Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 159


Chapter 159 Turuhaug and Naiman

After the fight, the convoy was in a mess, and the living par The Latu people slumped to the ground panting, their entire Essence, Qi, and Spirit drained from the brutal battle just now.

Some militiamen cried bitterly with the bodies of the dead, their relatives and friends.

"Who speaks Heard?" Pierre, carrying a musket, walks between the carriages: "Anyone who speaks Heard?"

Answer to his Only shook his head, or simply did not speak.

"Hurd? No one understands it?" Pierre asked when he saw a living Paratus.

"I will." A thin silhouette climbed down the carriage: "What's wrong?"

"You speak Heard? Hunter?"

Bell received a spear on the head, and his consciousness was still a little dizzy: "I will, before my mother passed away, our family lived in the Kushui Department."

"Follow me." Pierre turned to lead the way: "The second lieutenant wants an interpreter."


The looper carries cotton thread through the flesh, and Perrault, the battallion barber and doctor, is stitching up the wound on the lieutenant colonel's shoulder.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska sat unceremoniously on the gunpowder barrel, listening to Lieutenant Budd reporting the damage.

The militiamen and chariot drivers of the baggage unit suffered more than 200 casualties, most of which were routed soldiers, and the casualties of the chariot battles accounted for the minority.

Dozens of people are still missing, probably running into the wilderness in chaos.

There were also some losses of horses and vehicles...

"Okay! Don't read it!" The lieutenant colonel waved his hand impatiently: "It sounds like a big fire, it's not as good as the second shopkeeper. Great!"

Bud put away the paper slip and said warmly: "There's nothing you can do about it, the baggage team's stuff is owned by the public, but the store clerk's stuff is his own."

Faced with the sudden attack of Hurd's light cavalry, the militiamen and coachmen under Jesska gave up their carts, horses, and baggage, each minding their own business, and finally turned into a rout.

On the contrary, the small businessmen in the back team who were "protecting" desperately protected the carriages and horses, and fought with the Hurd cavalry with wooden sticks and pitchforks.

Because the car contained all the belongings of many of them, if they were robbed, they would go bankrupt.

"Where's the Hurd?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska took a gulp of spirits to relieve the pain.

"After a few runs, Second Lieutenant Cellini took someone to chase." Bud said at a moderate pace: "Let there are living and dead Heards left, and Second Lieutenant Montagne is counting. "

Jesska glanced at Bud next to him, and said in a hoarse voice, "You did a good job today."

"Thank you, sir."

The one-eyed lieutenant colonel is rarely a compliment, but the second lieutenant of cavalry, as always, sees no mood swings.


Herd has few soldiers and can do not much.

The number of militias and coachmen in the baggage unit was close to six hundred, which was not a small number.

Not to mention 600 people, even if it were 600 pigs, the Hurds couldn't kill them in a while, not to mention that there were more than 300 Platoon traders behind them.

The advantage of the Hurds is the surprise attack and the fact that the convoys are scattered in convoys over a kilometer long.

If they bring firelights, set fires, fast in and out, the Paratus will have nothing to do with them.

But the Hurds did not choose to burn the supplies - which Lieutenant Colonel Jesska explained as greed. "Fighting" and "looting" are one word in the Heddes, and the Heards want them all.

Faced with merchants who were especially tenacious of resistance, the Hurds had no meet force with force, and turned their heads to deal with the militiamen and coachmen who fled in a hurry.

Then Lieutenant Colonel Jesska and Lieutenant Montagne attracted most of the Hurd's attention, and the pressure on the rear of the team suddenly eased.

When Andre returned to the convoy, he encountered Bard commanding the merchants to surround the temporary car formation.

The two negotiated and decided that Andre would attack with Dussack, who was still able to move, to find out the situation of the battle.

This is the scene where Andre rushed into the car with the battle cry of the third Legion.


Perot the barber worked hard to sew the edge, but his hands were shaking so badly that he could not tie the knot.

Bud patted the barber's shoulder and took the tweezers.

"Those who have lost their way must be gathered up," said Lieutenant Colonel Jesska thoughtfully.


