Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 162


Chapter 162 Riverside Camp
Hearing that General Janos was dead, Winters' fist was unconscious Grip tightly.

The one-eyed lieutenant colonel remained unmoved, he sneered and asked: "You called me out just to say this?"

"Hand over the baggage you carry, I will allow you to keep the flag and The weapons leave." The Hurd repeated the offered conditions, looking confident: "Anyway, you're still alive, it's not too bad, is it?"

"Okay." Medium The school replied indifferently: "You wait for me to go back and think about it."

The Hurds smiled and politely poked contempt: "Your Excellency, there is no point in procrastinating. No one will come. Save you, my kindness and generosity are also limited."

"Is there anything else?"

"May I know your honorable name."

"John Jessica."

"I'm Alaric, clerk Haugkota , which is the Thousand-man Commander in your mouth."

"It's a pleasure to meet."

"I am also honored to play against your Excellency."

Jess Lieutenant Colonel Ka's attitude was negative, and the negotiation ended quickly.

Rising from the bear skin, Alaric said coldly, "Sir, as we were talking, the sand was falling from the hourglass. Time for you. Not many more."


On the way back to the main camp, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska suddenly asked: "Lieutenant Montagne, what do you think?"

Winters speak frankly: "If you hand over the baggage, they will really let us go? I'm not sure. But we should be prepared."

"You're wrong." Lieutenant Colonel Shika said disdainfully: "The Hurds are so awesome, why don't they come and beat us directly?"

"They probably just want something..." Winters eyebrow raised: "Well, it is it possible that?"

"It's what you think. Do you think I'm in a hurry, or are they more worried?" More urgent."

"That's right, I think he was so anxious that he was about to pee his pants! How dare he ask us to surrender?"

The second lieutenant was confused: "But Didn't he say..."

"You believe what he said?" Lieutenant Colonel Jessica laughed heartily: "I said I was his father!"

Winters recalled that The German's expression and manners made him a little annoyed: "That guy, is face doesn't change lying to us?"

"It's not surprising to use any tricks in war. Don't think that the Hurd people Honest, barbarians are the most cunning." The lieutenant colonel casually instructed: "Don't spread the words of the Hurd people, if you ask, say they are here to persuade them to surrender."


Beacon has already Pointing up, the messenger for help also crossed the bridge early.

The first thing Lieutenant Colonel Jesska did when he returned to the camp was to interrogate the prisoners, while Winters returned to his team and led everyone to reinforce the fortifications.

The Platoons are working hard without Avatar.

The camp is backed by a big river. Originally, there were trenches and earth walls, but the walls were not high and the trenches were not deep.

But with only a few hundred people in the camp, they couldn't dig much earth if they were exhausted.

As soon as several officers discussed it, they simply did not work hard on the wall, and instead did some immediate work.

So everyone is desperately raising the shooting tower, and scavenging the wood in the camp, sharpening it to act as a refusal.

When Winters returned to the team, they saw Andre, Bud and a few others around.

"What is this doing?" asked Lieutenant Montagne.

Andre raised his hand and threw a musket to Winters: "Look at this."

Winters caught it: "What's wrong?"

This is an ordinary volleyball with a long wooden handle, and the launcher is a short iron tube.

Winters had a clue: a long dagger inserted into the barrel, turning the musket into a short spear.

“Interesting.” Winters got serious.

The dagger was tucked so tightly that it took some effort for him to pull it out. When he held it in his hand, he realized that the workmanship of the dagger was particularly crude, it was an iron bar sandwiched between two pieces of cork.

"This bauble saved our lives today." Youngster beside Bud patted: "Baronne, you tell Lieutenant Montagne."

Baronne Very nervous, he stumbled in his speech: "This knife is used by hunters in my hometown to shoot wild boars. Sometimes wild boars don't die if they are shot, and the hunters put the dagger into the gun and use it as a spear."

Winters The dagger was inserted back into the musket and tried a few thrusts.

Budd explained: "There are many merchants in the convoy who only have hook guns. I thought this thing might come in handy, so I asked the blacksmith to make dozens of them. Originally, after the musket was fired, it was a mallet, but With this thing, it can be used as a short spear, and today I gave the Hurds a little surprise."

"Bud and I are researching." Andre added: "If you give every fire The gunmen are equipped with a bayonet, which may be a substitute for the lance."

Winters smiled and handed the musket back to Baronne, shaking his head, "No way."


Winters, who was born in Bike, reminded the two Riders at the same time: "How light is the fire door gun? How heavy is the matchlock gun?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"The matchlock gun is heavy and heavy, it is fifteen pounds light, and it can weigh thirty pounds. It needs a bracket to shoot, how can it be used as a short spear? The weight of the lance is only five pounds. Ten pounds."

Andre refused to accept it, and tried it with a matchlock gun, but stopped talking.

The truth speaks louder than words, the matchlock gun is too bulky, has an unsuitable center of gravity for combat, and has a short attack range.

Although it is held with both hands, it cannot send the rod like a flower spear. The actual attack distance is similar to that of a one-handed spear, only the arm plus half a gun.

It's better to put a dagger in a heavy matchlock gun as a short spear than to hit someone with the butt upside down.

Winters rubbed salt on the wound: "Besides, the lance is two meters five, how long does it take to insert a dagger into a musket? The role of the lance is to protect the shooter from the impact of the cavalry, and use a short spear to deal with the gun. The cavalry is naturally at a disadvantage."

"Then this thing is useless?" Andre asked unwillingly.

