Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 153


Chapter 153 Cavalry
"Old Buddy!" Andre held Bud's hand pitifully .

Bard indifferent expression.

"Old bus!" Andrei hummed even more.

Bard faded smile.

"Old bus!" Andrei was already tearful.

"Don't do this, do you think I'll believe it?" Bud sighed: "But this time I'll give it to you."

"Count me in debt to you once!" Deree smiled happily, patted his chest before going out and said, "Old man! You have something to do in the future, brother, I knife piercing both sides!"

He ran away before he finished speaking.

"Have you counted how many times you owe me?" Bud laughed.

Andre had already run away, and his voice drifted back from the boardroom far away: "knife piercing both sides!"

"You let too many times, Ender Strong will be seen as it should be by rights." Winters couldn't help but speak.

"Isn't he already like this now?" Bud replied helplessly.

Why was Lieutenant Colonel Jesska sent to the Gulf for twelve years? And why go and come back?
Winters doesn't know, but he realizes that John Jesska still has considerable connections in Palau.

After listening to Lieutenant Montagne explain why there were 63 Dussacks in the three militia groups, the lieutenant colonel's expression was as normal as ever, and he didn't say much.

But when Lieutenant Colonel Jesska returned to Shuangqiao Camp that night, he already had an extra bag of heavy objects in his hand.

The lieutenant colonel went straight into the lieutenant's quarters, and threw the things on the table regardless of the fact that the three second lieutenants were still having dinner.

The cloth bag hit the table, making a series of crisp sounds.

“Sir? What is this?” Winters asked knowingly.


Andre gently opened the bag, which was full of yellow gold coins.

"What kind of money?"

"What kind of money can it be?" p> ……

What is horse money?
As the name suggests, when Dussac enters active service, he can receive a small sum of money as a subsidy for his own war horses. This money is the money to buy horses.

Of course, the money to buy a horse is not enough to buy a warhorse. Dingtian can buy a leg of a qualified warhorse.

As for the other three legs of the war horse, Dussac paid for it, which is also part of the blood tax.


"They are militia, auxiliary soldiers, you want to recruit them with cavalry?" Bud frowned asked.

The lieutenant colonel sat down unceremoniously, leaving the three second lieutenants standing: "You guys let Dussac serve as a militia instead of serving on active duty, and Legion doesn't bother to pursue it. But let Dussac bring a warhorse to serve, this is also The meaning of the above."

Andre asked impatiently: "What about the treatment? I mean the treatment after Dussac is equipped with a warhorse?"

Jesska Playing with the knife, he answered plainly: "The salary, rationing, and armament are all based on the light cavalry, but the uniforms are not issued. I asked each of them a light musket. If it really doesn't work, just use it as a dragoon."

Andre hears this, eyes shining.

“My Dussack isn’t ready yet!” Winters couldn't help speaking.

"So the salary and equipment are given preferential treatment according to the light cavalry." The lieutenant colonel stared at the second lieutenant: "If you are not satisfied, I can also restore them to militia treatment."

"Satisfied, how can you be dissatisfied?" Andrei quickly stood at the lieutenant colonel's side: "I think it's good! Let those boys ride on horses, and the people who are the happiest must be themselves. I firmly support it!"

Winters fiercely glared at Andre, how could he not understand Andre's mind?
Second Lieutenant Cellini was already thinking about the command of the cavalry.


The cavalry is different from the infantry. In theory, the smallest command unit of the cavalry is the platoon, and the platoon is usually divided into two divisions in combat.

The status of the cavalry platoon is much higher than that of the infantry Hundred Men Squad, the second lieutenant can be the Hundred-Men Commander, and the colonel can lead a cavalry platoon.

According to the organization of the Platoon army, a full platoon has 174 cavalry and 6 officers.

However, the reality is that there are not enough cavalry, but there are more than enough cavalry officers, as is the case in all republics.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for officers from the cavalry division to lead infantry and do civilian jobs.

Bard and Andrei had been apprentices in the infantry battallion during the Battle of Taniria.

