Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 130


Chapter 130 Compassion
Everyone's heart is pulling.

After Lieutenant Montagne led people into the forest, three groups of militiamen followed them into the mountain, but there has been no news since then.

Families of the militiamen gathered in Hedong Village, where they stood at the edge of the woodland, anxiously awaiting news, and all they could do was wait.

And what they were waiting for was bad news. First, the unconscious Mayor Mitchell was rescued by his son, and then militiamen escaped from the mountains and forests one after another. The militiamen who escaped back to Hedong Village were almost all injured. .

In the descriptions of the frightened militiamen, they were attacked by the devil's minions, the mountain-high terrifying wolves, the giant rare beasts with spikes on their backs...the thing rushed into the crowd, like Harvest away souls like a scythe across the weeds.

Some militiamen were seen dead, and many more were scattered in the woodlands. The family of the deceased was in grief, and the family of the missing person couldn't help crying.

Hedong Village was in grief, but fortunately Father Kaman and Reid cultivator came to hear the news. The two clergymen comforted the families of the deceased, led the families of the wounded in prayer, treated the wounded, and prepared medicine, which stabilized the minds of the people.

As the sun slanted to the west and the sky was getting darker, the people in Hedong Village became more anxious.

Just when Kaman, Reid and several elders in the village were discussing whether to send another group of people into the forest for rescue, a child in the village came excitedly to report.

"I'm back! I'm back!" After the children shouted rudely a few times, they ran off to report to others.

Father Kaman and the old cultivator heard this and rushed to the entrance of the village immediately.

At the west entrance of Hedong Village, the two were meeting the bear hunting team returning to Hedong Village.

Sergey, holding the red mane for Lieutenant Montagne, walked in the forefront with arrogance, like a general returning from victory. There was no pride or joy in Winters' face on the red mane, only deep weariness in his eyes.

Comparing the two, it seemed that Sergey was the one on the horse.

But neither of them were the protagonists of this "victory parade", and the huge bear corpse at the end of the team attracted everyone's attention.

The Dussacks tied the wood into a makeshift sledge, put the giant bear's body on it, and dragged it all the way back to Hedong Village as spills of war with six horses.

The people of Wolftown finally get a chance to see the ominous beast in action. The giant bear is so huge that adults stand next to it like children, and children stand next to it like babies.

The yellow-brown fur of the giant bear is almost reddish with blood, and its body is covered in horrific wounds. A few lances and javelins were still there - too deep to pull out. The bear's head was shredded and horrific, and no one knew what kind of force could cause such destruction.

Just by seeing the wounds on the giant bear's body, everyone can understand how hard the bear team went to kill this ominous beast.

Even though it has been turned into a corpse, the giant bear's presence still makes the villagers shudder. On the other hand, the little ones were not afraid. They ran around the bear corpse and made trouble, picking up stones and hitting the bear's head until they were taken away by the adults in the family.

The Dussacks dragged the bear corpse all the way to the threshing ground of Hedong Village surrounded by villagers.

Hedong Village swept away the stagnant atmosphere, and the atmosphere was like a celebration. The Dussacs drank sweet wine and told their own version of the thrilling story vividly.

Winters didn't take part in the "celebration" and didn't take a break, and for him there was a lot to wrap up.

At present, it has been confirmed that four militiamen were killed after encountering giant bears in the river valley. They are the mainstay and main labor force of their respective families. Their wives, children and children are distraught at the moment, and they will have no support in the future. How to care for them? Winters also need to come up with a solution.

And there are many injured people, but the minor injuries are okay. Even if the seriously injured are lucky to survive, they will lose a considerable part of their working ability. What should I do?
Compared with these problems, such as "some militiamen have not returned after being separated in the mountains and forests and need to send people to search and rescue" are all small and small matters.

Greater power means greater responsibility, Winters understands this sentence deeply.

In the Archipelago, he just fought the wars and didn't need to worry about other issues. But in Wolf Town, he exercised far more power than an officer should have, and his responsibilities were even greater. He is responsible not only for the living, but also for the dead.

He can fool the past, anyway, he can just walk away in the future. But Winters · Montagne has gradually integrated into the identity of the wolf protecting sect garrison officer.

Although he is a Veneta, he sincerely hopes to do something good for this small town in the southwest corner of Palato, at least not to leave a mess.


