Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 177


Chapter 177 Iron shoulders bear the blame

While Winters was busy moving the Hurds, The battle for Koehler is heating up.

Hard's army feigned to attack the north wall with some light cavalry drum noise.

But they secretly dispatched the elite Armored Soldier, without lighting or making a sound.

But the barbarians underestimate Sackler's sense of smell.

The brigadier general saw through the reality of the Hurds and quickly adjusted the deployment accordingly.

He first dispatched Robert Battallion to stand at the bridgehead, and then concentrated the battalion's musketeers on the south wall.

The area between Robert's Phalanx and the southern wall of the camp is completely covered by muskets, and any enemy passing here will encounter crossfire from multiple directions.

The figure of the Hurd was illuminated by the fire set in advance by Seckler, and the Platoon musketeer fired a round of platoons.

This narrow space of more than ten meters wide was filled with lead bullets, turning it into a killing area.

Hard's armored soldiers charged with platoons of guns, and before they got close to the pontoon bridge, they made one stop out of four.

When he was in close combat with the Palatine Square, he was continuously bled by the musket behind him. They quickly lost their hold and began to retreat.

Robert Battallion's soldiers watched the barbarians retreat, and before they could lick their wounds, another group of armored barbarians attacked them with machetes.

Without any respite, the gunshots, shouting, and fighting continued, and tonight was doomed to be difficult.

The Hurds thought that the three thousand Palatonic infantry wanted to use the pontoon to retreat, so they selected elites and attacked the pontoon in turn.

In fact, Sackler simply did not have the idea of withdrawing to the South Bank. The pontoon sent by Jesska Battallion was purely unexpected.

The pontoon even pre-empted the Hurd's attack, knocking Sackler's battle plan out of whack.

But the accident has already happened, and it is useless to be annoyed.

General Sackler took advantage of the situation and used the pontoon bridge as a bait to lure the Hurds to attack, using muskets to continuously kill and injure the enemy's daring elites.

After four advances and four retreats, the Hurds also sensed that something was wrong—the two-legged guy was bleeding with a knife.

The Hurds changed their strategy decisively, and the frontal feint turned into a strong attack, and the pressure on the camp defenders increased sharply.

Seckler had to send some of the musketeers elsewhere for support.

After dispersing the forces of the Palatine Army, the Hurds began to use some messy tactics in an attempt to win by surprise.

The barbarians first brought dozens of war horses to the front of the phalanx, with hay tied to their tails and greased.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert was a bit of an unfathomable mystery at first, and it wasn't until he saw flames on the flattery that he realized what the barbarians wanted to do.

The "Horse of Fire" neighed and charged towards the phalanx, and Hurd's swordsmen and archers then covered up.

The Hidden's Chitze made the Paratus startled, but the width of Robert's phalanx was very narrow - less than ten meters, making it difficult for the fire horse to ram into the phalanx accurately.

Lieutenant Roy jumped out of the phalanx to face the flaming horses with a sound explosion, and the Palatine musketeers also opened fire.

Although the horse was frightened, it did not foolishly bump into the lance and the firelight. Slightly deflected, he swept across the edge of the phalanx and fled along the river bank.

Without the cover of the Fire Horse Array, the Hurds were once again exposed to the Paratus. After several rounds of muskets and hard bows, the Hurds, who were obviously at a disadvantage, retreated again in embarrassment.

The fire horse's plan to break the phalanx failed, and the Hurds who stormed the camp wall also retreated.

Except for the whining of the dying, nothing could be heard on the battlefield for a while.

Robert Battallion did not take a break. They immediately began to dig trenches around the phalanx.

In the interval between the battles, half of the battallion's soldiers quietly left the camp and went to replenish Robert battallion.

They carried the gunpowder and lead Robert Battallion badly needed, and Sackler's instructions.

"Sir, the general ordered me to tell you. The barbarian's leader is obviously unable to hold his breath, and is likely to overwhelm the entire army. As long as you can withstand the last round of offensive, you will be the first credit tonight. ' repeated Captain William cautiously.

"What's the first feat?" Robert sneered repeatedly, stuck his shovel fiercely on the ground, and said disdainfully: "Old fogey loves to fool people with such cheap words! Let's talk about it if we can hold on to it! "

Captain William didn't know how to answer, and the atmosphere was awkward for a while.

"Why are you standing there stupidly?" Robert glared at the captain: "Whoever brought you, hurry up and dig trenches!"

The Heards who had been silent for a while began to chorus again Shout out loud.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert spat and continued digging the trenches.

In the darkness, the footsteps of the Heards could be vaguely heard approaching.

"Fire!" ordered the lieutenant colonel.

Several soldiers ran out to light the fire and ran back to the phalanx as if they were fleeing.

The firelight finds out the enemy's silhouette. This time there are more barbarians than the previous waves combined.

But the equipment is poor, fur robe, iron helmet, and armor are mixed, far less than the previous Armored Soldier elite.

It seems that the barbarians are really overwhelmed by the whole army, intending to kill Robert Battallion by numbers.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert set up his defenses and waited for the enemy to come into range. He regretted not taking a few artillery guns out.

The cannon is equipped with shotguns, which can knock this densely propelled mob out of the way.

