Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 140


Chapter 140 Gold Bars and Dimes

Among the currencies circulating in the Republics, the most popular Nothing is more than the Ducat gold coin cast by the Ocean Blue Central Mint.

[Note: The original meaning of the word Ducat is "coin minted by the duke", and many regimes have used this word to refer to the currency issued by themselves. But with the popularity of Veneta ducats, the term now refers exclusively to Veneta gold coin. ]
The fineness of Veneta Ducat is close to pure gold, and the quality is stable, so the currency value is the strongest. Bulk cargo transactions are priced in Ducats, and the gold coins minted by other allies pale in comparison.

Take another gold coin with large circulation, the Interprovincial Golden Shield as an example. Usually, ten Interprovincial Golden Shields can only be worth seven Ducats. .

There are slight differences in the value of gold shield coins minted in different years. Generally speaking, the value of gold shield coins is lower as the year is closer. The base metals mixed into gold shields by the Inter-Provincial Mint are increasing day by day, and everyone is well aware of this. bright.

As a result, it is quite inconvenient to use the golden shield, and it is even more powerless to challenge Ducat's status.

Not only in the Senas Alliance, but even merchants in the Empire and the Near East are very willing to use Ducat transactions. Therefore, the large outflow of gold coin every year has also caused some troubles to the Republic of Veneta.

The merchants and craftsmen in and out of the Republics directly refer to Ducat as "gold coin [gold]", and other types of gold coins have different names.

For the overwhelming majority of the alliance, Ducat is equivalent to pure gold, and it is one of the main forms of people's exposure to gold.

And what Kosa and Anna sent was a whole different kind of gold—whole bars of gold weighing nearly 200 grams, so valuable that Winters couldn't use them at all.

Each 3.56-gram ducat is rarely circulated in the market due to its large value. Even more how is this kind of gold bar that can hold 56 ducats.

Kosa said Winters could see what she meant when she saw the gold bars, but the only use Winters could think of was to take a bribe.

It's just that the unfamiliar Winters doesn't even have a way to bribe, and he can't leave the other contemporaries alone.

After supporting each other in the arduous siege, sharing tents and hot food in the cold winter of the archipelago, and experiencing the Battle of Taniria together, this class of Veneta military cadets has A bond is far stronger than a senior.

Although there is currently no place to spend money, gold bars are no different from lead. But suddenly, with a large amount of precious metals at his disposal, Winters' anxiety and stress were subconsciously lessened.
Money is such a magic power.


Charr got what he wanted to stay with Winters, while Gold didn't stay long in Wolftown.

Second day the pirate chief left, and Winters sent him all the way to the ford of the black liquid river.

"I'll leave the rest to you, Captain Gold." Winters solemnly gave Gold a salute.

"Small things." Gold laughed heartily: "You're not afraid of me running away with money."

"Then I'm not worried." Winters also said with a smile: "As long as you don't tell Nawa Young Lady Lei I gave away the golden ticket."

Gold not only carried Winters' reply, but also the book of Albert, the goldsmith of the Kings Castle. ticket.

The goldsmith's promissory note was brought by Anatochar, which is essentially a stub that can be exchanged for gold at the goldsmith.

Coins circulating on the market vary in quality, so in the past people needed to send gold and silver to goldsmiths to be minted into uniform coins.

Precious metal craftsmen not only have vaults, but also employ guards. Gradually some people discovered that gold was safer in goldsmiths than in their own hands.

The goldsmith will pay the gold with the bill if he does not recognize the person. Therefore, the golden ticket has also evolved into a currency in disguise, because it is concealed and convenient to be widely used and traded by merchants.

According to Winters' request, Gold will first go to the castles to exchange the promissory note for gold coin, and then bring the map and gold coin to the Veneta members scattered throughout the new land. Lieutenants.

It's probably not going to be easy for the Veneta. Now that Winters has no shortage of money, he hopes to help others as much as possible.

This was a difficult task, as Winters neither knew how many were assigned to the new land during the same period, nor where the others were.

Andre and Bud, Winters asked Charles to send them four gold bars each. The rest of the Veneta had to rely on Gold to find them town by town.

"Mr. Gold, I really don't know how to thank you...really, thank you." Winters thanked the former enemy from the bottom of his heart.

"No thanks, what's there to thank?" Gold showed his golden teeth: "It's not a white job, I got paid."

