Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 141


Chapter 141 Revodan

The morning of the third day after the levy was sent to Wolf Town.

It was just hazy and bright, and a group of four-wheeled farm carts drove out of the various manors in Wolf Town, converged in the center of the town, and moved towards the city of Gervoudan.

Hundreds of carts are pulled into a long line on the road, the front and rear can be separated by a kilometer, and the creaking of the axles can be heard from a distance.

From time to time, fully armed savvy riders skimmed the sluggish carts, patrolling the convoy back and forth.

According to the ups and downs of the terrain, the road twists and turns to the distance, and most of the places along the way are deserted.

The wilderness and meadows are the main scenery on the road, and occasionally when the motorcade passes through the forest, everyone's nerves are instantly tense.

The most slack driver will also be energized at this moment, take out the short blade, put the bow and crossbow at hand, and keep an eye on the dark woods on both sides of the road.

It was not until the convoy left the forest that the drivers dared to breathe a sigh of relief, kicked their weapons back under the seats, and returned to their usual listless appearance.

It was Winters and Girard who rode at the front of the convoy, and the patrol rider was Dussack, hired by the estate owners.

Although Wolf Town has received an order to recruit the militia, life has to go on.

The crops on the farmer's fields are to be cut, the crops to be sown in the fall are to be planted, and the tobacco, cotton and sugar beets harvested by the various estates are to be sold.

Most of the manor's output has already been deposited in advance by various Trading Companies.

But for the merchants, the risk and cost of transportation are too high, and the manor owners need to transport the goods to the city of Gervodin for delivery.

Therefore, at this time of year, the owners of the manor in Wolf Town will make an appointment to transport the goods to the city of Gervodin together, so there is a huge fleet in front of them.

It is really helpless to cuddle together for warmth.

The tyranny, the tyranny of the tyranny, is as fierce as a tiger.

Theft, poaching, tax evasion, and private land cultivation... Every crime can force the peasants who were law-abiding and serving the public to take risks, exchange food and clothing with violence, and become robbers and bandits.

In bad times—low temperatures throughout the year, wet and shady summers, long, icy winters—crops fail and famine ensues.

Then it's not just New Land, Palatu, or the Cenas Alliance... There will be plenty of farmers going bankrupt, starving, and robbers all over the continent.

[Note: The people of this era were unaware that they were going through what later generations called the "Little Ice Age." ]
Most of the newly reclaimed land in the Republic of Palato is covered with primitive forests and meadows, dotted with sporadic villages and towns and a few small towns with a population of one or two thousand.

Only one of the larger cities is the capital of the newly reclaimed province and the seat of the Legion - Maplestone
In these sparsely populated frontier regions, if there is no protection of the city wall or The neighbor's watch, any solitary farmhouse encounters a few brawny man armed with simple weapons can only be slaughtered.

Therefore, most of the farmers in the newly cultivated land live in groups, and there are few individual farmhouses far away from the village.

The dirt roads in the countryside, the junctions between towns, and the forests near cities are all places that are far beyond the reach of help and dangerous places where bandits thrive.

Gillard Mitchell is in charge of Wolf Town, but life is peaceful.

Gillard's government is lenient and has the full support of Dussack, so there is no breeding ground for bandits in Wolf Town itself.

The foreign thugs, without the help of the natives, are like fish that land. Those with bright minds will run away immediately, and those who are not smart are easily strangled by Gillard with Dussack.

After getting rid of a gang with a small reputation, there have been few villains who came to Wolf Town to find themselves uncomfortable.

However, there are 124 administrative districts at the same level in New Reclaimed Land and Wolf Town. No matter how good the law and order of Wolf Town is, it has little impact on the environment.

The fleet of farm carts that carry a lot of cargo, move slowly and lack the ability to protect themselves is simply an irresistible meal for the gangsters.

At this time of year, small groups of bandits will even spontaneously gather into large gangs to commit crimes, robbing convoys transporting goods into the city from all over the world.

After paying the price of blood several times, the manor owners of Wolf Town gathered together to keep warm, and hired riders from Dusa Village to protect the team.

"A few years ago, there was a particularly famous thief, nicknamed 'Blood Hand Shet'." Girard and Winters rode side by side, vividly telling the legend of the robbers in the newly cultivated land: "Then The guy not only robs, kills, and blackmails people, but also chops off people's hands and puts them in salt buckets to pickle them. It is said that when the gendarmerie caught him, they found hundreds of broken hands, and they couldn't tell which pair was which. Yes."

