Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 187


Chapter 187 The Charge
The downpour crippled the gunpowder, half of the Plato soldiers' weapons turned into clubs , but the weapons of half of Plato's soldiers remained faithful and reliable.

For the Praetorian army, the torrential rain had a bigger impact on morale than the actual loss of battle strength.

"Palatu people! Show your courage!" Officers at all levels tried their best to maintain order, running around in the phalanx and shouting: "Keep the formation!"

Sackler even more Personally wave the eagle flag to boost morale.

"Hold on! Children! Hold on!" Sackler urged the Musketeer to draw his sword to fight, his voice so hoarse that he could not hear clearly, still shouting: "Hold your ground! The devil moves too! Not a single hair of you! If you run away! It will eat you all!"

Compared to the astonishing momentum of the torrential rain, another blow to Plato's army was unremarkable, but the damage caused Not as bad as rain.

Four sides were inside the formation, all the sorcerer officers were incapacitated, and three officers had even lost consciousness.

The unconscious sorcerers are actually lucky, because those awake sorcerers are in severe phantom pain, and life is better than death.

Lieutenant Roy screamed like a wild beast as he collapsed in the muddy water, his body convulsing uncontrollably.

The people beside him searched all over his body, but could not find a single wound.

Roy himself felt as if he was being immersed in a boiling frying pan over and over again.

His consciousness was extremely clear, and he was consciously suffering from unbearable severe phantom pain.

Others were as anxious as ants on a hot pan, watching Lieutenant Roy suffer, not knowing what to do.

Robert dashed over, took off his coat and put it over the lieutenant.

The lieutenant colonel immediately cut off a section of the sleeve with a dagger, ordered the surrounding soldiers to pry open Roy's clenched teeth, and tucked the sleeve into it.

It is not only to prevent Lieutenant Roy from biting his tongue, but also to prevent him from making a scream that destroys the will of others.

Roy bit the ball of cloth and whimpered, and his seven-foot body curled into a small ball under the cashmere coat.

"Take the lieutenant into the center of the phalanx!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert, wearing a single with only one sleeve left, took the flag: "Protect him!"

Plateau The army sends orders with flags, bugles, and snare drums, but the semaphore, orders, and drum sounds carry only a limited amount of information.

More sophisticated on-the-fly command relies heavily on sorcerer assistance.

Now all the sorcerer officers in the phalanx are incapacitated, which means that an important means of communication for the Praetorian army on the battlefield has been destroyed.

Rain, hoofs, and shouts mingled together, and Sackler couldn't convey exactly what he wanted to give.

The only remaining sorcerer of the Palatine army, Winters ·Montagne, does not know this at the moment, nor is he in the phalanx.

Winters didn't get "overloaded" this time, due to cutting the "link" early.

Phantom pain comes and goes faster. He can still feel the tingling pain, but the intensity is not unbearable, and he can still hold on.

The Palatine Army was at its most critical moment when Winters, Mason and the others pushed the two cannons up the hill.

The four thousand-person squares were compressed and bent, and the square at the northern end was almost turning into a triangle.

But the Platoons are tenacious as steel.

Under the huge external force, although the steel bar has made a harsh rattling sound, it has not collapsed yet.

Few warhorses dare to ram into the razor-sharp long spear forest, and neither do the Hurds.

The horses got in the way, and the fierce Hundred-Men Commander simply dismounted.

With their strong armor, they used shields and scabbards to dislodge the tips of their spears, forcibly squeezed into the long spear forest, and slashed the Paratus with their machetes.

Other brave Heard soldiers followed suit, and the unarmored Heard crawled into the space below the barrel of the gun.

Palatu's sword and shield dashed out of the phalanx to intercept the enemy, and the two sides fought in the gun-barrel forest.

The other Hurd cavalry jumped off their horses but did not fight in close combat.

Rain will crack the compound bow, but it's barely usable.

And the Palatine soldiers, who lost the cover of their muskets, had no way to fight back.

They could only watch as the Heard archers stretched their bows and arrows against the tip of their spears, shooting at their eyes, underarms, calves and other parts that were not protected by armor - most long spear soldiers only had Half body armor.

Some of the Plato soldiers couldn't bear the pressure of seeing themselves being shot, and they roared out of the phalanx and slammed into the Heard archers.

But out of the protection of the phalanx, they were surrounded and killed by the Hurds in an instant.

