Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 142


Chapter 142 Institutional Arbitrage
The legal meaning of militia in Palato is "civilian" or "soldier" , it doesn't matter to other groups - they all go to work anyway.

But for Dussack it is as different as heaven and earth.

If the militia is a "soldier", then Dussac's service as a militia can be deducted for years of service, even if the militia is actually doing the work of the people.

This is the idea of Reid cultivator. After the old cultivator has two bottles of wine, there is no door on his mouth.

The old Dussack, who is still alive today, swore an oath with Marshal Ned 30 years ago to formally belong to the Republic of Palatu, and finally settled and multiplied into the current Dussas of the new land.

And their descendants take the oath again when they enter the military as adults.

But in all the oaths, only "always loyal" and "service" are mentioned, and the specific form of service is not limited, which leaves room for interpretation.

For Dussack, serving in the military is equal to being a soldier, killing people, and slashing with a saber.

They didn't realize there was a big loophole in the system - the militia was also a soldier, and being a militia was also serving.

For every day that Dussac joins the militia, theoretically, the time of service in the future can be shortened by one day.

Although essentially exploiting a loophole, Dussack will be happy because their risk of serving is reduced;

The other four villages in Wolf Town are also happy because they need to Fewer people;
Winters was equally happy because he turned a bad thing into a mixed one;
The only one who was unhappy was probably the Palatine Republic, but the ruler of the Republic was A clumsy, large, bloated power system.

It is so slow that it takes a long time to notice a small bleeding wound on its body, and it is unlikely that it will go to war just because it has been taken advantage of.

This operation of "turning people into soldiers" is proudly called "system arbitrage" by the old magician.

The old man has even more extreme tricks: the premise of Dussac granting land is to complete the first phase of service, but the definition of the first phase of service is also vague. If it ends automatically, isn't it considered "completed a phase of service"?
And there are even more extreme and extreme tricks: The Told Agreement stipulates that in the event of an emergency, the resident officer has the right to recruit civilians under his control to form a militia team.

But what is an emergency? There is no detailed explanation of the Told Agreement, and the right of interpretation is automatically delegated to the resident officer.

The town-level militia is also a militia, and the legal meaning of High Level is the same as the militia recruited by Legion, and "serving" in the town-level militia is also serving.

So theoretically, Winters can directly declare the "urgent situation in Langtun Town" and set up a militia team on paper for the little Dussacs to serve in name until the land is granted.

The endless routines of the old magic stick made the second lieutenant Montagne dazzled and speechless. The "arbitrageurs" who have used it to the limit.

Compared with other institutional arbitrage tactics, the initial approach is almost like a pediatrician, and it does not seem to be taking advantage of the public at all.

"But you brat have to pay attention, the last two moves are not a knife to bleed, but a big ax to chop toes!" Reid cultivator did not forget to remind Winters when he was hot with wine: "It is forcing the government to make up loopholes, And it will definitely lead to retaliation from the government. So don't go too far, let Dussac serve as a militia to save some years of service, just to solve the source of the militia. In the future, if there is any accountability, you have your own words."

But The old cultivator is obviously overthinking, because the mere act of "turning the people into soldiers" has already washed the second lieutenant's three views over and over. As for more aggressive, greedy institutional arbitrage, Winters didn't even think about it.

Not expecting to change the way of life of the Dusa people, Winters is already content to make a small contribution to Wolf Town. He got a satisfactory answer at the Revodan station.


Major Ronald had some hesitations at first, but Capt. Appel, the head of the station archives, cited an eight-year-old case in support of Winters’ case. appeal.

Eight years ago, in Dashi Town, which is also under the jurisdiction of Tiefeng County. The officers stationed in the town urgently recruited Dussac to form a militia team to suppress the bandits, and in the process, the unfinished Dussac was unfortunately killed in battle.

It is custom for Dussack to enter service at the age of twenty. But in rural areas, marriage was earlier, and many Dussacs had children before they were born, served, or granted land.

The underage Dussack who was killed in the fight against the bandits in Dashi Town left behind a son, a daughter and a widow.

After the end of the bandit suppression, the militia team was disbanded, and the Dussacs from Dashi Town went to the Legion headquarters to petition.