"Is this the end?" Winters woke up in the middle of the night, suddenly feeling unreal.

The evil beasts roaming in the forest were captured and killed, and the people of the villages in Langtun Town returned to their former lives... Maybe so.

Winters sends hunter Ralph into the mountains to search and rescue the missing militiamen - both alive and dead.

The corpse of the giant bear was dragged around Wolf Town by the old Sergei and the Dussacks, and took them to various villages for display, which made the Dussacs show their faces.

Then the villagers distributed the bear meat. The bear skin was kept by Sergey, and the old man respectfully handed the bear skin full of battle marks to Winters, who handed it over to the hunter father and son.

Sergey gave the bear head to the Mitchell family again. Gillard was very grateful for the kindness of Old Brother, but did not show the giant bear head as spills of war. On the contrary, Pierre yelled to hang the bear's head on the wall, and was reprimanded by Mrs. Mitchell before he stopped talking.

Most of the bear's internal organs were also divided as meat, but the bear gall was taken away by the old cultivator Reid, and he didn't know what he could do with that bitter thing.

There is also a small episode in the middle. Rostov, an old drunk whose son unfortunately died in a beast, cried when he saw other people eating bear meat, he cried and said: "This bear meat There is also my son's flesh and blood in it."

People in Dusa Village took pity on the old widower and buried all the bear meat they had received.

But Bell, the son of hunter Ralph, saw this scene and asked Rostov in confusion: "Bears eat your son, and you eat bears, isn't that the way the big wasteland rules? Isn't it? Wasting food is the greatest disrespect?"

Winters heard this, but the tearful Rostov couldn't catch it. Ralph's expression changed greatly, and he hurriedly dragged his son away.

The news quickly spread to the neighboring town, and Andre heard that the man-eating bear was slaughtered and the town officer in Wolf Town was injured, so he immediately borrowed a horse and rushed to Wolf Village. Seeing Winters still alive and kicking, he sighed in relief.

In order to witness the only remaining head of giant bear, Lieutenant Cellini paid a special visit to Mitchell's house.

Looking at the bear head the size of which the two were hugging, Andre sighed and sighed: "My dear, this must be two thousand pounds, right?"

"Almost, maybe Heavier." Winters replied casually: "There is no scale here that can measure the weight of this thing."

"Awesome!" Andre said enviously, "I'd dream of hitting this one on the head. You're a big guy."

"If you were knocked down by this thing once, you wouldn't think so." Winters thought for a while and asked, "Will this bear head be taken away by you? Mayor Mitchell is worrying about what to do with this thing."

Andre sneered: "Since I didn't fight it, what's the point of me asking for this thing?"

"By the way, I broke one of the guns you borrowed from me. Can I give you the money? Can you balance it?"

"How did you break it?" Ender Strong's focus is clearly not money.

Winters replied flatly: "Break up."

"Blow up?" Andre started, looking over Winters carefully to make sure the old classmate didn't miss any part : "Your life is really big! Do you deserve to give your fucking sheeps all your life? They didn't take us as their own!"

Winters sighed, speechless.

Seeing the negative reaction of the old classmates, Andre said angrily: "I'm telling the truth! You have to sacrifice your life, you know? I don't want to go to such a ghost place to sweep your grave in the future. We several brothers We have to go back to Hailan together, without anyone."

"I know, I know."

Andre was helpless, he thought of something and slapped his forehead: " By the way, Bud sent me a message."

"What did you say?" Hearing Bud's news, Winters was refreshed.

"Let you come to me on the first Sunday of next month, and he will come when the time comes. So the three of us will start from the town of black liquid and follow him to see a senior ."

"Which Senior?"

"He didn't make it clear, and I don't know either. It's just a message, just follow along anyway, it's always a good thing to meet acquaintances ."

"Okay, I remembered it."

Without staying overnight, Andrea returned to Black Liquid Town after confirming that his old classmate was okay, and lent him a loan. Several of Winters' muskets were also brought back.

After Andre left the Mitchells, so did the hunter father and son.

Now that the ominous beast is dead, Ralph can take his son back to their cabin in the woods.

Ralph's son Bell, the pony Anglo, and Girard's son Pierre, these three and a half children are all fifteen or sixteen years old, and they have gotten along these days. Has become a good buddy.

