Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 178


Chapter 178 Small improvements

As the saying goes: don’t disturb the lion’s sleep, and nothing will happen No.

There is another proverb: A tiger's butt cannot be touched.

What Jesska battallion did last night can no longer be described as simply "touching the buttocks".

They set a fire on the tiger's butt, cut out a large piece of meat, and kicked it fiercely when they left.

On the sentry tower, Winters calmly stuffed steel nails into the holsters on the gauntlets, and casually said to Bard: "The Hurds are so angry."

"Isn't this nonsense?" Bud replied angrily: "Why are you robbing someone of Divine Idol?"

"It's not that I wanted to rob, you weren't there." Winters said in a sad tone: "This gang The guy's eyes glowed green when he saw such a big lump of gold. I said, 'Don't move, let it go'. They wouldn't agree!"

The two saw tens of thousands of Hurd cavalry - with The knees knew that it was the main force of the Teltown Department - the inner three floors and the outer three floors surrounded the bridgehead, looking at the posture, they were about to attack the city immediately.

The golden man was taken away, and the Hurd's eye socket was completely broken, and they wanted to get it back immediately - this is understandable, but they chose the wrong place to start the battle.

Although the bridgehead of the Jesska Department is small, it is by no means an easy bone to chew on.

This civil building is backed by the river bank and is commanding.

all around is open space, and the only small patch of woods has been cleared by Winters. The ground was bare, and there was not even a place to cover it.

The fort wall is integrated with the wooden bridge across the confluence river, and the defenders can advance and retreat.

And the four sides of the bridgehead are very narrow, and no amount of enemies can expand.

There were originally two Hundred Men Squad garrisoned here. After Jesska battallion arrived, it continued to remodel and reinforce on the basis of the original fortifications.

They have much more time than the Sackler Department, so what lies in front of the Hurds is not the simple defense of the Sackler camp with low walls and shallow trenches.

It is a trench with a depth and width of more than two meters, continuous juma piles, four large, one small and five bastions, and a double-layered fortified wall with a high and low configuration.

Although not as well-designed, expensive and daunting as star fortresses. But if you want to break through this defense system, the Hurds will have to take hundreds or thousands of lives to fill it.

The horn sounded, and the Heard cavalry in the distance made a noise and began to advance towards the fort wall.

"Dare to come?" Winters sucked in a breath of cold air: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Bud glared at Winters, jumped off the sentry tower, and took responsibility for him the southwest corner of the bastion.

When Alaric, who speaks fluent Common, led the attack on the Netherworld River camp, at least dozens of chariots were used as cover.

Not to mention the chariots, the cavalry of the Teltown Corps in front of them dared to attack with great fanfare, even with few shields, which made Winters a little difficult to understand.

He came up with an idea for no reason: "Shouldn't the Hurd... not understand who is the egg? Who is the stone?"

The bastion in the northeast corner Up, Mason stared at the stacked Chured stones 750 meters away.

Seeing the stones submerged behind the human wall of the Hurds, Mason yelled: "Fire!"

The five six-pounder guns fired in sequence, and the solid iron ball flew in accurately. The crowd ran through the body one after another, ploughing out five deep blood ditches.

The Hurds apparently did not expect the defenders to have artillery. In order to gain momentum, they slowly advanced in dense formation.

However, the surrounding open area has been marked by Mason, and facing such a dense formation, it is absolutely impossible to miss.

It was only five shellings with limited damage, but the Hurd army was already shaken. Not because of casualties, but because they couldn't bear the psychological pressure of being beaten.

Finally, someone couldn't take it anymore. A sprint on a horse, all the Hurds ran with it.

The formation of the Turdun army was thus broken up.

When the Hurds rushed into the five hundred meters, the long-awaited two twelve-pound cannons let out a thunderous roar.

The cannonballs rammed through the crowd, smashed to the ground and bounced, mercilessly taking away lives.

"Good fight!" Mason's depression was swept away, and he was very satisfied with the effect of the shelling.

Leading the way or can a cannon be interesting? The lieutenant high-spirited and vigorously ordered his subordinates: "Change the shotgun!"

A group of "gunners" listened to the order and hurriedly began to load the grape projectiles wrapped in rope nets and paper bags.

The cannon that Colonel Robert wanted but didn't have, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska not only had... but Seven Sects.