It is hoped that Legion will recognize the underage Dussack, who was killed in the fight against bandits, as "killed in service".

Because Dussack, who has not been granted land, can only inherit a portion of the land until he becomes a Ding if he dies while serving, otherwise he will die in vain.

The letter was finally handed to the then Corps Head Lieutenant General Ferenc on the table. Because the client, Dussac, was pierced by several arrows and tried to kill the thief until he died. Ferenc was greatly moved when he learned of it.

The lieutenant general personally decided to recognize the dead as "dead in service", and also recognized the wounded as "in the hands of service" to give praise.

This eight-year-old case supports Winters' claim.

Even if it were to be argued before a military court, Winters' claim would have to be dismissed first by dismissing Lieutenant General Ferenc's precedent.

Winters had no idea that something like this happened eight years ago, but it would have been nice to have a similar precedent.

Major Ronald considered for a long time, and reluctantly said to Winters and Gillard: "This time the dice is as you wish, but will the dice in the future still be like this... I have to ask Just go through the Legion headquarters."

All Dussack's archives in this county are managed by the garrison, and Major Ronald has a considerable degree of self-determination as the highest military commander in Iron Peak.

He nodded and it was over.

Winters was also very excited for a while. After all, he simply never thought about what happened in the future. Everyone, including himself, thought that Winters · Montagne would not stay in Palatu for a long time.

When Major Ronald sent Winters and Gillard out, he sighed inadvertently: "The son is not the creditor of his parents, but he can suck the blood of his parents more than the creditor."

"en? Major agreed to see Mr. Mitchell's face?" Winters thoughts move.

He looked towards Girard, but found the old Dussack complexion ashen, not saying a word.

"Senior, many thanks for your help today."

Out of the gate of the garrison, Winters sincerely thanked Captain Eper. It would not have been so easy to persuade Major Ronald if the captain hadn't cited the case.

didn't expect Captain Eppel just replied lightly: "I'm not helping you, I'm saying something. But if I say, Mr. Mitchell's sympathy is more useful."

After speaking, the captain and the two said hello and turned around to return to the small building of the garrison.

Only Winters and Girard were left outside the courtyard walls, along with two horses.

"Second lieutenant, do you want the children to work in the militia now and serve less when they become adults?" Gillard asked impatiently as soon as the captain left.

Winters sensed the strangeness of old Dussack's mood: "It can't be called a fool, the law of service in the militia auxiliary unit is also service."

"I disagree! It's a loophole! It's seize every opportunity! It's a steal!" Girard yelled at Winters for the first time since the two met: "Dussack is a hero who would rather steal than steal! Obediently and honestly go when it's time to do business. Be a messenger, if you don't want to be a messenger, he. Mom will go to rebellion! Never! Never engage in this kind of limitate the dog and steal chicken! We swore a blood oath with the old coach!"

normally Gillard, who was always laughing here, suddenly burst into emotion, and Winters didn't know what to do: "Rest assured, this is all legal and compliant."

"What about our conscience? What about the blood oath? The Lord is watching from the clouds!" As he spoke, the old Dussack became more and more depressed like a deflated ball, and he muttered to himself: "No one wants to send his son to the table. On the battlefield, why should I care about what other people's sons do? Oh, you youngsters, do whatever you want..."

"I blame myself for not discussing with you in advance." Touched by his emotions, he said apologetically, "If you don't think it's okay, it's just as if it never happened, and I won't tell anyone else when I go back."

"Child, I know you're kind." Girard grabbed Winters' hand and used the title child [son] for the first time: "I will tell the other Dussacks when I go back, and they should be very happy. Alas, you you like."

Gillard saddles up wearily and leaves with a whiplash.

Winters didn't expect a good thing but made old Dussack so excited that he stood there for a long time before jumping on the horse and catching up from behind.



The delivery of the goods from the estates of Wolf Town in Gervodin went very smoothly.

This year has been a good year, and it can be said that the weather is good, so there is no default.

In addition to the output that several major Trading Companies made deposits in advance, the manors in Wolf Town also harvested many additional crops. This time, it was shipped together, and after bargaining, it was also eaten by several major Trading Companies.