After finishing speaking, Laughing, Gold stabbed the horse's ribs and walked away.

Watching the old man leave, Winters suddenly felt the mood of Lieutenant Mason.


Lt Col Custer and Lieutenant Mason were right. In mid-September, a week after Shire and Gold went to Wolftown, the Army correspondent gave Montagne Three things from the second lieutenant.

Report, next quarter's salary, and a levy from Legion, a new land.

The content of the command is very brief, and the specific plan is vague, with only a few words explaining the requirements and time.

Quoting part of the original text:

"Major General of the Republic of Palato, Legion Corps Head of the New Reclaimed Land, recipient of the Order of the Violet, Kevin J. Adams, according to the glorious and inviolable " Todd Agreement to issue this order".

"Langtun Town, under the jurisdiction of Gongguan County, is obliged to provide militiamen as auxiliary troops when the newly reclaimed Legion needs it."

Leaving the red tape and clichés aside, the specific content is to ask Langtun Town to provide a full number of Hundred Men Squad militiamen, no need to bring their own weapons, and the range of squatting is limited to those between 15 and 35 years old with healthy limbs. male.

The roster must be sent to the Revodan Station before October 15. The specific assembly location and time will be notified separately.

The tone of this command does not come from the republic, but rather like the old nobles requesting lower-level vassals to fulfill their obligations of allegiance.

As long as the dignitaries are, nothing else.

It should be known that the less the content of the instruction and the broader the limitation, the more room for the executor to operate.

This order issued by General Adams has no restrictions except for the quality of the dice. In the hands of some wicked people, it is not difficult for ordinary farmers to break the extinguish sect.

Winters was quite surprised by this, but Gillard and the civilians in the villages of Wolf Town were not surprised.

After reading the order in each village, the villagers did not have any objection to the way of dice, the only thing they cared about was the number of dice.

Many villagers murmured: "Last time, only 40 people were recruited. Why do we have to recruit 80 people this time?" A few villagers who were literate even dared to read the original order.

However, the order of the lacquer seal was clearly written in white and black. Although everyone was dissatisfied, they only complained a few words. In the presence of Winters and Gillard, no one has dared to speak out against it.

Winters also didn't expect that the people of Wolftown naturally accepted the situation of needing to be drafted into service. The process of reading the order was very smooth, and he almost didn't need to speak.

Back at the police station, Winters invited Gillard, Father Kaman and Reid cultivator to discuss the method of drawing dice together.

"Don't worry too much, Langtun has experienced many draws before, and everyone is used to it." Gillard saw Winters' unease: "If I say it's the old way, draw lots."

Father Kaman called the head: "I'm afraid it won't work by drawing lots. In the past, only 40 people were drawn, which is not too many. This time, 80 people will be drawn, all of whom are young and strong from each village. If there is a situation where two people are drawn from a family, it will be difficult for the remaining old and weak women and children in the family. I am afraid that some people will flee."

Gillard pondered and said: "The lottery was drawn, but there was no draw. How about some people in the middle of the pack put in a little money as compensation?"

"Perhaps it is possible." Father Kaman said, holding the necklace, "but how much compensation should be paid. Some people are poor, some people are rich, Doing it well can make a difference."

Gillard and Kaman discussed each other in a word.

But Winters was more curious about what Gillard said "Wolf Tun has been through a lot of dicks before."

“What was it like with dicks?” Winters asked.

"Cough." Girard sighed, and said, "Every time we fight with the Hurds, no matter how big or small, we have to draw dings. Before we didn't have a town officer here, I led them. Go.”

Not only was the new land heavily taxed, but also corvée was more frequent than Winters imagined.

Seeing Winters' frowning, Girard hurriedly added: "It is said that the militia is actually just a civilian, and there is almost no need to go into battle to kill the enemy. It is mainly to do chores for the soldiers, move things, and escort supplies. Supplies."

"Fighting with the Hurds? What do you mean?" Winters wasn't paying attention to what Gillard said: "Have you fought many times?"

" Aren't you talking nonsense?" Reid sneered: "To the east of Palatu is Veneta and the United Provinces, and to the west are the Heards. If you don't fight the Heards, is it possible that you want to go to war with the Allies?"

"Why didn't I hear much about Paratus fighting the Hurds when I was in the Union and Veneta?"