Lieutenant Mason, who dreams of going back to his old business, can't wait to give Bianli City's artillery a spoonful of stew. As soon as Jesska was nodded, he immediately put the best five light long guns and two cannons under his command.

The former weighs only half a ton, but has a diameter of over 30 and an excellent range. The latter weighs about a ton and has a small diameter, which is better than a twelve-pound shell.

The gunpowder used for shooting was already weighed and packaged by Mason in advance; the shooting angle was also determined by Mason himself.

Other so-called "gunners" are downright tool men, just firing, resetting, clearing, reloading, and firing again.

As early as the Netherworld River camp defense, Mason had already trained several tool gunners. Now with the old tool people as the backbone, new tool people are added, and the artillery team has been greatly expanded.

In this way, an Academy artillery officer who has raised pigs for several years, with dozens of unorthodox tool people, used the cannons of the Hurds to kill the Hurds - even the artillery shells were picked up. Here comes the Heard shells.

The cruel battlefield paintings are inexplicably dyed with a bit of magical realism.

But Winters didn't have time to think about the hilarious absurdity of it, waiting for the Heards to enter fifty steps.

If there are only guns, the Hurds can slowly advance to 100 meters to form a calm formation, and then attack the city,

But once the defenders have guns, the Hurds will Must attack from 500 meters away.

Not even 500 meters away is safe, and the 6-pounder cannon has a limit of more than 3,000 range—but at this distance, it's not as good as a shot.

In less than one minute, the Hurd cavalry had already rushed within fifty meters, and the artillery had only had time to fire one round, and it was still in full swing.

After the wall, absolute silence.

Jesska battallion is no longer a mob with random guns and emboldens, and all the musketeers are waiting for orders.

The defense of the bridgehead, from the outside to the inside, consists of four layers, namely, the refusal of horses, the trenches, the parapet, and the wall.

The Hurd people stopped before rejecting the horse.

"It's now! Fire!" Winters yelled amplifying.

He pulled the trigger continuously, "click, click" the spring wheel ignited, two lead bullets flew out of the muzzle one after another, and a red-feathered Heard leader next to the horse fell to the ground.

After Bellion's repairs, this double-barrel rifled gun can be shot anywhere.

The musketeers on the bastion followed Winters to press the launcher, a series of gunshots rang out, and the buckshot flew.

The closest Hurd was killed on the spot, and the surviving Hurd lay on the ground to avoid, trying to use the arm-thick horse-rejecting stake as a shield.

After the salvo, the battlefield returned to silence.

“[Hedde] stand up!” After the smoke, a Hedde leader scolded sharply: “[Hedde] Their muskets can only be used once! Quickly pull the stakes!”

The Hurds got up from the ground amid beatings and scolding, the shooting seemed to have really stopped, and they began to pull the horses again.

They were greeted by a second round salvo, and the scolding leader Heard was killed by two buckshot.

"Team 2! Reload!" Winters waved his flag and shouted: "Team 3! Get ready!"

The drummer next to the Hundred-Men Commander tapped a fatal presto , urging the Musketeers to act.

The musketeers who finished shooting backed up to reload, and another group of musketeers hurried to the wall and aimed their guns.

Before this, militia musketeers fired a round of platoons and fired freely.

However, Winters found that many musketeers were afraid to fire their guns, and once they started free fire, they couldn't hit a few leads throughout the battle.

So Winters divided all the musketeers into ten teams, taking turns in turn and firing alternate salvos.

Whose gun went off and whose gun didn't go off, obvious at a glance.

"Team 3! Fire!" Winters yelled.

The snare drums came to an abrupt end, and Charles took his gavel and struck the gong hard.

"Boom!" The sound of the gong pierced through the noise of the battlefield, which was the signal to fire.

The third team of musketeers pressed the stick and fired a salvo.

A ten-commander was standing next to each firing position to take notes. The military law has been read out in advance, and whoever does not fire the gun will be severely punished after the war.

"Team 3! Reload!" Winters then ordered: "Team 4! Get ready!"

The drummer hit the fast drum again. Amid the high-frequency drumming, one line of musketeers stepped back and the next made up.

This tactic is not simple, every musketeer must reload in nine rounds, and beware of accidental injuries and accidents.

With drums, gongs and voices, ten teams of musketeers stumbled and alternated.

Winters was not satisfied with seeing his subordinates in a hurry.