Winters saw the white lion and a few green feathers commanding the west side of the phalanx, and the scarlet armor and blue gilded horses were especially conspicuous in the rain.

Under their command, the Hurds broke into the gap between the square formations and forced the square formations to move outward.

Winters obvious at a glance : The white lion tried to divide the four square arrays arranged in a T-shaped arrangement, so that the four square arrays could not cover each other, and then broke them one by one.

The only hope for the Praetorian army was to concentrate its forces, combine the four phalanxes, and meet the enemy with a large phalanx.

But under the heavy pressure of the Hurds, the Paratus did not dare to do anything at all.

The two sides are still fighting in blood, and all sides are under great pressure. At this time, changing the formation is equivalent to self-disruption, which will give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage.

The Paratus need time...a time to breathe.

Jesska Battallion's men are gathering on the backslope of the hillside.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska used a few concise words to mobilize before the war
Rescue Sackler is to save yourself.

The main battle is lost, and the victory in separate battles is meaningless. The main force was annihilated, and the auxiliary force was not able to survive.

Mason and Winters work around the cannon.

"Does the ammo work?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska came over and asked.

"The shells are all right! There's only a little gunpowder left." Mason's lips trembled, and he scolded with trembling: "Damn it! What the hell! It rains if it rains! It's winter!"

"Can it be launched?" the lieutenant colonel asked again.

"I can." Winters gritted his teeth and replied, "I'll use magic to set fire through the veil, as long as the guns don't get water."

"Okay, shoot them all out! Lieutenant Colonel Jesska still had a lukewarm tone, put down a sentence and left.

His expression was the same as usual, his face was expressionless, he couldn't see joy or anger, and only his right eye was staring straight at people.

But it is this face that is usually afraid to look directly at, but at this moment it brings a strange sense of stability to everyone.

The annoyed Mason fiercely kicked the carriage and said angrily: "If I can go home alive this time, I will never use this garbage frame again!"

There were four cannons at the start, and only two were left on the battlefield.

Most guns, barrels and mounts need to be shipped separately.

Some light guns have gun carts that can be towed directly.

But the four defending six-pounder guns didn't have them, so they were brought on a normal carriage.

Even if there is a gun car, its [suspension] and [bearings] are not enough to support long-distance fast movement.

The gun carts of these days are wooden wheels and iron axles. They move like a turtle, and the crunching sound can be heard from a mile away.

They can't even keep up with the speed of the infantry, let alone the "dragon cavalry" battallion that follows Jesska.

So the "beautiful daughters" - as Lieutenant Mason called his cannons - used makeshift gun carts converted from manned carriages.

For ride comfort, the passenger carriage is equipped with expensive [belt suspension] and more expensive [cage ball bearings] - primordial ball bearings.

Even with the suspension and bearings, and even just transporting a light gun weighing 450kg, the bumps along the way will ruin both cars.

"Where's the armor grenade?" Winters suddenly remembered: "Are you wet?"

Mason poured the rainwater from his helmet to his feet: "No, it's fine. .But as long as the rain doesn't stop, even you can't use it."

The vision of the people on the battlefield was blocked by the rain, and no one noticed for the time being that there was a group of Platoon soldiers behind the hillside 600 meters away. .

Mason propped up the tarpaulin over the cannon and started reloading with the gunner.

"No way!" Winters stopped Mason: "We probably only have a chance to fire one round...can't be here..."

The moment of burning eyebrows, Jesska battallion's five An officer redraws his battle plan in the rain.

Mason yelled, "Damn! Double charge! Two shells! Done!"

Everyone who could ride was ordered to retrieve their horses, and Winters inadvertently Pierre was seen in the crowd.

Pierre Girardnovich Mitchell has completely lost the appearance of that Dussac pampered young master.

Now Pierre has sunken eyes, thin cheeks and high cheekbones.

He was frowned, with the spike in his mouth, silently and carefully arranging the saddle.

The same goes for his comrades, the once laughing and clamoring wolf town children.

No, they are no longer children, to be precise.

Winters It's just a blink of an eye, they're all grown up.

Finding the Hundred-Men Commander watching him, Pierre took off his helmet and placed it on his chest, nodded complimented.

Winters are also nodded.

The two were separated by more than ten meters away, and they said hello without a word.

Preparations were completed quickly.

With a dozen gunners, Winters and Mason pushed the gun cart down the hill while the others stood by on the reverse slope.

The doors and muzzles of the cannon were covered with leather, and the gun body was covered with rain cloth.

