Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 163


Chapter 163 Offense and Defense
When the Hurds built siege equipment overnight, beyond a thousand li had Another group of people is also busy.

On the Island Lord of the Taniglia Group, upstream of the Gilded River, on the side controlled by Veneta, a small fortress is under intense construction.

The main island is divided into two by the Liujin River from west to east, and the golden port, famous for its prosperity and depravity, is located on the south bank of the mouth of the Liujin River.

Bounded by the Gilded River, Veneta and the United Provinces each occupy half of the main island.

At dawn, the sun was not yet at its peak.

The Winters on the west bank of the Netherworld River are anxiously awaiting the next move of the Heards, and the fortress on the banks of the Gilded River has already taken shape.

There is only sporadic torch lighting at the fort construction site. As far as the eye can see, hundreds of soldiers are digging trenches, and guards with live ammunition are vigilantly alerting all around.

"Lieutenant Roy!" Lieutenant Colonel Evans, who was in charge of this mission, found his subordinates: "According to the original plan, you will officially move in after the walls are closed. Remember..."

A shrill whistle interrupted Lieutenant Colonel Evans' order.

A silhouette jumped out without warning in an open space not far from the fort.

The man roared: "Big Veneta!"

More people got up from the ground: "Kazar!"

People on the construction site ran towards Weapons, the sentries around the fort opened fire, but couldn't stop the Veneta screaming and rushing through the trench.

The Veneta soldiers armed with clubs hit everyone in the face, and only a few soldiers remembered the "don't hit the head" order.

The attacking side came prepared, and the defending side was suddenly attacked. The Veneta, like a hot knife through butter, rushed all the way to the bank of the Gilded River.

The battle was over by the time Lieutenant General Serbia Ti arrived on the scene.

Except for a few who escaped by swimming, most of the Union-provincial soldiers were captured.

Bloody nose and swollen face Interprovincial soldiers tied in a string and crouched in trenches awaiting release.

Captain Juan, who directed the raid, brought a shark scabbard, an ivory handle, and a pearl-decorated saber to the lieutenant general.

[Note: Lieutenant Juan last year has been promoted and transferred to the 3rd Legion]
"Good job." Antonio took the sword and ordered the captain: "Release the captives, weapons and armour."

"The captured weapons and armour should also be returned?"

"That's right."

Captain Juan Accepted, he scratched his neck and said, "Sir, we are also dead!"

"Captain, absolute mercy or absolute cruelty, there are only two options." Antonio explained patiently : "We and the federation are still allies of the brothers. Since the goal has been achieved, there is no need to provoke them. Carry out the order."

Huan saluted and left without saying a word.

Slightly later, Serbia Ti Corps Head met with Lieutenant Colonel Evans.

Evans is no longer as dashing as he used to be, and now looks battered and exhausted with a messy beard, disheveled clothes.

Handing the lavish little sword to the other side, Antonio said gently, "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I think you've crossed the line."

Evans took it Saber, avoiding the sight of the lieutenant general, replied in a muffled voice: "We have never crossed the border with you. This is the land of the province of Tanilla now, and it will be in the future."

Antoni Ao didn't argue, and turned back to instruct the guard: "Let Colonel Evans lead a horse."

"No need! , farewell."

The Lieutenant Colonel of the Union Province raised his hand to salute and strode into the queue of prisoners.

Behind them, Don Juan's Hundred Men Squad entered the fort, picked up pickaxes, shovels, and continued construction.


The conflict on the banks of the Gilded River has come to an end, and the two sides on the west bank of the Netherworld River are about to meet again.

In the morning light, Thousand-man Commander Alaric once again came to the camp gate with his helmet on.

At this time, the two sides did not even get off the horse.

Alaric asked directly: "Gentlemen, how are you thinking?"

"Still researching." A plan to hurt peace."

"Please speak."

"Follow the ancient etiquette and use an immediate battle to decide the winner. You can send the best warriors you can, we I'll send him here." Jessica pointed to the second lieutenant Montagne behind him: "You don't think this kid is a tall and strong brawny man, right?"

Winters, who was accidentally named Shocked.

Alaric didn't say a word, sneered and rode away.

“What do you mean by that?” Winters asked angrily.

"He impossible promised again. Even if he does, are you afraid of losing? Are you not a sorcerer?"

