Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 143


Chapter 143 Returning

The core content of the Treaty of Torde is actually only In one sentence: "All lands acquired by the Army from outside the West belong to the Republic, and property rights belong to the Army".

This treaty is the cornerstone of the political ecology of the newly reclaimed province and the source of strength for the country of galloping horses to continue to expand westward.

Therefore, anyone who wants to buy land in the newly reclaimed province must first go to the army garrison in the county capital to buy "mu".

After paying the land payment in full, go to the town under the county with the half land deed provided by the resident village, and delineate the unsold land by the number of acres under the supervision and notarization of the mayor and the resident town official. .

After the enclosure is completed, the buyer can farm the land, and the remaining half of the land deed will be filled by the mayor and the resident officer, and returned to the county resident station.

The land deed is confirmed, signed, painted and stamped at the county station, and then sent upwards to the Legion headquarters in the provincial capital.

Legion Headquarters will copy, lacquer, and archive the land deed and return it to the original way, through the county station and town office, and finally return it to the land purchaser.

In this way, the complete title deed is made in quadruplicate. The original copy is in the hands of the land purchaser, and Legion headquarters, the county station office, and the town office each keep a copy. Any damage or loss of any link will not affect the certification of land ownership.

It's just that this process is rigorous but cumbersome.

However, in the legal sense, there is no need to wait for the complete title deed to be returned. The land purchaser already owns and can dispose of the land at the moment when the land is demarcated.


And the way the Palatine Council judges land prices is also simple and crude, considering only two factors: Is the terrain hilly or flat? Is there a water source within half a kilometer?

The unit price of land near the level is high, and the unit price of hills far away from water is low.

In the case of forests, the value of the wood and taxes must be added.

Roads, rivers, lakes and all bodies of water are the property of the Army and are not for sale.

The land is divided into two parts: "field surface" and "field bottom". The land buyer only owns the surface of the field, and the bottom of the field is also not for sale.

By stratifying the title of the land, the purchaser can only cultivate it, and all the minerals hidden under the surface remain the property of the Army.

There are other qualifications, to name a few, that block any possibility of encroaching on the Army's interests.


After Gillard's careful explanation, Winters understood why Bentine Old Mister wanted to return to Wolftown before the others.

The simple and crude land pricing model of the newly reclaimed land government, as well as the sales rule that whoever encloses it first, is equivalent to shouting "If you want to buy quickly, first come first served".

Quality land is limited, but the number of people who buy land is unlimited. Every year, the county station is selling land, and the good land will only become less and less.

This year alone, seven manors have purchased more "acres" in the garrison. Mr. Benting obviously set out early to enclose the land before others.

"It's like this." Girard spread out both hands: "Now all the estates are close to each other, and the surrounding area is limited, especially the Benting family. I am afraid that Mr. Benting is also If he is worried that others will take it first, then his land will not be a complete piece."

Gillard and Winters rode side by side at the front of the team, without the cargo on the car, the team's march The speed is much faster than before.

"Then there's no need to be so rude. Can't you discuss it with the neighbors in advance? It seems that Mr. Benting thinks other people are as stingy as him." Winters was quite critical of this.

Gillard reluctantly said: "Mr. Benting also has difficulties. He has many sons. And who doesn't want to let their land be connected into a whole piece? Scattered Heaven and Earth farming is particularly inconvenient. Hedong, Hexi There are many such pieces of land in the two villages, and the villagers can only buy small pieces of land with little money, and in the end Tianlong alone does not know how much land is occupied.”

Agricultural common sense belongs to Winters The second lieutenant did not understand what "Tian Long" was, so Gillard had to explain it to him again.

"What about the Nanxin and Beixin villages?" After listening to Old Dussack's explanation, Winters was very curious about the Protestant villages with less arable land per capita.

Gillard sighed and said, "Because of the lack of land in those two villages, Tianlong was not used at all. Just a few stones were used to demarcate the boundary, and there was no dispute."

"If I want to buy land, should I turn around and go back to Gervadin now?" Winters asked jokingly.

"Do you want to buy land? Good!" Girard was first surprised, then surprised, he happily took the arm of the second lieutenant: "There is a piece of land between my house and Dusa Village. No one occupies the land, but it's a complete piece of land, and it's close to the river. If you think it's small, I can sell you some more."

Old Dussac's enthusiasm made Winters startled, he He waved his hands again and again: "I'm just kidding, where do I get the money to buy the land."

"It's fine, I can lend it to you."

Of course Winters couldn't agree, he firmly refused, Gillard saw this and no longer insisted.

Seeing the disappointment of old Dussack, Winters tried to change the subject: "I feel that everyone is in a bad state, and they are not as vigilant as when they came."

In Reveaux After Dan spent three days, the spirits of many of the coachmen, hired hands, and Dussack were very sluggish.

Many of the drivers were yawning and drowsy, leaning listlessly against their seats and waving their whips.

Some Dussacs have not sobered up until now, and have completely lost the shrewdness and vigor when they came.

