Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 161


Chapter 161
Thirty-one years ago, a Heard baby boy gu gu to the ground in a tent .

The mother of the baby boy died that night. According to the custom of the Hurd people, the baby boy who killed the mother should also be abandoned - the underlying logic of the custom is realistic and cruel, and the newborn who loses the mother cannot be fed.

The baby boy's father was out with Que Ye Khan in battle, and his grandmother took pity on him and carried him back to the tent and put him in the steaming sawdust.

For the first three days, I used two rolls of cowhide to invite another mother to breastfeed, and then I used a cotton cloth dipped in mare's milk to feed him.

After two months, when the dark child was determined to survive, his grandfather took him to the shaman.

The shaman named the child, Koshihazi - a child raised on mare's milk

Thirty-one years later, left on the hill The Kuoshhaqi was surprised to find that the group of Paratus on the opposite hillside not only was not led away, but instead launched a formation moved towards the bottom of the ditch and launched a charge.

The baby boy who survived on horse milk is now Turukota of the Bad Earth.

The screeching and blood-reeking qi made the steed restless, and the horse stomped uneasily.

The young rider with red feathers beside him anxiously asked: "What should I do? Kuoshihaqi? The two-legged people are down! Hurry up and call Mangtai and the others back!"

Kuoshhaqi's eyebrows were twisted into a knot: "Mangtai has already rushed over, there are fat sheep over there, how could he come back? Besides, he never listens to me, and I am not his boss."

"What should I do then?"

"What should I do?" Koshhaqi glared at him: "Hit."


Running at full speed, the Hundred Men Squad remains roughly in formation, thanks to training.

Despite his impatience, Winters did not lead them into the fray, as more than half of his men were crossbowmen and musketeers.

Montagne Hundred Men Squad stopped a dozen meters from the War Zone Foreign Domain.

"Lance hands! Hollow phalanx! Musketeers and crossbowmen! Double line!" The second lieutenant's order came from his helmet, sounding in a low, muffled voice: "Hit me in the back. The Hurds."

Winters knew that his subordinates were not good at shooting, they were aiming at the enemy, but they were probably hitting their own people.

They can only be moved towards the back of the battlefield, where there are more Hurds.

Amid the scolds of the ten commanders, the lances stood in a small square that was only eight people wide, and the shooters hurried to the front row.


The shooter held his breath.


The gunshots resounded through the ravine, lead and crossbow arrows flew together, and a dozen Hurd cavalrymen at the rear of the battlefield fell off their horses, and the actions of fighting both sides were involuntarily delayed. .

In a salvo, the musketeers and crossbowmen begin to fire freely.

The Montagne Hundred Men Squad was also noticed by the enemy, and several Hundred cavalrymen left the field and moved towards the militia shooters that were being wound and loaded.

Winters drew the reed gun from his pocket and aimed at the comer.

First shot, missed.

The second shot was also missed.

Lieutenant Montagne, flustered and exasperated, threw his gun to the ground, drew his saber, and slaughtered the Hurds.

The head was a strong and sturdy Heard, who had long noticed the silver-gray steed and the Palatine officer on the saddle.

This is a standard cavalry hedging, and the moment of staggering can tell the difference between life and death.

The two sides approached each other from the right hand side, desperately extending the saber forward, neither gave way.

There are only two horses left, and they are about to perish together.

At the crucial moment, Winters suddenly jerked on the reins, leaping forward right forward with a strong will.

Meanwhile, the saber was deftly switched from right hand to left hand by Winters.

Under the stunned eyes of the Hurds, Winters' saber had slashed to the opponent's left shoulder.

This trick was taught to Winters by Gerard Mitchell, an old Dussack's stunt. For right-handed cavalry wielding swords, the left side is the weak side of Absolute Defense.

Dealing with the leading Hurds, Winters is surrounded by several other Hurd cavalry.

There are many barbarians in Heard, but the second lieutenant wears three-quarter armor. A few people are on the horse, you are slashing, I am fighting each other, swords are fighting, sparks flying in all directions.

Musketeers and crossbowmen refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases and dare not fire. The lance hand has no orders and dare not spread out the formation.

Winters tried to dig out the nails, but only found an iron plate—the pockets of the nails were inside the armor.