"When did you know..."

Jessica lightly snorted: "You can hide from the people, can you hide from me? Don't worry, at worst, burn the bridge and evacuate to the east bank."

"Just now Burn!" Winters demanded.

"Burn a fart!" Jesska whipped the second lieutenant: "There is only this pontoon bridge on the river, what should I do if the army in front of it is burned?" A gust of wind picked up. Hunting the westerly wind wrapped around withered grass, blowing people can't open their eyes.

The sound of trumpets came from a distance. Heard barbarians pushing all kinds of wooden tools appeared on the horizon.

In the barracks, Father Kaman and Reid cultivator are leading the crowd in their final prayer.

The old cultivator changed his normal manner of laughing and scolding, and his expression was very solemn and solemn.

Father Kaman dipped a small broom in holy water and sprinkled it on the kneeling crowd.

Due to the atmosphere, Winters in the crowd also one-knee kneels.

He looked at the portrait of Anna on the palm of his hand and the wooden sculpture of Athena, thinking: "When people encounter something they can't do, they will instinctively ask for help. If you can hear my heart, Anna, I only I want to come back to you."

When the prayer was over, Winters buckled the locket, gently pressed it to his forehead, and put it carefully back on his neck.

In the sea blue city beyond a thousand li, Ana Navarre woke up from a dream, with tears falling from the corners of her eyes for some reason.

At noon, the third attack of the Hurds was repelled. But they didn't go far, and the camp was being repaired two hundred meters away.

A dozen carts lie within thirty paces of the western wall of the camp, and the carts are full of bullet holes and arrows.

The horse-rejection stakes on the west side of the camp have been pulled to pieces by Hart's cavalry with nooses.

The Hurds also dragged away all the stubs that were pulled out, not giving the Paratus a chance to reinsert them.

The prefab in the center of the camp was set up as a medical center, where the seriously injured Paratus were brought to be treated, and the slightly injured Paratus were treated at the post.

"Lieutenant Montagne!" Pierre shouted, rummaging among the wounded and the bodies, "Lieutenant Montagne!"

"What's the matter? Mr. Mitchell?" Carman The priest, who had just removed an arrow from a wounded man, questioned little Dussack, who was clamoring for it, in displeasure.

Among the people, only Kaman had received orthodox surgical training. Whether he wanted to touch the blood or not, he had to pick up the knife at this moment.

"The lieutenant colonel asked me to find Lieutenant Montagne!" Pierre was anxious.

Kaman was debridement, and answered without looking up: "Second Lieutenant Montagne has cleaned his eyes and has gone back."

By the camp wall, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska had personally found it. Lieutenant Montagne.

The bloodshot Winters listened to the lieutenant colonel and nodded again and again.

In the battle just now, a panicked musketeer had just put his gun over the second lieutenant's shoulder and fired recklessly.

The second lieutenant was dizzy with a loud bang, and the flames burned half of the second lieutenant's eyebrows. Gun smoke even sprayed into the second lieutenant's eyes, making him temporarily blind.

Ciel and Berrian immediately sent Winters to Kaman for treatment of the injury.

Fortunately, there was no trauma. After cleaning his eyes, Winters rushed back to the defense line as soon as possible.

The carriage, previously abandoned by the baggage team, is now in the hands of the enemy. The Hurds nailed plywood to the trunk and filled the space between the plywood to shield the bullets.

Relying on the cover of a simple rushing chariot, the Hurd cavalry put on hard bows and heavy arrows and approached the Paratus people to shoot, causing a large number of casualties.

The Paratus, with only three one-pound revolving guns, was helpless against the truck.

The officers were very regretful that they didn't simply burn the abandoned carriage. Before, they still had the idea of "recovering the carriage and using it again in the future".

"You have to burn those scooters." Jesska glared, pointing to the carts outside the camp wall: "Let people go, bring more lamp oil and turpentine, I will put the rest The musketeers from the team are called in to cover you.”

“Farewell.” Winters laughed heartily, and buckled his helmet: “I’m more worried about being killed by your musketeers!”

The others around giggled.

Winters was terrified of being shot in the back by some idiot, but he had to look fearless because "an officer is not afraid, and a soldier is not."