Winters in the heart counted silently, and found that the frequency of Dussac's patrols has dropped significantly. After walking for a morning, only two horses came to patrol the front.

"Cough! Farmers don't see many Silver Coins in a year, and they can't control their belts if they have money in their hands." Gillard was very angry when he mentioned this matter: "That's why I didn't reply. No bounty or salary is allowed in Wolf Town, didn't expect someone to take what I said seriously!"

Sergey, who had been dozing off on the saddle, suddenly became energized when he heard this: "Captain, you're thinking wrong this time. The money was sent to the county seat on purpose! You're in a bad mood!"

"What do you mean?" Winters demanded.

"How can the landlord let the tenant farmer save money?" Sergey sneered, with a very disdainful expression: "If the tenant farmer saves the money and buys the land, he will become a self-cultivator? When the time comes, who will give the landlord to the landlord? Work? I’m going to fight with Heard Barbarians again. After the fight, there will be a lot of cheap land to buy. Which tenant farmer will not mind? Do you think they can send the money without Gevaudan?”

Girard's facial expression grave: "Don't think people are too bad."

"Captain, you are not like them. No matter how little land in Dussac, it is still Dussac, crops. No matter how much land you have, you are still peasants. Can they compare with us?" Sergey scratched his gray forehead and said Carefree.

The old man glanced at Winters and hurriedly added: "Second lieutenant, you are different from them. Your hand is also holding the handle of a knife, and their hands are all holding plows."

Winters smiled. He would have been pissed off sooner if he had bothered with this old Dussack.

Gillard frowned said: "I have to go and see what's going on behind me. Why haven't I seen a few Dussacs patrolling all morning."

After he finished speaking, he dialed I'm about to go behind the convoy.

Winters was wondering, too, he clamped the horse's rib lightly and pulled the reins: "I'll go take a look, too."

Riding all the way against the direction of the convoy, old Mitchell Mr. nearly exploded his lungs.

Many Dussacs were simply not patrolling, but tethered their horses to the back of the cart, and slept in the trunk of the cart by themselves.

Gillard picked up a big stick with a thick forearm and hit the lazy Dussack in the face.

Within less than two months of being in Wolftown, Winters has dealt with several fights involving the Dusa. As for normally, Dussac beat his wife and his son, that's even more commonplace.

The use of violence was not unusual for Dussack, but it was the first time he had seen Gillard hit someone, and he was so hard.

The drunk Dussack often only wakes up screaming when the stick falls on him.

They were surprised, then angry, and then mortified when they found out that it was Gilad Pleninovich Mitchell.

A beaten Dussack would quickly get up and beat him without a word.

Gillard just searched and fought all the way, and the second lieutenant couldn't intervene at all.

When they found that Pierre was also sleeping in the trunk, old Mr. Mitchell angrily picked up his stick and smashed it down on Mr. Mitchell's head.

Winters was so frightened that he hurried up to grab the stick, which could kill anyone if it hit his head.

But the furious Girard was terrifying. Winters couldn't control him for a while. Girard let go of the stick and threw his fist at Pierre.

Winters could see clearly that this fist was strong, ruthless, and didn't smack Pierre's face at all because it was his own son.

Mr. Mitchell woke up suddenly, blood spurting out of his nose, he had never seen his father like this.

Pierre was frightened and frightened: "Father, what are you doing?"

"[Dussac swearing]!" He didn't listen, grabbed his son's collar and punched him in the face: "You begged me to come and follow the car! In the end, you just followed the car like that! Do you still have any backbone? Ah?!"

" My mother never hit me!" Little Dussack cried.

Winters and other Dussacs rushed in to separate the two, and the three Dussacs barely grabbed the furious Girard, and kicked Girard out of their fists.

Shock, grievance, fear, these emotions appeared on Pierre's face at the same time, and tears and blood flowed down together.

Pierre covered his nose and cried, "Why beat me? I'm going to tell my mother!"

"I beat you to death! You are a good-for -nothing!" Girard, who was forcibly carried away, was even more angry.

After this turmoil, Gillard called all the Dussacs who came to follow the car together for a meeting.

"Are you following a car for the first time?" Old Dussack's anger has not been extinguished: "Do you not understand the rules? Is it more dangerous to go home than when you came? The goods, now the car is loaded with money! Don't you understand?"

The normally arrogant Dussacs lowered their heads, and no one dared to look at Captain Mitchell.

"From now on, cheer me up." Girard Mitchell said fiercely: "Whoever dares to be lazy and slippery again, I will peel him off!"


When resting at night, the four-wheeled carts formed a circular fortress in a flat open space.

Fires were lit inside the car barriers, and the driver and the Dussacks sat around the fire to boil water, hot food, and gossip.

The densely packed bugs are flying on the meadow, and the hands are sticky when they are slapped casually, which makes the scalp numb.

Someone couldn't stand the mosquitoes and threw a few balls of wet horse manure into the fire. The blue smoke filled the car barrier, and the annoying bugs disappeared all at once.