Winters was indignant: "He was arrested for killing dozens of people. What do the military police in the new land do? I have been a military police, if I let my old commander, Lieutenant Colonel Field, come here. "..."

The language affects the mind, suddenly thinking of Lieutenant Colonel Field who was killed in action, remembering the agreement to drink in Golden Harbor, Winters' voice became smaller and smaller, and finally speechless.

"Capturing the robbers is the responsibility of the locality, and Legion doesn't care." Girard sighed, "The Legion military police will be dispatched to capture the bloody hands, it is because he went too far and robbed Legion's supply convoy. "

Sergey, who was next to him, came alive and interjected with great interest: "There is also a joke. It is said that a travel dealer entered the city and met a robber on the way. At this time, a group of military police passed by, and the travel dealer Screaming for help, the military police ignored it. In a panic, the dealer yelled 'I didn't pay the tax', and the gendarmerie rushed over to chase away the robber, caught the dealer and sent it all the way to the city."

Having said that, Sergey laughed heartily.

The two riders running back far ahead were Pierre and Vashka. Girard was very cautious and sent several riders to explore the road ahead early in the morning.

"Father!" Pierre was impatient, and shouted from a long distance: "The river loop is rising!"

Washika also looked panicked: "The water is now What should I do if I don't get to the horse's back?"

The driver in front heard the two people's shouts, and hurriedly pulled Yusuo to stop the cart. The driver behind also stopped in a hurry, and the carts stopped one by one.

Seeing his son's flustered appearance, Sergey scolded dissatisfiedly: "Fuck you! Are you still Dussac? What is it that scares you like this?"

"These two children came out with the team for the first time, and they have little knowledge." Gillard explained to Winters: "This is the downstream, it rains in the upstream, and the water rises downstream. It is a common thing to walk in the field."

"Then what should I do?"

Girard moved towards pointing north: "Take a detour and go to Little Rock Town. There is a bridge in Little Rock Town to cross the Pangtuo River. Just need more Take your time, and you'll have to spend a little more tolls."

Gillard and Old Partner looked at each other and pointed at Sergey nodded.

Sergey turned his mount and sped toward the rear of the convoy, shouting orders: "Detour! Detour! Go to Little Rock! Keep up with the car in front! Keep up with the car in front!"

"The intersection to Little Rock is at the back, and it's already passed. But it's hard to turn around on the road, go ahead and find a good place to turn around!" Gillard instructed beside the driver of the lead truck: " Follow me."

The coachman slapped the animals hard, with a screeching screeching sound, the pulling horses neighing and dragging the carriage, and the convoy continued onward.

Gillard said apologetically to Winters: "I guess it will take an extra day on the road."

"It's okay, it's not bad for a day or two anyway." Winters laughed replied.

Only because Winters were in the convoy, providing protection came second—the vast convoy had no shortage of sword-wielding men.

The main purpose of Lieutenant Montagne was to visit the garrison in the city of Gévordan. Because the conscription order is too broad, there are some key issues that need to be clarified.

Although the order has been served for a few days, there has not been any progress in the drawing work in Wolf Town. No draws, no training, nothing.

It's not that Winters intentionally delays, but because it's the busy farming season right now, at this time, plucking dice is equivalent to ruining the farmers' hard work for a year.

The Palato Plateau has a low latitude and high altitude. The north-south airflow is blocked by the towering mountain range. The precipitation mainly comes from the monsoon blowing from the Cenas Gulf to the plateau.

Because of this, most of the crops in Parato are planted in regular rotation with two crops a year or three crops in two years.

At this time, in the arable land of each village in Wolf Town, spring crops need to be harvested and dried. And autumn crops, such as winter wheat, are waiting to be planted.

Ordinary farmers are busy with harvesting, drying, and sowing, and the Dusa people have one more activity - mowing the grass. After the pastures are allocated by households, men, women and children of all ages will go into battle to mow and dry the grass to feed the animals in winter.

Farmers with little arable land finish their work in their fields, and then go to work odd jobs for farmers who lack manpower, and can exchange some food to subsidize their families.

At this time Winters couldn't bear to call on farmers. Fortunately, there is still some time before the deadline, so don't worry too much.

