Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 185


Chapter 185 Reasons for the decisive battle

Officers from Luyuan all recited a sentence: "The main battle The premise is that both sides have the intention of a decisive battle."

[The Hurd-Plateau war] is the best footnote to this sentence.

The Hed tribe ran in front with all their belongings, and the Praetorian army chased after them until the sphere of influence was demarcated again - this is the previous war mode.

General Sackler dreamed of having a main battle with the Chihe Department, but as long as the Chihe Department didn't want to fight, the battle would be impossible.

There is no other reason: the more mobile side has the right to choose the battlefield.

The barbarians are the most keen cunning, and they also have many horses, and they come and go like the wind. They are only willing to fight the battle that they can win.

Once they smell any danger, they will flee without the slightest hesitation, and the fight will become tiresome again.

But now the Paratus people have seized the pain point of the Chihe Department, which is Bianli City.

In the early years, there were actually some urban settlements on the great wasteland.

At that time, the Heards were in their heyday. They beat the Palatine nobles and only dared to hide in the castle and tremble, and let the Heards loot people, food and goods.

Some tribes and even entire tribes moved into Palatu in an attempt to seize Palatu's rule.

The eagle rips and devours the blood of the galloping horse and grows stronger.

The prosperous Hart tribes built cities one after another. Although most of the people still live by water and grass, it does not prevent the ruling class from living in the city and enjoying it.

The palaces were decorated with stolen gold and silver jewelry, and the Palatine slaves worked for them, and the big and small Herd nobles lived a life of luxury and luxury.

No luxury items are produced on wasteland, but that's okay.

Because as long as there is money, there is a silhouette of the Veneta.

The Veneta merchants traveled far and wide to bring swords, horses, spices, silk and wine to the "Khans" of Heder.

The chiefs of the various tribes compete to become rich, and they do everything they can.

You make a tent with cotton, I will make a tent with silk. You use one layer, I use two layers.

Even falcons and saddles must use "imported goods", otherwise they will lose face.

The geographer Bai Bailuo once recorded: "...the leader was dressed in two layers of silk, surrounded by eunuchs, and a dwarf was in charge of making him laugh... He ordered three jewels to be set out. When I shook my head, he gave me all three scimitars..."

Bai Bailuo also left such a record: "When the leader lived a better life than the king When they were still living a luxurious life, the bottom herdsmen among them had only pitiful cattle and sheep."

With the publication of Bai Bailuo's "Notes on the Westward Journey", "Head Chief" gradually became a Synonymous with "luxury, rich, and big bucks".

Of course, in the Veneta dialect the word refers to those who "don't bargain and pay big money", with a slightly derogatory connotation...and a little bit of jealousy that I don't want to admit.

But there are times when feasts come and go, and those are things of the past.

Since Que Yehan was defeated 30 years ago, the various ministries flourished and declined.

The two sides changed their positions in attack and defense, and the cities of Hurd were gradually abandoned.

Firstly, the output of wasteland alone cannot support the city; secondly, the revived Palatu people choose the Hed tribe who built the city to fight.

Because the city represents the concentration of wealth, the Hed tribe consciously gathers their belongings in one place, which saves a lot of trouble for the Paratus.

Part of the city of Hurd was sacked, looted, destroyed, and part of the city was occupied by the Paratus, and the rest were abandoned.

[The Hurd-Plateau War] has turned into a mobile battle of you chasing me and fleeing.

So while the fortification of the Chihe Department brought benefits, it also gave the Paratu people a clear goal.

The Great Legion of Palatu surrounded Bian Li, just like pinching the eggs of the Chihe Department.

If the Chihe Department wants to relieve the siege of Bianli City, they must defeat the Palatine Army.

Sekler was only worried about two things: First, the reinforcements from the Chihe Department simply gave up Bian Li and Bai Shi; second, the reinforcements from the Chihe Department did not dare to fight decisively, and changed their harassment tactics to delay the siege.

The former seems to be overthinking now. The reinforcements of the Chihe Department have a strong desire to attack, and there is no sign of giving up Bianli.

As for the latter, it is a game between the two sides. The curtain has not been opened yet, and it is still unknown who is the hunter and who is the prey.


