Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 184


Chapter 184 Decomposition Spell and Frag Grenade
That epic duel was won After the loss, Jesska Battallion has been fighting for six hours.

The setting sun hung slantingly, and corpses lay messily inside and outside the trenches, both human and horse.

Each body was horribly beaten with bullets, cannonballs, and lead, but they at least had shape.

Just a few steps away—the area between the trench and the fort wall, the scene is completely different.

In stark contrast to the inside and outside of the trenches, the walls are littered with splintered flesh, flying stumps, gushing offal, and dead horses with their guts ripped open.

Most of the dead there were blown up by [throwing grenades].

By comparison, dying by the sword is a pretty good way to die.

At the edge of the trench, a dying Heard was crushed by the corpse of a horse, not have the will to live, unable to ask for death.

His wailing sound is intermittent, the Platonic people can't understand, but they all have one's hair stand on end.

Finally, a musketeer couldn't take it any longer, got up and fired a shot at the Hurd, and the others also opened fire, giving the man a pleasure.

At the sound of gunfire, the enraged sergeant went up and slapped the Musketeer fiercely twice for wasting ammunition.

The Terdun people, who were once again repelled, were rearranging to the west of the bridgehead, and the azure ponytail, which symbolized the king of Khan, also moved to the southwest.

At the cost of more than a thousand lives, the people of Teltown gradually discovered the fort's weakness: not in the north and south, but in the west and east.

This bridgehead has only the south gate and the north gate. The south gate is close to the river, and the north gate is sheltered by a triangular fort, which are the two hardest points of the defense system.

There are no city gates on the east and west walls, so the Palatine people who come out of the fort to counterattack must detour from the south gate and the north gate, and the siege party can take the opportunity to intercept it.

In addition, there is no triangular fort on the periphery of the east wall and west wall, so the siege party can directly attack the fort wall.

The outer fortifications of the Western Wall were dilapidated, the horse-rejecting stakes were pulled up, the trenches were filled in, and the parapet was dug down.

Telltown, pushing rudimentary equipment, approached the Western Wall step by step. This time, there was no division or feint, and those who roasted the fire had to make a final decision.

There are also battle-strength Platoons on the west wall.

"Don't be afraid!" Winters walked among the soldiers, slapping everyone on the shoulders and backs: "The Hurds can't hold it anymore! This is the last shiver of peeing!"

Gendarmerie Heinrich followed the Hundred-Men Commander with his flag aloft, with a large medal tied to the top of the flagpole.

The gunpowder smoke, sweat and dirt formed a thick layer on the soldiers' faces, making it impossible for Winters to see their features.

The wounds of the lightly wounded soldiers were sloppily covered with bandages of their own making, many of which were soaked with blood.

The Platoons were exhausted and had no strength left to speak.

Although Hundred-Men Commander's voice was hoarse, it was still loud: "That monkey's butt-face met us! He's a bloody bad luck! After this battle, he'll have blood in his urine for the rest of his life! !"

There was a roar of laughter from the walls of the fort.

The visiting Winters ran into Father Kaman head-on at the southwest corner of the bastion.

"How did you come up?" He quickly pushed Kaman up the stairs: "You are the only surgeon! Go down!"

Surgeons are rare, and because of the Catholic Church "Blood on hands" is prohibited for clergymen, and surgically trained clergymen are rarer than dogs that walk upright.

The old god stick is in the camp, and there is only one priest in the bridgehead.

With him at the hospital, the wounded will be at ease regardless of life or death. Winters cannot afford to lose the doctor and priest.

"Don't spill it!" Kaman protected the silver cup in his hand, and hung a cloth bag with a holy emblem on his chest: "Is it necessary to let everyone take the sacrament?"

"Today is Sunday?" Winters was stunned when he realized that Kaman was wearing a holy robe.

"Yes." Kaman took a small biscuit from the cloth bag, dipped it in the wine in the glass, and handed it to the sorcerer: "One?"

Winters lightly snorted , stretched out his hand and took out a large handful of small biscuits from the cloth bag: "I help myself."

While talking and laughing, the Hurd people had entered 80 meters, and Mason opened fire first.

The Seven Sects artillery, pushed to the northwest corner and southwest corner of the bastions, fired in sequence.