"Would it be nice if I had two guns now? Even two pounders. No, one would do." Robert murmured about the rigid way he used the artillery.

Every time the Hurds took a step forward, they had to shout in unison to strengthen themselves.

Lieutenant Roy saw the fire at the farthest being stomped out, and loudly ordered: "Musketeers, get ready!" The musket, the shoulders pressed against the wooden support.

Immediately afterwards, the second fire was stomped out.

"Open the gunpowder pool!" Roy amplified his voice with magic.

The musketeers pulled open the gunpowder lid.

The fire represents the distance. When the third fire is stomped out, it means that the enemy has entered fifty meters.

All the Paratus held their breaths, gritted their teeth, and waited for the battle to begin.

But the Musketeers did not wait for the lieutenant's order, and they heard a series of harsh gongs—from behind Heard.

Hearing the sound of the gong, the menacing Heard turned and ran.

Robert Battallion, since Lieutenant Colonel, has been at a loss for a while and doesn't understand what the barbarians are doing.

Sekler, who was standing beside the camp wall, watched the Hurds light the torch, receding like a tide, and almost vomited a mouthful of old blood.

He has been keeping his strength, deliberately showing the enemy to be weak, and even deliberately letting the feigned Hurds enter the camp wall several times, just waiting for the barbarians to launch a general attack.

Later, the detective reported that there were red clouds in the northwest horizon, and it was suspected that there was a fire.

Sackler's mind was like electricity, and he guessed it in an instant.



Lieutenant Colonel Jesska sneezed.

Winters, who was riding alongside the lieutenant colonel, handed out a handkerchief.

Jesska glanced at the second lieutenant in surprise, took the handkerchief and wiped her nose.

The lieutenant colonel suddenly frowned and asked, "Why does it smell weird?"

"Really?" Winters took the handkerchief and suddenly remembered what the handkerchief had done.

He face doesn't change, sniffed a few times, and said calmly, "I smell a little weird too, sweaty?"

Beside them, the militiamen were driving towards The resident ran wild and everyone elated.

There are only three things on everyone's mind right now: gold, gold, or gold.

The golden man is too heavy and heavy, two carriages are nailed together as one, and it can be moved by eight horses.

Little Uncle Giovanni was a goldsmith, and Winters knew the approximate algorithm.

He made a rough estimate based on the density of gold, and the gold man at least weighed two tons.

Equally distributed to each person, about four kg. Not to mention two golden cups, if the taste is vulgar enough, you can hit a golden toilet.

The militiamen did not have the concept of four kilograms of gold. When they first heard it, everyone's reaction was mediocre. They only thought: Well, it seems like a lot of money.

So Winters changed the calculation method - 1123 ducats. coins?
Someone fainted on the spot.

"What are you daydreaming about?" The lieutenant colonel scolded everyone: "It's not ours until we move back."

The militiamen woke up like a dream, red He started to load the golden man with his eyes open.

Others saw that the golden man was only greedy, but Lieutenant Colonel Jesska showed fear on his face.

What worries him is not the gold, but the owner of the Golden Man - Telltown Department.

Since the Golden Man is here, it means that the Teltown Department has already participated in the war.

The scale of the getting out of hand.

Knowing that it might be the main camp of the Teltown Department, Winters' first reaction was to drop the Jin Man and retreat immediately.

But gold is charming, and looking at what everyone looks like now, I'm afraid they would rather die than move the golden man away.

The Jesska battallion is out of control, and Lieutenant Colonel and Winters are probably the only ones who are still sane.

Eight horses dragged the golden man galloping across wasteland, and the coachman was determined to beat the animals.

From time to time a horse would fall down with foaming foam, but the Platoons ignored it and immediately put on another horse.

Because of the large number of Hedma captured, it can be used indiscriminately like this.

Running and running, the car will break down, and the Paratus people don't have time to repair it, so they just push the new car.

The carriage and horse are all replaceable parts at the moment.

Even so, the travel speed is too slow.

The further she went, the more anxious Winters became.

Telltown will never give up and chase soldiers want to come to come.

It's likely not gold but a life-threatening curse towed on the car.

The golden man's expressionless face now looked like a mockery to Winters.

When the interruption is continuous, it will suffer from its chaos. Winters had made up his mind, but he didn't know how much authority his authority had.

"No! Stop!" Winters called the parking team and ordered everyone: "Unload the golden man."

He thought about it and added: "Buried."


Before dawn, Jesska battallion returned to Beiqiaozhai safely with spills of war.

Anyone who can or cannot ride a horse is on horseback.

About an hour later, early morning.

The Beiqiaozhai Sentinel was surprised to find that the small bridgehead had been surrounded by Hurds.

A red-faced Heard lanced his helmet and demanded to negotiate, and he even brought an interpreter.

Winters takes the hunters out of the camp.

"[Hede] hand over the golden man, and I will spare you today." The red-faced Heard man went straight to the point: "[Hede] eggs will only be shattered when they hit a stone."


Winters got the answer he wanted, he laughed loudly: "Want it? Get it yourself."

After saying that, he drove his horse and left, no longer with the Hurd people. speech.

It may be interesting to add some oil paintings as illustrations in this chapter. Although "the lip of the donkey is not the mouth of the horse", the feeling may be similar. I will try to find some;
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