“Can’t stay here for long, gotta go as soon as possible.”


Bad Lisso Tie the knot and cut the thread.

The lieutenant colonel took another gulp of spirits and shouted as he put on his clothes: "Where is Montagne? Let him be quick, does it take so long to clean the battlefield?"


Winters is leading people to treat the wounded, and to identify and contain bodies.

The militiamen found several still-moving Heards one after another, and Winters wanted to interrogate but couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

Jesska took a saber and strode over: "What are you doing with dilly-dallying?"

Winters saluted, "Lieutenant Colonel, what about the Hurds? "

"What to do?" Lieutenant Colonel Jessica unfathomable mystery: "Dead knife, dead alive. Hurry up, we're leaving."

Winters didn't speak, just nodded.

"Assemble the troops, regroup. Let the vendors clean the battlefield, put away the armor and weapons, and give them the rest, and they'll be more than happy."

Winters added Nominate.

The lieutenant colonel added: "By the way, don't forget to cut off Heard's ear and wear the earring."

"What?" Winters frowned: "Why?"

"Why? Change money!" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska laughed.

Pierre dragged the little hunter and ran over, shouting from a distance: "Sir, Bell knows Hede!"

"Anyone understands Heide?" Jesska's eyes Suddenly it lights up.

Pierre saw that the lieutenant colonel was also there and hurriedly saluted.

"Who among you understands Held?" the lieutenant colonel asked the two little Dussacks.

"Me," Bell said unhappily.

"Where did you learn it?"

Bell stared at the toe of the shoe: "My mother."

Winters saw that the little hunter was in a bad mood, but Jace Lieutenant Colonel Ka obviously doesn't care about the origin of the big head soldiers.

The lieutenant colonel yelled at the others: "Bring all the Heards alive!"


The still-talking Heard The prisoners were bound by their hands and feet and knelt in a row in front of Lieutenant Colonel Jesska.

"Tell them, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with them." Lieutenant Colonel, leaning on his saber, glanced coldly at the captive: "What do I ask, what they answer, or die if they don't say it."

Bell translated listlessly.

A Hurd raised his head and shouted at Bell. Winters didn't understand, but he could hear the anger in his tone.

"What did he say?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska asked, pointing to the talking Hurd.

Bell glanced at the lieutenant colonel with a complicated expression, then lowered his head: "He said 'you are obviously a Hurd, why do you want to help a two-legged man'."

One-eyed The lieutenant colonel sneered, violently cut off the head of the talking Hurd.

The headless corpse slammed to the ground, blood pouring out from the fracture. The head flew out a short distance and rolled a few times on the ground, with his eyes still wide open.

Bell, the Kneeling Hurds, the Platonic people onlookers... Even Winters was taken aback, and some prisoners were even frightened to incontinence.

"What do I ask! What do you answer!" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's saber was still bleeding: "Translate for them."

The following conversation went smoothly.

The Hidden cavalry with their faces hidden under their iron helmets and slashing with spears and knives seemed like devils and rare beasts.

But in the final analysis, they are also human beings who feel pain, fear, and cry. Stripped of their identities as soldiers, they are just herdsmen, no different from the militiamen of Paratou.

“Which department do you belong to?” the lieutenant colonel asked.

"The Dog Department."

"What's your 'Tulukota' called?"


The lieutenant colonel stared at one eye and asked word by word, "Who is your 'Haugkota'?"

The Heard people who were asked heard the "Haugkota" The word was stiff, and he said something in a low voice.

Bell translated: "He said that the Canine Division is a small tribe with no Haug."

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska is also no nonsense, the Heard who will answer with a violent knife hacked.

Blood splashed on Bell's face, and the little hunter's body trembled uncontrollably.

Lieutenant Colonel walked up to the third Heard captive and asked, "Who is your 'Haugkota'?"

No translation needed, Heard captive trembling Whispered out a name.

“Lieutenant Montagne!” Lieutenant Colonel Jesska yelled.


"Get everyone ready, we'll be off right away."

"Keep going?"