With firelights in hand, Winters rode out of the camp gate with a few Dussacks.

The Hurds in the distance also noticed the movement of the defenders. A group of riders quickly jumped on the saddle and approached the Winters.

The revolving guns fired first, and the solid shells flew towards the Hurd cavalry, kicking up only a few clumps of dust.

One of the shells even passed Winters, sending the ensign in a cold sweat.

The one-pounder gun is the equipment of Colin Hundred Men Squad of the garrison in the main battalion.

Lieutenant Colin does not have a full-time gunner, nor does Colin come from the artillery department. The three small cannons are purely decorations, and I never thought of using them in actual combat from beginning to end.

On the side of the scooter, Winters realized that Hurd Barbarian was not stupid.

Every scooter has been watered with water, not only the wood is full of water, but even the soil between the plywood is wet.

"The barbarians are the most cunning!" the second lieutenant couldn't help cursing.

"What to do?"


Winters slapped the butt of the forcible, and the horse looked back at its master, self-consciously Run to the camp gate.

The location is too close to the wall.

Lamp oil and turpentine burn at the touch, but wood that absorbs enough moisture can't burn.

The Hurd cavalry slashed to the immediate vicinity, and the musketeers and crossbowmen behind the battalion wall fired.

The trolley was within thirty paces of the camp wall, and the Hurds did not dare to approach it easily. They stood in the distance, shooting arrows at several people beside the scooter.

The arrows of the Hurds were fast and accurate, forcing several people to lie on the ground to avoid them.

As the second lieutenant watched the flames on the car get smaller and smaller, the anger in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.

Winters patted Dussack next to him: "Withdraw!"

Several people ran behind them, jumped over the ditch, climbed over the camp wall, and returned to the Safety Sector domain.

"The car is watered," the second lieutenant explained, taking off his helmet.

"It's okay." Jessica brows tightly frowns, but doesn't mean to blame the second lieutenant: "Let's think of a way."

"I have a way!" Winters desperately controlled the rhythm of breathing, Red eyes: "Give me an iron bomb!"

Iron bombs are iron cans filled with black gunpowders, extremely bulky. However, it often has miraculous effects in the attack and defense of the stronghold, and there are also reserves in the battalion.

The second lieutenant wants iron bombs, but the people in the camp don't know why.

"Give me iron bombs!" the second lieutenant almost yelled, "And shovels!"

His soldiers hurriedly fetched a few iron cans wrapped in ropes.

The second lieutenant held a shovel and carried four iron lumps weighing 20 kilograms together. Amid the exclamations of the crowd, he turned over the wall again.

Not only the Paratus people, but even the Hurd people are dumbfounded.

The Hurd cavalry had already retreated, but halfway through, they saw an Armored Soldier jumping out of the wall and had to turn back.

Winters swings a shovel and digs up the dirt between the plywood.

The Hurds dismounted and fired their arrows, relying on their strong armor, but Winters ignored them. Musketeers behind the camp walls and on the firing stand also opened fire for cover.

It's a coincidence that the opponent can't dodge and avoid, but the Heard archer misses a burst of shots, which is always a little short.

The leading burly Heard shouted angrily, jumping off the saddle and pushing the other archers away angrily.

"Bow!" Chief Hull yelled.

The red-feathered cavalry next to him took out the iron ridge bow and presented it respectfully.

I saw Leader Hurd standing still, shouting out loudly, opening the iron ridge recurve bow like a full moon, the bow body creaking, and the bowstring stretched to the limit.

Heart's leader was concentrating, and the moment he was blessed, he released the buckle.

This arrow, like a god, flew towards the distant Palatine Armored Soldier like a shooting star, hitting the opponent's helmet.

With a clanging sound of gold and iron, Palatine Armored Soldier dropped the carriage.

"Kushhaqi! Kushhaqi!" The Hurd riders cheered and shouted in unison the name of the man who shot this amazing arrow.

The Platonic people behind the camp wall absolute silence.

Koshihazi—a burly man raised on horse milk laughed heartily, threw the iron ridge bow to Hong Lingyu, turned and walked towards the war horse.

The Ironback bow has been deformed.

Suddenly, the Hurds stopped shouting, but the Platoons behind the moat cheered loudly.

Koshihazi looked back, shocked to see that Armored Soldier climbed the carriage again.

