Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 179


Chapter 179 Three Chances
The battle took a turn for the worse.

The Hurds were defeated like a mountain, and the defeated troops who failed to siege the city rolled back into the formation, and actually overwhelmed the central army of Teltown.

Winters watched tens of thousands of cavalry trample on each other and scattered like birds and beasts, how could they not expect victory to come so suddenly.

Andre was not in the fort at the moment, so Lieutenant Colonel Jesska asked Pierre to lead the Dussack light cavalry to follow the enemy for reconnaissance.

Soon, Mr. Mitchell, who had been promoted to a temporary sergeant, brought back information: the barbarian flag was in disarray, and the army had already collapsed, and was fleeing to the west in chaos.

The situation is clear, and the relieved Palatine cheering excitedly, some rough men even wiped away tears. How depressed everyone was when they were surrounded by Heard barbarians, and how excited they were at the moment.

Winters had no time to celebrate, he was busy calling the Ten Commanders for questioning.

He was approached by a messenger - Lieutenant Colonel Jesska asked all officers to come to a meeting.

Rushing to the small board room that served as the battallion command, he found that in addition to Jesska, Bud and Mason, there were also two Hundred-Men Commanders who were originally stationed here: Lieutenant Thiba [Palatu nationality], second lieutenant Sanu [Veneta nationality].

Winters winked at Sanu and dragged a chair to sit down.

The atmosphere is very relaxed, who would have thought? The menacing Teltown Department was so futile.

"Not to us! Not to us! Lord! Glory to your name!"

Songs came into the house, and the Platoons were singing hymns.

The defeat of so many enemies at such a small price can only be explained by the Divine Vestige for believers.

"If the Hurd wants to run, let him run." Seeing everyone gathered, Jesska straight to the point: "Don't chase, continue to reinforce the fortification."

Winters At first, I was puzzled: the Hurd army was defeated, and they should be fighting hard, not giving them a chance to regroup.

But Lieutenant Colonel Jesska will not be aimless...

After a little thought, Winters can sort it out, and he chuckles: "You mean...the Hurds Are you cheating?"

The smiles on the faces of the other lieutenants quickly disappeared, and everyone's expressions became serious, and their bodies leaned forward involuntarily.

"Pretend to be defeated, lure the defenders away from the fortified city to pursue, and then wait for the opportunity to gather and surround and destroy. This is a common tactic of the Hurds." Jesska pointed to Lieutenant Otiba and asked, "Are you Paratus?"

Otiba was a little stunned: "Eh? Yes, my family is in the castles of the kings."

"Then you should know how the last archduke died. ."

"I heard from the was just when Lu You was young."

Jesska pointed to several Veneta people beside him: "Tell them about it. Tell me."

Lieutenant Otipa scratched his head and stood up, and gave a rough narration of the allusions familiar to the Platonic soldiers.

The story is very simple: in another year of catastrophe, the Hurd people invaded the east, burning, killing and looting all the way, and finally hit the castles of the kings.

The castles of the kings have been built by the Grand Dukes of Palatus for more than a dozen generations, and the city's defenses are impregnable. The barbarians attacked for a long time without any success, and fought for spills of war, and finally fled.

The Grand Duke Bello IV of Palato saw this and immediately led an attack. You chased me and fled for three days and three nights.

Finally, at the mouth of the Kalja River, the Palatine Army, who underestimated the enemy's aggressive advance and lost its spirit, collided head-on with the Sudden thrust of the Hudds.

When the slaughter was over, the Karja River was filled with the corpses of the Paratus.

From then on, the Paratus did not eat fish from the Karja River, because those fish had eaten the flesh of the Paratus.


One more word, the impact of this campaign is extremely far-reaching: the Grand Duke plus seven counts were killed, resulting in the complete extinction of the Hetumoger family paternal line.

Plato's crown went round and round, and finally fell into the hands of Bello IV's cousin, Richard IV, before he was called the Mad King.

