Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 160


Chapter 160 Second Choice
The first one to chase was not the Hurd light cavalry, but to collect the missing Second Lieutenant Bud.

When Bud and his riders caught up with the battallion, nearly every rider had an extra person sitting behind them.

"It's more than 20 years back, and the rest of the people can't be found in the dark." Bud reported to Lieutenant Colonel.

But the lieutenant colonel cares more about another thing: "Are there any pursuers?"

"I didn't see it."

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska looked Gloomy, rubbing the stubble of his jaw, it took a while to make up his mind.

He ordered: "Don't take a rest, everyone, and start now."

The militia of the baggage team was reduced by 30% at once, and the lieutenant colonel had to order the deceased's weapons to be distributed to the driver and traders.

These civilians with no military training were temporarily formed and commanded by Bard - because they trusted only 2nd Lieutenant Bard.

The Dussacks who can still ride are all under the command of the lieutenant colonel. Andre returned to the post of Infantry Officer to take charge of Bard's Hundred Men Squad.

The original plan was to rest for two hours at the temporary camp, but in fact, half an hour was not enough. The carriage at the end of the team has not yet entered the camp, and the carriage in the camp is about to set off again.

The militias, the coachmen, the merchants were grumbling—not to blame them either.

The so-called chasing soldiers can't even see their shadows, but the brutal one-eyed person forced them to march is real, and it's after a bloody battle.

Not only are the living exhausted, but the livestock are even more vulnerable.

Many coachmen and traders begged for a break because their animals were running out of steam.

But the answer is no.

Winters can occasionally see dead mules and horses by the roadside. While the owner of the livestock was still weeping, others were already moving the contents of the cart to other carriages.

The goods of the cargo team dare not be thrown away, and the goods of the merchants are reluctant to throw away. Although the pursuers may be not far away, no one can be sure if there are actually pursuers.

The result is that the Paratus wanted to run away, but were afraid to let go of their hands and feet. Just like that, drag your heavy cargo across wasteland, dodging invisible enemies behind you.

The convoy was able to maintain order thanks to Dussac's saber and the prestige accumulated by several officers in the past.

But even the second lieutenants were muttering: according to Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's interrogation method, it's not surprising that the Hurds could say anything.

“Remember that rabbit?” Bud asked.

"What rabbit?" Andre was puzzled.

Winters replied, "A rabbit who was so beaten that he didn't dare to say he was a raccoon."

After a few discussions, they decided to explain their concerns to the lieutenant colonel.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska sets up a carriage as a temporary command post.

The Lieutenant Colonel was hunched over a map when Winters approached him.

"Sir, it's too dangerous to walk in the dark. Several horses stepped into the mouse hole and broke their hooves." Winters tentatively suggested, "How about we wait until dawn? Just in time to send more scouts. Check the situation later."

"I have already dispatched." The lieutenant colonel said without raising his head: "Instead of worrying about the back, it is better to think about how not to go the wrong way."

"The forced march has damaged too many mules and horses, and the road behind may not be easy to walk."

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska lifts the head and stares at Winters, eyebrow raised: "You also think I am a bow and snake shadow?"

"I firmly obey your judgment."

"It is a consistent strategy of the Hurds to harass supply lines with small units." The lieutenant colonel leaned over to continue his work on the map: " But think about it, how many days have we not met the courier who came back?"

Winters' hair stood on end for a moment.

Supply lines are also communication lines, and couriers along the way often encounter baggage teams. Occasionally, they will come to ask for saliva and exchange some news from the front and the rear.

But in the past few days, I have only seen a messenger coming from behind, but I have not encountered a messenger coming from the front.

"Anyway, it's safest to return to the riverside camp first." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska handed a roll of parchment to Winters: "I suspect that the camp ahead has been lost."

Winters spread out the parchment, the map, he finally understood what the lieutenant colonel was up to.

The militia is not taken seriously, the map is only issued to the Great Captain Level 1, and the Hundred-Men Commander is not available. Lieutenant Colonel Jessica is drawing maps for the three Hundred-Men Commanders under his command.

The lieutenant colonel said calmly: "You don't have to worry about it, I will take any responsibility. Just follow the orders at ease."

"Lieutenant colonel, we are the least likely Worried." Winters smiled: "I'm only telling you this because I have doubts."