All the people pushing the gun carts were temporarily changed into Hedza armor, which looked like a team of Heds from a distance.

In order to ensure that the guns can be fired at any time, there is no way to use horses to drag them, and they are all driven by humans.

Downhill first, Winters clutching the frame, cautiously controlling the speed.

Then the slope slowed down, and the march gradually became difficult. Everyone shouted their horns in a low voice and moved forward at a walking speed.

Fifty meters, 100 meters, 200 meters...

It was still raining, and everyone pushing the gun cart was sweating.

There are hot sweats and cold sweats.

The further you push forward, the more often the Hurd cavalry will pass by.

The battlefield was noisy and chaotic, and most of the Hurd cavalry didn't bother to pay attention to the dozen or so carts, and passed by the gun carts.

Occasionally, there were questions from the Hurds. Winters refused to let Bell answer, but just waved at each other through the rain curtain and continued to push the cart.

The further you push forward, the closer the two cannons get to the red-armored cavalry.

When the sound and shadow of the red horse and green armor were less than 100 meters away, Mason stopped everyone.

The artillery lieutenant said in a low voice, "Stop pushing, this distance is just right. Pushing further, the killing range will be smaller." shooting angle.

Winters, Mason, two gun wagons, and a dozen gunners are now almost in the Hurds.

Teams of Hurd cavalry galloped past them.

But this is the last resort. The Palatine phalanx is being disintegrated, and the only way is to take risks.

The gunners were stiff, looking down at the muddy water on the ground, swallowing saliva.

"Come on!" Winters gritted his teeth and asked, "Are you okay?"

"That guy is moving!" Mason also gritted his teeth and replied, "He was moving What should I do?"

The red-armored and blue-horse cavalry stood on a dirt bag on the west side of the phalanx, pacing and pacing, as if giving orders.

Mason supported the cannon and adjusted the angle slightly following the opponent's movements.

The things you least want to happen often happen when you least want them to happen.

A red feather and a dozen cavalrymen rushed forward and shouted angrily: "[Herde] you Armored Soldiers, how dare you fight? Who is the leader?"


"[Hedde] We are not in danger, our leader is an eagle!" Bell replied.

[Note: Eagle is a name frequently used by the Hurds]
The speed of the red feathers did not decrease: "[Herd] many eagles?! Which eagle?"

Seeing that Red Feather was about to approach, Winters was heartbroken, grabbed Mason's shoulder and said, "I'll stop him, you can aim!"

"How did you stop him?" Mason was extremely surprised.

Winters takes a deep breath and enters spellcasting state.

With the remaining phantom pain, he poured all the magic power into the angry roar: "Yasin!!!"

The angry roar exploded like thunder, and the sound swept across wasteland , the Hurd people in Bianli City can hear it clearly.

The two sides who were fighting were even involuntarily stunned, and the red-armored and blue-horse Knight couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound.

Winters only felt the warmth in his left ear, and reached out to touch it, which was already bloody.

"[Herde] is the white lion worthy of you to call!" Hong Feather, who came back to his senses, was furious.

"Are you all right?" Winters stared at Chi Jia.

"That's it!" Mason yelled, jumping to another cannon.

Winters abruptly lifted the muzzle skin and launched a fire spell on the gunpowder in the fire door through the rain cloth.


The gun mount was smashed by the recoil, and sawdust splattered.

The cannon shot up—it was just tied to the carriage with ropes—flying behind Winters.

A steel storm swept across the battlefield, swept away the cavalry on the right hand of the red-armored cavalry, but the red-armored cavalry itself was safe.

The first shot was missed, and Winters yelled, "Come on!"

"Okay!" Mason yelled back.

The muzzle skin of the second six-pounder bronze cannon was lifted.


Double charge, double shell.

The enormous thrust of the gunpowder gas instantly pushed one hundred and fifty spherical lead rounds out of the barrel, and the recoil caused the gun to tumble and bounce.

The cloth bag containing the lead exploded at the muzzle, and one hundred and fifty pieces of lead spread out in the midair, turning into a round cake-shaped cloud of bullets.

Like a hundred and fifty arrows, with the scream of death, they flew towards the red-armored rider.

A sudden change took everyone's time to react.

The first sect gun even tumbled in the air, not touching the ground.

"[Hede] White Lion!" Only the Thousand-man Commander Owl instinctively rushed towards the green gilt horse and protected the red-armored Knight with his body.

