Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 152


Chapter 152 Musket and Lance

Finally, the Veneta and the United Provinces are also in Pala Tu experienced what it means to be "someone above is easy to handle".

Arriving at Legion's arsenal, Winters didn't need to say much, and the arsenal readily agreed to change the weapons and equipment for Jesska battallion.

The hook gun was replaced by a brand-new matchlock gun and steel crossbow, and the sword and shield and super long spear were replaced by ordinary spears and halberds - Lieutenant Colonel Jesska believed that the training level of the militia was even more unworthy of being a sword and shield player .

At the request of the lieutenant colonel, the number of militiamen using shooting weapons was increased to half the total number.

There are now three Musketeers and two Crossbowmen in each Hundred Men Squad.

The ordnance chief swiped his pen and approved more than 20 half-armored collars, so Winters had another long halberd armoured.

In the past, the arsenal only sent one kilogram of lead to each musketeer, which could melt into more than thirty lead bullets, not counting the maximum fire consumption.

Although there was not much shooting training in the standing army, the three second lieutenants did not dare to use the pitiful reserve of 30 buckshots per person and a total of six barrels of gunpowder.

The only shot training that Winters' musketeers have had so far is moving towards a random shot in an open space.

The intention is to familiarize these militiamen, who were farmers not so long ago, with the sound of gunfire and fire, so don't be intimidated by the actual shooting.

But this time, Legion's arsenal handed Jesska battalion 600kg of lead and 60 barrels of gunpowder in one go, and it's a lot of hope that you guys will discuss it again.

The new gear was brought back, young men cheering excitedly. In particular, Dussac, vying to be the halberder and the musketeer.

But Winters was vaguely apprehensive.

Pierre was originally classified as a Sword and Shieldman, and now Jieska battallion no longer retains the Sword and Shield. Mr. Mitchell didn't want to be a lancer, so he came to Winters and begged Winters to let him play with muskets.

"What's the matter? Sir." Pierre excitedly found the Hundred-Men Commander, but found that the other party was brows tightly frowns and looked serious: "There are new guns, new armor, and enough gunpowder lead, why? Do you feel unhappy?"

"Is the farmer feeding the pigs oatmeal to make the pigs happy?" Winters asked coldly: "What are you happy about? Don't you still owe ten whips? "


The punishment is to be carried out before dark, as ordered by the Great Captain.

Just moved new weapons from the armory back to the camp, followed by caning.

In the Palatine army, the whipping was not an ordinary horse whip or hemp rope, but a soft whip nearly two meters long made of leather straps.

The torture whip should be soaked in vinegar before use, to ensure that each whipping can make the torturer suffer unbearable pain.

The tip of the whip is also tied with four grape-sized lead balls to increase the whipping formidable power.

The torture whip is held in the hands of experienced gendarmerie. One whip can make people torn skin and gaping flesh, ten whips can knock people unconscious, and thirty whips can kill people alive.

The militiamen of the three towns once again gathered at the small school grounds to observe the executions.

Lieutenant Montagne walked into the school grounds with a torture whip, and Vashka, who was still acting as a tough guy and comforting Pierre "What's wrong with whipping?", suddenly found his knees shaking involuntarily. .

The punishment in the barracks was simple, manual labor, riding a wooden horse - marching with a musket tied to each leg, whipping, and hanging.

Holding the whip in his hand, Winters also felt a little uncomfortable.

The torture device was delivered to Winters on the first day he arrived at the Maplestone camp, but he never touched it.

In fact, for the sons he brought out of Wolf Town, Winters' harshest punishment was no more than physical labor.

"Come first from the ten commanders!" Winters gritted his teeth, and began to call out with a sullen face: "Vashka Morozov!"

Vashka walked out of the queue with a pale face.

"Tie him up!"

The two gendarmes of the Montagne Hundred Men Squad, Charles and Heinrich, were ordered into action.

They took Vashka to the side of the cart, made him kneel in front of the wheels, and tied his hands tightly to the carriage with twine.

Charr patted Wasika's shoulder sympathetically and wordlessly, Heinrich grabbed a towel for Wasika to bite, and the two gendarmes turned and walked away.

Washka is the only one left.

In front of his eyes were only the dirt-stained car boards, and behind him were the whips that would be drawn at some point and the gazes of others.

The humiliation and fear engulfed him.

The sound of breaking through the air fell on the body before the whip, followed by a sharp pain that went deep into the bone marrow. Vashka's breathing stopped suddenly, and before he could relax, the second whip came again.

The two-meter-long torture whip was very laborious to use.

He now finally understood why Lieutenant Colonel One-Eyed wanted him to execute the execution himself—Jesska wanted to whip not only the Wolftown militia, but the Wolftown Hundred-Men Commander as well.