"Are there any doubts now?"

"No more."

"Fuck off then."

"Yes." Winters saluted.


From the map, it was about sixteen kilometers from the ambush site to the riverside camp.

But the 16 kilometers is only the distance on the map. Because of the undulating terrain, the actual distance far exceeds this number.

The convoy had already gone for most of the day before encountering the Hurd cavalry.

After that life-and-death fight, there was no time to breathe, and the team immediately turned around and turned back.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska ruthlessly drove the Paratus to march at the speed of their lives, walking normally two days in one night.

The price was that 33 mules and horses were injured and died of exhaustion, 17 carts were abandoned, and another 13 carts were lost halfway.

The road was bumpy, and many seriously wounded people couldn't support it and died. Many people were injured in accidents while marching at night.

Finally, when the morning light appeared in the sky, the "Netherworld River" slowly emerged from the outline of the hillside.

The silver-ribbon-like river winds its way through the yellow-green field, and the undulating water surface flashes with golden light.

Rid cultivator stood on the hillside akimbo, pointing at the river tsk tsk and praised: "Look at the Azure Dragon on the left, White Tiger on the right, and the jade belt in front of the door, this is a Feng Shui Treasure Land! But the old man has no success, so it's useless to think about it, hahahaha!"

Winters didn't understand what the old man was talking about, he wandered in the convoy and shouted: "The camp on the river is right in front of you. Coming soon! Wine, meat, bread, warm blankets, everything! Hold on!"

As Winters tried to cheer the crowd, a gunshot rang out in the distance.

The sound of gunfire echoed through the valley, and Pierre ran down the hill behind him. He waved his flag and shouted hoarsely.

Winters couldn't hear what Pierre was shouting, but he didn't need to.

"The Hundred Men are coming!" Winters yelled: "Speed up! Hundred Men Squad, gather!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the driver who came back to his senses was ruthless. Pumping towards animals that were already at their limit, the militiamen of the Montagne Hundred Men Squad rushed towards Winters in a panic.

"Coming?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska charged towards Winters on a brown horse.

"Come on!" Winter replied.

On the ridge on the west side, the Heard cavalry appeared one by one.

In their eyes, a group of carts was slowly crawling towards the Palatine barracks on the west bank of the Netherworld River.

They stopped, as if waiting for an order.

Winters silently counted the number of Heard cavalry: "Less than a hundred cavalry came."

"It is estimated that it is only the vanguard." Jesska said with a sullen face: "Maybe There are other men and horses hiding on the backslope."

The Dussacks rushed to the lieutenant colonel one after another and gathered in a mess.

The Winters, Andre's Hundred Men Squad are rapidly gathering. Bud and his motley crew stayed in the team.

The Dussacks also came one after another and gathered in a mess behind the lieutenant colonel.

At this juncture, the Hurds moved. They also realized that the Paratus couldn't be allowed to line up.

One cavalry came out more and more, hundreds of cavalry followed closely from behind and rushed down the hill,
The roaring hooves were reflected in the valley, and the overlapping echoes were like thunder.

All the Paratus were taken by the imposing manner of Heard's cavalry, and the one-eyed lieutenant colonel seemed in no hurry.

"goes towards the mountain but runs to death the horse, let them run for a while." Jesska took his left hand off the handle of the saber and gave the ensigns an order in a hurry: "Ensign Montagne ."


"You are in the reserve."


"Ensign Cellini ."


"Covering cavalry."


Between ridge and ridge It doesn't look far, but to get there you have to go through a big downhill and a big uphill.

Heads are in control of their speed, jogging towards the bottom of the ditch.

There's still a bit of uphill waiting, and they're not going to waste horsepower in the first place.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska cleared his throat and roared at the Dussacks: "Don't... he... mom like a headless fly! Line up like a lance hand for me. Arrow formation! Control Good your horses!"

The young Dussacks in the Palatine cavalry had no training in cavalry combat at all, and stood in disembodied wedge formations under the scolding of the old Dussacs.

The lieutenant colonel's eyes swept over the riders under his command, and his tone was cold: "The old marshal once said that the Hurd people are fierce in temperament, brave in battle, and skilled in bowing and horses. A Palatine cavalry is like chopping melons and vegetables."