Walnut-sized shells swept across the battlefield like hailstones, and the Hurds were flying with flesh and blood, and the formation was even blasted several gaps.

The cannons were like starting pistols, the drums rumbled, and the Terdon division screamed and charged towards the western wall.

Drummers on the fort wall also play snare drums.

The musketeer went to the wall and set up his musket. Pick your target and aim carefully.

The drums stopped abruptly, and the gongs pierced the murmur: "Boom!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" A salvo.

A dozen Hurds fell to the ground, but more Hurds followed.

The drums continued, and the second team of musketeers came to the wall.

After dozens of rounds of actual combat shooting, the execution of the rotation tactics no longer required Winters' voice command.

But the musketeers had just fired three platoons, "clang dang", "clang dang" twice, and the two wooden ladders had already reached the fort wall.

The Hurd man bit his machete and quickly climbed towards the fort wall.

This is the consequence of losing the fortifications under the city, and the firing window of long-range weapons is greatly compressed.

There were also some musketeers on the towers, who, despite their excellent positions, were shot by Heard archers one after another.

"Sergeant Carl! Take your men to the wooden wall! The others are free to fire" Winters yells: "Lance hands! Push them off me!"

Part of the Musketeers Hastily ran to the second wooden fort wall behind, where Lieutenant Colonel Jesska personally sat.

The musketeers on the sentry tower should have played a role, but were sniped by Heard archers one after another.

At this time, the defenders should send their elites to attack the enemy under the city, but Jieska battallion was unable to attack.

Mason was responsible for the Northwest Corner Bastion, Budd for the Southwest Corner Bastion, and Winters for the Western Wall.

He picked up the log with a lance and knocked down a wooden ladder.

The Hurd man fell on the ladder, patted the ashes on his body and climbed up again - the earthen wall of the fortress was not high enough to fall to death.

For every ladder the Paratus knocked down, the enemy pushed up three more.

The enemy also launched two seesaw-shaped devices, and the enemy directly climbed the fort wall with bare hands.

Steel-wielding and heavily armored Platonic soldiers swarmed the fort walls, and the battle turned into bloody, face-to-face slaughter.

The Platoons are armored, and so are the Hudds, making it incredibly difficult to kill the enemy—for both.

People who kill red eyes desperately stab each other's faces, armpits, and crotch where they lack the protection of armor.

Anyone who falls down will be immediately stabbed to death by a random knife through the gap in the armor.

Winters rushed left and right to kill at the top of the wall. He had already changed four machetes in his hand, but there were still more and more Heards around him.

The Hurds also discovered that there was a Plato Armored Soldier so fierce that no one was his enemy.

"[Hede] The Hailie team obeys orders!" A leader of the Red Feather Heard stood at a high place and pointed at Winters with a saber and shouted: "[Hede] quickly take that Armored Soldier siege!"

"QNMD!" Winters raised his hand in a flying arrow.

The steel nail was in the middle of the helmet, and the Red Feather Heard was knocked over.

Meanwhile, the two Hadrus rammed into Winters. He dodged one, but was hugged by the other.

"Let go!" Winters smashed the head of the Hurd with the handle of a knife like a nail, and he even heard the sound of broken bones: "Let me go!"

However, Haedlix's arms were like a vise, strangling Winters' waist and abdomen. Winters' plate armor creaked and even began to deform.

"Ah!" Hedrich shouted out loudly, using the ability to wrestle, he lifted Winters, who was over 200 jin with armor, and wanted to kill Winters directly.

"Give! Me! Loosen! Hand!" Winters, who was lifted into the air, roared like thunder, tore off Hederix's neck armor, and inserted the scimitar fiercely into his neck: " Die!"

Herdlix was killed on the spot, but he still didn't let go of his arms and fell down with Winters.

Winters was pinned down by the corpse of Hedrich, and more Heards rushed towards him.

"Save the Hundred-Men Commander!" Shire, who was more than a dozen meters away, shouted anxiously, picking up his long halberd and attacking Winters.

"[Hede] stopped them!" But the red-feathered Heard leader struggled to get up again, shouting with blood on his face: "[Hede] besiege him!"

Immediately, several Hurds stopped the rescuers.




Three arrows in a row without reservation The casting decree Winters nearly fainted.

Red Feather Feather saw the cold glow flashing, and the three warriors fell to the ground.

