Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 144


Chapter 144 In the days following the swollen field

, Pierre of bloody nose and swollen face Although Er has resentment in his heart, he still rides on duty obediently and honestly and is no longer lazy.

No one else dared to slack off, whether it was the coachman or Dussack.

Seeing that they are getting closer and closer to home, everyone with one's heart set on speeding home is wielding the whip more forcefully.

It no longer rains upstream, and the Pantuo River has returned to its former water level. The convoy no longer made a detour to Xiaoshi Town, and still crossed the river by the shortest route.


"One!" The old handlebar-style shouted hoarsely: "Two!"

The young men around the cart grabbed the body desperately Lift up: "Three!"

With the sound of the horn, the cart that was unable to move even a little bit was forcibly lifted up because the wheels got stuck in the cracks.

Once the old handlebar style saw this opportunity, he hurriedly waved his whip, and the three mules and horses suffered pain and dragged their carts to the other side of the river.

Unlike walking on bridges, wading through the shallows is a hassle and hard work.

The river water is not a rammed road, but a smooth cobblestone. Not only are the wheels unbearable, but the animals' hooves are also unstable, making them particularly vulnerable to injury.

When they reached the edge of the field, the convoy took off the animals from their yokes, and used several horses to pull a cart across the river at the same time.

In addition to the coachman on the horse, the younger Dussacks and hired hands also had to take off their shoes, roll up their trousers, and shout horns around the cart.

This work is too hard for the elderly, only the young can do it.

Pierre only pushed the cart back and forth a few times in the Tushering Field, and his whole body was wet with sweat and river water.

The river water in autumn is cold and gloomy, and it can take away the warmth and energy of people in an instant. Mr. Mitchell felt unbearable pain in his lower abdomen after catching cold feet.

The convoy built several fires on the shore, and the coachman and Dussack were roasting their clothes and warming themselves up.

Pierre wanted to go to rest, but remembered the beating and scolding of Mr. Mitchell, who hated iron for not becoming steel. His stubbornness also came up, gritted his teeth and reluctantly continued to help push the cart.

After a few hours of work, the convoy was only halfway through.

After discussing with Winters, Gillard decided that Winters would take a few horses to hold the cart in front of him and choose a place to camp to prevent them from being scattered.

Gillard took another part to the back team to urge them to speed up.

It was less than a day's journey from Langtun Town after Pangtuo River. Winters and Gillard were worried that some driver would be eager to go home and leave the convoy to return to Wolf Town overnight.

Not only is it dangerous, it may even disperse the entire convoy.

The two teams of riders ran to the front and the rear respectively, and half of the carts had already crossed the river and walked away, and the wading field became much deserted.

Fatigue and cold made the people carrying cars in the river unable to even shout their horns.

The pain under Pierre's navel was getting worse and worse, like a thousand knives were stabbing at the thorns, and he was panting in the river on his knees.

"Boy, are you alright?" Sergey waded over and hugged Mitchell's shoulders: "What's wrong?"

"It's alright, my stomach hurts." Pi El kept shaking.

"Let's go, go to the bank to have a fire and drink some hot soup." : "Uncle, is there something wrong on the shore?"

As early as when he was still working just now, because he was always looking at the fire unconsciously, Pierre faintly noticed something strange.

There are a few raw faces among the people warming the fire on the shore.

Xiaomi Cheer's memory follows his mother's. He does not forget it, but at least he will leave some impressions. He also knows this advantage.

But he had no impression of the faces on the shore, and he had never seen them in the convoy.

But it's not uncommon for passers-by to come over and beg for hot soup. Those unfamiliar faces didn't stay long, they sat by the fire for a while and left.

So Pierre didn't have much to do, he just kept his mind.

But at this moment, Pierre found that the "familiar" faces not only returned to the fire, but more faces appeared on the shore.

Pierre leaned over to Sergey's ear and told Sergey everything in a fast-paced voice.

Sergey's expression darkened. Old Dussack held the saber and shouted at the shore: "Hey! Those guys, what are you doing?"

Shore At first, several of the new faces pretended not to be calling him, but Old Dussack called them several times, so that they had nowhere to hide.

"We are chasing big cars." Those people replied.

Others gradually noticed that the atmosphere was unusual, and several alert Dussacs approached their war horses quietly.

"How come I've never seen you?!" Sergey demanded sharply.

No one answered.

There was a dead silence in the field, except for the babbling of the river.

"Kill!" A raw face lifted his cloak, turned and stabbed the driver next to him in the stomach.

The driver's eyes were wide open in horror, and a "ho ho" sound came out of his throat, and he couldn't even scream for a while.

"Kill!!!" Seeing that they couldn't get through the barrier, the other faces also tore their disguise and pulled out their weapons to slash at the surrounding wolf villagers.

