Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 129


Chapter 129 Deathmatch
The old hunter shouted and opened the longbow like a full moon, just cold light flashed Heavy arrows swept across mountain streams. Guided by the wind, the arrow pinpointed giant bear's left eye.

Plasma bursts out of giant bear's eye sockets mixed with other things. The kinetic energy of the arrow did not run out, but continued to drill deeper until the arrow shaft sank more than three inches into the left eye.

But even the hardest longbow with heavier arrows hitting the eye directly failed to kill the giant beast, making it even more dangerous.

Under the stimulation of heart-piercing pain, giant bear instantly became violent. With a roar that made the mountains tremble, it abandoned Winters within easy reach and leaped across the river to tear the old hunter to shreds.

The old hunter, who sprained his ankle, didn't run, just stood there and continued to shoot arrows at the ominous beast.

He shoots fast and accurately, a stiff bow with nearly two hundred pounds of tension like a toy in his hand. The bowstring vibrated one after another, and each arrow hit the ominous beast's head with precision.

But the arrow can't penetrate the ominous beast's hard skull, regardless of the giant bear's arrow stuck in its head, the impact caused thousands of splashes in the river, and the six- or seven-meter-wide shoals in it It all looked ridiculous.

The old hunter had nowhere to run or escape, Ralph roared, shooting arrow after arrow at giant bear in vain.

Slightly regained consciousness, Winters struggled to get up from the ground. He picked up the stone and threw it at the ominous beast: "Don't run! Come and kill me!"

30 meters The distance to giant bear was approaching in an instant, the old hunter watched the ominous beast getting closer and closer, and closed his eyes in despair.

The giant bear was less than ten meters from Ralph when, at the crucial moment, a tall black horse came out fast as lightning from a bend in the lower river.

See Ralph's life hanging by a thread, the dark horse rider can't dodge, fiercely bumps into giant bear.

Rao was such a giant beast, and he was also staggered by the sprinting horse.

But the horses and riders were worse off. The warhorse had no idea how many bones it had broken, and fell down in the river, screaming in pain, struggling to get up.

The rider on the saddle was thrown straight out, he swept an arc over the giant bear's raised shoulder blades and fell heavily into the river.

Winters certainly recognized the black steed, Girard's favorite.

"Mayor Mitchell!" he yelled and ran towards Girard's position.

The giant bear, which was balancing from the staggering, became more and more furious. It smashed the skull of the dark horse with a single blow with its giant palm, and Girard Mitchell's favorite horse, Hehanwu, was killed on the spot. .

As the ferocious giant beast tried to shred the archery man, more riders rushed out of the lower river bend.

The reinforcements are here, and Dussack is here.

"Fuck! Does this thing eat shit? It grows so big! Grass!" Old Sergey scolded, riding his red red horse and swept past the hunter.

In a flash, one person and one horse, Ralph grabbed Sergey's outstretched arm and jumped onto the horse's back with a set of acrobatic movements.

Chi Yanghong's speed did not decrease, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them were over a dozen meters away.

The giant bear roared and tried to kill Ralph, and two more horses passed by it. Passing by giant bear, the rider on horseback threw a javelin at the speed of the horse.

The kinetic energy that the javelin can carry is far more than that of an arrow.

When the spear-throwing Dussack saw the javelin hit, he immediately grabbed the rope attached to the javelin and pulled it in the opposite direction of the horse.

Meanwhile, more Dussacks arrived on the battlefield. Although they were all terrified by the giant bear's size at the first time, they soon came back to his senses and threw the javelin in their hands by moving towards the giant bear with horse speed. Once they hit, they immediately pulled the rope in the opposite direction.

The crowd rides on hunting beasts, like a pack of wolves fighting a bear.

As another horse ran up to Winters with an unridden red colt, Girard's son Pierre dismounted, holding the red colt's reins and shouting: "Winters big. Brother! Lezhik!"