The night raid of the Jessica Division was a great success.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's original plan, the robbery camp should be fully deployed and smash the chain of command of Teltown's department with one punch.

However, the day's hard work has exhausted the Paratus.

Telltown had just retreated when many Platoon soldiers collapsed to the ground, unable to wake up.

Only the cavalry who did not participate in the defense of the city still have the strength to fight.

Forty-four Dussac light cavalry, sixty-eight borrowed hussars, plus Winters and Andre.

There were no more than one hundred and fourteen riders in total, and they stirred Heaven and Earth turning upside down at Camp Teltown.

It would have been better if all the people of Teltown slept in felt tents - because felt tents are flammable.

The Kettletown camp had been burnt to the ground, and they now had few things left to burn.

It was a blessing in disguise that the kindling that Winters had prepared didn't come in handy.

It is estimated that the fire roaster would never have imagined that a camp would be attacked for two consecutive nights.

Finish the front side, flip over and bake again.

In the chaos, some daring Hurds simply went home. Although I didn't get any spills of war, it was better than losing my life.

The Hundred-Men Commander and Thousand-man Commander from the foreign department ran away directly with the troops. They don't want to damage their family property for the golden sacrificial people of the Teltown Department.

The next time they meet again, they're probably not from Teltown.

The troops are too small and destined to be limited. Therefore, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska lost his interest and did not come at all.

"Scare the Hurds, and then come back. Don't expect you to do a miracle to make them dare not camp within ten miles." Jesska said when assigning a task to the two Hundred-Men Commanders : "Be careful, don't fold yourself inside.

It turned out as Lieutenant Colonel had expected, Winters and Andre's men were able to cause chaos, but not enough to completely overwhelm the Turtleton Division.

Even 20,000 pigs can't be killed by the 100th cavalry.


It was foggy this morning.

The reconnaissance cavalry dispatched reported that several thousand Heard cavalry had gathered their men and horses along the way and were heading east.

The scouting cavalry also reported that they saw the azure ponytail among those cavalry.

Obviously, the fire roaster's direct line was not defeated, and the fire roaster himself did not admit defeat.

This battle is not over yet.


The battlefield is like a random stack of building blocks. If any piece is taken out, it will cause unknowable changes.

The night before, Jesska battallion captured the golden man.

Yesterday, Tel Dunbu besieged the bridgehead.

If the causal relationship between these two events can still be seen, then the chain reaction caused by them will be transmitted to [Beizhai] 20 kilometers away in a covert way.
Colonel Bode Daniel, the commander of Beizhai, must have never imagined that the reason that triggered the desperate siege of the city by the Chihe Department outside was the accidental loss of an artillery officer of the Union Province.

There are two in Beizhai. A battalion of infantry and a platoon of cavalry, plus an auxiliary of the Hundred Men Squad, the total strength is close to thirteen.

The camp is small, but strong enough, and has a large stock of food and ammunition.


The only problem is "water".

In order to occupy the higher terrain, the camp site is on a hillside.

It is about three miles from the North Confluence River 100 meters away, the camp cannot directly obtain water.

This is not a problem, because the original purpose of setting up the camp here is to prevent the defenders in the city from crossing the river and breaking through. But now the reinforcements from the Chihe Department have arrived - this is beyond the expectations of the Paratus people, and Beizhai is the first to bear the brunt.

Leading the reinforcements from the Chihe Department are Bai Shi Yaxin's uncle and younger brother. To besiege the Beizhai without attacking it, obviously has seen through the weakness of the Beizhai that it is difficult to get water.

The Chihe troops outside were busy intercepting and killing the Palatine soldiers who were drawing water, and Colonel Bode was busy inside. They were digging a well, and the battle was in a stalemate.

But just yesterday morning, the Chihe Department seemed to get some kind of signal and suddenly launched a general attack on Beizhai.

Colonel Bode did not You know, twenty kilometers away— On the other side of the battlefield, Turdun's ministry also besieged Jesska Battallion.

Winters didn't know that the fire they set would cause the Chihe Department to storm the Beizhai.

No one can see the full picture of the battlefield, because there is no one commanding position to overlook the killing, suffering and death of thousands of people.

For most people, war only happens within 50 meters of themselves.