"Not good." Winters thought for a while, then said: "If the weight of the musket can be reduced to less than ten pounds, this thing will be very useful. In addition, the musketeer must dare to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Otherwise , I'd rather use a halberd and a spear to protect the shooter."

Andre couldn't help shouting, "Wouldn't it be enough to make a musket less than ten pounds?"

Winters helplessly said : "It's as simple as you said! If you want to reduce the weight of the musket, you have to use a lighter barrel. The lighter the barrel, the thinner the wall, so you're not afraid of blasting the chamber? Or reduce the charge, so the formidable power is not enough. ."

"It comes down to it." He concluded, "I still need better iron."


Midnight, the moon is dark, but the sky was full of stars.

Only the Sentinels have not rested, and the others in the riverside camp have fallen asleep.

Two silent silhouettes led their horses and quietly slipped out of the north gate of the camp.

The people were biting at the sticks and chomping at once, and Winters followed closely behind Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, communicating with each other by hand gestures.

Lieutenant Colonel insisted not to bring guards. According to him, the more people there are, the easier it is to get out of the basket.

The two officers just left the barracks without a sound, and people who don't know why probably thought they were going to run away.

In the dead of night, only the chirping of insects, even the slightest noise will spread far away.

All the metal objects on Winters and Strongman were wrapped in cloth, as was the Lieutenant Colonel. The two did not ride horses, but walked slowly, holding the reins.

After the negotiation, Heard's scout roamed around the riverside camp to spy on the truth.

The Hurd's pony is agile, quick and good at jumping. Hit with muskets and bows and crossbows, but you can't hit. Send cavalry to fight, the other side beat the horse and ran.

This is repeated over and over again, making the Platonic people annoyed.

Winters has another problem with his rifled gun, the rifle is leaded, and it's out of alignment. Fortunately, Berian said he could solve it, and it has now been handed over to the blacksmith for repair.

The ancient law said: "an eye for an eye, A Tooth For A Tooth."

As night fell, the lieutenant colonel took Lieutenant Montagne to prepare for a Approaching for reconnaissance.

According to the lieutenant colonel, the reason why I only brought Winters is because he has a good horse and because he is not night blind.

There was only a hill between the Hurd camp and the Palatine camp.

Jesska and Winters reached the top of the hillside, which was already patrolled by Heard's Sentinels.

Under the hillside, the camp of the Hurds is brightly lit. I don't know what to do.

"I can't see anymore." The lieutenant colonel who was lying on the ground whispered, "Count how many campfires they have."

Winters, who was also lying on the ground, covered his The left eye and the other hand are brought together in front of the right, trying to recognize the distant firelight.

Jesska whispered to the second lieutenant: "The Hurds sent troops, a team of ten soldiers. If it is really a thousand troops, at least there must be fifty campfires."

"Great Captain, I've counted to eighty!" Winters replied in a low voice.

"Did you count?"

"It's now ninety."

"[vulgar language about sheep]" Jessica The lieutenant colonel suddenly cursed: "Won't the Wanfu team come out on the grassland again?"

"What do you mean?"

"Go, there is a sentry! The lieutenant colonel got up, grabbed the second lieutenant's clothes and dragged it back.

"Wait." Winters was completely motionless, his eyes fixed on the camp in the distance. He also suddenly cursed: "[A vulgar language about the sailor mother]! The Hurds are building siege equipment!"

"Stop talking nonsense and go."

The two jumped on the war horses, let go of their hooves and ran towards the camp.

The Hurd sentry noticed something was different, and after a while, he found that he couldn't catch up, so he didn't follow.

Jesska, who returned to the main camp, asked the second lieutenant: "At the beginning we met that group of Hurds, how many horses were there?"

"Nearly a hundred."

"Where did you meet the gang outside the camp?"

"About two hundred."

"Got it?"

Winters fiercely Shaking his head: "I don't understand."

"The Hurds don't pay attention to the full crew." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska looked gloomy: "A Tulu may actually only have thirty or forty riders. A name The thousands of fighters on the board actually have 600 cavalry, even if they are rich. But these teams of Tulu we encountered are all full. This Hauge, it seems, is probably full.”


"The Hurds are nomadic with families as their unit, and the pastures can support few people. If there are too many males, the families will be separated, and so will the tribes. Few tribes can take out the food in one go. Qian Dingzhuang went out to fight. If it wasn't for our bad luck and bump into a large tribe that came out of its nest, then someone was giving orders to the tribes." Jesska gnashing teeth said: "The last person with such prestige... ...still Quye Khan, thirty years ago."

Thirty years ago, Winters was not born, nor was he a Palatine. For Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, Winters was a formidable enemy. Can't feel the same.

He is more concerned about the immediate crisis now: "Forget about Que Yehan, sir! The Hurds are building siege equipment, that's what kills you!"

Several figures can be cited: Brown Bess, a classic musket, 9 jins; medium-sized formals, 8 jins; 38 large covers, 8 jins. And the matchlock guns of Winters' era, often weighing more than ten, twenty or even thirty pounds, are extremely cumbersome.

The rudimentary form of the bayonet has existed since the musket era, but it has not been widely used. In war, human beings learn the fastest. The prototype of the bayonet has no large-scale application, not because the ancients were stupid, it is really not easy to use.

The material base determines the technology building. In the final analysis, the material is not enough, everything is a castle in the air.

Winters is in a transition period. When this book started, many things had not yet appeared. By the end of this book, many things will be generalized. It's a very interesting place to be in a time of great change.

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(end of this chapter)

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