Sudden killings, blood and death, the upheaval left most coachmen and Dussacks completely unprepared.

The sound of killing was like a horn of an attack, and more silhouettes in the woodlands on both sides of the Pangtuo River were quickly approaching the field.

"They are bandits!" Sergey scolded the wolf villagers who were still stunned: "Fuck! Go get the weapon! Dussack! Get on the horse!"

Pi El just wanted to take a step, but the severe pain in his lower abdomen made him unable to move even a little bit.

Sergey, who ran a few meters away, turned back and ran towards the place where the horse was tied on the bank with Micheer in between.

"Get on the horse! Get on the horse!" The old Sergey shouted as he ran, and the Dussacs in the river moved towards their war horses.

A few coachmen were desperately beating their horses, trying to force their way through the field. There is also a driver who wants to turn around in a panic, but is unable to move even a little bit.

There was chaos in the field, only a few drivers and hired workers jumped on the cart to look for weapons, and everyone else was running away.

The vibration of the bowstring came from the trees on both sides of the river bank, and with the sharp sound of "xiu xiu", the arrows flew over the water.

"Archer!" Someone screamed.

"There are crossbowmen in the woods!" someone shouted.

A coachman had just retrieved his longbow from under the seat, and before he could wind the bow, a stubby crossbow bolt pierced his neck. The brave wolf town man clutched his neck and fell from the cart into the knee-deep river.

Sergey pointed to both sides of the river and shouted: "Another thief is coming!"

Pierre saw the bandits with weapons and tattered clothes emerge from the bushes, At one time, I couldn't count how many people there were.

Some bandits moved towards the cart and ran to grab all kinds of good goods bought from Gervodin on the cart. And some bandits went to rob Dussack of the warhorse tied to the shore - the warhorse was more valuable.

There are other bandits who specialize in chasing and arresting horse riders dressed in well-made clothes. Those people are the owners of the manor, not only carrying huge sums of money, but also kidnapping for ransom.

Even if a well-trained army encounters a surprise attack, it is difficult to organize an effective counterattack, even more how most of the Wolftown convoy are just tenant farmers.

The command structures on both sides in the melee were disabled.

But the bandits have a clear purpose. They want money and goods, and they will kill anyone who resists. They are more subjective.

The people of Wolf Town are a mess. Everyone fights and has their own plans. Only a few brave people try to fight back.

But when most people are running away, the brave are the most visible targets and are often killed by bandits.

The attention of many gangsters was attracted by Sergey's warhorse Chiyanghong, and several thugs with lances had already run to Chiyanghong's side.

In desperation, Sergey let go of Pierre and roared at the lance thugs.

"Ah!" The bandit who fell behind couldn't react, and was stabbed on the shoulder by the old Dussack fiercely.

Sergey kicked the thug whose shoulders were almost chopped off with one kick. He didn't even take a second glance at this mortal guy, and swung his saber to kill several other bandits.

Even though he grew up listening to war stories, Pierre didn't expect the old Uncle, who was over fifty years old, to be so fierce.

He gritted his teeth and reluctantly picked up Lance, which the thugs had dropped on the ground, and rushed up.

The bandits who heard the screams of their companions turned around and saw the old Dussack, and moved their spears towards the old man.

Sergey seized the opportunity to grab it with his left hand, and the spear shaft was firmly grasped by him. He dragged behind him and slashed the enemy to death.

But the two fists were no match for the four hands. When Sergey grabbed the spear and slashed one person, another bandit held a lance and stabbed the old Dusak with a strange cry.

Seeing that the gangster was about to succeed, Pierre, who was following up, was holding on to his waist. He fell to the ground, and the old Dussack cut his head off with a momentum is big, power is deep slash.

The remaining two robbers were so frightened that their hands and feet went numb from the old Dussack, who threw away their weapons and fled.

Sergey quickly helped Pierre on the red sun: "Go! Go to the back! Go to your father!"

"I won't go!" Pierre call out.

Old Dussack didn't talk nonsense: "If you don't go? If you don't go, stay and kill the enemy. Follow me along the river bank to kill those archers!"

Scales of Victory has Completely fell to the side of the gangster, and the situation turned into a one-sided pursuit.

The archers on the shore moved towards the wolf town people shooting recklessly. The bandits in the field were chasing the coachman. The Dussacs fought each other. Fleeing behind.

Some manor owners ran to the woodland in a panic, but they didn't know that they were falling into the trap of bandits. Charge ahead along the road and a glimmer of survival, and fleeing into the forest is walking right into a trap.

At this level, anyone who still wants to resist is left with a deep sense of powerlessness and despair.

