Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 121


Chapter 121 Militia and Warhorses

After truly understanding the powers and duties of stationed officers, Winters was surprised to find On the piece of land in Langtun Town, the power of the officers stationed in the town is simply too great.

In the Republic of Veneta, the ruthless bureaucracy hates the growth of any military ambitions, and strictly guards against the risk of potential military interference in politics, and especially does not allow any military personnel to seize the local military and political affairs.

However, in Langtun Township, Gervoudan County, Palato Republic, militia, public security, anti-smuggling, land defense, labor service... all matters involving violence are under the control of stationed officers.

And there is no subordinate relationship between the resident officer and the mayor. The jurisdictions of the two overlap, but their status is independent of each other. The resident officer has the absolute right to decide on the matters in charge.

So in this small place like Langtun Town, theoretically no one can control Winters.

Only the headquarters of the new reclamation area in the county capital can give him orders, but it is more than 150 kilometers away from Wolf Town.

In other words... an officer stationed in this town is half a local tyrant!

The local power of the Palatine officers—or rather, the Palatine military over the region—stunned the young Veneta.

Shocked by shock, Winters is not very concerned about the grassroots political ecological construction of the Republic of Palato. Because he thought he would go home sooner or later, he was only temporarily stuffed into this position.

But as long as you are on the job, you have to work hard.


"See? This is the way to throw it. Use the strength of your upper waist and abdomen! When you shoot, the tip of the spear should point slightly upward, otherwise it will not be thrown far."

In the threshing floor of Hedong Village, Wolf Town, Lieutenant Winters ·Montagne is demonstrating with a makeshift javelin. There were also several javelins slanted on the target plate not far away, which he had just thrown.

The grown men of the village gathered around Lieutenant Montagne to watch the lieutenant demonstrate his spear throwing skills.

The wives were talking and laughing sitting on the edge of the threshing floor, doing work and watching the fun. The little children dragging their noses ran wild, throwing wooden sticks like adults.

The threshing floor of Hedong Village was full of lively scenes, like a festival gathering, without the tension that it should have.

Winters was originally disgusted by women and children coming to watch, thinking it was a distraction. But he soon discovered that it was also a powerful motivator.

"Practice hard!" Winters deliberately said to the militiamen: "Ladies are watching, if you lose yourself here, will you have the face to climb into bed at night?"

After hearing this, the young men of Hedong Village who took turns practicing spear throwing blushed, trying to overwhelm the others.

Winters was not satisfied with the Wolf Town militia, because it was too different from the Hundred Men Squad, the standing army he had brought. But the farmer is not a professional soldier after all, it would be good if he is willing to participate in the training.

Winters admonished the militiamen while correcting their missteps: "Remember, don't stand in the front, don't move towards the head. Turn to the side and back, and move towards the belly where there is no bone protection. Throw the spear!"

Judging by the size of the paw prints, it is purely delusional to expect to kill such a huge wild beast in one hit.

According to the advice provided by Hunter Ralph, if the wild beast attacks the village, the best way is to drive it away and scare it away with firelight and noise; the second is to consume, until the wild beast is exhausted and bruised. Kill it.

So Winters purposely added barbs to these improvised javelins, which once bit into the flesh and pulled out would bring down a chunk of flesh. When used, a rope is also attached to the gun barrel, which can be dragged and fixed.

Some peasant women spontaneously collected some blue grass fruits commonly known as "rat arsenic" in the fields and gave them to Winters, saying that it was useful to rub them on the javelin after boiling them.

However, Winters is skeptical that smearing will work.

Although the blue grass fruit is poisonous to eat, it is still unknown whether it can enter the bloodstream or not, and whether it can put down a large wild beast is also a problem. But it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad, and Winters will be left to them.

"The officers taught by the old marshal are different! They can do everything well." Girard watched Winters methodically organize militiamen and forge spears, and said cheerfully to people everywhere: "It's a blessing from the Lord that Lieutenant Montagne can come to Langtun to be the town official!"

Under the coordination of Winters, the five villages under the Langtun Town have organized militia teams.

Farmers were told to guard the door at night, try to make noise once there is a police officer, and wait for the villagers to gather for rescue.

Winters also deliberately borrowed some dogs from two villages farther from the woods and distributed them to the villagers whose houses were closer to the woods.

The problem that's giving Winters a headache right now is the lack of weapons.