"Turn around and head east!"


The four horses fled, the Hurds on the saddle did not spare their horsepower, fiercely beat the horses.

Although they can't see it, the Hurds know that somewhere behind them, a group of Palatine cavalry is chasing after them.

Heads and Platoons thus chased across the rolling wasteland, occasionally only seeing each other when both were high up.

The horse foamed at the mouth and climbed up a hill again. One of the Heards looked back and shouted in surprise: "Look, the two-legged man is gone!"

[Note: The Hurds use the Hurd language. ]
The other Hurds were hearing this looking behind them, and the Plato cavalry on the field did not pursue them, but ran behind them.

It was very difficult to take off, and several Hurds let out a sigh of relief.

The nerves that had been tense were finally relieved, and one of the Heards suddenly scolded his companion: "[Prostitute]! We agreed to start at the same time, how come you are so late?"

The scolded Hurd people were furious: "It's obviously that you attacked too early!"

"Stop arguing, Aviye and Hehunshi are all dead, what's the point of arguing now? ?" Another Hurd shouted, "Where's Goka? The one who promised him was backtracking, why didn't he see him?"

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, Only to find that the guys in charge of attacking the tail of the team didn't show up at all.

2 Lieutenant Andrea Cellini, who gave up the chase and was foul-mouthed and returned to the baggage train, didn't know that it was because he hit "Goka" on the head, Jay. Shika battallion did not fall into the dilemma of being attacked by three sides only today.


The moon was dim, the motorcade started the torch and drove all night.

Everyone stands ready, the matchlock is wrapped around the wrist, and the long halberd marches in heavy armor.

Winters rode the fortunes around the carriage, and the firelight on the bust made him stand out.

It was the first time he had been dressed neatly since the officer's armor was handed over to him.

Where the silver-gray horses passed by, the militiamen saluted silently.

Winters heard someone whispering his name, turned his head to look back, and Andrei appeared in the night.

"I haven't worn it for a long time, I'm not used to it." Andre patted the steel plate on his chest lightly, and now he was also in armor.

"Easy to put on, hard to take off." Winters was a little ecstatic: "I wore it for a year last time, and I don't know when I will wear it this time."

Ender He chuckled a few times and jokingly said: "If Lieutenant Colonel Jesska and I wore it all the time, it wouldn't be worth it."

Although the musket is a great threat to the armor, there are many iron plates on the body during hand-to-hand combat. always good.

According to Winters' observation, the Hurds basically only have cold weapons, so Andre is not a lie.

"That's right." Andre asked, "Do you have any extra swords?"

"What?" Winters didn't catch it for a moment.

"Sword, military sword, straight."

"There is a one-handed sword, and a long sword without a blade."

" Lend me."

Winters puzzled: "Don't you have a guy?"

"I have sabers in my hands." Andre slapped his thigh: "The Hurds There are a lot of armored cavalry in there, and I have suffered a big loss today. Lend me your swords, you don’t play cavalry anyway.”


"I won't let you suffer either." Andrei said brightly, "I got two Heard machetes today, steel tops, and I'll give you one."

Winters joked Q: "Just give me one?"

"I want to keep a spare."

The two chatted for a while, but unconsciously fell into silence.

Andre's sigh broke the silence. He looked at the night behind him and asked tremblingly, "Hey, Winters, do you think there are really a thousand Heard cavalry chasing us?"


In Hedd, "Kota" means Little Chief, "Turu" means Hundred Men Squad, and "Haug" means Thousand Man Squad.

The Hundred people are organized in decimal system, the Hundred Men Squad is a hundred people, the Thousand Man Squad above the Hundred Men Squad, and the Thousand Man Squad above the Thousand Man Squad.

There is an extensive offensive and defensive covenant among the Heder minions, and in principle all chiefs are on an equal footing. In the event of war, each tribe must provide soldiers to the war chief [Warboss].

Some tribes are so small that they can only take half a turu. Even so, the Tulu of the small tribe has the same status as the Hauge of the big tribe and even the "Naiman [Team of Ten Thousand People]".