Richard IV, who was financially bankrupt periodically, won the land of galloping horses like Supreme Treasure. He regarded Palato as a money bag and ruthlessly took away more than 250,000 ducats of funds every year.

Fortunes flowed continuously, and Plato began to decline continuously.

The border defense line could no longer be maintained, and the tribes of Hurd rushed into Palatu to loot every year, and they were called "beating the autumn valley".

And the emperor ignored it and ignored it.

dukedom From nobles to commoners, dissatisfaction and resentment against Richard IV grew day by day. Beneath the veneer of loyalty, there is a turbulent undercurrent.

So much so that when the citizens of the piedmont rose up, Prato, who was supposed to be an absolute royalist, not only did not make any efforts to suppress it, but instead became a source of troops for "rebels".

A large number of Palatine nobles changed their names and surnames, calling their friends and companions to defect to the Union Army, and rebelled at their own expense.

In the early, middle and late stages of the Sovereign War, the Confederates relied on the Paratus to carry the cavalry.

Ned ·Smith found that there are many strange warriors in the army with bad names, claiming to be from the mountains, but with a highland accent.

These people go into the army with their own horses, weapons, and armor, and don't like to obey orders, especially commanders with civilian backgrounds.

But all of them are highly skilled in martial arts, do not run away without military pay, and risk their lives in battle, as if they have an absolutely irreconcilable hatred with the imperial people.

It is precisely because of its contributions during the Sovereign War that the Republic of Palato enjoys a political status comparable to the provinces and Veneta in the alliance.

If Bello IV lived to the outbreak of the Sovereign War, even to prevent himself from getting burned, he would definitely send troops to help his cousin suppress the rebels.

Under the attack from both sides, the inter-provincial republican regime that gu gu landed was destined to be quickly strangled.

If the United Provinces can't even hold on to the previous situation, they won't be able to wait for the Veneta to join the war.

But history has no ifs. Who would have thought that a youngster's reckless decision would eventually lead to the birth of five republics and a "great" alliance?

Back to this meetup.

Otiba spread his hands to signal that he was done.

Mason asked hesitantly: "If the Hurds just swindled, wouldn't it be too expensive? They have killed a lot of people!"

"Whether it is True defeat, or fraudulent defeat, in a word." Jesska paused for a moment, looked around the five lieutenants, and said word by word, "Tigers won't go down the mountain!"

He then explained: "Keep This bridge, the initiative is in our hands. If he comes to attack, we will kill him; if he runs, we will not chase. Use static brakes to prevent the Hurds from taking advantage.”

The lieutenant colonel is right, and the five lieutenants naturally have no objection.

He was also a little uneasy about Winters leaving the fort to pursue him.

However, the strategy of "the tiger will not go down the mountain" made Winters a little regretful. He originally wanted to take advantage of the defeat of the Hurds to get the Jinjin people out.

Now it seems that it is better to let the golden man continue to be buried in the soil to be safer.

Now that internal opinions have been unified, Jesska battallion takes action immediately.

Budd led people to continue to widen and deepen the trenches, and inserted horse-rejecting piles;
Otiba and Sanu led people to reinforce and heighten the fort wall;
Mason was unlucky, Lieutenant Colonel He got angry when he remembered that he had taken the wrong way, and punished him to clean the battlefield, recover the shells, and drag the corpses away.

Weapons, armors, fur robes, commoners, boots, accessories... all valuable and useful are recovered.

The dead Hurd were stripped and threw directly into the river, but they were left naked, empty and clean; The light cavalry is not allowed to leave the camp except for reconnaissance of the enemy.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska showed his intentions generously to the Hurds: I don't even look at any crafty plots and machinations you have. Anyway, every second that passes, the more lives you have to fill this bridgehead.

The other lieutenants are busy with construction, and Winters is busy with psychological construction.

He gathered the musketeers who were in charge of the rotation and began to roll the call according to the note:
"John of Wolftown!"

"Ryan of Bright Valley !"