Hedong Village and Hexi Village are not bad, at least the villagers still have some bows and arrows.

But the two Protestant villages were unarmed. Not to mention swords and spears, there is not even a good bow, and the villagers can only use pitchforks as lances.

Counting on a pitchfork to deal with the owner of the paw print, the Protestants at least have to show the energy of the fierce and unafraid of death.

Then again, if the farmers have the courage to fierce and unafraid of death, why would Winters make these javelins so urgently?
Take the lance and stab it! As long as it's still flesh and blood, what can't be stabbed to death?

But the actual situation is: standing at a distance to shoot arrows, the militiamen can barely do it; when a beast pounces on them, the militiamen will only be chased and run.

Because of the fact that the ordinary person did not have the courage to fight beasts, Winters trained the militiamen to use the javelin, the hunting tool of the ancient ancestors.

Adding to Winters' headache was the unabashed hostility that the two Protestant villages revealed.

To be honest, Winters didn't even realize Wolftown was home to two Protestant villages until Gillard didn't mention them.

The Protestants did not attend Sunday services and had little communication with the other three villages.

In Winters' view, Wolf Town is remote enough, but in Wolf Town on the edge of the civilized world, Protestants form a more closed and isolated group.

In several other villages, the mayor of Gillard read the letter of appointment to complete the introduction. The villagers naturally accepted the new resident officer.

And in those two Protestant villages, every literate person in the village read Winters' commissions, and the villagers still looked at Winters · Montagne suspiciously.

What irritated Winters even more was that the Protestants didn't seem to believe the warnings of the "wolf plague", nor did he take the orders of the resident officer seriously.

Few young adults came to participate in the training, and those who came were perfunctory. Several Protestant villagers even whispered to Winters that "the wolf disaster is a pretext for the mayor to send more labor, and it is blackmailing us."

Like a persecuted delusional attitude, Winters was simply outraged. On the contrary, Girard was used to it and persuaded Lieutenant Montagne.

But neither the mayor of Mitchell nor the mayor of Montagne had much to do with these stubborn Protestants.

But the two Protestant villages were the closest to the edge of the forest.

So the thought of those two Protestant villages gave Winters a splitting headache.

The only thing that gives Montagne's resident officials peace of mind is the village of Dussac, the gathering village of Dussac.

Hearing that there is a large wild beast lurking in the woods, the men of Dusa Village happily began to prepare their knives and guns.

The customs of the Hedong and Hexi villages and the Protestant villages are quite different. Every household of the Dussacs has weapons.

The saber is hanging on the wall, the lance is leaning against the barn, these are just the basics.

Even the matchlock gun Dusa Village has more than 20 guns, both new and old. The new ones were bought for hunting in recent years, and the oldest muskets even date back to the Sovereign War.

Every family in Dusa village also keeps horses. The men's riding skills are trained since childhood, and even Winters' equestrian skills are not as good as them.

I heard that the wolf plague was coming, and the old fogeys were invited out to teach the youngster how to use the lance and saber.

The idle and energetic young Dussacks suddenly have something to do, and there are many fewer things like fighting and gambling.

Sergey said proudly to Winters: "Sir, can you count on those peasants in such a case? It depends on our Dussacks! It doesn't matter what comes, there are me We're here, let's kill them all!"

Since there are such a group of brave Dussacks on hand, Winters has no reason not to use them.

Therefore, Winters ordered people to set up beacon towers in the heights of the five villages. If any village was attacked, the beacon fire was used to warn, and the riders of Dusa Village would immediately gather to support.

With the beacon tower, Hedong and Hexi villages are very happy. But judging from the skeptical expressions on the Protestant villagers' faces, Winters couldn't help but feel that the Protestants would not ask the Dussacks for help when the wild beast came.

In addition, more than a dozen manor owners in Wolf Town, including the Mitchell family, also generously donated money for the purchase of the javelin.

In addition to visiting villages and supervising training these days, Winters has followed Ralph into the woods many times to find the wild beast.

Winters was exhausted with so many things going on on top of him.

But being busy also relieved the depression of being manipulated by others - after all, he has something to do and he has no energy to think about how to return to Veneta.

But this morning, Winters has put everything else behind him. He has one very important thing to do, and he wants to... buy a horse.

In the sparsely populated Palatu New Reclamation Area, horses are just in demand, and it is really inconvenient to go anywhere without a horse.