If Bud and Andre were fortunate enough to be back in the cavalry, they would be nothing more than the last officers in the chain of command in the platoon.


According to the meaning of Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, 63 Dussacs are equal to 63 cavalry, which is close to a detachment.

Winters is a graduate of the Infantry Division, and the cavalry thing is not his turn.

But at the moment, there are two serious cavalry officers in the Jesska battallion who are leading the infantry.

"A cavalry detachment!" Second Lieutenant Cellini thought elated: "My darling! At least you have to be a captain to bring it?"

In the past, Hundred in Wolf Town Winters, the Men Squad's affairs, can make up their minds. Now that Lieutenant Colonel Jesska is in office, the second lieutenant only has to obey.

It is only when you are controlled by others that you can understand how happy it was to be a town officer in the past.

"The money will be distributed to the Dussacs, and Legion will arrange for someone to go to their country of origin to pick up war horses." The matter was settled, and the lieutenant colonel made arrangements casually: "63 Dussacs, 3 for I am a messenger, and there are exactly 10 tents left.”

[Note: There are only six cavalry tents and eight infantry tents. ]
Andre listened with pricked ears, for fear of missing anything.

When he heard the lieutenant colonel say that "half of them are directly under the battallion", he thought quite regretfully: "There are only five accounts? It's okay."

"The remaining three Who is in charge of the ten cavalry." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska continued, "You two will discuss it yourself."

Andre and Bud were stunned.


Unable to bear Andre's coax and pester, Bud finally nodded.

In this way, Andre got his wish to take charge of half the cavalry of the detachment. The remaining militias were regrouped, and Winters' subordinates took four Dussacs and added five black liquid town militiamen.

Pierre, Vasika and the others were beaming when they learned of the lieutenant colonel's arrangement.

They were tired of the tedious, heavy manual labor, and they were too late to be dragoons—though they didn't have nice uniforms to wear.

Especially the kid Pierre, the lieutenant colonel's address in his mouth was instantly elevated from "no. .

On the other hand, Anglo rushed to ask the second lieutenant to borrow money, and pulled Bell over by the way.

"My lord, I really have no other choice." The little stablekeeper said with a sad face, "Please lend me some money to buy a horse, and I will definitely pay it back."

"You What?" Winters looked towards Little Hunter.

"I don't want to be a Dussack!" Bell said nonchalantly: "I don't have a warhorse, and I don't want to buy a warhorse."

Anglo was in a hurry: "How can it be so simple? If there is no warhorse when Dussac enters service, he will be punished!"

Bell was startled, but still stubborn: "Then I will run and get into the woods and no one will Can't find me!"

"Can you run without a horse?" Anglo retorted immediately.

The two and a half lads said a word to me, and they quarreled in the Winters team.

"Don't be arguing!" Winters sighed: "How much money did you pay for the horse?"

Angelo's hand stretched out from his sleeve, stacking the eight Put the gold coin on the ensign's desk. Not Ducat, but a gold coin minted by the Palato government.

Winters was busy writing the dossier, and asked without looking up, "How much do I need to buy a horse?"

The titular scribe, the old magician, is best at avoiding such chores. Currently, the paperwork is entirely hands-on with Winters.

"At least three more." Anglo hummed, "I saw the cheapest riding horse in Shuangqiao City at this price, but it's not a war horse..."

"Okay, I'll take the money. Redmane is yours." Winters glanced up at the stables.

"Hmm... eh? Hmm!" Anglo couldn't believe what he heard: "Redmane? Ryzk? You mean Ryzk is mine? Rik for me?"

Winters laughed: "It's not for you, it's for selling you. Isn't Red Mane also riding for you now?"

Fortune was taken to Palatu After that, Winters rarely rides Redmane. But the training of war horses cannot be interrupted, so Redmane is usually ridden by the pony.

The little stableman was happy to ride, too, and he took good care of Redmane. One person and one horse are very close, so Winters is simply adult beauty.

Anglo was so excited that he didn't know where to put his hand. He wanted to hug the second lieutenant and kiss him, but he suddenly realized that that would not work. So he picked up the little hunter fiercely, kissed him twice, and saluted the second lieutenant.