"[Hede] He is the Chosen One!" Hong Lingyu suddenly understood, and he roared like a madman: "[Hede] Kill him! Kill that Chosen One!"

Hearing Hundred-Men Commander's words, the surrounding Heard Armored Soldiers were stunned, but they dared not approach Winters.

After a full second of hesitation, they gritted their teeth and pounced on the "Chosen One" amid the roar of the Hundred-Men Commander.

It was this second that gave Winters a breather.

But the steel nails on his hand have been blown out, and the Hurd people have rushed into him for a meter.

In desperation—and in desperation, Winters launched the Flying Arrow directly at the head of the Hurd.

"puchi!", "puchi!"

The two eyeballs exploded directly.

"Ah!!!" The Hurd let out a scream that didn't sound like a human voice. The pain actually made the burly brawny man roll on the ground, and his eye sockets had turned into two fuzzy flesh and blood.

Other Hurds have been taken aback.

Winters is also experiencing unprecedented phantom pain, even more intense than the pain experienced by the Hurds who lost their eyes - it is like putting their body under a stone, repeatedly crushing inch by inch. pain.

His body was convulsing with the pain of his mind, and he had never released so much magic in one breath.

But at the critical moment, he didn't have time to think.

Since it's useful, keep using it.

The phantom pain comes and goes fast. As he recovered from the convulsions, Winters unleashed a flying arrow at the head of the second Hurd.

This time, he completely dropped all restrictions and opened all valves.

Major Moritz taught his [Flying Arrows] emphasis on precision, and now Winters is unreserved, directionless, uncontrolled, simply pushing the power output of magic to the limit— — No, beyond the limit.

The second Hurd immediately gushed blood, clutching his throat and stumbled down the wall.

Then the third.

This time, Winters had a clear comprehension. In the state of ultimate spellcasting, he used the head of the Hurd as the casting material, and launched the flying arrow technique in two directions at the same time.

The third Hurd head exploded on the spot, red and white splashing like rain.

“The Chosen One”

The word rang in the minds of the Hurds, and the Hurds still alive around Winters scrambling and fled into the distance.

The leader of Red Feather Hurd was in complete despair.

Winters broke free from Haedric's arms, supported the parapet, and walked to Hong Feather.

Hong Lingyu looked up towards Winters, eyes full of tears, he extended the hand and seemed to want to hug Winters' legs.

Winters looked pale , he was panting heavily, wiped the nosebleed with the back of his hand, and pointed to the head of the red plume feather into a spellcasting state: "Decomposition Spell."

Red plume feather His head was torn apart by an invisible force.

"Cavalry!" Someone on the sentry tower pointed to the outside of the wall and shouted anxiously: "The cavalry is coming!" , no armor, no helmet, or even a saddle, doing everything in his power to keep the load down.

It was only then that Winters understood what the Fireboiler was up to.

The wall of this fort is not rammed earth or mellow soil, but a simple mound with a slope.

Hard people dig a little and slow down the slope, and the cavalry can directly rush to the city head.

Now that everyone is an arrow at the end of its flight, these "light" heavy cavalry, who conserve strength and store up energy, are the final hammer of the fire roaster.

With the speed of a full sprint, the Hurd cavalry ran up the fort wall. The horse neighed, foaming at the mouth and climbing up.

One, two...nearly a hundred cavalrymen leaped into the fortress and rammed across the fortress wall. Wherever they passed, both the Paratus and the Hurds were knocked away.

Some soldiers in heavy armor were trampled to death, and the screams were unbearable.

Winters couldn't stop the charge. Seeing the heavily armored warhorse coming towards him, he jumped off the base wall and rolled over on the spot to release the impact.

The wall was emptied in an instant, and the Hurd cavalry moved towards the prefabricated house inside the fortress and rushed towards it - there are warehouses, medical centers and headquarters.

The Heders who follow closely from behind put their flags on the fortress, and the Heders outside the city cheering excitedly, even some people can't help kissing the earth.

Winters looked towards the second wall, where Lieutenant Colonel Jeska was.

Charge! A mournful horn resounded through the fortress.

"Uukhai!" The Platonic battle cry was earth-shattering.

Platoon soldiers in plate armor and armed with heavy halberds poured out from the cave under the wall, screaming to kill the Hurd cavalry.

