Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 154


Chapter 154 The Butcher's Road
Imperial Calendar 520, Spring.

A light rain fell from the sky, and it was expected that the spring would be cold to the bone.

A tall, thin, serious old man was riding out of the Worryless Palace alone. Although the tiredness in his eyes could hardly be concealed, the old man still kept his waist straight.

He is about to leave for the piedmont, where he is solely responsible for quelling rebellions, eradicating rebels, and restoring imperial authority.

There he will face off against his former squire, discipline and vassal, Ned of Tormes.

Only after being woken up by the thick smoke will people think: what was the original little fire star?
An insult? A slap in the face? A personal vendetta?

Those are no longer important, the important thing is that the fire of rebellion has now become a prairie prairie.

Not only the entire Duchy of Firthland is burning, but even the autonomous cities of the Duchy of Veneta are beginning to stir.

This fire must be extinguished as soon as possible, or all territories south of the shaded mountain range will be reduced to ashes.

But a problem lay in front of him: his corps was stationed in the northern border of the empire, while the beacon-filled piedmont was located at the southernmost tip of the empire's territory.

Sea was nearly strangled. The galleys of the rebels set off from the Taniria Islands and ravaged the imperial sea lanes like mad.

The Emperor's fleet was annihilated in a decisive naval battle with the Sultan of Freiman two years ago, and has yet to recover.

His soldiers will only finally see their enemy if they have legs across the empire and over the towering shaded mountain range.


Imperial Calendar On January 12, 559, Jesska battallion set off from Shuangqiao Barracks, when there were only a hundred and ten double carts in the team.

Six days later, the trucking team arrived at the border town of Matoupo, and the number of trucks on the dirt road has exceeded 200.

Less than half of them belonged to the military's cargo fleet, and the rest were traders, brokers, and speculators who joined them along the way.

It is very simple to distinguish: the cargo team uses two sets of four-wheeled carriages; while the folk carts myriad, two-wheeled, four-wheeled, mule carts, donkey carts... and even slow-moving carts ox cart.


Logistics is defined by the Duke of Arleans as "the practical art of mobilizing troops and getting them supplied".

The two words "dispatch" and "supply" that sound light and airy are as difficult as heavenly ascension.

In order to move his corps from the northern border to the Gulf of Cenas, the Duke of Arleans carefully planned a troop transport route, which was later known as the "Butcher's Road".

The Butcher's Road starts from the northern fortress of the empire, Rock Fort, passes through more than 20 important imperial cities along the way to ensure supplies, and finally crosses the shaded mountain range through the Wankush Pass to reach the Gulf of Senas.

The Duke of Arleans dispatched artisans in advance to build camps, widen roads, erect bridges, and set up depots according to the daily marching distance.

The footsteps of army boots stomping on the muddy water, the long spear bumping against each other, the weary soldiers marching in silence...these are still vividly spoken of by many elderly people.

A soldier can travel 22 kilometers a day on the Butcher's Road under normal circumstances, and 37 kilometers a day in a forced march.

In the two expeditions before and after, the empire dispatched more than 100,000 soldiers to the south through the Butcher's Road, and there was no reduction in personnel during the period.

Countless munitions were also used to supply counterinsurgent troops along this route.

However, the biggest impact of the Butcher's Road is not the military, but the people's livelihood.

Because it connects more than 20 large cities and has camps and supply points along the way, many merchants began to transport goods through this route.

The road named "The Butcher" ended up bringing prosperity along the route, which is probably something its original planners didn't expect either.


Although the soldiers of the republics are reluctant to admit it today, in fact, the tactics, organization, training and other systems of the Union army are all learned from the "Butcher" Arlean .

There is nothing to be ashamed of, being able to learn from an enemy is a respectable skill.

For example, the current phalanx tactics are improved from the butcher's long spear phalanx: adding musketeers to make up for the weak long-range firepower of the spear phalanx, and retain a small amount of elite swords and shields The hand counters the clumsy super long spear.