In his opinion, the militia is still too clumsy, and with more training, this rotating shooting tactic will definitely be more fluid.

"Team 4! Fire!" Winters' voice became hoarse, he thought, "I'll have to get someone to give me the password."

Montagne Hundred-Men Commander still said to himself Dissatisfied, but the Hurds feel completely different.

Two-legged muskets used to take a lot of time to reload once fired.

The Hurds of the Kettletown Division were surprised to find that the two-legged man in the bunker in front of him kept firing his muskets.

The gunshots were continuous, and the lead bullets were like raindrops, round after round, and the Hurds, who had been beaten out, could not lift their heads.

Finally, a large number of Heard archers arrived at the front line.

These archers, all dressed in double or even triple-layered heavy armor, crossed the horses and approached the ditch, shooting arrows at the Palatine on the wall.

Immediately, a few musketeers leaned out of the parapet too much and were killed by arrows.

Hard's hard bow and heavy arrows, the strength will decrease with distance. But the advantage in exchange is that it is "impossible" at close range.

Especially the crescent arrow, which even cuts the wrist off the arm.

Winters was not surprised to see Heard's heavy archers approaching.

You have fought and defended for more than a dozen games.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the surviving Veneta officers, no one knows the housekeeping skills of the Hurds better than Winters ·Montagne.

These archers must be carefully selected brave warriors, who can wear double-layer heavy armor, open hard bows, and have superb arrow techniques. They are specially responsible for sniping and suppressing Palatine musketeers.

Winters smiled.

Elite? Lao Tzu is playing the elite.

"Running horses!" Winters shouted out loudly, and the roar of magic amplification instantly overwhelmed all voices.

A large group of musketeers suddenly stood up on the parapet behind the moat when they heard the code, and shouted in unison: "Uukhai!"

They hid behind the wall early, waiting for this moment .


The musketeers behind the parapet, at a distance of almost face-to-face, gave Elite Hurd a round of extremely hot platoons against their foreheads.

From the heavy armored archers to the parapet, there is only a ditch in the middle, and the distance is no more than four meters.

If that doesn't hit, the shooter has every reason to kill himself.

According to the agreement, the artillery, which had been holding back, also fired at the same time.

Innumerable lead flies staggered by the ditch, and the Hurd people eat all their lead and iron grapes.

Winters felt his cheeks suddenly become wet, he touched it, and it turned out that the blood splashed up from the city.

The smoke cleared, and there were not one out of ten Heard heavy-armored archers beside the trench. Someone is still alive just because no one is targeting him.

The sound of drums and gongs still did not stop, and they fired round after round at the enemy under the city.

It's just a small improvement, but the killing efficiency is greatly improved.

The Hurds lost their spirit and fled.

With few casualties, the first round attack was pushed back.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, who was in the middle army, ordered Winters to be recruited.

After the meeting, Jesska handed the second lieutenant a glass of spirits without saying a word, and his face showed no joy or sorrow: "Send some reliable people to fill in the horse and drag the corpses away, Don't let the Hurds play this trick of stacking corpses again."

"Already sent." Winters didn't refuse the alcohol and poured it down his throat.

The two were silent for a while.

Jesska suddenly praised: "Good job."

Lieutenant Colonel is a rare compliment, he tried to squeeze out some kind expressions, but it looked very strange.

"en. ”

Jessica gave up the attempt and resumed her normally lukewarm tone: "You came up with this tactical interest in alternate shooting."



Winters wiped his cheeks and said, "It's not something I invented. Rotary shooting has been around since ancient times. The ancient javelin throwers took turns throwing like this, and the archers would also release them in formation."

"How can there be something original in this world?" Jesska sneered and shook his head, pouring another glass of wine for the second lieutenant: "It's all based on other people's things. Since you improve this tactic, it's yours. Montagne tactics? Montagne system?"

"It's still called rotation, I don't want to call it."


"Old Marshal Isn't the improved phalanx only called the big phalanx?" Winters said quietly: "Although it is arrogant to say it, I seem to have a little understanding of the old marshal's mood... I am very happy, but I am also afraid. I'm afraid that someday in the future someone will use this stuff on us as well."

Jesska patted the arm of Lieutenant and said nothing.

This chapter has maps and is drawing. If you see this but don't see the map, please come back to this chapter later to find it.

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