As a result, Lieutenant Winters ·Montagne also had time to travel to Gervodin to clarify the ambiguity in the order, and the lieutenant had many questions to ask his immediate superior.

One of the most critical issues, and one that sounds quite nonsense, is whether the drafted militias are considered "soldiers" or "people's husbands" in the legal sense.

For the villagers of Wolf Town, this question is really funny.

Is it a man? Is it a soldier?
What's the matter? Don't they all go to work?

If I asked the farmers in Wolf Town about this question, they would definitely answer in unison: "Which one can make me serve less is the one."

But Rhett cultivator has a very rich creative idea. Pumping can be a major blow for any family, but the idea of an old cultivator might be able to turn bad things into good things.

Just like what he said on his lips: "[Selika language] where misfortune and fortune depend, and where fortune and misfortune lie."

But the premise of everything It's all about finding out "whether a militia is a civilian or a soldier."


If you travel from Wolf Town to Gervodin on horseback, you will travel 60 kilometers a day, and the one-way trip will take about 60 kilometers. two days.

But the 20 kilometers a day is the limit for the slow farmer's cart, plus the detour to Xiaoshi Town, it took seven days to reach the city of Gervodin.

Gillard and Winters used the discipline of the march to discipline the convoy, with scouts in the front, containment teams in the back, reciprocating patrols during the day, and shifts at night.

After a few days of marching, everyone was very tired, both mentally and physically. However, it was not the first time that most of the drivers and Dussac had come out with the team, and they were still able to grit their teeth silently.

It was the first time that Pierre, Vasika and the others went with the team's young Dussacs, and they immediately complained and complained. Can't get out of the car.

There have also been large and small accidents such as broken axles and overturns on the road. Fortunately, Winters and Gillard handled them well and no casualties were caused. Gillard deliberately brought out a few empty cars just to prepare for such accidents.

Apart from these small twists and turns, the journey was uneventful, and it was fortunate that there were no gangsters looking for trouble.

After all, a cart might be the prey, and a hundred carts would have to consider whether they would break their teeth.

The weather was beautiful, and the rain that Girard was most worried about did not happen, and the team arrived at Gervodin without any risk.

When the bell tower of the church in Gervoudin came into view, Winters set off for the station first, and Girard enthusiastically offered to accompany him.

"Is it okay? Don't you need to follow the convoy?" Winters sorry continued to trouble old Dussack.

"It doesn't matter, just pull the tobacco to the warehouse, you don't need me." Girard said cheerfully: "Besides, you don't know how to get to the station, so I'll take you there. Major Ronald, I I know, I can introduce you."

Gillard's enthusiasm gave Winters no reason to refuse. The two took control of their horses to leave the team and moved towards running in the center of Gervodin.

As the capital of the newly cultivated province and Tiefeng County, Gervoudan can only be called a "city", not a "city". Because she only has an urban area and no city wall.

As with all natural settlements, the geography of this city is blessed by heaven in today's eyes.

The urban area is located in the middle of a river valley, and the ground below is firm and flat. The Saint-Georges River flows around the city, supplying the citizens of Gervodin with fresh water and carrying away filth.

The most conspicuous building in the whole city is the Revodan cathedral standing in the center of the city. Travelers a few kilometers away can also see the bell tower with the sword tip of the cathedral.

"Gevodan cathedral is amazing. Big! Tall!" Old Dussac, who was not good at words, blushed, and after a while he came up with an adjective: "gold and jade in glorious glory. Splendor! By the way, there is the tomb of St. Aldous in the cathedral! It is said that no matter how sick you are, you can restore your health just by touching it. But I haven't tried it. First, I am not sick, and secondly, the priest won't let you touch..."

Girard introduced the city of Geroudin all the way, and Winters listened attentively.

One spoke, the other listened, and the two soon reached the banks of the St. George River.

"I heard that this place is called Lover's Forest." Girard pointed to a sparse forest on the opposite bank of the city and on the west side of the road and said, "It's where men and women come anyway."

Hearing this, Winters couldn't help but take a few more glances at the grove.

But it's still daytime, there's not a silhouette in the woods, and it doesn't look like anything special.

There is only one wooden bridge over the St. George River, and an old man in a sackcloth cultivator robe is dozing off in a pavilion at the head of the bridge.

Seeing the two came over on horseback, the old man limped to the wood that served as a horizontal railing and gave a salute: "Good day, may God bless you."

