Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 131


Chapter 131 This world will be forgotten forever

The messy trail moved towards the forest extending deeper, along the Hunter's mark, Winters chasing after.

The further he walked, the more restless and frantic Redmane became. It bit the iron bit hard and shook its head from side to side to resist the rider's commands, forcing Winters to use more force to control the bridle.

A flashing depression in the mud caught Winters' attention, and he jerked on the reins, Redmane's front hooves high, and he charged forward a short distance before stopping.

Winters dashed back to the quagmire he had just passed through. He confirmed that what he saw was correct. It was not an ordinary pit, but a paw print.

Since the beginning of the beast disaster, Winters followed Ralph to search the mountains again and again. I don't know how many wild beast foot marks, bears, wolves, deer, deer, foxes, rabbits...he was almost gone. Become a self-taught hunter.

But the paw print in front of him was different from any wild beast footprint he had seen in this forest before, it was an unfamiliar paw print, but a familiar one.

That's right, he's unfathomable mysteriously familiar with the shape of this paw print, but he can't remember where he saw it for a while.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, not in Langton, not in Palatu, not in Taniria Islands, he had seen this kind of claw marks, but in Hailan his home... This is a cat's paw print.

A palm with four petals, with toes and no claws, the paw prints of the big and small generals are like this, Winters has seen them countless times.

But the cat's paw print is no more than the size of a thumb, and the "cat's paw print" in front of him is big enough to fit his palm.

A giant cat?

Winters suddenly figured out why the deer were fleeing from the depths of the forest? Why is there no clothing fabric found in giant bear's stomach and feces? Why are wolves desperate to break into the village to find food?
Wolves are not migrating, wolves are fleeing. Top predators leave their territory only because stronger predators have arrived. even more how...more than one came.

Suddenly, Redmane, who was tied to the tree, neighed in horror. The three-year-old struggled so hard that Winters was ripped apart.

A gust of cold wind blew past Winters' fingers, and all of a sudden, the hairs on his body exploded, and a chill ran down his back.

Instinct drives Winters to tumble in place to the right hand. With a chilling growl, a colorful beast pounced on the position he had been in the previous second.

Winters narrowly escaped the sneak attack coming from behind him. He suppressed the panic that was deep in one's heart, and pulled out the Dussack machete while his body regained balance.

The old hunter told him that "in the mountains, no one can go as fast as the wild beast", and he must not escape. The only way to turn and escape is to die end.

Redmane was frightened, moved towards the deeper part of the forest and ran. The colorful beast chased after a few steps, then suddenly turned back.

It didn't attack immediately, but stared at Winters, baring its teeth and roaring slowly to the side of Winters.

Winters didn't dare to make too much movement, he also held the saber and slowly turned his body, keeping facing the colorful beast.

A man and a beast face off in the woods, like a pair of swordsmen in a duel. Because of this, Winters was able to get a glimpse of the true face of this colorful beast.

The thing in front of him was terrifyingly large, and its shoulder height was not much different than Redmane's, almost reaching Winters' chest. It has pale-yellow striped fur all over its body, and it can't be seen clearly in the mottled tree shadows.

Its shape is somewhat like the male lion on the Veneta flag, with a short snout and a wide forehead and a long and narrow face, but the mane on its neck is very short and looks very strange.

But no matter how odd it looks, Winters doesn't want to mess with it. Even a pig that grows to this size is not something Winters can handle alone.

First giant bear, then giant lion, Winters has begun to become numb, is it possible that everything is bigger in Wolf Town?
The strange lion began to slowly lower its body, its head almost touching the ground, and its two shoulder blades protruded from its back.

"It's coming!" A single thought flashed through Winters. He has not seen a live lion, but he has two cats. This pose is entered when the cat is ready to go.

The next second, Winters saw the long whiskers on giant lion's face slowly turn toward him, a precursor to a cat attack.

Winters took a deep breath and unleashed a spell he had never fought before: scare wild beast.

The deep voice came from his vocal cords, amplified by magic in his mouth, and finally formed a sound wave that spread all around.

elementary magic spell "scare wild beast", one of the Druidian dive techniques reversed by the Magic Warfare Bureau.

A study by the Magic Warfare Bureau found that animals are extremely sensitive to low-frequency sounds, herbivores are easily startled by low-frequency sounds, and wild beasts will immediately emit low-frequency sounds to deter each other when they encounter them in the wild.

The principle of "scare wild beast" spell is to simulate and amplify the low roar of a large wild beast to intimidate the enemy, and use the feces and urine of lions as casting materials to make the animals mistaken for the spell. You are facing a lion yourself.

This spell is mainly used to scare horses, dogs, and wolves at this level. No sorcerer has ever used this spell on a lion - or no sorcerer who has done so will be able to return alive. Writing the report, Winters didn't have any beast dung as a casting material.

But he had no choice but to give it a go.