[Arrange the reserves on the backslope], this is one of the four things Winters learned at Luyuan.

But don't forget that John Jesska went out with Winters Montagne.

The fire-boiler has a hammer, and so does the one-eyed.

One hundred and twenty heavy halberdiers have been waiting for this brief moment from the moment the siege began.

Prior to this, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska never sounded the charge horn, no matter how vicious the situation was.

The Fireboiler wants to smash the Palatine with a hammer, but the One-Eyed is waiting to smash the Fireboiler's hammer.

The Plato soldiers who fled in all directions regrouped and launched a counter-charge behind the halberdiers, and the Hurd cavalry were dragged off their horses and killed one by one.

"Kill!" Winters took the flag from Heinrich and headed towards the fort wall.

The fort wall changed hands again, and the Palatians attacked the city head, while the Heds outside didn't know what was going on inside the fort, and were still trying their best to climb the wall.

"Grenade!" Winters shouted at the soldiers beside him: "Are there any more grenades?"

Telltown ants are attacking the city, and it is suitable to use grenades to kill.

The screams, gunfire, and screams were noisy, and Ciel leaned into Winters' ear and shouted: "Run out!"

The grenade worked wonders in the offensive and defensive battle of the fort. , but the iron shell bombs that Jesska battallion reserves have long been exhausted.

Looking around, I saw the armor on Hurd's dead body, Winters quick witted in an emergency, picked up the breastplate part of the armor and tied it to the gunpowder bucket.

Everyone gradually understood what Hundred-Men Commander wanted to do.

"I'm going to move the gunpowder bucket!" Charla walked away from the two people beside him: "you two come with me!"

Zhajia, gunpowder barrels and medicine twists, turned into simple bombs, as for whether it can be used, Winters do not know.

He just wanted to ignite the powder, but suddenly he pulled out his dagger and slashed the leather rope that fixed the armor piece into pieces, but it was about to be fixed.

Afterwards, he entered a spellcasting state, and the drug twist began to burn si si.

Winters held on to the gunpowder barrel, holding back. Seeing the medicine twist getting shorter and shorter, the surrounding Plato soldiers involuntarily closed their eyes.

It wasn't until the pills were about to burn out that Winters threw the "Grenade Grenade" over the wall.

With a loud bang, the gunpowder barrel exploded in the air.

Walls and below, everyone is tinnitus and dizzy.

The gunpowder barrel is too big and the explosion isn't ideal - but it doesn't need to be.

The armor wrapping the gunpowder barrel was shredded by the shock wave, and each armor leaf was like a shotgun, shooting out in all directions.

Death and rain of steel poured over the heads of the Heards outside the city, and the crowd was knocked down like reaping wheat, and many never stood up again.

Even the Paratus were dumbfounded by this cruel weapon.

“Come again!” Winters yelled with red eyes.

The Paratus hurried to find Zhajia and gunpowder barrels.

"What are you doing? Montagne? Go and capture the flag!" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska on the second barrier pointed to the southwest and yelled at Winters, "Pull me the flag of the Hurds. !"

Following the direction of the lieutenant colonel, Winters saw the flag of the Hurds flying on the southwest bastion.

The Hurds who attacked the upper base wall have fallen into decline.

Hard's flag-bearer, confident in his sword technique, pulled out a knife flower and confidently faced the Palatine champion.

But Winters' sword technique has been refined and refined by bloody battle after battle.

He raised his arm and raised his machete, deliberately showing the middle door to the other side.

Of course the Hurd flag bearer would not miss this opportunity and stabbed straight ahead.

Winters slapped the enemy's saber from top to bottom, twisted his wrist and wiped the opponent's neck.

Hard's standard-bearer's counterattack was blocked by the plate armor. He clutched his wound in disbelief, retreated again and again, and finally fell to the corner of the wall.

A simple slap, a pick, and two actions will take the life of Heard's standard bearer.

To solve the flag-bearer, Winters jumped on the parapet, pulled out the ponytail flag, and the voice amplified by magic resounded on the battlefield: "Come on! Look here!"

No matter if you can understand, Can't understand, all eyes looked involuntarily towards the silhouette on the city wall.

Winters shouted out loudly, broke the ponytail flag in two, and fiercely threw it down the wall.

"Long live!" The Platoons shouted frantically: "Victory!"