This unmanned red horse is none other than Winters' red mane, Lezhik, which Pierre brought to Winters.

"Leave me alone! Go save your dad!" Winters yelled anxiously: "Your dad fell into the river!"

Pierre complexion greatly changed, turned and rushed in river course.

Winters helped Pierre, dragging Gillard, who had fallen unconscious, to the shore.

"We thought you were dead!" Pierre said incoherently: "We saw the drifting horn cup and immediately went upstream."

"For the time being Not dead." Winters laughed heartily, spitting out bloody spit.

The people behind Winters were startled when they saw Red Mane returning alone. Mayor Mitchell immediately led Dussack to shake off the horseless militiamen and followed the old hunter. indication of full speed tracking.

Fortunately, the Dussacks came to rescue Winters and Ralph, and the militiamen of several other villages still don't know where they are.

Winters first pulled the water out of Girard's tongue, leaned over Girard's chest and listened, and then probed into Girard's breath.

Pierre knelt beside him, bewildered.

"There's still air! Come and help!"

The two of them worked together to lift the unconscious old Dussack onto the horse, and Winters put Pierre on the saddle: "Bring Let's go with your father! Go! Go find Kaman priest!"

After he finished speaking, he slapped Pierre's mount hard.

The horse was in pain and ran with its hooves. Pierre gave Winters a complicated look, and his horse disappeared into the shadows of the trees at the bend of the river.

Old Sergey and Ralph shared a horse across the river and turned back to Winters.

"My lord! This can't be done! Let them all disperse! All withdraw!" The old hunter couldn't help shouting a dozen meters away.

The giant bear in the river has more than two dozen javelins inserted into it, and the riders are pulling the ropes in all directions to the west. This ominous beast seems impossible to move even a little bit for a while.


"This beast has a wound in his mouth and can't eat. As long as we consume it, it won't hold up sooner or later." The old hunter rushed to Winters, He said anxiously: "Now this is actually drawing out its ferocity!"

Winters understood what the hunter meant, he jumped on the red mane and ran to the giant bear, under the blessing of amplifying, directed at Du The saxophones shouted, "Let go! Spread! Spread!"

It was too late, and the impossible to move even a little bit was just an illusion. The giant bear roared and shook his body, and several Dussacs who didn't react were dragged directly from the saddle, and the others also let go of their ropes.

Losing the rider's control, the warhorse can no longer resist the natural fear of beasts, and throws the rider away in horror.

The giant bear immediately pounced on a fallen Dussack. Winters didn't have time to think about it. He pulled a javelin directly from the saddlebag of the rider next to him and stabbed the horse's ribs to clamp it. The pose moved towards giant bear charging at full speed.

The power of both the man and the warhorse converged to the point of the spear and hit the flesh of the giant beast. Winters felt like his right shoulder was forcibly ripped off, but the javelin in his hand also stabbed deep into the giant bear's back.

The giant bear groaned in pain, turned around and slapped Winters with its front paws, Red Mane nimbly avoided the counterattack, and returned more than ten meters away after a few kicks.

Taking advantage of this free time, the other riders rescued the fallen Dussacks.

The giant bear stopped attacking, standing in the river, panting violently, looking around at the humans all around.

It's nose and mouth are spewing hot air with blood foam from time to time. More than a dozen javelins were inserted into its body, and the blood gushing from the wound dyed the river under it a kind of dark red, extending downstream.

Humans and wild beast face off like this.

The giant bear let out a whimper, the wild creature things have reached a dead end.

There was no anger in its eyes, all Winters saw in the bleak eyes of this creature was despair, grief, and pain.

"You eat people, you are destined to have such a day!" Winters held the lance and sped forward, he understood that the wild beast in front of him couldn't understand human words: "Just make a break here! Come and end your misery!"

As if there was real spirituality, giant bear whined again in response to Winters' words.

It shook its head twice—with Ralph's heavy arrow still stuck in it—at the riders standing down the river.