The lieutenant colonel was saying to him, "Look well, this is your soldier."

The whip was not only on Vashka, but also in his face superior. Isn't the lack of discipline in the militia ultimately the responsibility of the weak?

Washka could hold back the first three whips.

The fourth whip, Vashka began to make inhuman screams.

Starting from the seventh whip, the screams gradually became weaker, and at the end only the sound of the whip tip hitting the back could be heard on the school field.

After fifteen lashes, the bloodied and unconscious Vashka was kicked off the school grounds by Ciel and Heinrich.

"This is martial law! Whether you are a militiaman or a soldier!" Winters clenched the whip stick and roared at the school grounds: "Leaving the camp without permission, whipping! Stealing, cowardice, hanging! Defection, Relatives sit together!"

absolute silence in the queue.


Another militiaman who left the camp without permission was tied to the rack, and the frightening sound of whipping sounded again.

And Lieutenant Colonel Jesska was not even present. After twelve years of overseas assignments, he had too many people to meet.

While Lieutenant Montagne was wielding the whip, the lieutenant was having a good time with his classmates and friends.



The second day after caning.

The sun is shining brightly and the weather is slightly cooler.

On the playground outside the Shuangqiao Camp, the sound of volleys of muskets could be heard from time to time.

sparks radiate all around, and the smoke fills up.

Winters shouted: "Put the stand!"

The musketeer, who had just opened fire, quickly pulled the wooden fork stand from the ground. The fork is a wooden stick sharpened at both ends with an iron hook at one end, which is used to hold the barrel of the gun.

"Shoulder your gun!"

The musketeers hurriedly put their guns on their shoulders when they heard the order.

A militiaman accidentally pointed his finger at the person next to him when he closed his gun, and the sergeant who was supervising behind him rushed over with a fiercely stick.

"Never point the gun at anyone else! Except the enemy!" Winters glanced at the movement over there, shouted loudly: "You never know what the lead in the gun is until you check it. No shot!

The militiamen held up their muskets and dared not move.

"Put down your guns! Check the barrel! Winters continued to order.

The musketeers put the butts to the ground, drew the slats, and cautiously stabbed the barrels.

"Sir! "Some militiamen reported with a sad face: "My clear message is not inserted in the place, it seems to be misfired. "

Misfires are common in muskets, the Medicine Pond outside the barrel clearly sparks flying in all directions, but the propellant inside the barrel is not ignited.

There are always The musketeers were too nervous to notice the misfire. They would put new gunpowders and buckshots on top of the first buckshot.

Someone picked it up on the Vicksburg field To a musket, seven unfired lead bullets are stuffed into the chamber.

Reloading, ranging from misfires to heavy blows.

So the musketeer's There is a mark on the strip. If the mark is on the muzzle when the strip is inserted into the deepest part of the barrel, it means that the lead has been shot.

If the mark is still a finger's width away from the muzzle , the musketeer is in trouble.

Winters walked over to the mourning militiaman and took the musket: "What's the misfire? Just recharge and shoot. ”

He poured the gunpowder into the Medicine Pond, closed the lid, and reattached the matchlock to the musket—the impact when the Medicine Pond was burning would blow the matchlock away or even blow it out, which is also the use of a matchlock gun The trouble is.

Afterwards, he opened the pool cover again and buckled the launch rod. The dark red matchlock tip ignited the Medicine Pond, and was instantly blown away from the rope clip by the air wave.

This time, the propellant in the barrel was successfully ignited, and a small cloud of smoke was stirred up on the mound in the distance.

"Okay. ' Winters threw the musket back to the militia and shouted a new order: "Clear the gun!" ”

The musketeers took out a rag, wrapped it around the clearer and began to wipe the barrel.

In actual combat, you don’t need to wipe the barrel every time you fire, but Now it's training, and of course it has to be done in full.

Winters sighed secretly while watching the hustle and bustle of the militia.

In the revised infantry drills code six years ago, the matchlock gun shooting process has two Fifteen steps, it was carefully broken down into forty-two actions.

The complete shooting process is far more complicated than "loading and firing".

The militia in front of them will never forget The longest passage ever...probably the Lord's Prayer.

Merely not letting them set themselves on fire was already a headache for Lieutenant Montagne.

But it didn't Can't blame them, two months ago they were just hardworking farmers, and two days ago many of them didn't even touch a musket.

They weren't volunteers at all, they were just unlucky bastards chosen by lot. That's it.

Winters waved, "Next set! ”

Another group of militiamen came forward with their muskets, rows of wooden vials with pre-weighed gunpowders hanging from their chests.