Bell wants to leave Dusa Village, and the other two boys are very reluctant.

When the old hunter brought his son to say goodbye, Winters was writing papers in the town hall, and he beckoned the little hunter to his side.

The little hunter walked to the desk in confusion. Winters opened the drawer, took out something wrapped in black cloth, and handed it to the little hunter.

It's a dagger, modeled after Sophia's dagger, which Winters had previously brought to the blacksmith, Misadin.

The little hunter's eyes widened.

"I canceled the bow and arrow competition on the weekend, but I think it was you who won the championship, so this prize will be given to you in advance." Winters said with a smile.

The little hunter asked the father with pleading eyes.

"Since the second lieutenant gave it to you, you can accept it." The old hunter looked towards his son nodded and respectfully towards Winters: "Thank you, my lord."

Little The hunter cheering excitedly ran out of the town hall to find something to try.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go back?" Winters watched the little hunter run away and said to the old hunter, "I always feel a little uneasy."

"I feel the same way too. , my lord." The old hunter said slowly: "So I have to go back as soon as possible."

"Well, come to me anytime if there is any situation."

The old hunter gave a salute , turned around and left the town hall.

It seems like it's really over.


The evil bears are slaughtered, and the farmers don’t have to worry about sleeping at night. The hunter father and son return to the forest hut, and the life in the countryside is back on the right track. The storm seems to be really over.

The last remaining question is how to care for the dead and wounded.

On the afternoon of the fifth day after the giant bear was killed, Mayor Mitchell, Montagne Mayor and Father Carman held a serious meeting at the town hall to discuss how to care for the dead and wounded.

Although wary, Winters had to acknowledge the clergy's enormous influence among the villagers. The peasants are always more afraid of hell than the gallows; all the temptations of the world are insignificant compared to salvation.

Religion has penetrated into almost every aspect of this society, and the sorcerers, who account for an absolute minority, are powerless to change this reality.

The old cultivator once said to Winters: a county magistrate, an officer, and a priest, these three characters hold all the power in this small place of Langtun. From paying taxes to corvée, from the ground to the ground, everything can be managed.

If the mayor, the resident officer and the church first work with a common purpose to do one thing in Langtun, then it will be done.

So although it was very unpleasant that the magician also intervened in official business, in order to make sure that nothing was wrong, Winters finally pinched his nose and recognized it.

After consulting with Mayor Mitchell and Father Kaman, the three agreed not only to provide a one-time pension to the dead and disabled militiamen, but also to provide them with long-term help.

Winters knew he wouldn't be here for long, so he had to use the mayor and the church to keep the pension alive.

In order to facilitate understanding, he used the phrase that farmers can easily understand: for families that lose labor due to bear hunting, the land will be cultivated by the whole village with reference to the previous noble land until the children of the family become adults.

This system simply means sacrificing the land of the militiamen, giving priority to using public plows when cultivating, and giving priority to other villagers when harvesting, and each farmer must go to those villages every year. Work in the fields for a few days.

Farmers are all too familiar with these things, and in fact the "commons" of the villages are still operating in this way.

This system obviously has many flaws and loopholes, but since the nobles have been able to maintain it well for hundreds of years, Winters feels that it is not a problem for Gillard and Kaman to maintain it for more than ten years.

"I'll leave this to the two of you in the future." After determining the compensation plan for the casualties, Winters got up and sincerely gave a salute to Mayor Mitchell and Father Kaman.

Father Kaman nodded with a smile.

Gillard felt a little strange, but comforted the second lieutenant with words: "Don't worry, the bear hunters died for everyone, and the villagers will take good care of their families."


Winters was about to say something when a knock on the door like howling wind and torrential rain interrupted him.

The little hunter Bell was frantically slapping the gate of the town hall. He ran all the way to the town hall, as if he had been fished out of the water.


The transitional chapter, I always feel like I'm writing something weird.

Thanks to the book friends who voted for it before.

Thanks to Shuyoutian Lens, Diablo Count, Kun Kun, Shuyou 20181007151109823, Xiao Hongchen for monthly passes, thank you all.

Thanks to Shuyoutian's lens, a certain uncle of ideal 30, yellow rabbit of Hua Family, masked Knight powder, I don't know what it is called the recommendation ticket, thank you all.

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