A hair grey-white old handlebar-style tumble climbed to the bank, moved towards Wolf Town and stumbled.

The gangster chasing behind him yelled fiercely: "Don't run! Run and kill you again!"

The driver turned his head to look at the gangster in panic, and one of his feet accidentally fell to the ground. on the ground. He was thrown so hard that he couldn't stand up for a long time, and the bandits caught up with him laughing.

"Please, don't!" the old handlebar-style kneeling on the ground begged.

The gangster came over, fiercely kicked the old man's stomach, and the old man curled up like shrimp in pain.

However, the gangster seemed to be born without any sympathy. He put one foot on the old man's chest and raised his lance with a grin.

The old coachman closed his eyes.

The thunder-like sound of horse hooves came, and a horse rushed to the driver and the bandits in a flash. The machete fluttered, severing the spear shaft and the bandit's neck.

The speed of the warhorse did not decrease in the slightest, and continued to rush towards the field.

After the leading riders, more Dussacs wielded sabres past the headless bodies of the old coachman and the bandit.

A thunderous shouted exploded in the field, and everyone's heartbeats stopped.

The roaring roar was also heard by the team behind, which was 100 meters away, and the people in the field were even dizzy and tinnitus caused by the sound waves.

A splendid silver-grey warhorse stood on the bank of the river, and everyone in the walking field saw it and the rider on its back.

"Reinforcements are coming!" Pierre recognized the person who came, and he couldn't help shouting: "Ура!"

The still alive Dussack also recognized it The driver raised his saber and roared: "Ура!"

"It's Lieutenant Montagne!" The scattered people of Wolf Town finally found the backbone, their morale was boosted, and the form suddenly turned into a counter-battle.

"Don't run away! There are far more thieves than us! Come to me!" This time, Lieutenant Montagne's voice was not as shocking as before, but it was still loud enough that everyone in the field could hear it. .

The tone barely fell , the people of Wolf Town moved towards the river bank one after another, and a few gangsters who wanted to chase were killed by them working with a common purpose.

Wolf town people one by one climbed up the river bank, and the stunned gangsters dared not chase.

The two sides face off.

Of course, the bandits armed with bows and crossbows would not fail to notice this wolf town boss riding a horse, and several arrows immediately aimed at the rider of the silver-gray horse.

Few gangsters can pull a hard bow, and the gangsters who ambushed Wolftown had the heaviest pounder bows, or simply hanging branches.

The arrows that flew toward the silver-gray horse rider from the riverbank were weak, and the man easily deflected the arrows shot at him with his saber.

"Hahaha! That's enough ability?" The rider of the silver-gray steed laughed at the bandit archer: "Come again!"

Seeing the heroism of the town officer, the people of Wolf Town couldn't bear it Live cheers again. Vaguely, everyone began to feel that the arrows flying from the shore were not as terrifying as before.

"That's the new officer from Wolf Town, right? It's a person." The gloomy man with oval scars on his face in the bushes stared at the silver-gray horse rider: "Bring a crossbow!"


This man with an oval scar on his face is the leader of this gang of gangsters, and the skinny gangster beside him hearing this immediately handed over a huge steel crossbow.

The bow is just scary, and the bandit leader knows very well that the real thing in his hand that can kill is the crossbow, especially this heavy steel crossbow that requires a winder.

The bandit leader looked carefully, but made no further move. He waited patiently for the opportunity.

A few soft arrows flew towards the mayor of Wolf Town, and the rider of the silver-gray steed deftly pushed all the arrows away.

"It's now!"

At the moment when the town officer in Wolf Town was distracted, the bandit leader buckled the launch rod.

Steel heavy crossbow bolts swept across the field like shooting stars, flying towards the rider of the silver-gray steed.

"What?" The bandit leader couldn't believe his eyes.

The arrow of the inevitable crossbow swept an arc in the air, turning a small curve and bypassing the target's side.


2nd Lieutenant Montagne sarcastically said, "A crossbow is a good crossbow, but a man is not a good man. Your archery is really bad."

The mocking words spread to everyone's ears, and the people of Wolf Town once again echoed and cheered.

"That's it!" The second lieutenant pointed his saber in the direction of the arrows: "Kill all the crossbows on the shore first!"

Even in Palato, Winters ·Montagne has never missed a day of spell training.

Just now, he completed the first actual combat of the [Christian Huygens version] deflection technique.

--cut --

WM's Spell Book

Entry: Skew
Difficulty: S (original)
A -(modified by Christian Huygens)

Note: The emphasis is not on lateral acceleration, but on rotation, which Christie Teacher An calls centrifugal motion.

If Winters were at the scene, they would have quietly informed everyone when they found something unusual. Although Sergei Molotov is a tough man, his mind is limited.

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