"puchi", "puchi", "puchi"...

A series of horrible buckshots into the flesh.

Bubble doesn't know White Feather, Red Feather, and Blue Feather.

Bucks are not divided between people and horses.

Bucks treat all living creatures equally.

Everyone around the Red Armor Knight - including himself - was knocked down.

The handsome green gilt horse was killed on the spot, and several horses lay on the ground and whined.

The artillery fired by the "Clang!" first sect has just landed.

"Kill!" Winters picked up the lance and knocked the red feather [Hard military police] off the saddle in front of him.

"Kill!" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska stabbed the horse's ribs and rushed out of the hillside first.

"Kill!" Hussars, Dussacks, mounted infantry... More than 400 horsemen rushed out from the hillside following Lieutenant Colonel One-Eyed.

The cavalry divided into two groups, the left flank followed Jieska, the right flank followed Andrei, and attacked from both sides to the place where the white lion Yashin fell to the ground.

"[Hede] White lion! Save the white lion!" The Heder next to the bunker rushed over like a madman.

The other Hurd cavalry left the line and killed the Palatine cavalry desperately.

Winters was stopped by the Hurds and watched helplessly as the Hurds in the dirt bag put the red-armored leader, who did not know his life or death, on horseback and took him away.

"[Hedde] The White Lion is dead!" Bell shouted: "[Hedde] The White Lion is dead!"

Everyone at Jesska Battallion took a picture After learning [the white lion is dead], he shouted loudly.

Fear and hesitation began to spread among the Hurds.

More and more Hurds began to break away from the battle and galloped towards the main formation of the Chihe Department in the distance.

"Fast forward the phalanx!" Winters shouted to the crowd.

Whether the white lion is dead or not, he is not sure.

Even if the White Lion died, the Hurds still had an absolute advantage.

Unexpected reinforcements gave the Palatians a sigh of relief, and the four phalanxes, which were already on the verge of collapse, suddenly got a chance to regroup.

The Platoons threw their corpses and approached the main formation where Sekler was.

"The squares! Do not act without authorization!" A dozen messengers rushed between the squares: "Musketeers! Pick up the long spear! Those who have no weapons in their hands will be killed!"

The wind never ends, and the shower never ends.

The rain is rapidly decreasing. After fighting for a while with the Hurd cavalry, the cavalry of Jieska battallion retreated to the large square.

The order of Plato's army did not collapse in the bloody battle just now, and it was on the verge of collapse as soon as the battle was over.

Sekler dispatched military police to execute more than a dozen people on the spot, which stopped the disorderly movement of Paratus soldiers to the formation.

The officer in charge of arranging the phalanx is called [the phalanx commander], and this time the phalanx commander is held by Sackler himself.

The super long spear team and the halberdler team were gathered first and the rearrangement started.

The musketeers were on standby. Most of the musketeers were armed with swords, and a small number of them were armed with long spears and heavy halberds found on the corpses.

Jesska battallion stayed outside, it was not their turn to enter the big phalanx.

Winters saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart, at this moment is the most vulnerable time of the big square, even more vulnerable than just now.

Worse things followed, and the rumbling of hooves sounded again.

Hundreds of black armored cavalry rushed out from the main formation of the Chihe Department and charged towards the Palatu square.

The one who rushed in front was the Red Armored Barbarian Chief, only replaced by a more conspicuous red horse.

More and more Heard cavalry rushed out of the formation following the red armored cavalry.

The cavalry of the main formation of the Chihe Department, which has not been dispatched for a long time, - the reserve of the Hurds - also joined the charge.

Finally, all the Hurd cavalry who lost their formation were dispatched.

Admiral Hurd is obviously very clear that if the big phalanx is formed again... it is still unclear whose morale will collapse first.

Although the Hurds were in chaos at this moment, the Plato army was even more chaotic.

Admiral Hurd is going to disrupt the chaos.

The officers could no longer restrain the soldiers, and the Platonic people poured into the large phalanx, and the formation that had not yet been arranged was almost destroyed.

"Everyone with long weapons! Go outside!" Sackler shouted up to the sky: "Alpad! You don't come! We're all going to die here!"

The rain stopped completely in this brief moment.

Winters felt the ground tremble.

The Hurds are turning! Something must have happened!
"Our cavalry!" someone shouted in surprise.

Behind the Hurd cavalry, thousands of Palatine cavalry are launching an overwhelming charge.

From a distance, it appears to be a long line moving and advancing.