The pawns don't see the board, the soldiers are pawns, Winters is a pawn, and Jesska is also a pawn.

There are only a few people who can be called chess players: Yasin the white lion, Sackler, Arpad...but even they can't see the whole picture of the chessboard.

Everyone is just struggling within the limits of what they can see, what they can know, and what they can.

Take Colonel Bode as an example, he only thinks about how to defend Beizhai. He neither understands nor cares about the big plan.

The Chihe Department made a sudden force, and the casualties of the Beizhai defenders increased sharply.

Colonel Bode was surprised to find that there were a considerable number of musketeers in the Chihe Department outside, and some Heard tribes still used bone arrows and stone arrows.

Even the Beizhai defenders had no artillery, but the Chihe army that besieged Beizhai actually launched four artillery pieces—although they were not very accurate.

The battle went on for a whole day, and the Chihe Department bullied the Beizhai defenders for lack of heavy firepower.

Colonel Bode took people out of the wall at night and dug out the soil that had been filled in the trench.

The army of the Chihe Department found that the Paratus had left the village and immediately sent cavalry to attack.

The two sides went back and forth, fought in the dark, and each left hundreds of corpses to retreat.


It was dawn today, and mist was rising over wasteland.

Nearly 10,000 Chihe soldiers lined up outside Beizhai again, and most of them chose to dismount and fight on foot.

Most of the Akagawa soldiers carried horny recurve compound bows, and a few carried heavy muskets.

Mist is bad for both weapons, compound bows will open glue and matchlocks will go out more easily.

But thinking that the enemy is also under the same harsh environment, the fog is not so unbearable.

Through the mist, Colonel Bode couldn't see the enemy's arrangement, but he knew exactly what it would be like.

Obviously there will be chariots, a Heard family heirloom.

There should still be some ladders. Yesterday, the Hurd people had filled in several trenches, and even a lot of wood from the wall was pulled out.

And shovels and pickaxes, both unremarkable but very telling.

What troubled Colonel Bode the most was the artillery. The generals of the Chihe Division outside had already discovered that his subordinates had poor artillery skills, and there was no threat.

Therefore, the chief general of the Chihe Division quickly changed his tactics and stopped firing solid bullets from 200 meters away.

Instead, the artillery was loaded onto the carriage and dragged within 40 meters to clean the wall with grape bombs.

In and out of the village, there is silence.

"You're not bad." Colonel Bode stood by the wall of the village with an expressionless face, and said to himself in his mind: "But I'm not bad either. If there is no blood, don't try to take Beizhai. "

"Ahach! Ahach!" The Heds outside the wall began to shout in unison.

"Ahachi?" Colonel Bode grabbed a piece of dry grass, wiped his palm, and casually asked the interpreter beside him: "What do you mean? Is it the name of the enemy's commander?"

Daniel—the former businessman, now a translator, and a bilingual talent who was forced into the army—answered with a sad face: "Yahach should mean a cub. It's the white lion. I don't know if it's the name of the enemy's main general."

"Cub?" But I didn't hear that he has a younger brother..."

The horn sounded, and the Heards outside began to advance towards the camp.

Colonel Bird waved.

The flag was waved, and the Palatine musketeers walked up to the wall, set up their muskets at their chosen positions, and hung the matchlock on the fixture.

The Hurd advanced to 100 meters.

The snare drummer began to pound the drums rapidly, the musketeer blew the smoldering red matchlock tip lightly, and then lifted the gunpowder pool cover.

Everyone held their breaths and waited for the sound of gunfire to announce the official opening of today's killing.

Suddenly, there was a series of rapid gongs from outside.

The Hed people, who came in like a tide, receded like a tide.

Palatu you look at me, I look at you, just feel unfathomable mystery.

"Let everyone put on the gunpowder pool cover." Colonel Bode ordered the messengers.

Whether it is a command, a semaphore or a drum beat, there is no such command as "buckle the gunpowder pool cover".

The messenger got the order and ran around the wall, telling them in turn.

"Look to the west!" Someone exclaimed: "What is that?"

"Behead those who are making noise! Shut up!" Immediately, a sergeant scolded.

But everyone still looked involuntarily to the west, as if a forest was approaching the North Village.

An army emerges from the mist, but it is a real army.