A deafening low-frequency sound blasted through the forest, and the one who suffered the most was the caster himself. Winters' skull trembled as if a cannon was firing in his ear.

The giant lion was also taken aback by the sudden loud noise. It jumped up from the ground and jumped back. After a few thumps, it sank into the bushes and disappeared.

Winters, who saved his life, wanted to laugh but couldn't. He didn't know whether to thank the Magic Warfare Bureau or the strange-looking lion for having a fuller breakfast.

Being too late to think about the question, Winters ran out of the forest.

Before taking a few steps, Winters suddenly felt an uncontrollable vomit in his mind, as if a fist was moving towards his stomach, and he knelt involuntarily on the ground. retched.

A gust of cold wind swept past him again, only to hear the "crawl" of the cluttered trees behind, and the giant lion caught up.

"I knew it wasn't that easy!" Winters wiped the acid from the corners of his mouth and stood up with his saber in both hands facing the direction the giant lion was chasing.

The giant lion leaped out of the bushes, and this time it didn't stand still with Winters. Its sturdy limbs slammed on the ground, its tail tossed up and down, sharp claw, fangs bared, and snarled at Winters.

The "big cat" was moving so fast that Winters didn't react until it rose into the air, and it was in front of Winters almost in a blink of an eye.

The dense woodland provided some cover for Winters, who immediately ducked between the trees beside him.

The giant lion in midair swiped at Winters' sharp claw, which was blocked by the tree trunk, but the pine wood with thick forearm was bent by giant lion's palm, and the sharp claw swept on Winters who couldn't dodge and tore it off. Chunks of cloth and flesh.

Winters felt a chill on his back, followed by a burning pain. The cloth on his back was soaked with warm liquid and stuck to his body.

At the same time blood was dripping from his saber, and the lion had a sharp wound on his right front leg - Winters · Montagne was not in the habit of waiting to die.

The injured giant lion did not immediately launch a second attack, giving Winters some breathing time. It stepped back a short distance and licked the wound "as if no one else was there".

But this move does not mean that it has given up the prey in front of it. On the contrary, the giant lion has already decided that the human in front of him is a good meal, so it is not in a hurry to kill the prey.

Seeing that giant lion's wounds soon stopped bleeding, Winters gave a wry smile.

The current exchange ratio doesn't seem to be very profitable. He must find a more effective tactic as soon as possible, otherwise he might as well find a way to make himself happy.

“No more dragging.” Winters thought, “The more I drag, the more blood I lose, the less chance I have.”

But cuts a few feet long weigh hundreds of pounds. It doesn't make any sense in terms of giant lion. Glancing at the saber in his hand, Winters realized that he actually only had one chance, a chance to throw everything:

Using the flying arrow technique to accelerate the saber, if the saber can be injected with enough kinetic energy, it may be able to Inflict mortal wounds to this giant beast.

It was a big gamble that Winters never cast a flying arrow on a sword. Moreover, the saber in his hand is the only weapon he has now, and he has only one chance.

But magic was his only chance to kill the giant lion.

After the wound stopped bleeding, giant lion slowly stood up and began to circle around Winters again. It kept intimidating Winters, seemingly trying to force its prey to reveal the weak spot.

"You have to hit the head, and you have to hit the head to kill you in one hit." Winters kept telling himself: "Not too close, too close, not fast enough to pierce the skull. Not too far, too far. It will be dodged. My casting radius is only two meters, so I have to wait for it to come within three meters."

But the giant lion is constantly moving, so Winters can't find a chance to shoot at all, and it The distance with Winters is getting closer.

He holds the saber in his backhand in a pistol position, and Winters has difficulty concentrating, weakening from the loss of blood.

Both humans and beasts are waiting for the opportunity to one strike certain kill.

The giant lion's ears popped up suddenly, and he hesitated, backing away from Winters.

Winters knew that he must have heard something, and soon he heard it too - the sound of hoofs, and a rider was coming this way.

It should be Gillard with the militia! Winters' spirits are lifted. After receiving the little hunter's request for help, he and Girard split up. He went one step ahead to find out the situation, while Girard went to Dusa Village to move reinforcements.

Winters immediately tapped the tree trunk with his saber, signaling his position to the rider. He soon realized that something was wrong, the hooves were too sparse.

The sound of hooves is getting closer, and there seems to be only one rider. A familiar warhorse came into sight of Winters, and Redmane burst out of the bushes. On the saddle of the red mane, it turned out to be the old hunter Ralph.

Finding it wasn't reinforcements, Winters, ignoring the possibility of a giant lion attack, shouted at the old hunter: "Don't dismount! Go!"

Winters' cry was like a starting pistol , giant lion saw Winters distracted, and immediately swooped at him.

Ralph ignored the second lieutenant's warning, slapped the red mane hard, and was at Winters in a split second.

Ralph jumped off the galloping horse just a few horses away from the giant lion. After he landed, he rolled several times before stopping, and Redmane moved towards giant lion because of inertia.