Rows of war horses galloped at speed, their manes fluttering in the wind, their heads bowed as they dashed, and the ground trembled under the horses' hooves, as if they were about to be torn apart in the next second.

The arrow leading this charge is a platoon of Lancers, the last of the Alliance's heavily armoured Lancers.

The flanks of the lancers are protected by pistol cavalry, followed by light cavalry.

Thousands of Palatine cavalry form a giant wedge.

Unstoppable and unstoppable.

Everyone on the battlefield who saw this with their own eyes will not forget the horror and magnificence of this charge for the rest of their lives.

At the very front of the arrow, Major General Arpad raised his lance and shouted happily: "Come! Children! Come! Warriors of Plato! Sackler is still waiting for us. Save his ass!"

The dark clouds dissipated, and a ray of sunlight fell on Arpad, his armor golden light like a god.

The bugleman blows his charge horn.

"Long live! Legion! Long live! Palatu!" Palatu cavalry roars the battle cry that has brought fear and death to the enemy for centuries: "Uukhai!"

The main body of Plato's army... was never infantry.

It's just that the major detours of the main force took a bit of work and a bit of time.

And Sackler's reliance has never been a phalanx strategy. Alpad is the confidence that Sackler dared to face the Wanhede cavalry with a Legion.

Sackler and Arpad.

[Ice] and [Fire].

[Anvil] and [Heavy Hammer].

General Yanosh swept wasteland again and again with these two weapons.

Now, Palatu's [Anvil] and [Heavy Hammer] are going to smash the Hurds in one go.


"Uukhai!" The Platonic people in the phalanx all burst into tears.

Hard's cavalry fell into a panic in an instant.

"The phalanx is unfolding!" Sackler shouted: "Uukhai"

No one cared about the formation any more. The Heard who lose one's head out of fear.

Even the mounted infantry of Jieska battallion were full of enthusiasm, screaming and charging.

Hard's cavalry fell into a panic in an instant.

The cavalry from both sides collided.

The Hurd cavalry who turned around and faced off were instantly split into two halves like butter cut by a hot knife.

The impact of Hurd's steed is far less than that of Palatu's heavy steed, and the Hurd cavalry at the front is almost collapsed on the first encounter.

Platoon's cavalry rammed like a scythe across a wheat field, and when the pistol was empty and the lance was released, he drew his sword and slashed.

Soon, the momentum of the charge waned and the battle turned into a melee.

Light cavalry, heavy cavalry, Palatine cavalry, Heard cavalry, chase and fight on the vast wasteland, you come and go.

Haugewitz led his heavy cavalry into the main formation of the Chihe Department and went straight to the flag.

Tie Duo, the old leader, put the injured white lion on the horse and fled in a hurry. I didn't even have time to get the ponytail flag.

The white lion was wounded, but not to the point of death. The one who charged in red armor just now was White Lion's younger brother, Little Lion.

Hogwitz charged all the way to the flag, knocking over the flagpole with his horse.

The morale of the Hurds on the battlefield completely collapsed, and they all fled.

Winters didn't go after the fleeing enemy, he was tired and just wanted a good night's sleep, and his left ear didn't seem to be able to hear.

In fact, the [big detour] is [divide into and attack], which is a typical nomadic method of warfare. But since the Platoons are essentially settled nomads, it makes sense for them to use this [anvil and hammer tactics].

Sorry for being late to this chapter. It's mainly a battle to delete, delete, modify, and modify it. No matter how you write it, it feels bad. At present, this version is not good, but it's okay...

Finally - the part after the exclamation mark is added later. I want to [leave blank] like a habitual offender. I feel that the emotional preparation is in place and everyone can make up their own minds. The next chapter can directly explain the post-war events. But I remembered that some book friends criticized this flashback behavior, so I added these contents. I just don't know how it works... Please give more comments.

Thanks to book friends Cui Huaji, Cha Dan and book friends 20201207183732984 for their rewards;
Thanks to book friends Xianyu, Past Lei Shu, Feng Qi Qing Ge, Cat with a Shield on Ice, Struggling for Chang'an Flower, Trip000000, God of Heather, February, tbdsj, Wangan Butcher Dix, ~Pirate~, Abu 23333333, z25412541z, is it so difficult to choose a good name? , Yi Xiaotian, Na Niu is so beautiful, Chaos Supreme Supreme One Dao Jun, Shilitian monthly pass, thank you all.

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