So a Haug must contain ten turu, but a turu does not necessarily belong to a Haug.

Because of this, Hurd's "Naiman" is extremely rare. The last time this system was created was thirty years ago. But whenever there is a 10,000-strong team on the big wasteland, the Palauans are in big trouble.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska did not know the "Haugkota" in Hurd's mouth, but he used this to confirm that the Hundred Men Squad who attacked the baggage team came from a "Haug".

Even if the Thousand Man Squad of the Hurd tribes are mostly dissatisfied with the editor, one more Tuuru is enough to destroy the baggage team.

So Lieutenant Colonel Jesska decisively ordered to turn around and return to the previous camp.


"Not a thousand, at most nine hundred, we've already killed a Hundred Men Squad." Winters pretended to be relaxed and asked, "Afraid? Not like you. ”

Andre drew his pipe from his pocket, and Winters helped him light it.

Lieutenant Cellini took a puff of cigarette and asked, "Do you remember those Heard slaves on Red Sulphur Island?"


"I can't forget the appearance of those Hurds taking off their clothes, smearing peat, and biting their daggers to climb the wall." Andre knocked on the forehead and said slowly: "Although the sun sheep are all confident Perfect, but if the Hurd people are not afraid of death like that, I don't think the Japanese sheep can win this battle."

"Are you really afraid?" Winters was really shocked.

Andre waved his hand: "It's not that I'm afraid, I'm just talking about the matter."

Winters thought for a while, then said seriously: "It's not the same, Heard on the red sulfur island. People have a reason to see death as home, and they dream of going home. But most of the Hurds who fought with Plato probably didn't, but neither did the Platos. If it's bad, it's probably still Palato wins. "

Andre knocked the empty pipe on the heel of his boot, sighed, and said, "Yes, where can I find so many soldiers who are not afraid of death?"

Winters couldn't help but sighed : "I also didn't expect that some of us would come to fight with the Hurd people. I don't know if those Hurd slaves have returned home?"

The two casually chatted a few words, and then went around each other.

It was not until late at night that the baggage team returned to the camp where they left in the morning. It was a humble makeshift camp without any effective fortifications at all.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska only gave everyone a two-hour break.

Two hours later, the convoy will continue moving towards the fortified camp on the banks of the Netherworld River.

The Paratus in the convoy were busy filling their stomachs.

Winters walked over to a manned carriage, opened the door, and found Father Rhett and lion cubs in the carriage.

"That's all for now." Winters put a can of water and two loaves of bread on the car seat: "I don't have time to make a fire now, just make do with it."

stomach rumbling with hunger The lion cub whimpered in dissatisfaction and begged for food.

"You starve me too!" Winters glared at the lion cub, "I'll find you something to eat when I get there."

The cub buried his head in his front legs Inside, he whimpered softly again, as if complaining.

The lion cub is now close to the size of an adult large dog, with paws as big as Winters' palms, and Winters can't hold it.

Thanks to this "little" thing that kept the Rhett cultivator safe today, but the lion cubs were also exposed to the team's eyes.

Fortunately, the old god stick casually made up a reason for "the Lord descends the lion to bless his servants", which really fooled those believers who worshiped him.

"This little fellow is humane and intelligent. If he were in Celica, he would have been a royal cat." Reid cultivator stroked the cub's mane and said: "It bit a man today, but it's not a big problem, just don't let him taste human flesh."

Winters nods, and suddenly says solemnly, "Red cultivator."

"I'm not used to your honorific title." The old cultivator was a little flattered.

"When you reach the river, you and Father Kaman will cross the bridge, and I will send someone to take you back to Wolf Town."

The old man asked with a smile: "Why, you pay Won't the scribe's pay?"

Winters' eyes showed his determination.

The old god stick made a gag and said: "That kid Kaman will leave if he wants to leave. But I can't. I once swore a solemn oath to only go west and never return to the east. You are not forcing me to break my oath. ?"

Winters was helpless: "I'm very serious, no joke."

"I'm also very serious, no joke." The old man laughed heartily.

Winters slammed the door and thought, "Let Kaman arrange this."

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