Bell was stunned and couldn't help asking: "What about me? What about me?"

Winters wanted to tease the little hunter, but remembered the proud and vulnerable boy of his age. Self-respect - after all, he's just come out of this stage - doesn't give a shit anymore.

"Let Anglo pick a good one for you." Winters took out the purse and threw it to the little hunter, then looked towards the pony keeper: "Anglo, pick another one for me. A horse. It doesn't have to be a warhorse, but it must be durable, strong, and able to walk in the wild."

The pony keeper was stunned: "Would you like to add another horse? Wouldn't it be good for luck?"


"One more horse to ride, I won't let the fortune be too tiring." Winters replied casually, and then he frowned: "Why are you talking so much nonsense, do whatever you want to do. ."

The pony was trained, and replied obediently and honestly, "Oh." What are you waiting for? Wait for me to take you to Soma? When you come back, drop by the gunsmith Samuel and get the gun I ordered."

Bell hurriedly saluted and pulled his partner. Leave the team.

Everything seems to be on track.

The militia musketeer gradually began to adapt to the recoil, light and noise of firing after letting go of the gun more than a dozen times, and the spearman also began to take a uniform step.

The war horses were brought to the Shuangqiao Camp from the three towns of Langtun, Black Liquid and Sanke.

Gillard and Sergey came over from Wolf Town, and brought a lot of food, drinks and letters to the young men in Wolf Town, which made the militiamen in the other two towns go crazy with envy.

But there is no time for cavalry training, and what should come will come.

Unconsciously, Winters has spent six months in the Land of Galloping Horses.

Imperial Calendar January 12, 559, Jesska battallion received the order to open,
When Lieutenant Colonel Jesska read the order to the second lieutenants, the three were not surprised, and Winters even had A kind of "boots finally landed" exhilaration.

He salutes and takes command.

At this moment, a team is ready to go in the Shuangqiao Camp.

On the basis of the three Hundred Men Squads, Legion has deployed nearly 300 additional coachmen for Jesska battallion.

This is a long-distance supply, and the militiamen need to escort the baggage team across the nearly 100-kilometer "no-man's land" into the territory of the Heders.

In addition to the militiamen and the people, there are more than a dozen merchant carriages guarding the barracks, waiting to go west with the military baggage unit.

Plateau's military principle is to give priority to raising supplies on the spot. If there is something that must be transported from the rear to the front, it must be a resource that cannot be raised in the front.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska asked the ensigns casually. He neatly folded the order sheet and put it in his arms.

"I do have a question if you don't mind." Winters paused, then asked, "Why us?"

"Not you." The one-eyed lieutenant colonel sneered, thumbs up to himself: "it's me."

The price of horses fluctuates greatly in different years, and the prices of war horses and passenger horses are also different, and the price of war horses of different grades is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

The price of the riding horse mentioned by Anglo in this chapter is approximately equal to 105g of pure gold. This price comes from "The Quiet River of the Don". In the book, it is written that Gregory bought it for 140 rubles. A horse with a knee injury.

Coincidentally, Kenneth Hodges' "List of price of medieval items" has several records: 13th, war horse, 80 pounds/13th, high level passenger horse, 10 pounds/1374, two Knights Horses, £10.

The value of the pound was also stable during the Renaissance. I mentioned earlier that it was roughly equal to 0.925 pounds of silver. If exchanged at the natural ratio of 1:12 between gold and silver, 10 pounds is approximately equal to 400 grams of pure gold.

The noble gold coin issued in England in 1344 weighs nearly 9 grams, and 3 pieces equals 1 pound. Converted according to this standard, 10 pounds is also equal to 270g of pure gold.

Considering that Palato is a horse-producing area, it would be reasonable to buy a ready-to-use horse for 105g of pure gold.

I can't write the testimonials in this chapter, so I won't thank you one after another today.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to the book friends who have voted for recommendations before and on this day. Thank you.

(end of this chapter)

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