others were silent.

Surprisingly, Tie Duo said a few fair words for the owl: "[Herde] people on the battlefield are screaming, how can he look at you? He retreats, and others think they are defeated. Now, what should I do? If you rush up, you can't withdraw, and you can't withdraw."

In the main formation of the Chihe Department, half of the cavalry did not participate in the battle.

"[The Hedd] The Platoons are very tenacious and can't beat them all at once. It has to kill them a few more times."

The little lion noticed the front of the artillery position, The battle is deadlocked. He stretched out his hand to summon a red feather feather and instructed him in his ear.

A group of heavily armored cavalry broke away from the formation and galloped towards the center of the battlefield.

Lieutenant Laszlo Jr. saw the group approaching the heavy cavalry, and he suddenly realized that this was the last chance to seize the artillery.

"Go forward! Soldier Plato!" Little Lieutenant Laszlo stood up in his stirrups, roaring and throwing his flag at the cannon: "Gather up your courage! Go forward!"

The flag arced in the air and landed next to the cannon-mounted carriage.

In this day and age, the Alliance Standing Legion is one of the few armies with a sense of military honor.

For the standing army, losing the flag is not only equal to military law, but also means a great shame.

Tossing the flag is the commander's last resort. It means that the battle has come to the last moment, and everyone must take back the flag with a certain death mind.

Lieutenant Laszlo dashed to the cannon regardless of his life and death, and the other halberdists also had red eyes, rushing to the flag regardless, forcibly breaking the formation of Heard Armored Soldier.

The Hurd's four cannons were quickly crucified.

Colonel Laszlo in the big phalanx was heartbroken. Seeing his son disappear into the waves like a pebble, his eyes went black, and his body fell heavily from the saddle.

"Where are the reinforcements?"

This question is on the minds of all high-level officers.

Behind a hill on the west side of the battlefield, Winters wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, "It should be right up ahead, I heard a sound."

Jesska battallion and all the other auxiliaries who can ride - to be precise, don't fall to death - are listed here.

It is also fortunate that the horses returned from the captives were well trained by the Hurds.

The long line of "dragon cavalry" ends with two eight carts carrying two heavy six-pounder guns, each weighing four hundred and fifty kilograms.

Lieutenant Mason took his four "daughters" -- four light long guns -- all at once.

However, two of the carriages lost their axles halfway through, leaving only two daughters to arrive at the battlefield.

"The fighting intent of the main force means everything. Once the main battle begins, all scattered forces must be concentrated on the main battlefield."

Because Lieutenant Colonel Jesska is too subjective Mobility, unexpected reinforcements arrive on the battlefield.

More unexpected things are happening.

In a huge felt tent in the center of the main city of Bianli, more than a dozen samurai dressed in colorful woven clothes, wearing animal bone masks and decorated with bones, feathers, stones and ribbons. The full priests sat around the bonfire.

The siege battle outside was in full swing. The sound of gunshots, cannons, and explosions was deafening.
Inside the felt tent was silent, except for the crackling of the bonfire.

A shaman entered from outside the tent, respectfully holding a beating horse's heart.

The headed shaman took the heart, blood dyed his hands red.

Another shaman threw a powder into the flames, and smoke filled the tent.

The headed shaman put the heart in the golden plate, raised the dagger high, and stabbed it fiercely.

The other shaman priests seemed to wake up from their sleep, and they all sang in a low and strange guttural voice. The scene was very strange and blurred.

At the same time, a secret door in the wall of the Northern Part of City in Bianli burst open.

A vigorous azure horse rushed out of the smoke first, and Knight on the horse stood out in a full set of crimson armor.

Hundreds of thousands of Herders followed the red-armored Knight, filed out from the gap in the city wall, and headed straight for the confluence river.

All eyes are drawn to this mutation.

Seeing the red armor and the blue horse, the Heders on the battlefield were in high spirits and shouted in unison: "Yasin! Yasin! Yasin!"

"That's Yassin, the savage chief?" Sackler's pupils suddenly dilated, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

This is the first time Sackler has gone head-to-head against an opponent in such a long time.

"That's the white lion? Why is it wearing red armor?" Winters unfathomable mystery on the hillside: "Why did it burst into the river again??"

The white lion thought What to do? Winters quickly understood.

Although the river water does not freeze in winter, it is still icy cold.

But the red-armored Knight stepped into the confluence river with his horse, but he was going to swim directly with the horse's neck in his arms—and he was wearing armor.

Due to the perspective, most people on the battlefield can't see what's going on in the river.

Standing on the west side of the hillside, Winters could see it clearly:

The river is only ten meters wide, but the Red Armor Knight was swept away by the rapids at least fifty meters, a few meters away. Submerged and surfaced several times, nine deaths and still alive before reaching the dry bank.