Dussack, who was standing in front of it, didn't dare to shake the rampant giant beast, and he moved his horse to avoid it. Instead of chasing the rider and biting, the giant bear ran downstream along the river after rushing out of the encirclement.

"As small as a katydid insect and as big as a bear and tiger, no creature except humans will give up their desire to survive." The old hunter came to Winters and said softly, "That beast can't understand your words, For it, it's just nature."

"We chase! The two of us ride together, and the horse can't run fast, so only one person is left on a horse. The one with the mount will follow me, and the others will follow from behind. Come on. Get a horse for Ralph!" Winters methodically ran through the line in front of him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Winters retrieved the two muskets. The Dussacs who had just fallen off their horses jumped off their companions' mounts, and several of them set off upstream to find their warhorses.

Sergey ordered a rider, and Dussac, who was assigned, reluctantly gave up his horse to Ralph.

A group of men and horses quickly finished sorting out and set off downstream along the blood trail.

Old Sergey suddenly remembered something, and the complexion greatly changed exclaimed: "Not good! Those peasants are behind us, I'm afraid they will run into that beast!"

Premonitions are often good spirits and bad spirits.

Winters, who realized that the major event was not good, took the Dussacs to chase at full speed.

After chasing down to a shoal three or four kilometers downstream, they lost track of the giant bear.

It's not that there's no blood, it's blood everywhere.

Apparently the militiamen behind hit the injured giant bear here, some were killed and wounded, and the rest were scared away.

"It's broken! It's really. He. Mom ran into it!" Old Sergey scolded: "This man's blood is mixed with bear blood, how can we chase it? The peasant has no ability. Don't make trouble!"

"It's all brave and good men who can join the militia!" Second lieutenant Montagne fiercely glared at Sergey: "Mr. Morozov, stop insulting them! "

Old Sergey closed his mouth shyly.

“Can you tell?” Winters asked the hunter.

Ralph dismounted from the horse, identified it carefully for a while, and pointed to the woodlands on the Southwest side of the riverbank: "That beast must have gone this way!"

Dusa The expressions of the Grams are a little frightened, and they can ride horses and deal with giant bears on the open river beach. But the woodland is the home of the wild beast, and horseback riding will be very inconvenient.

"Ralph and I head first." Winters loaded the two guns with ammunition: "Don't fight hard, everyone be careful."

"It shouldn't run far!" The hunter cheered the crowd loudly.

Across the trails of blood and destruction, a group of riders, each armed with weapons, entered the woodland to search carefully.

The giant bear appears to be sluggish and staggering, the triangular-pyramid-shaped javelin tip makes it difficult to close the wound, and the bloodstains in the forest are not decreasing but increasing.

However, the lush vegetation severely hindered the movement of the riders, and it was easy to lose sight, and the distance between the teams inevitably gradually lengthened.

The normally peaceful forest has now become especially dangerous in the hearts of everyone.

"My lord! Look! Someone marked!" Ralph suddenly pointed to a fresh, bare tree trunk.

"There may be militiamen chasing the thing ahead." Winters took the musket out of the saddlebag: "Keep chasing!"

Keep going, still this mark. Apparently it wasn't a coincidence, but someone used a knife to draw an arrow on the bark to indicate the direction.

Winters and Ralph no longer doubted, calling out the other riders to assemble and chasing quickly in the marked direction.

But after passing through a large birch forest, the marks and bloodstains disappeared on the edge of a low cliff. This is where the previous marker indicated, but there was nothing on the trees on the edge of the cliff.

"The mark is gone!?" The old hunter was surprised and suspicious.

“Underneath?” Winters frowned as he poked his horse near the bluff.

They were located about eight or nine meters above the surface in front of them, and it seems that a subsidence occurred here, forming this low cliff.

As Winters drove his horse to the edge of the low cliff, a voice-changing voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Be careful!"