The morale of the Hurds completely collapsed, receding like a tide, even the supervising team could not. block.



Late at night, the temporary camp of the Tertown Division.

It is said to be a temporary camp, but it is actually a leeward slope.

The felt tents, horses, food and drink of the Tertown were burnt thoroughly by the Platoons—thoroughly in the true sense.

They now have nothing but the food, drink and blankets they carry with them.

It will no longer be possible to go to war with sullenness, and the Fireboilers now have the bitter fruit.

He didn't even have a tent, and the other Hurds could only sleep on the ground wrapped in fur robes.

Thanks to Hurd's tenacious temperament, coupled with exhaustion after a hard day's battle. So instead of picking a place to live, they all fell back to sleep.

The fire roaster did not rest, the anger in his chest not only did not go out, but became more and more violent.

The Zhukota [leaders] of the Turdun Department are sitting around a bonfire, discussing the next steps.

"[Herde] King Khan." A veteran Thousand-man Commander cautiously advised: "[Herde] just drinking mare's milk is not the solution, or else go to the Chihe Department to eat first. , and then go back and recapture the golden man.”

“[Hedde] fire roaster, I also agree to go to the Chihe Department.” Another Thousand-man Commander said dissatisfiedly: “[Hedde] ] We have lost so many horses and sons, and the Chihe Department should pay for it!"

"[Herde] can't fight anyway!" There was also a Thousand-man Commander with white temples and a potbellied tone in a very fierce tone. : "[Herde] will fight all over again! If the old Khan King was here, he would never fight this kind of ruinous battle!" Those who spoke were the direct descendants of the fire roaster, and the Thousand-man Commander with white temples and a pot belly was even the fire roaster's pro Uncle.

The foreign leader's eyes flashed and he was reluctant to express his position. In fact, he was already thinking about the way back.

The fire roaster stared at the throbbing flames without saying a word.

The sound of horses' hooves approached, and a messenger found the fire roaster.

The messenger bowed and saluted, offering a gold-studded horn: "[Hedd] golden man's descendant, Terdun Fire-boiler, I bring you the gift and message of the little lion of the Chihe Department. ."

[Remarks: The Hurd people have the custom of giving gifts, and the messenger will never come to the door empty-handed]
"[Herd] The younger brother of the white lion?" The fire roaster took the golden horn , with a sneer: "[Hede] said it!"

"[Hede] the little lion asked me to tell you that the battle is approaching, and the troops should not be divided. He asked you to go and join forces with him, he He is willing to share with you everything in the cup, plate and bowl. He is willing to share half of the previous spills of war with you. The future spills of war are all up to you to choose first.”

Fire roaster complexion Ashen, threw the horn into the fire: "[Herde] Am I going to make the younger brother of the White Lion pitiful?"

He clutched the scabbard tightly in his left hand, his teeth rattling.

Thousand-man Commander, who was on the sidelines, saw the fire-boiler's current face, all of them fighting with each other, and buried their heads into their knees.

Even Uncle, the fire roaster's pro-Uncle, would not dare to touch this mold now

A voice with a slight accent suddenly came from beside the bonfire: "[Hedde] little lion. You're right, the battle is imminent, and there really shouldn't be two divisions."

The speaker pulled the gold-studded horn from the fire with a wooden stick, and handed it to the roaster again.

When the fire roaster saw the speaker, his livid face slowly turned red, but he didn't even slash out.

If Winters saw this scene, they would startled to fall the chin, because it was the old interpreter who appeased the fire roaster.

"[Herde] What do you say?" the fire roaster asked respectfully.

"[Herde] went to the Chihe Department, and then..." I was just halfway through. The old interpreter suddenly stopped.

He stood up abruptly, and after listening for a moment, he glared at the messenger: "[Hede] You brought someone here! The Chihe Department wants to annex us?"

"[Hede] ] No! How is it possible!" The messenger of the Chihe Department was terrified and repeatedly denied it.

However, not only the old interpreter, but other Thousand-man Commanders also heard the sound of hooves.

And not just one or two, but at least hundreds of them are coming quickly.

“[Hedde] enemy attack!” The fire roaster kicked over the bonfire and shouted: “[Hedde] enemy attack!”

Thousand- The man Commander immediately ran to the resting place of his followers.