Crops such as sugar beets are roughly processed on site in Gervoudan, and the goods are transported from Gervoudan to the provincial capital and further afield by the Trading Company's caravans.

The harvest season is over like this, and the manor owner suddenly has a large amount of cash in his hand.

Part of it is used to buy the necessities for the next year's production in Gervodin, such as coal, iron farm implements, wood, etc.

There is another part to be paid to the hired laborers, but the wages of the hired laborers are mainly in the form of food rather than gold and silver.

The owner of the manor will go back with the money, and then buy food from the Dusa people who have no shortage of land and excess food production, which is the most cost-effective.

Of course, as compensation for the heavy work during the harvest season, each employee will also receive a bonus - but there is no fixed amount, more or less depends on the quality of the employer.

Some manor owners with wild ambitions immediately set off for the garrison, and they had to continue the enclosure before the others.

For example, the Bentins family, the Bentins and their husbands, had enough to support their five oldest sons and two daughters, and they were called Divine Vestige in this era.

Considering the future separation of sons and dowry for daughters, they are also desperate for more land.

Profits are thus fed into the cycle of adding more land, with no end in sight.

According to Winters' observations, most of the money in the hands of estate owners is turned into consumer goods: High Level fine wine, snow-white cotton candy, beautiful furniture, percale scribbled cotton...all kinds of good things, not one after another list.

gold coin Silver Coin slips from fingertips like fine sand in exchange for material pleasures.

Winters also discovered a very interesting phenomenon: cotton, hemp, and wood are produced in Wolftown, but finished products such as furniture and cloth have to be bought from Gervodin.

The estates only produce raw materials, but have no ability to process them—except for tobacco.

The manor economy is actually particularly vulnerable, and is extremely dependent on the developed commercial system. If there is no merchant from outside to receive the goods, the planting cycle of cash crops in each manor will collapse immediately.

But these have nothing to do with him, he just draws his own conclusions from an observer's point of view.

He is now most concerned about the situation of Vineta, so the team stayed in Gervoudan the past few days, he visited all the trading companies in Gervoudan.

Charle and Gold set off from Hailan very early, and they are not very clear about the current situation. Also, Ciel's vision is narrow, and Gold doesn't want to go into detail, so Winters gets very little useful information from them.

But there is a common sense for Winters from the Merchant Republic: no matter when and where, merchants are the most well-informed.

The information received, albeit slightly different, still worries Winters.

All kinds of intelligence indicate that the confrontation between the Federated Provinces and Veneta - the twins of the Alliance - has not cooled down, but is intensifying.

The merchants of Gervodin heard that the fleets of Veneta and the provinces would intercept, inspect, and seize each other's merchant ships in the Inner Sea.

There are even rumors that the navies of the two sides are disguised as pirates to rob each other's ships - of course, some businessmen say that it is because the navy has no time to take care of pirates anymore, which has caused the Taniria Federation to die after the collapse. Piracy became rampant.

As a result, there is no merchant ship on the inland sea today that dares to fly the tulip flag and the red blood flag. Ships flew the imperial flag to protect themselves.

[Tulip flag and red blood flag are the navigable flags of Union Province and Veneta respectively]
And more merchant ships simply leave the inland sea or hide in the port to take shelter from the limelight.

The once prosperous and busy bay of Cenas has now become deserted and bleak.

Once known as the Inner Sea of Cenas, the waters of gold, it is now the dead waters that sailors talk about.

The land border has long been blocked, leaving only a few ports to maintain the only remaining personnel exchanges.

The inter-provincial congress and the Veneta Senate quickly introduced one embargo bill after another, making what used to be almost unlimited intra-Union trade illegal to sell anything.

At present, the trade between Veneta and the United Provinces can only go through Palato, but there are many Palato merchants who have made a lot of money in entrepot business. Dan City businessmen are very eager.

I didn’t see the signboard of Navarre Trading Company in the city, and Winters also inquired about the businessman who looked towards Revodan, didn’t expect the business of the Navarre Lei Family.”(Business )well known”.

According to the warehouses that purchase cotton, linen and other raw materials, their goods are sold to Navarre Trading Company.