Followed by send cold shivers down one's The roar of the spine, the giant bear that everyone chased all the way up from below the ground, opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bit Redmane's front legs.

It wasn't until this time that Winters realized that there was a huge burrow on the edge of the low cliff, and the giant bear squatted here as a nest. But because of the angle of view, the cave can only be seen when you walk to the edge of the low cliff.

Redmane is frightened, stomping on the ground, jumping and dodging, and will avoid the giant bear's sharp teeth. But Winters, who couldn't react, was thrown off the saddle and fell to the ground with a gun.

Before Winters could catch his breath, the giant bear, who missed a hit, ditched the red mane and snarled at him.

The giant bear attacks, and Ralph, Sergey, and the rest of the Dussacks can't help.

At the time of life and death, Winters clenched the teeth and rolled down directly towards the outside of the short cliff.

This ominous beast missed two hits and jumped off the cliff with a roar.

Before the Dussacks could react, another thin silhouette with a lance ran out of the woodland, shouting and jumping down after the giant bear.

Winters clung to the musket in his hand as he fell and tumbled uncontrollably along the cliff. Because he knew that this was his only life.

However, he didn't expect that the giant bear who jumped down actually landed before him. Its body hit the ground hard, but the ominous beast just shook its head and stood up again.

The moment he fell to the bottom of the cliff, Winters endured the pain and raised his gun to aim at the giant bear.

Meanwhile, giant bear roared and lunged towards Winters.

Time seemed to stop in this brief moment.

With luck, he might be able to put the 35g buckshot in the mouth of the ominous beast - but that won't kill it, Winters has tried.

Shooting? Or wait? There is only a moment to make a decision.

With a shrill cry, a thin silhouette jumped down from the low cliff, and the lance in her hand moved towards the giant bear's neck.

On its own strength, this emaciated primate is impossible to pierce the giant bear's sebum. But gravity came to the rescue—though no one knew what gravity was in this day and age—to make it all possible.

Height is speed, speed is power, the spear tip pierced the fur, fat, and muscle of the giant bear's neck like a hot knife cutting butter, and penetrated from top to bottom and plunged into the soil .

The giant bear fell to the ground by the blow, blood gushing from the wound.

But the savage giant beast isn't dead yet. It stood up again on its front legs, shaking its neck to try to get rid of the foreign object stuck in its neck and the human on it.

But no matter how brute force giant bear exerted, he couldn't shake that thin silhouette off his body. The emaciated silhouette was clinging to the shaft of the spear, causing the giant bear to inflict more damage with every swing.

Only then did the narrowly escaped Winters see the face of this ferocious, thin lancer - it was Anglo, the pony of Dousa Village.

Then it's clear what that shrill and inaudible cry was, "Teleqing".

Winters struggled to his feet, and Anglo created an opportunity for him that he couldn't afford to waste. He sprinted to the giant bear, and Winters fired the gunpowder the moment he inserted the barrel of the gun into the giant bear's ear canal.

The sound of "hong" rang out, and Winters was dazzled by the shock. The buckshot didn't go well, and the matchlock gun blew into two pieces in his hand.

This heavy matchlock gun exploded.

The giant bear gets even crazier as it pounces wildly on Winters. The completely unprepared Winters was thrown to the ground by the giant bear, and the desperate Winters grabbed the gunpowder tube to block the giant bear's bite.

The next second, he ignited the gunpowder.

I wish you all a happy holiday, because I have no idea how to send it away, so I just finished writing it now. Although late, but not a pigeon, gu gu.

Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation before;
Thanks to the book friends Mask Knight powder and calm gray monthly passes;
Thanks to book friends Kun Kun, book friends 20180717103520318, xiaoheizi369, Jiang Xue Diao Weng, the same week as the world, the yellow rabbit of the Hua Family, the masked Knight powder, kekkkkk, justice and purity is a koala, a certain uncle of the ideal 30, and calm gray recommended tickets, thank you Everyone.

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