But the lion is far more dexterous than the bear, and the giant lion easily avoided the collision of the war horse. Immediately posing for another pounce on Winters, Winters gritted his teeth and prepared to throw a machete.

However, the giant lion suddenly froze in place, and Winters was stunned. He heard a voice that shouldn't be here, he heard a childish cry.

"Beast! Look at me!" Ralph yelled angrily.

Winters saw a horrible to see wound on the old hunter's thigh, blood dripping from his trousers. What surprised him even more was what the old hunter was holding.

Ralph is holding a lion cub.

The lion cub is the size of a kitten and has just opened its eyes. It was held up in front of him by the old hunter by the nape of the neck, calling out to mother mournfully.

It wasn't until then that Winters realized that the giant lion in front of him was actually a lioness and had just become a mother.

The lioness didn't attack Ralph right away. She crouched on the ground and responded to the cub's call with a sad cry.

Next moment, the old hunter stabbed a knife into the soft belly of the lion cub, fiercely slashed down, and the lion cub who had just opened his eyes was dismembered on the spot.

Winters only felt a "weng" in his skull, and it was cold from the top of his head to his fingertips.

The lioness let out a mournful howl that made all living creatures have one's hair stand on end, and pounced on the old hunter like a madman.

"Come on!" The old hunter stood on the spot, unavoidable.

"no!" Winters threw his saber. The moment the blade left his hand, he entered a spellcasting state, pouring all the magic that could be driven into the saber.

The lioness didn't evade, but it moved so fast that the saber didn't hit its head, but stabbed three-pointed into its spine.

The lioness, whose spine was severely injured, did not stop at all, and continued moving towards the old hunter, swooping forward and rushing to the hunter in the blink of an eye.

Ralph shoved his left arm into giant lion's bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Giant lion bit down fiercely, and the old hunter's left arm was broken at the elbow.

Ralph was thrown to the ground by the lioness. Giant lion stepped on the chest of the hunter and tore it frantically. The old hunter's left arm was ripped directly from his body.

However, the hunter had achieved his goal at this time, and when giant lion ripped off his arm, he also left a terrible gap in giant lion's abdomen.

The lioness's organs flowed out, but it continued to tear the hunter regardless. The hunter is also using the last ounce of strength to open the lioness's belly.

It all happened too fast for Winters to stop it. He slammed into giant lion so desperately that he stumbled into this huge monster weighing several hundred kilograms. The lioness stepped on her own intestines, and more organs were torn from the wound in her abdomen.

Winters guarded the old hunter, the lioness glanced at the dead old hunter, wailed, picked up the corpse of the cub, dragged her stomach and disappeared into the bushes, leaving behind. A bloodstain.

Blood spurted out from the horrific wound on Ralph's left shoulder, where he could even see the heart in his chest.

Winters wanted to stop the bleeding of the old hunter, but didn't know where to start, because the old hunter had fatal wounds all over his chest, shoulders and neck. He hugged the dying old hunter, tears could not stop flowing.

"My debt... paid..." The old hunter who returned to the light with difficulty spit out syllables, alveoli gushing out of his mouth: "Zhao... take care of my son..."

The Hunter's body suddenly became limp, his pupils dilated, his eyes dimmed, and he died in Winters' arms, forgetting this world forever.


The Spell Book of Winters Montagne

(This spell book has been carried around all the year round, the cover is tattered, the side It was also touched in black and yellow. The owner has scribbled and smeared the content, and added a lot of remarks in the blank space. In the corner of the title page there is an abbreviation: WM)

spell : startle wild beast

Type: composite spellcasting material: large wild beast Feces & Urine

Description: Simulates the sounds and smells of large wild beasts to frighten herbivores and small wild beasts.

Note 1: Mr. L said that wild beasts will not fight directly when they encounter them in the wild. Most of the time, they yell at each other until one of them admits and retreats. Maybe this spell is also effective for large beasts.

Note 2: Useful for lions, measured, but only for a short time.


spell : Heavier Flying Arrows
Type: Kinetic spell
Description: Flying Arrows with heavy objects as casting materials, the difficulty will be equal to Higher, but will carry more kinetic energy.

Note: It is not suitable to be used on a machete. Perhaps it is more suitable to use a javelin as a casting material.

It's late.

The larger-than-normal animals in this book (giant eagle, giant lion, and giant bear) are living fossil creatures with a certain level of intelligence. The intelligence level of young children between 7-8 years old is probably similar to the intelligence of Bian Mu.

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before;
Thanks to the book friends behere370 and Mask Knight for their monthly tickets, thank you two;
Thanks to the book friends for your life, black Computer accessories, book friends 161120205936216, the same week as the world, the yellow rabbit of Hua Family, behere370, a certain uncle of ideal 30, I don't know what it is called, Yanyun San, Jiang Xue Diao Weng's recommendation ticket, thank you all.

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