The flag officer riding a white horse held the eagle flag high and walked at the front of the column.

Behind him, row after row of long spear soldiers came out of the fog as if there was no end.

The neat long spear is like a wind-swept forest, moving slowly with the beat of the drum.

"Eagle flag! Reinforcement!" Some Beizhai defenders shouted excitedly: "Reinforcement is coming!"

Only Legion has the eagle flag. Corps Head on the battlefield.

This time there was no sergeant to stop the reckless soldier because everyone was cheering desperately.

The Chihe Division also began to move, they retreated slightly, but did not leave the battlefield.

Just adjust the direction, leave the position where it was flanked by both sides, and change the front of the formation to face the newly arrived Palatu Legion.

Thousands of cavalry broke away from the main formation of the Chihe Department and circled towards the flank of Palatu Legion.

Under the watchful eyes of both the enemy and the enemy, the newly arrived Praetorian army used a set of beautiful moves to spread out the formation.

The mist dissipated little by little, and wasteland, the confluence river, and Bian Lidu on the other side of the river gradually became clearly visible.

Appearing in front of everyone is a square of four thousand people lined up.

Palatu's army did not enter the camp, but formed a battle on wasteland, as if they were inviting battle to the Chihe Department from afar.

As the fog cleared, Colonel Bird's heart tightened.

The reinforcements were much less than he had imagined. At first glance, there would be no more than 4,000 people, that is, eight battallions.

“What is old fogey doing?” Colonel Bode couldn't help but kicked the wall fiercely and yelled at the messengers: "Tell all Hundred-Men Commanders to prepare to attack."

The number of Chihe cavalry at least doubled Advantages, but apart from sending some cavalry to outflank the flanks, the formation did not make big moves, I don't know what plans.

And the Platoon Square was standing there, as if certain that the Hurds would attack.



It's a cannon sound, but it's very low, and it should come from a distance.

Lieutenant Colonel Bode looked around and saw one after another white smoke from Bianli City behind him.

The white smoke quickly turned black, and the thick smoke rose from Bianli, straight into the sky.

Lieutenant Colonel Bode's pupils dilated and his eyes widened: "Old fogey crazy?"

At this moment, in the Acropolis of Penri West.

The six infantry battallions besieging the city are using simple trebuchets to throw iron rings and wooden blocks covered with asphalt, turpentine and licorice at the inner city.

This is the inspiration that the Platoons got from the fire set by the Hurds themselves - the Acropolis has wooden walls and grass roofs, and the inner city is probably inseparable from these two.

Tiangan Wuzao in winter, and the west wind moved towards the inner city, is missing a fire.

Along with the improvised trebuchets, artillery, battering rams, and "gunpowder coffins" were carried out.

Looking at the posture, the Palatine army was going to attack Bian Li in one fell swoop.

Sekler has set the game, he is patiently waiting for the white lion Yasin to move.

[The previous chapter has been rewritten, starting with the attack on the Burner. Because the cavalry who participated in the robbery were not only the hussars borrowed from Sackler, but also the Dussack of Jieska battallion. So rewrite it. As well as debug, there are 20 infantry battalions in the Pratu standing army, six in Sackler's hands, six in the siege battle, two in the north village, two in the south village, and two return to the Netherworld River to build a pontoon bridge. Now, there are only two left, not four]
[The last chapter of the previous chapter was also rewritten, but it is the last sentence at the end]
[The old people in the community seem to be holding singing competitions, singing "Lan Lan" The sky is white clouds, and the horses run under the white clouds", "Ah, this person is my mother, this person is my mother, after more than 20 years of hard work, give me a home." All kinds of bel canto, from morning to afternoon, sang all day, and also used power amplifier. I am dry. I don't know if they choose to sing on weekends or every day]
[Thanks to book lovers for reading, subscribing, recommending tickets, monthly tickets and giving rewards, thank you all!
Thanks to book friends Xiaofan, Sonnets, Pear Flower Empty Lane, Mass-produced Magical Warfare Toolman, Noble Township, Shield Cat on Ice, thank you all;
Finally, thank you again Book friends who voted for recommendation today]
[The number of words in the author’s words is limited, and I will thank the book friends who voted for the monthly vote in the next chapter]
Compare your heart.

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