"[continent language] Go. You. fuck!" The Armored Soldier threw off his gloves and made a friendly gesture.

The roar of the Armored Soldier resounds through the battlefield.

The Platoons behind the moat burst out laughing and shouted in unison with Armored Soldier: "[continent language] Go. You. Mom! Go. You. Mom! Go! You. Mom!"

The shouts of hundreds of people converged into one voice, echoing in the wild wilderness, and reaching the highest point in the sky.

Even the waterfowl on the other side of the big river were also alarmed, and flocks fluttered from the reeds.

The morale of the Paratus was at an all-time high.

Koshihazi's face flushed first, then turned white, and finally turned blue.

He couldn't understand what the other side was shouting, but the meaning was clearly conveyed to him.

The red plume feather next to him was anxious and angry, and he drew his sword and mounted his horse to fight with the Armored Soldier.

"Don't go." Koshhazi of complexion ashen grabbed Red Feather: "That guy is waiting for you to go!"

Winters buried the iron shell in the carriage In the interlayer soil, refill with soil.

The lead wire of the iron shell bullet is wrapped in hemp rope, so there is no need to worry about getting wet in a short time.

He lit the lead and ran away.

After a few muffled sounds, the carriage was blown to pieces. The interlayer of the fill was completely blown up, and the collapsed clods even flew into the camp.

Although there are still car bodies and wreckage, it is difficult to use them as cover.

Winters climbed over the trench, over the fence, threw the deflated helmet to the ground, panting and yelling, "Come again!"

wearing the full set of three-quarter armor Sprinting back and forth, he was on the verge of breathing. The reason why I insisted on not sitting down was because I was afraid that once I sat down, I would stand up again and would not raise.

"Okay, don't go." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska said with a cold face: " I'll arrange for others to do the rest of the work."

"I'll take people there." Bud, who arrived here, calmly volunteered, he thought about it, and said, "If it's demolition, it won't work. Iron shells must be used. You can directly blow up the whole barrel of gunpowder."

"Yes, just do it." The lieutenant colonel made a decision: "Help Lieutenant Montagne to rest."

The most important thing in the Jesska baggage team is the gunpowder.

Berrian and Heinrich mount the Hundred-Men Commander and head towards the camp.

Winters tried to shake them off, but the arrow made him dizzy, nauseous, and unable to break free.

Soldiers, militiamen, civilians, and merchants along the way gathered silently beside Lieutenant Montagne, reaching out to touch the Lieutenant's armor, hair, skin, and salute.

This is how the Platoons share the courage, will and luck of the lieutenant, and also pay their respects in this way.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska smiled wryly and said to himself: "Is this brave or reckless?"

Charles, who was standing beside him, answered proudly and loudly: "Of course brave! Second Lieutenant Montagne In Veneta, he is known as the 'Blood Montagne', the bravest officer in Veneta!"

The surrounding Platoons exclaimed.

"What the hell is a bloody nickname? It doesn't sound good." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska looked at the head and said casually, "It's better to call him a blood wolf. Looking at his appearance... it really looks like he has wolf blood. Running in the chest."

[Blood Wolf Montagne: Wolf Blood Montagne]
P.S1: Don Juan, Juan is another pronunciation of John, and "Don" was originally a The title of the crown before the name, but it has gradually been abused later. As for Captain Don Juan, his name is Juan, and it doesn't matter if he is "surnamed [Juan], given name [Tang]". The name is the code, and the practicality is the main thing.

P.S2: Regarding the siege of friendly forces, Gouvion Saint-Cyr said: "It is no exaggeration to say that in an engagement, the number of casualties in the third column is equivalent to this battle. 1/4/2022 of the total number of casualties. If the troops participating in the war consisted of recruits, the accidental injury rate should be higher. Napoleon found that many soldiers were injured on their elbows and arms, thinking that they were deliberately self-injured to avoid the battle and prepared for severe punishment. After investigation, it was discovered that they were The soldiers in the back row were accidentally injured."

The French "Regulations of 1791" stipulated that the third column of soldiers was not allowed to fire, and only loaded the rifles for the first two columns of soldiers, which was also frightened.

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, thank you all. Although I have never met, I have a strange sense of intimacy when I see a familiar ID;
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