There are not many literate people in the entire fortress.

This made Winters deeply realize the importance of universal education. If the ten captains can read, they can record by themselves, and Winters only need to summarize.

But his ten commanders were all illiterate, and Winters had to copy the list by himself.

That's why he divided the musketeers into ten teams, because people have ten fingers. The Ten Commander, who oversees the Musketeers, was illiterate and could only memorize people with his fingers.

The musketeers who were named went out one by one. There were nearly three hundred and forty musketeers and crossbowmen who participated in the round of shooting. Winters named only thirty-three names.

Not knowing what the Hundred-Men Commander wanted to do, thirty-three Musketeers stood in a row restless.

"These guys!" Winters paused deliberately, and announced in a serious tone: "The guys who fired the gun in each of the six and a half rounds of alternate shooting! Well done!"

"Award!" Winters waved his hand.

Ciel and Heinrich carried a bag of small Silver Coins that squeaked hua hua, and sent them three coins each from one end of the row to the other.

Winters led the crowd to applaud again, and many people in the hands of the six-shot musket were so embarrassed that their faces were red, and their eyes only dared to stare at the toes of their shoes.

Then fifty five-shot musketeers, each with a small Silver Coin, had no applause.

The third batch was seventy-eight four-shot musketeers, with no prize money and no applause.

"The rest!" Winters slapped the note, staring at the small half of the musketeers left in the clearing: "Six rounds of shooting, you can only fire three at most. Some people don't even make a sound. No!"

In the middle of the clearing, there was a dead silence. Many musketeers bowed their heads in shame.

"Look at me! Don't lower your head!" Winters stiffened his heart and scolded, his icy voice resounded through the fortress through magic amplification: "Kill if you don't teach it! It's called abuse! So I'll tell you now. Reason. Every time you shoot less, you may kill one less enemy. If you kill one less enemy, you may kill one more comrade-in-arms. Everyone is raised by parents, and if you kill someone, you will pay for your life!"

The whole fortress is now in absolute silence, even the lancers of a matter of no concern to oneself are listening with bated breath.

"Some of you will find it unfair. I fired one less shot? How could one more person be killed?" Winters held up three fingers: "Three! So I give you three chances. Three fights, if If you can't even make a qualified round shot, then you deserve your life! Only the gallows are waiting for you!"

Everyone couldn't help looking towards the temporary gallows on the edge of the open space, the noose swayed in the wind , waiting to kill.

Winters shouting loudly: "Bring a gun!"

Ciel hands a matchlock gun to Winters.

"I'll fire six shots, and if three don't go off, I'll put the noose around my neck myself!"

Charle held up his arms twenty paces from Winters. Pick up six Heard helmets.

Under the watchful eye of all the Paratus, Winters skillfully reloaded, aimed, fired, and reloaded.

Six rounds of continuous shooting, all six guns rang out, and six Heard iron helmets were knocked down.

At first the Palatine was silent, but when Winters knocked down the second iron helmet, there were cheers.

Afterwards, every time Winters knocked down an iron helmet, the Paratus cheered in unison, each louder than the previous one.

When the sixth iron helmet was knocked into the air, the cheers reached its peak, and even the one-eyed lieutenant colonel who was watching from a distance was applauding.

After six shots, Winters threw the gun away. Ciel caught it firmly, and his palms turned red.

Six shots were fired, all six were hit, and no one was dissatisfied.

"I will never force you to do what I can't do. I can do it, and you can do it too." The power of magic actually made Winters' voice suppress everyone's applause.

His eyes swept across every musketeer in the clearing: "Remember, there are only three chances. And you—have wasted one!"

If according to Qi Family The military's military law, let alone three times, in actual combat, as long as the gun cannot be fired once, the Captain will directly cut off the ear of the gunman. After the battle, the gunman who has no ears will be immediately beheaded. If Qian Zong is present, he can be beheaded on the spot. Winters, who are all militiamen, is new to this tactic, so he relaxes some restrictions a little.

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