Second Lieutenant Winters ·Montagne is now eating at Girard's house, living in Girard's house, although Girard Mitchell doesn't mind, but Winters is really sorry for continuing to occupy Mitchell's house Horses too.

So Winters was desperate to buy a horse.

Not only for transportation, he also has a dark idea: if there is a horse, he can escape directly back to Veneta.

But he couldn't afford it.

The "poor second lieutenant" is not just an officer's self-deprecation. An officer is an expensive profession, and uniforms, horses, and weapons must be purchased by themselves.

Although Palato's salary seems to be a little better than Veneta's, it's not bad if the second lieutenant's income can meet the needs of board and lodging.

Want to buy a horse?

Can think.

Therefore, if an officer of this era is not wealthy, he had better find a wealthy father-in-law.

Although there may be suspicions of feeling too good about herself, Winters thinks that Gillard Mitchell would definitely be happy to marry her daughter.

Miss Mitchell blushed every time she saw Winters, and when she talked to Winters, her voice was like a mosquito, which made Winters feel sorry.

And Mrs. Mitchell, who is elegant and virtuous, seems to like Lieutenant Winters Montagne, who was born in sea blue.

Not to mention that old Sergey asked Winters a few times if he had a marriage contract.

Sheer Gai Family doesn't have a daughter, so who else can you ask?

Winters insists that he is already engaged and that fiancee is in Ocean Blue.

But Sergey muttered: "We are so far from Hailan, even if we have a marriage contract, it doesn't necessarily count."

"It's so painful to have no money!"


Winters · Montagne lamented in the sleepless nights of tossing and turning.

But he could have borrowed money from the Gillard Mitchells. On the contrary, the better the Mitchells were to Winters, the less he dared to owe them favors.

In fact, Winters is already thinking about moving out of the Mitchells when the time is right.

After all, Winters now has three months' salary and the only precious metal left... Anna's locket.

Solid gold.

But the locket is impossible to sell, and if the Eldest Young Lady of Navarre is sold, the second lieutenant Montagne must be torn apart.

"It's really painful to have no money!"

In the sleepless night of tossing and turning, Winters ·Montagne lamented again.

In the end, it was the two cufflinks that Antonio gave to save the emergency.

Winters' family is very strict about money management, but he doesn't have a strong concept of money, because he never had a place to spend money in the military academy.

So he didn't take the two cufflinks that Antonio gave him seriously. I wear it on important occasions, and I also wore it when I returned to Jade City for the award.

Once a person is in a hurry, even the smallest hope will be held tightly.

Lieutenant Montagne, who was thinking about money, looked at the two cufflinks his uncle gave, and suddenly had a bold idea.

Identified by the blacksmith, Winters finally confirmed that the two cufflinks he had always thought were bronze...and they were pure gold.

Also, the belt buckle given by my uncle is also pure gold.

Even thousands of miles apart, the wisdom of the elders filled Winters' empty wallet.

As a result, the poor second lieutenant Montagne suddenly became rich. Although it is not much, it is almost enough to buy a war horse.

Buying toys will be very happy, the happiness of men is that simple.

And the war horse, in a sense, is a big toy.

Winters' slump was swept away, and he couldn't wait to go to Girard to find out which horses were being slaughtered in Dousa.

Although sorry accepts the favor of the Mitchell family again, the purchase of war horses cannot hide from Gillard's eyes.

Rather than trying to avoid suspicion, Winters thought it would be better to ask Gillard Mitchell for help.

Girard's eldest son Pierre heard that Lieutenant Montagne wanted to buy a warhorse, and was excited to follow.

The public ranch in Dusa Village is located on flat land in the south of the village and is not fenced. The unattended alfalfa and rye grow freely here, and the meadow looks a beautiful milkyellow from a distance.

Far to the south, some brown and black flecks flashed, and a group of horses was moving towards the pond. A small silhouette jolted up and down like it was glued to the horse's back, gathering the horses.

"Hook!" Pierre stood up on the saddle, excitedly moved towards the direction of the horses, waved and shouted: "Angelo!"

The horse in the distance The silhouette on her back heard the shouting and waved her hat in response.

"Come here! Come here!"

The man on the horse in the distance put on his hat again and moved towards Winters and the others galloping.

"That's the stableman from Dusa, Anglo." Girard pointed his whip at the approaching rider, laughed and said, "No one knows the horses in the village better than he does. Hey. Let him pick a decent one for you!"