The Dussacks have different expressions, some are nervous, some are afraid, but more are not convinced.

"Aren't you convinced?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska shouted: "I tell you, before you were weaned, the Hart child was already hanging in the saddle bag and nomadic! You are still crawling on the ground. At this age, the Heard child has begun to learn to ride a horse!"

Angelo in the queue heard Pierre beside him coldly snorted from the depths of his nostrils.

"But the old marshal also said that a hundred Platoon cavalry will never be afraid of a hundred Hurd barbarians! A thousand Platoon cavalry can easily defeat 1,500 Hurds Cavalry! That's the power of discipline, tactics, and formation!"

Everyone's breathing began to quicken.

"Most of you don't have full cavalry training, I know." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska yelled, "But that's okay. What are these hundred or so Harders? Follow me Cut them down!"

Before he finished speaking, the lieutenant colonel took the lead, roaring and rushed down the hillside: "Uukhai!" The silhouette charged: "Uukhai!"

Winters' swear words blurted out, and the top commander on the scene was the first to kill him, and he didn't even have time to stop it.

Andre was also dumbfounded, but he soon came back to his senses.

"All of them! Run, walk!" Lieutenant Cellini shouted and led his troops to chase the cavalry.

In the blink of an eye, only Lieutenant Montagne and his Hundred Men Squad were left on the hill, shivering in the cold westerly wind.

"Square formation." Winters reluctantly ordered: "Musketeers, prepare to matchlock and load ammunition."

In the valley, the distance between the two groups of cavalry was rapidly closing.

The Hurds don't seem to be in formation.

The Palatine cavalry barely maintained a wedge that was about to fall apart, with the lieutenant colonel himself serving as the tip of the spear.

Seeing that the two sides were about to collide with each other, the Platoons on the hillside stared with bated breath.




Three gunshots spread throughout the valley.

Winters followed the sound, and several Heards were also watching the battle on the opposite hillside, and the gunshots came from there.

After the gunshot, the ditch within the valley mutation suddenly appeared.

Herd, who seemed to have no formation, was divided into two, and went around the left and right sides of the Palatu wedge formation.

"Oops!" Winters exclaimed inwardly.

"Broken!" Andrei also shouted in his mind.

The advantage of wedge formation is the ease of steering, and the leading rider can easily control the direction of the shock as long as everyone is following the person in front.

But the Hurds were obviously not ready to meet force with force with the Palatines. They divided their troops and moved towards the flanks of the Palatine cavalry formation.

The wedge formation can of course be divided into two, but that kind of formation change between marches is not something that these rookie cavalry who only follow silly rushes can play.

The one-eyed lieutenant colonel clenched the teeth and yanked the reins with his left hand. The charging wedge followed him, fiercely ramming the Heard cavalry on the left flank.

In an instant, the people turned their backs, and the Paratus and Hurds who had survived the first wave of hedging began to melee.

The half-hundred Herd cavalry on the right flank did not choose to support their companions, but bypassed the chapter and went straight to the convoy.

At the ridgeline of the opposite hillside, nearly a hundred Heard cavalrymen rushed out from the reverse slope.

Hard cavalry with feathers on their helmets, holding lances, screamed and charged towards the Platonic people who were fighting at the bottom of the valley.

Andrei and his soldiers finally arrived and joined the battle together.

The fifty-odd Heard cavalry on the right flank whistled past from the small phalanx of the Montagne Hundred Men Squad.

The musketeers of the Winters opened fire, but none of the Hurd cavalry fell.

The Hurds ignored the formed militia and went straight to the clumsy convoy.

The dilemma was suddenly brought to Winters.

Rescue convoy?

Support the battle in the valley?

There will be only Bud and civilians in the convoy, and there will be a massacre waiting for them.

While the battle in the ravine looks evenly matched, the Paratus have a chance to win.

In a flash he has made a choice.

"If you lose, no one will survive!" Winters' roar seemed to be self-suggestion: "The phalanx unfolds! Everyone! Come with me!"

Bard There... it's up to them.

Find a fish to finish this chapter.

Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommended votes and monthly tickets, thank you, and share your heart.

We are pressed for time, so I won't thank you one after another here, and I will also thank you in the next chapter, sorry.

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