The other Hurds on the battlefield only saw the red armored blue horse disappearing on the other side of the river, and suddenly the prancing horse appeared on the side of the river bank.

"Yasin! Yasin! Yasin!" Shan's voice became even more frenzied, reaching the sky.

Headjing riding behind the white lion also jumped into the river, some people were directly washed away by the undercurrent, and some people reached the other side.

Just as the white lion led his elite cavalry toward the battlefield, in the felt tent in the center of Bianli City, ceremony had already entered the most critical part.

The shaman headed by the shaman beat the lion skin drum and danced a crazy, blurred and special aesthetic dance.

One by one, the remaining shamans join the dance.

Winters only felt a cold wind blowing across his body, making him involuntarily want to wrap his clothes tightly.

He was about to ask if anyone else felt the same, when suddenly, a severe phantom pain appeared for no reason.

He obviously didn't enter the spellcasting state, but the phantom pain couldn't be faked.

Winters gritted his teeth and let out an unhuman scream, his body involuntarily curled into a small ball.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska next to him turned pale in fright, but he didn't know what to do.

In Lieutenant Colonel Robert's phalanx, Lieutenant Roy also held his head and fell from the saddle screaming.

Not only Winters and Roy, but all alliance sorcerers within a two-kilometer radius were tortured by intense phantom pain to the point of being unable to move, and some of the weaker sorcerers even fainted.

In the felt tent in the center of Bianli City, there were also shaman priests who fell down during the dance.

The head shaman's eyes and nose continued to seep blood, but his dance was only more intense and frenetic.

"No! No!" Winters was left with only this consciousness: "No! No"

He focused all his energy on one point: "No! Reject! Stop! !"

Everything seemed like the strings were snapped, and it even seemed to hear a "pop". Winters was instantly released from the phantom pain, and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

The first thing he saw was the concerned and worried faces of the others.

"Are you alright?" Jesska brows tightly frowns: "What happened?"

Winters felt a chill on his cheek, he touched his left cheek, water?

Is it sweat?
Winters stretched his hand to the sky, and he could feel it keenly, as more cold droplets fell on his palm.

Thousands of meters in the sky, in dense dark clouds, where no one can see, countless tiny droplets with barely visible naked eyes are rapidly precipitating out of the air .

The more water vapor is absorbed, the larger the droplets. Until they were too big to float in the air, they all fell to the ground.

"Raincloth!" Winters struggled to get up, and he shouted hoarsely: "Rainbow! Grab the tarpaulin!"

Others felt abnormal as well, and Lieutenant Mason moved towards Cannons and gunpowder barrels run wild, taking off their clothes as they run.

But for most people on the battlefield, it's too late.

From a few drops of water to a downpour, as if in an instant.

The torrential rain came so fast that it didn't give people time to react at all.

The matchlock was doused, the gunpowder was wet, the raging fire in Bian Li turned to smoke, and the gunpowder weapon was completely useless.

The six battallions who attacked the city retreated in embarrassment under the impact of the torrential rain.

On this battlefield on the north bank of the Confluence River, thousands of Hurd cavalry are charging forward to the Palatu square.

The white lion with red armor and blue horse is at the front.

[Wow, artificial rain! ]
[The previous repeated mention of how the dark clouds are covered is actually a foreshadowing!!! hahahahaha! ]
[However, artificial rainfall is not my professional knowledge, I have limited understanding, tentatively it is a method similar to dry ice rainfall]
[It feels like a big step from low magic to medium magic (≧≦)]
Thank you to everyone who read here!
Thanks to the book friend Xue Ji, the first sunny day, the silence drifting with the wind, the red and black moon, the mass-produced magic warfare tool man (don't tip every day! I'm impossible, I forgot your ID, don't worry!)
Thanks to book friend paullkwk, Soda Bird, American wild dog, Phantom lee, book friend 20171220215720365, Maoqiu No. 3, book friend 20180204123228759, Abu 23333333, I don't know what to call it, God Bless - Xiaoyou, real name 1, Reolity makes it resound, silence drifts with the wind, Dajian can't afford to hurt, Lan Qingying, headless, 92 sauce Mengmengda, Barryyu, reader 20201027193620426896758, blue ore, tea Dan, book friend 20180830192648978, Yun Xuyi, silver hair Yaksha , Book Friends 20171014224425371, Zi Fei Yu An Zhi Wo Fish Joy, Book Friends 20190207214120011, Book Friends 170210170355428, Hammer 2019, a monthly ticket with a little distraction, I can't write it down, and it will be completed in the next chapter.

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