"Good day, Father." Girard also made a salute: "How about the bridge toll today?"

"One small Silver Coin per horse, 1/4 per person

While Gillard took out his wallet to count the Silver Coins, Winters frowned and asked, "Are you the priest?"

"Of course."

"Church clergy?"

"Of course." The old man asked inexplicably, "What's the matter?"

"Then why are you collecting here? Money?"

The old man gave another salute and explained in a ramble: "This bridge belongs to the cathedral of Gévault, so you need to pay for crossing the bridge. But the residents of the city don't charge it, and the clergy don't. The servants in the church do not accept..."

Gillard counted out three small Silver Coins and handed them to the old man: "Father, please use the remaining money to buy some firewood to warm your body."

The old man gave thanks and removed the wood that served as the rail.

After the two riders crossed the bridge, the old man laboriously moved the wood back again.

Winters turned back when he saw this, dismounted and raised the wood: "Go back and sit."

The old man thanked him repeatedly and limped back to the pavilion.

Winters shook his head secretly. In fact, what he asked just now was: "How could such an old man be allowed to do this kind of work?" On the way to the station, Winters passed the cathedral.

Only a glimpse, but the tall stone building is truly magnificent...and gold and jade in glorious splendor.

The station is a second layer stone building with white walls and red tiles, surrounded by a large courtyard with wooden fences. At the other end of the compound is a row of barracks, with a flat playground between the barracks and the small building.

The guard at the gate of the courtyard knew Gillard and waved the two of them in. Without going upstairs directly, Girard first led Winters to the stables in the backyard to store the horses.

As Winters handed the reins to the groom, Gerard Mitchell blushed and said shyly, "Lieutenant, there's something I've been thinking about for a long time, and I want to ask you, Please help."

The sudden request caught Winters off guard, and he had some bad premonitions in his heart, but he replied, "What do you mean?"

" I hope you don't feel abrupt." Gillard became more sincere.

"You said." Winters was sweating more and more.

"It's really sorry and presumptuous."

"You said."

"I thought about it for a long time before I made this old face. "

"You said."

"You..." Gillard gritted his teeth and said embarrassedly: "...can you bring the sons and horses you brought to my house?" mate?"

Winters almost had a brain hemorrhage: "That's it?"

"Of course it's a paid breeding, I know the rules." Old Dussack added hurriedly.

When Gillard said the son of a horse, he naturally meant not the red mane, but the strong luck.

Before Winters fought in Taniria, Qiangyun stayed at Hailan's home. When Kesha sent Ciel to find Winters, she asked Ciel to bring Fortune along with him.

Winters speculates that it also means "ride this horse home."

Gillard couldn't take his eyes off of Qiangyun since he saw Qiangyun.

"Mr. Mitchell." Winters held Girard's hand sincerely: "Take it and match it with whatever you want."

Old Dussack smiled and rubbed his hands together Know what to say. .

“But I hear the mare seems to be more important,” Winters asked.

"Of course the quality of the mare is important, but the calf is just as important." Girard suddenly said sadly: "After Hehanwu was killed by the bear, there is no decent calf in my family...

Forget it, don't talk about that."

Gillard waved his hand and led Winters into the second layer building.

To Winters' surprise, every officer or soldier in the garrison seemed to know Girard and greeted old Dussack.

In this way, the two easily met Major Ronald, the commander of Gervodin's garrison station and Winters' immediate superior.

I don't know if it was because of Gillard's introduction or because of the alumni relationship, Major Ronald was very friendly to Winters.

He carefully inquired about Winters' difficulties, what kind of help he needed, and introduced Winters to other officers in the garrison.

"I'm actually a few years older than you." The major's tone was quite sympathetic, and he patted Winters' shoulder: "I've probably heard something about you, tentatively bear with me. Now It's just when people are employed that it's impossible for them to be released. When the battle is won, everything can be said."

The Palatine Army made Winters feel the great contrast, and every time he encountered The Platonic officers were nice and friendly.

But it was the collective representing all the Palatine officers who detained him here, so that he could not return home.

Winters has certainly not forgotten the purpose of the trip, and he has some important questions to clarify.

Is the militia a "civilian" or a "soldier" in Plato's law?
"It's a soldier." Major Ronald replied in the affirmative, and he also found documents to prove it.

Then Winters' second question:
Dussac's call-up to the militia...does it count as service?

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