Winters, who had more than one enemy, fell to the wind, and the machete swung towards him from all directions. The Hurds focused on the back of the thighs and the joints where the armor was weak or unarmored, and he could only parry with all his might.

Fortune neighed and bit the neck of Heard's horse, kicking and kicking with his hind hooves.

It was another slash of momentum is big, power is deep, and Winters' spine was slashed like a rattan. The machete didn't cut through the iron plate, but it still hurt.

But next moment, his pressure suddenly eased.

The Heard cavalry in front of him was knocked off the horse by the heavy halberd, and Heinrich stepped on the chest of the fallen man. Bellion picked up the Warhammer and slammed it on the Heard with all his strength.

The dismounted Hurd cavalry twitched a few times and stopped moving.

And the charr with the long halberd shouted, already fighting with another Heard cavalry.

With the help of three personal guards, the Winters quickly took out the other Hurds.

“Back to the phalanx,” Winters gasped. The battle for just a few minutes left him feeling exhausted.

A long and a short horn came from the hillside.

More of the Hundred cavalry regrouped from the melee, and they rounded the field and copied to the Montagne Hundred Men Squad.

The musketeers and crossbowmen rushed into the phalanx.

"Free Fire!" Winters took off his helmet—the tin was taking his breath away—and yelled, "Hold the line!"

His phalanx was too small , too thin, there is only one row of lances all around, and it will disperse as soon as it is flushed.

It depends on whether the Hurd people are afraid of death and dare to open a gap.

Are the Hurds the first to be terrified? Or did the Platoons collapse first?
"Hold your lance! Hold your position!" Winters tried desperately to arouse the courage of the militiamen: "Fleeing is also death! Protect your robes!"

The imposing manner of Heard's cavalry charge seemed impossible The blocked torrents are about to kill in a blink of an eye.

"Lord forgive me" Lance, who faced the shock, closed his eyes with trembling hands.



A series of rapid gongs came from the hillside.

The Hurd cavalry charging towards the Montagne Hundred Men Squad turned immediately, not only them, but the other Hurds in the ravine also broke away from the melee and moved towards the hillside to retreat.

"Win!" Ciel shouted excitedly.

The Platoons raised their arms and cheered.

On the hillside, the rider of Hong Lingyu angrily asked: "Why? Why do you want to withdraw?"

"Let's wait for Haugekota to come." Put on the helmet: "We can't win alone."

"Who said we can't win?" Hong Lingyu became anxious.

"What I said. If you're not blind, you should be able to see it."

Hong Lingyu was furious: "Now withdraw, aren't the sons dead in vain? Hold on. One click, maybe the two-legged man will collapse."

"If you fight again, you will only wipe out the Erlang of the Bad Earth Department, and you will not be able to win." Koshhaqi stared and said: "If that's the case, then it's even better to withdraw quickly! What? Are you unconvinced?" Do it?"

"You go and call him back."


There is a tradition in the Union Army of "the big over the small", that is, two When the Hundred Men Squad work together, they are commanded by the higher rank and senior Hundred-Men Commander.

The Hurds also have a similar custom. When two Tulus belonging to the same Hauge act together, they will elect Kota, who is more convincing, to lead all the troops.

Catching up with the Paratus were two Hed centurions, Koskhazi and Mangtai

Traditionally, Koshkazi was the supreme commander, But Mangtai, who was born in the Ulla tribe, was not convinced.

Koshihazi gave Mangtai a simple task, feign attack on the convoy and lead away another group of Paratus on the hillside.

However, the two-legged team on the hillside did not follow. Instead, they rushed down the valley and joined the melee.

"Mangtai! What should I do?" Ten Commander Shuerji asked, "Do you want to go back?"

"Why are you going back?" Mangtai gritted his teeth and said: " The two-legged men are all below, and there is not a single soldier beside the carry. If they don't follow, we will feign attack and turn into a strong attack!"

More than fifty Heard cavalry crossed the hill and roared to the nearest point. Unprotected convoy.

However, it was a little different from what the Hurds expected. The two-legged people didn't lose one's head out of fear and ran away.

Those unarmed civilians and traders rushed to several four-wheeled carts, as if they wanted to use the carriage as a fortress.