The horseman urged the horse to run fast, and soon approached a few people.

Only then did Winters realize that the stable's stature was very thin, and although his face was tanned, it was hard to hide his immaturity.

"How is a child?" Winters startled.

"Little hook is also sixteen, right? It's not a child anymore." Girard said with a smile: "Don't look down on him because he is young, he has been in charge of him alone for two years. The horses are well managed."

"Two years?" Winters was even more surprised: "Then he became a stablemate at the age of fourteen?"

"Yeah. ." Girard as it should be by rights.

“He’s not from Dusa?”

Pierre immediately retorted: “Of course Hooker is from Dusa!”

It was Girard Knowing what Winters meant, he sighed and said, "Xiao Gou'er's father died of illness, so his family has no land. Gouerniang led him to find his father, but he died of illness not long after arriving in Langtun. This child likes horses, so I let him follow the old Pique to manage the horses. Old Pique also lost his drink the year before, and he did a good job in managing the horses by himself... Hey, but he finally got old enough, and when he returns from the job, he will be able to give fields. ”

In a few words, the stableman has already arrived at the side of several people.

The half-sized boy on the horse rolled off the saddle with a set of beautiful movements, moved towards Pierre Come here. Pierre also dismounted, and the two were so happy that they played around and fell.

After learning of Winters' intentions, Anglo "Hook" brought the A few people approached the horses that were drinking water.

Winters took a fancy to a marvelous blue horse at a glance, but the stableman shouted at the head: "Sir, that Teleqing is this horse group. Stallion Miles. Bad temper, can't ride. "

Looking back and forth, Winters saw another dark horse: "How about that dark horse?" "

Girard pursed his lips and smiled.

The pony, who was still changing his voice, replied in a drake's voice, "Sir, that's a mare." The one brought in for breeding is waiting for a foal next year. How can I sell it? ”

The scene was very embarrassing for a time. Second Lieutenant Montagne, who was from the infantry department, encountered his own shortcomings. At this moment, he missed students Bud and Andre.

Winters gave up Thinking: "Anglo, then you can pick one for me. "

"Here! That 'Ryzhik' is just fine. said the stableman, pointing to a reddish brown horse.

Winters followed the stable's gaze, and the horse's ears perked up and looked over alertly. By standards, the red-brown horse feels a little shorter and smaller.

Actually, Lieutenant Montagne has only one criterion for evaluating a horse—that is, it looks good.

On the premise of looking good, the bigger the body, the better.

Looking at the brown-red horse, Winters said hesitantly: "Is that horse a little... small? ”

Girard and Anglo all laughed, but Pierre and Winters were a little confused.

Girard, who was over fifty years old, laughed furiously Out of breath, he pinched his waist and said, "Second lieutenant, we Dusa people evaluate war horses not by size, speed, strength... but by endurance. Only a horse that can run all the time is a good war horse. "

"That Ryzhik is only three years old, but his legs are really good." Anglo added: "Pony ponies are nimble and light, and are best at hurdles. When it grows to four years old, the foot strength is definitely better, and then it can be pulled back for breeding. ”

Winters, who two Dusa people said, one old and one young, were also moved: “Will the horse owner be willing to sell it? "

"As long as the weather is good, good horses are like crops in the field, one crop after another. "Gillard smiled: "What can't be sold?" I will discuss with the horse owner for you. ”

Since everyone who understands horses says so, Winters no longer hesitates. Girard and his son go to the horse owner to negotiate the price, and leave Winters to chat with the pony Anglo in the ranch.

Looking at the horses grazing peacefully, Winters curiously asked, "By the way, how do you Dusa people name the horses? "

"Dusa people don't name their horses, they call them by their coat color." The pony keeper laughed and said, showing a dozen teeth: "But we Dusa people have hundreds of words to describe the color of a horse's coat. "

The stablemate added, "Ryzhik means the reddish-brown coat with white spots on the forehead." ”

The deal was done quickly.

The owner of the horse was quick to give a good price.

Borrowed a saddle, Winters · Montagne left Wolf Town riding Rerik.

Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation before, thanks to the book friends Tian lens, Sakura is justice, I don't know what it's called, writersblock, kind Hua Family The yellow rabbit, the social justice king, the mackerel, the most in your life, the calm gray, and the recommendation ticket of a certain uncle in the ideal 30, thank you all.

(end of chapter)

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