It's just that the smoke also blocked the line of sight, so that the people in the car barrier could not see each other hazy.

Winters sits around a warm flame with Sergey, Vashka, and Pierre as old Sergey straightens the bridge of Gillard's nose.

"Uncle, look, he beat me too hard. If Winters big brother didn't stop me, I would have been beaten to death." Said: "I still have nosebleeds now!"

Sergey held Pierre's head with one hand and the bridge of Pierre's nose with the other, and said disapprovingly: "Come on, come on, Don't complain about your father. Be patient and don't move."

Pierre nodded slightly.

"I count one, two, three, and I'll start the whole thing." Old Sergey smacked his lips, and when he only read "one", he squeezed Pierre's nose bridge in his hand.

Pierre called out pitifully and tumbled back, tears streaming down his face.

It took a while for him to recover, and complained, "I only counted to one!"

"Isn't it all good?" Old Sergey checked it again. , patted his hand: "Okay, it's not broken. Don't rub or touch it for half a month, it's still a handsome guy." Some hot soup was poured into the iron pot on the pile, and sips were garnished with it.

Pierre tentatively touched his nose a few times, and said happily: "It really doesn't hurt before."

"Mr. Morozov, your ability is amazing. ' Winters saw it all the way, and said to Dussack with rare admiration.

Sergey twirled his silver-gray pigtails and chuckled: "It's nothing, the old fashioned city."

The jumping flames reflected everyone's mood.

Pierre on the side was still indignant: "Look, I will tell my mother when I go back, and my mother will definitely be on my side!"

"I said, You brat, save your dad some snacks." Old Dussac said to the young Dussac with some displeasure: "Your dad beat him all the way, if he stops at you, can he still convince the crowd? You ask Ask the lieutenant if that's the truth."

"It's the truth." Winters nodded.

Sergey earned and well-meant advised: "And think about it again, who are you? You are the son of Mayor Mitchell. What you do, others will learn. Like. You sleep lazy in the car, can other Dussacs feel comfortable when they see it? Can you not learn? I have never seen this kind of thing in the car with your father so many times. You still don't understand what's going on? That's what your father is angry about."

The Winters next to him nodded in approval.

But Pierre was speechless, but still insisted: "But he also beat too hard."

"It was too hard. It's gone." Wasika, who had not spoken for a while, said some taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Washka slept in the cart behind Pierre, so he was lucky not to eat sticks.

Sergey complexion sank, raised his hand and poured the hot soup from the bowl towards his son: "You son of a bitch, do you have the face to say that? I didn't beat you to count you as bad luck."

Washka was scalded by the hot soup and yelled back, "I'm a son of a bitch, then you're a dog!"

Old Sergey was so angry, Grab a firewood and start.

Winters hurriedly stopped the old Dussack: "Mr. Morozov, you can't be angry with the little child."

Sergey sat cross-legged by the fire angrily and had dinner. Not in the mood to eat.

"It was the first time I saw Mr. Mitchell get angry, and I was startled." Winters racked his brains trying to adjust the atmosphere: "Has Mr. Mitchell been this angry before? ?"

Old Dussack groaned, glaring at Vashka and said: "It's not surprising, Captain had this temper when he was young, and when he got angry, he could hover between life and death. After having that bitch who wasn't from Dusa, her temper was completely different."

"Is Mrs. Mitchell not from Dusa?" Mrs. Chell has always been curious.

"No." Sergey stood up with his hands on the ground, moved towards the fire and spat: "I'm going to pee."

Before leaving, Old Dussack still I couldn't help but kicked my son.


By a fire near the east side of the car base, Gillard sat alone, smoking a smouldering cigarette.

"Captain, you are quite spacious here, one person occupies a fire." Sergey smiled and squeezed next to the Old Brothers, who had just returned from peeing outside the camp.

"Is that kid all right?" Girard's eyes were fixed on the bonfire.

"What's the matter?" Old Sergey grabbed a piece of stall and wrapped it around him. The temperature difference between morning and night on the plateau was huge: "We didn't fight much harder than them when we were young? You smashed it with one punch. I had two posterior molars that night and we went to fight with Dussack from the neighboring village."

Gillard Mitchell sighed: "We're all getting old."

"Didn't the little ones grow up too?" Sergey yawned.

"No, it's not the same, they're not the same as us." Old Dussac said sadly to another old Dussac: "Although this group of small ones has a pair of Dussac's skins, No Dussack bones."

Correction! Correction!

Thanks to the book friends who passed the recommended tickets before;

Thanks to the book friends Tian lens, 鲲鲍, Ji Yuwu, the yellow rabbit of the Hua Family, the front of the moon night, I don’t know What is the name, 54 months, a certain uncle in ideal 30, book friend 20170827184656094, Jiang Xue Diao Weng, calm gray past, soda bird, book friend 120325172509365, social justice old king's recommendation ticket, thank you all. Behart.

Thanks to book friend Soda Bird for the four donations, although this classmate may not have seen it here, but thank you, it is too honorable.

It's really not good enough to be rewarded, thank you.

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