During the forced march, Lieutenant Bard temporarily modified six four-wheeled carriages to deal with emergencies.

The cargo in the modified cart has been emptied so that more people can stand on it;

The planks of the carriages all around have also been raised to resemble the shape of battlements, Used to block arrows.

"What should I do?" The Hurd cavalry next to Mang Tai panicked.

"What are you afraid of? Good-for-nothing things." Mang Tai couldn't help scolding: "The two-legged guys didn't stand firm, and a few carriages can scare you?"

The number of modified carts is small, and there is not enough time to adjust the position, so there is no end to end to form a circle.

The positions of the six carts are shaped like plum blossoms. The Palatine people who were supposed to be in the carts instead stood around the carriage and wrapped the carts in people, forming a strange "car array". .

The Platonic with the crossbow stood in the carriage, and the Platonic with the carriage on his back was armed with myriad and everything.

The strangest thing is the carriage in the middle: a white-bearded old man standing in the car, holding up an embroidered golden scripture banner, is yelling.

Language is blocked, and the Hurd people can't understand what the old man is shouting.

"Look! The two-legged guys there are all firearms!" Mangtai found a weak link, pointed a machete at a cart, and said, "Defeat them, the rest The two-legged guys will also go away."

The Hurds don't have many muskets, but that's because of the trade blockade. Even the Hurd people know that the flaming gun is already rubbish that has been eliminated by the times.

"That's right there, come with me!"

Hard cavalry screamed strangely and circled around the chariots, harassing the Paratus with bows and javelins.

Suddenly, Mangtai rushed towards the flamingos, and the horsemen followed closely behind the leader.

The rumbling of the hooves overwhelmed the musketeer, who shuddered as he ignited the musketeer tucked under his arm.

A shot rang out, followed by the other musketeers, who involuntarily pulled the trigger.

However, the Hurd cavalry did not rush over. They only turned around when they approached about forty meters.

The murderous-looking charge is just a feint, designed to trick the musketeer into firing.

What followed was the ultimate move. The Hurd cavalry took a turn and attacked the Firemen again.

"[Hede] slaughtered them!" Mangtai charged at the front with a machete high, and he roared: "[Hede] used the musket to be scrap metal!"

But the Paratus didn't look alarmed and showed no signs of fleeing.

"Why aren't they afraid?" A voice growled in Mangtai's mind: "Why didn't they run?"

A few tens of meters are in the blink of an eye, before hitting the ground , The last scene in Mangtai's eyes was that the two-legged guys shoved what looked like long daggers into the muzzle of the fire door.


The Hurd's pursuit was repelled.

Before noon, all the horses of the carriage had entered the riverside camp.

Later in the day, three Heards came to the front of the camp with lances carrying helmets.

"What does this mean?" Andrei was puzzled.

"The Hurds want to negotiate." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska narrowed his eyes and said lukewarmly, "If you want to talk, talk about it. Lieutenant Montagne, come with me and hear what they think. What do you say?"

The lieutenant colonel and the second lieutenant, plus Bell, who was an interpreter, rode out of the camp gate.

The Hurds dismounted first and put their weapons on the ground, as if to signal harmlessness.

Winters didn't understand the rules of the Hurds' negotiation. Seeing Lieutenant Colonel Jesska doing it, he did too.

But the second lieutenant was still wary and hid two nails in his hand.

One of the Hurds, who appeared to be his followers, took out a whole bear skin and spread it on the grass between the two sides.

Heads, headed by them, took the lead to sit on the bearskin, and stretched out their hands to invite Lieutenant Colonel Jesska to take a seat.

The lieutenant colonel, coldly snorted, also sat down unceremoniously.

Two big men are sitting on a bearskin, big eyes staring at small eyes.

Winters stood behind the lieutenant colonel, tensed, ready to strike.

The Hurd opened his mouth and said in a genuine continental language: "Gentlemen, hand over the baggage you are carrying, and I will allow you to leave with your weapons and flags. Don't do any more useless things. Resist, General Yanosh is dead, you lose."

[Note: Continent is the name of the Alliance, also known as Common. Under the rule of the empire, it is called the imperial language. The words are homologous, with only minor dialect and accent differences. ]
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A lesson from blood and tears: Families with pets should never buy a case with a power button on the top.

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