Imperial Calendar In 520, the Duke of Arlean led the army to suppress the rebellion. At that time, the "southern rebels" were just a group of merchants, craftsmen and farmers - mob.

After eight years, "Mad" Richard, leader personally bringing troops into battle, the enemy the Mad King will deal with is already a real army.

The logistics system of the alliance army is naturally also a butcher, and we mainly learn two points:

First, supply as much as possible on the spot;

Second, supply lines Set up camps along the way.

Also learn a lesson: don't let idle people wait for the camp.

Like the war between the Republic of Palatu and the Heards, the quartermaster will collect supplies from the Heards as much as possible, and the rear to the War Zone will be handled by both the military and private individuals.

The military's cargo team has limited capacity, and as far as possible only load guns, gunpowder and other materials that are difficult to replenish in front.

As for materials such as flour, salt, and non-staple food, the quartermaster would be happy to buy them at a high price from the merchants, and pay them at a discounted price with spills of war, and sometimes even "advance" the land quota.

It often takes just one visit and a businessman to make a lot of money. Even land indicators can be easily resold.

Therefore, every time the military cargo team sets off, there will be a large number of traders, brokers, and speculators. They followed the baggage team not only because of herd mentality, but also in the hope of getting some protection.


"Listen! You are responsible for your own safety! All risks along the way are also yours to bear!" Tomorrow is about to cross the boundary river, and Winters is waiting for the idlers with the team. Preaching policy: "Any non-carriage carriage is not allowed to mix in the queue! We walk in front, you follow behind. If you can keep up, you can follow, if you can't keep up, there is no way to fall behind..."

Second lieutenant standing On a stone, the mouth is dry. The people in front of them listened silently, and everyone knew these rules.

A lot of ugly words were said, and Winters put the good news to the end: "But Lieutenant Colonel Jesska allows you to enter the camps along the road to rest! It is strictly forbidden to enter the baggage camp when you are camping, and those who violate the order will spy on them. MIIT!"

The mood of the crowd fluctuated a little, few officers in charge of the baggage unit liked these civilians who were under protection, and in most cases, they were strictly forbidden to stay overnight in the camp for safety.

It's rare for an officer like Lieutenant Colonel Jesska to allow stray people to enter the camp.


At the sight of Winters coming back, Lieutenant Colonel Jesska asked casually, "Have you finished talking to them?"

Winters deposed.

Because of his experience in escorting the Wolf Town team to and from Gervodin, Winters is quite capable, so Lieutenant Colonel Jesska let him do anything.

"It's useless to talk. Those who dare to follow are either bold or greedy. Most of them have both. It takes a few bastards who want to fish in troubled waters to shock them."


"Then why don't you just keep them out of the camp?" Winters asked rhetorically.

"Let them enter the camp to better manage them." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska replied: "Besides, they are not easy, so try to take care of them as much as possible."

… …

The days are short in winter, and it’s time to march.

The sky was just getting bright, and the ten commander who was watching the stars rang the bronze bell with all his strength.

Berrion was awake before the bell, having bought goat milk and eggs from the town the night before.

As Winters put on his uniform and opened his tent, Berrian brought in hot goat milk, bread, and hard-boiled eggs.

Berion is now the second lieutenant's orderly, and the Dussacs who were originally with him have turned into cavalry, so the second lieutenant simply kept the blacksmith beside him as a guard and an orderly.

The originally silent barracks came to life, and the militiamen climbed out of the tents tiredly, stretched their waists and started to get food.

The industrious people cook some hot soup to drink, and the ones who are too lazy to move just eat cold bread.

It has to be said that after Berrian became an orderly, Winters' food conditions were greatly improved. Even Bud and Andre benefited, and the two now find Winters for dinner every day.

The battallion is still busy, and Andre and his five cavalry are ready.

With gold bullion sponsored by a friend, Lieutenant Cellini lavishly ordered a uniform for a Palatine Hussar officer—from the finest tailors in Maplestone.