"A dog bites a man and makes everyone happy Are you happy?" The old cultivator sneered: "A man bites a dog. What's so special about a war between the plateau and the Hurds? Especially you Veneta, what do Veneta care about except money? Wasn't Plato always indifferent? If one day Palato unearths a big gold mine, I guarantee the Veneta will know it all the next day."

Winters ignored the ironic tone of the old man. , asked: "I mean...why fight?"

"Why fight?" Reid seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke, said with a big smile: "What should you ask? When was there a truce?"

He stood up, dipped his fingers in the wine and began to sketch on the tabletop, and with a few strokes, he sketched the general outline of the Palatine Plateau.

"The Hurds are not a whole. The tribes and the Paratus have a small dozen in three years and a large dozen in five years. The history of mutual conquest is at least a few hundred years. If we start from the ancient empire It has been thousands of years since the expedition to the west. Today's Palauans are actually the imperialized Heds, and they were originally one of the tribes. It's just that the Palauans don't recognize it."

While drawing pictures on the table, the old cultivator said, each minding their own business: "In the last hundred years, the Palatine and the Hurds had been victorious against each other earlier. The tribes even fought all the way to Under the castles of the kings, the Duke of Palato hid in the castle shiver coldly, and let the Hurds burn, kill and loot everywhere."

The old cultivator stopped suddenly, calculated with his fingers, and sighed. : "Looking back, that's sixty years ago."

Winters, Girard, and Father Carman were all fascinated.

“And then what?” Winters asked.

"Then the Hurds played themselves to death. Infighting, splitting, fighting for the position of Khan, the same old school." The old cultivator said with a sneer: "And the Paratus got the union province. Weapons, Veneta's gold, of course the Hurd people can't bear it. The place you are sitting now was originally the land of the Hurd people's Suta tribe, and now it has become a new reclamation of Palatu. Land?"

The old cultivator moved towards Father Kaman and raised his chin: "Wolf section protecting church is a church built by heretics who came to Suta to preach in the early years, so the murals on the walls are from Arius. Murals, don't you know?"

"What did you say?" Father Kaman was stunned.

"Go back and take a closer look to see if the God Son on the fresco has gradually progressed from no beard to one with a beard. This means that the Son of God is a human being, which is exactly the teaching of Arianism." cultivator chuckled said: "The people who came to receive the property didn't understand the shit. They took over as they were, and the murals were not modified. I was afraid that old fellow Anthony would be so mad that he didn't have the embarrassment to mention this to him."

"Where did Suta go?" Winters asked.

"Where else can I go? All gone to heaven." The old cultivator pointed at Gillard: "Mr. Mitchell also contributed."

Gillard I was fascinated by it at first, but I couldn't help being surprised when I was suddenly called. After a while, I slowly replied: "When we Dusa people first arrived in Palatu, the new land was indeed not new."

Winters thought of those Heards on Red Sulphur Island who wanted to return home to the fierce and unafraid of death, and couldn't help sighed: "You mean the war between the Land of Galloping Horses and the Heards never stopped? "

"That's pretty much what it means." The old cultivator blinked. "There are hits and misses, and there are hits and misses, but overall it never stops."

Winters added Thinking of the war between Veneta and the Archipelago: "Are the Hurds very rich?"

"No, on the contrary, the Hurds are poor. So it used to be that the Hurds attacked, Plato The old cultivator pointed to the map on the table and said: "But it is different now. Now the Palatu people are attacking and the Hurd people are defending. The country of galloping horses longs for more land, but it cannot attack the United Provinces and the United States. Veneta, naturally you can only go west."

"Isn't it a no-man's land further west?" Winters had visited the west bank of the Bighorn River not long ago.

"I think what I want this time is this 100-kilometer-wide no-man's-land." The old cultivator stroked his beard and said, "The Palatians rely on spills of war to fight. The more the war, the more necessary it is. Spoils of war, the more spoils of war are needed, the more war will continue, like a snowball... But it has nothing to do with you. Don't worry, the people of Wolf Town will definitely support the war with the Hurds. If the compensation is reasonable, make up for it A Hundred Men Squad's militia is not difficult."

"Why?" Winters became more and more confused: "Anyone willing to fight? I mean poor people...and poor people who want to fight."

"Boy, you're completely wrong." Reid narrowed his eyes and said, profound mystery: "In the Republic of Palatu, the people who most want to fight the Hurds are what you call the 'poor people'."

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(end of this chapter)

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