Thank goodness, Fortunately, 30 years ago, Marshal Ned proposed the concept of "standard charge" and invented the epoch-making ammunition bottle.

Otherwise, just teaching the militia how many gunpowders are poured each time will be enough. It pissed off Second Lieutenant Montagne.

"I think the old marshal was forced to invent the ammunition bottle when he had no choice? ' Winters couldn't help thinking.

Compared to Winters, who was struggling on the shooting range, Andre and Bud, who were in charge of training the lances, were much more comfortable.

The lances were just practicing on the playground Simple formation conversion, then practice column marching and turning, and finally practice thorn stakes.

Because the five-and-a-half-meter super long spear was replaced by a two-meter-five lance, the militiamen were a lot easier.

The super long spear is too long and requires special carrying equipment, which is always inconvenient to move.

Lance is very simple, just carry it on the shoulder.

But The weight is not much lighter than the super long spear, because there is an iron sleeve behind the gun head, in order to prevent the gun from being cut off by the enemy.

The most troublesome thing for Bud and Andre is to teach the militia. Distinguish the left and right, and correct the wrong pace when traveling.

After two days, Lance's hands have become more and more attractive, and he looks very energetic.

On the other hand, the situation on the Winters side is constantly changing. , any setback can come out.

Some people even forgot to pull the rod after loading, and finally threw the rod together with the lead.

Fortunately, there has been no explosion so far. Otherwise, the militiamen will only be more afraid of the muskets in their hands.

The newly recruited militiamen cowered with their muskets, and wanted to throw their heads back.

Angrily, Winters whipped his horsewhip all the way. He slammed, "Put my chin on the butt of the gun! Aim carefully before you hit! The muzzle is pointed at the target! Do not close your eyes and buckle the launch rod! ”

The process of firing projectiles from a musket is still an explosion in nature, and the farther away, the better.

Holding an iron pipe that will explode at an unknown time, there is no A few militiamen dared to put their chins on the butt of their guns and aim carefully.

In fact, most people shoot with muskets more accurately than bows and arrows, similar to the same reason that crossbows are more accurate than bows.

When shooting arrows, people have to exert force, their arms will shake, and the more they shoot, the more tired they are. Only a few archers can point where to shoot.

But compared with the accuracy error of the musket itself, the shooter dare not aim , Indiscriminate shooting results in more missed shots.

“Yes. Lieutenant Colonel Jesska watched for a while by the shooting range, and said, "The ones from Luyuan are stronger than the unorthodox subordinates I have overseas, and they are serious." "

After hearing this, Winters didn't know whether the lieutenant colonel was scolding him or praising him.

"Sir. In desperation, Winters suggested: "How about changing guns and not people?" Just let those who dare to shoot shoot, and the others are responsible for loading. "

"No. Lieutenant Colonel Jesska called the head: "If you don't shoot yourself, you won't be serious about loading, and you'll be prone to accidents." Moreover, changing guns and not changing people means that soldiers who dare to shoot take the greatest risk. Brave soldiers are all killed and bombed to death. What about the remaining soldiers who dare not shoot? Still have to make all soldiers dare to shoot. "

Winters was speechless for a moment.

The one-eyed lieutenant colonel said lukewarmly, "Keep practicing, don't be impatient." Your ability to train troops is good, stronger than your two at the same time. "

After he finished speaking, he turned his head towards the other two second lieutenants.

Although Lieutenant Colonel Jesska lost an eye, it did not hinder his vicious eyes.

On the face of it, Bud and Andre seem to have done far more than Winters.

The lance's neat line looks majestic, while the Musketeers are still The situation continues.

But in fact it's all over the top, and training a spearman is much more difficult than training a musketeer.

A qualified spearman requires not only physical strength and skill , the most important thing is tenacious will and thick nerves.

When the enemy charges, the lancer has to dare not to escape before he is qualified to talk about combat.

Train a sword and shield Hands are more difficult than training a spearman.

After all, long weapons still have the advantage of distance, and sword and shield hands are really close to hand-to-hand combat.

Anyone who can be a sword and shield hand is daring to fight Elites, that's why Lieutenant Colonel Jesska simply let the militia use lances.

Standing at a distance with muskets and crossbows shooting at the enemy is far easier and easier than killing people with cold weapons at close range —both physically and mentally.

The training continues in a frenzy.

“Practice well! Winters scolded a little sadly: "The sweat you slack off today is the blood you will bleed in the future!" ”

He is silently asking himself: is the farmer feeding the pigs oatmeal to make the pigs happy?
The car array is gone, but there is still the classic combination of muskete and lance, Mr. John Jesska It’s not a loss.

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