Don't look at a "Japanese sheep guy", but Lieutenant Cellini is very fond of fancy hussar uniforms.

Winters and Bud are still wearing the uniforms of the Luyuan Academy students, and Andre can't wait to change into the Palatine uniform.

"Cavalry, you can't say you're going to die that day." Second Lieutenant Cellini said: "Isn't it a loss if you don't dress better?"

But he chose red on purpose. Belt, blue piping - the color of the Veneta flag. It can be called "Palatu's uniform is worn on the body, and my heart is still Veneta's heart".

Lieutenant Cellini, in his fancy jacket and tall leather cap, stood out as a crane in a flock of chickens among a motley crew of militiamen.

After greeting the lieutenant colonel, he led his light cavalry to set out to explore the path first.

As a strategic attacker, the Palatine army currently uses a fixed supply route, with a fortified camp every ten kilometers or so.

Ten kilometers is the daily distance traveled by a cart.

A soldier can walk 20 to 30 kilometers a day, but a cart can travel 10 kilometers is the limit.

Traditional four-wheel farm carriage, the body itself is extremely bulky. The front wheel is small, the rear wheel is large, and the turning radius is large.

There is no differential, no suspension, and no bearings, so it breaks easily. The passenger carriage can also be fitted with a belt hanger, but the cargo carriage cannot be used.

Andre's duty is to find out the situation within ten kilometers and inform the camp ahead to prepare for reception.

By the time the other militiamen had eaten, put away their tents, and got ready to go, it was already bright.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered the departure.

Leaving Matoupo town, Jesska battallion will cross the boundary river and step into the "no man's land", everyone is inevitably a little nervous.

Second Lieutenant Montagne took the lead, the two-carts drove out of the barracks one by one, and Lieutenant Budd finished with a team of carpenters and a few vacant carts.

Mapotou Town is a very prosperous town with hundreds of households. The baggage team passed through the center of the town, attracting many townspeople to stand on the side of the road to watch the excitement.

Many of the men and women had smiles on their faces, Winters on horseback and militiamen armed with weapons waving some kind of paper.

“What does this mean?” Winters slowed down and asked the old stickman in the car, “Walking paper? Is this a local custom?”

Ridra opened The curtain yawned, and the lion cub snorted and said with a smile: "How can there be such a bullshit custom? If you have to say it, it should be regarded as the custom of all the Paratus people."


The old cultivator sat on a specially manned carriage, equipped with a belt suspension, which was not bumpy at all. A charcoal stove was installed in the carriage, and felts were nailed to the walls. It was freezing cold outside the car, but warm and comfortable inside.

A trifling Hundred Men Squad It's too extravagant to have two priests in the army. Now Kaman priest and Reid cultivator have officially become the priests of Gerald battallion.

I don't know where the old magic stick comes from. Whether it's a civilian man, a coachman or a peddler who wants to protect him in the baggage team, he is now offering him as a living Saint.

Winters reckons that if the old man dies one day, the believers in the caravan will be able to blood flow into a river for his body.

But because of this, everyone has no objection to the old cultivator monopolizing a carriage. The old god stick is happy and comfortable, and Winters wants to hide the little lion, and the two hit it off.


"What do you mean?" Winters asked, puzzled. "What Palatine customs? Why can't I understand?"

"You don't understand?" Rhett cultivator raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know."

The old cultivator smiled and asked, "Do you know what they're waving?"

"What is it?"

"Their wielding is the secret of the Paratus who have been able to beat the Heards to scared witless for thirty years."

"What do you mean by that?" Winters became more and more puzzled.

"Boy, that's a bond! War bond!" The old cultivator's smile was meaningful: "Your pay, your weapons, the gold coin that burns this war...all come from here. If you lose, that's a piece of waste paper. But if you win, the waste paper will become land, slave, real gold, white silver! They wave at you? They're expecting you to win!"

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