In the distance, a blunt cry, accompanied by the sound of hoofs, came: "[Herde] is defeated! We are defeated! Our army is defeated! The burner is dead!"

The shouter Hurd's words are very blunt, and he just learned it when he hears it.

“[Hedde]Ahhhhhhh!!!” the fire-boiler shouted: “[Hedde] Two-legged people! Despicable! I’m going to kill them!”

And this At this moment, on the outskirts of Teltown camp, Winters is shouting happily the newly learned Hed: "[Hed] is defeated! We are defeated! Our army is defeated! The fire roaster is dead!"

With the blessing of amplifying, he alone reached the last Hundred Men Squad.

How could Lieutenant Colonel Jesska give the people of Teltown a good night's sleep?
The cavalry detachment that sent the gunpowder to the bridgehead was detained by the lieutenant colonel, just waiting to be used now.

"Ура!" Pierre stabbed the horse's ribs, desperately shouting to strengthen himself, wielding a saber like a full moon, and cutting off half of Heard's head with one blow.

Angelo, Vashka and Bell followed closely behind Pierre, also slashing left and slashing with their sabres.

The Hussars and Dussac rampage at Camp Telltown, see who kill who.

Winters took the head-sized objects out of the saddlebag, lit the gunpowder twist on the outside, and threw them at the Turtletown clan who lost one's head out of fear.

These things with big heads are [improved version of Zhajia grenade].

The primordial Zhajia grenade not only wastes the gunpowder, but also has too much formidable power and is easy to accidentally hurt.

Therefore, the second version of the urgently improved Zhajia grenade was replaced by a small wine barrel. Only the size of a head, and it is sealed with asphalt brushed inside and out.

When brushing the outer layer of asphalt, stick the nail strips on the asphalt by the way to increase the lethality.

Winters galloped around the outskirts of Turtletown camp on a fortune, throwing out Zhajia grenades one after another.

I saw the light flashed, followed by a dull explosion, and small pieces of iron splashed around in the night, setting off a storm of flesh and blood.

"Okay! Get out!" Andre caught up with Winters from behind: "It's a mess! We'll fold the inside again!"

Winters reached out and touched the saddle The bag was empty, and all eight grenades had been fired.

"What a pity." Winters thought to himself, "If there are three thousand cavalry, maybe they can defeat the Turtletown team in one fell swoop."

It is a pity that Winters did not, he only had a hundred ——More than half of them were lent to Jesska by Sackler.

Telltown was in chaos, but not bombed.

Each Hundred Centurion has a separate rest area, and most soldiers can still find the Hundred-Men Commander.

Once they came back to his senses, the Hundred Riders would be wiped out in an instant.

Let's get out of the fight now, and the Teltown people won't be able to regroup until at least tomorrow morning, that's enough.

“Withdraw.” Winters nodded.

The trumpeter blew the retreat, and the Palatine cavalry heard the sound and left the battle and rushed to the scheduled assembly point.

Andre rode an extremely majestic black horse, elated asked Winters: "Do you think this is worth a Grand Cross?"


Meanwhile, eight kilometers east of the Jesska Division fortress, the Sekler makeshift camp.

Two infantry battallions cross the North Confluence from the pontoon to join the original six infantry battallions of Sackler.

In the temporary camp, General Sackler left only a few soldiers and all the military flags.

Under the leadership of Sackler, eight infantry battalions moved towards Beizhai overnight.


WM's Book of Spell

Entry: Decomposition Spell
Description: Apply arrows to an object in two directions simultaneously , does not emphasize precision, but only emphasizes explosiveness.

Note: I never thought that [Decomposition Spell] would actually be a kinetic energy spell. I can't help but wonder, what would be the effect if someone could cast the Flying Arrows in more than two directions at the same time?
Another note: If Christie Teacher An's results are not published, this year's [Antoine-Laurent Award] will definitely be mine. If [Whirlwind], [Fire Dragon Roll], and [Huygens Version of Deviation] are published this year, maybe... I can publish it again next year?
7490 words, which can be regarded as almost two chapters. Is the chapter owed before that even if I pay it back...

[Decomposition Spell is the spell that appeared in the prologue...]
I I originally wanted to finish the battle in this chapter, and write about anti-military magic in the next chapter, but at the end of this chapter, the battle was only written at the beginning...

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