It's just that the big Trading Company only has branches in the provincial capital, waiting for other small Trading Companies to deliver the goods, not to the small cities below to receive the goods.

The reason...the same as the Trading Company in Gervoudan, which has to ask the owner of the estate to deliver the goods to Gervodin. The road is not safe, it is all to reduce the risk.

Winters thought about the businessman from Torrevodan bringing him a letter to Navarre Trading Company, but after careful consideration he decided not to.

He did not trust the businessmen in Gervodin, nor the branch of the Trading Company in Navarre, and he could not write important information even if he wrote a letter.

And now that he has communicated with Hailan, he is not in a hurry to send the message back. Who knows if the Palatine will turn his letter over to the Palatine Army?

Time flies fast in Gervodin.

After living in an open and quiet rural area for more than two months, it was a little uncomfortable to return to the city of Winters.

For three days, Winters not only did business and asked the Trading Company for news, but also followed the believers into the Revodan cathedral to watch Mass on Sundays.

But the second lieutenant went to the cathedral with the mentality of a tourist, and finally silently avoided the sacrament.

In all fairness, the Gévoudan cathedral is indeed spectacular and gorgeous, even compared to the sea-blue San Marco cathedral.

The high vault seems to hit people's faces from a height, making every human who walks feel their own insignificance.

It's not the miracle of God that makes Winters truly sigh, but the wisdom that human beings burst out to please the gods.

Just looking at the cathedral in front of you, it's hard to imagine how the craftsmen used simple tools such as chisels, hammers and pulleys to create such majestic buildings.

In Winters' view, Gervodan really can't be considered a rich city.

But for a city of only one or two thousand people to build such a cathedral, I really don't know whether it is luxury or waste, ignorance or piety.

Of course, what impressed Winters even more was the gorgeous sacrificial costumes and the dazzling gold and silver objects on the altar by Gervodin bishop.

The second lieutenant couldn't help but think: I'm afraid some of them are the tolls collected by the old man at Qiaotou, right?
Just like that, three days passed quickly.

On the fourth day from Wolf Town, it is time to start again and return to that remote, closed but lovely border town.

However, an hour has passed since the agreed departure time, and nearly half of the people still did not show up.

Gillard and Winters waited anxiously after asking the latecomer's companion to rush it several times, but no one came.

Winters was furious and ordered the latecomer's comrade to lead the way.

It wasn't until he came to the door that he understood why Nuonuo, who was leading the way, didn't dare to say it outright - it was actually a brothel.

"Little Young Master, who are you looking for?" The prostitute in the door shook his waist lightly, approached the second lieutenant with a smile, and even stretched out his hand to embrace the second lieutenant's waist: "Let's stay together too~"

Where did Winters suffer from this?

He kicked open the door one by one with a livid face, and when he saw the people from Wolf Town go up, he would punch him and wake up and reward him with a whip: "Fine! It's a brothel!"

The bloody nose and swollen face Dussack and his hirelings were taken to the meeting point by Winters, and Gillard knew it at a glance.

He asked with a sullen face: "Didn't I say over and over again that no reward is allowed if you don't go home? Are you all in one ear and out the other?"

He didn't ask. People who drink flower wine ask the manor owners around them.

All those who were swept by his gaze bowed their heads in shame, and Vic Hoffman, the owner of Golden Spike Manor, Brace Oneself defended: "A few servants approached me and said they wanted to buy something to take home. , I gave it without thinking about it. And everyone was so tired all the way, you should relax..."

"Shut up!" The furious Girard interrupted Old Hoffman sharply: "I don't listen to the explanation. If you don't follow the rules, don't follow the team! Come by yourself! Don't you know that the long-term workers rely on this time reward for a whole year to save some money?! You don't know that the way back is more dangerous than when you came here. ?!"

Vic Hoffman was so frightened by the murderous aura of old Dussack that he didn't dare to speak.

The people and cars seem to be roughly the same, but after a careful count, there are still few people.

Gillard grabbed the collar of an employee and asked, "Where's your master?"

"Tell my lord, Master Benting went back yesterday. "The caught employee shiver coldly: "He wants to go back to the enclosure first, he won't let me tell you."

But this chapter was the happiest I wrote, and I couldn't stop writing it.

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