Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 120


Chapter 120 Orion
The north and south of the Senas Alliance is a mountain range, and the terrain is generally progressive from east to west Climbing, the people living on the coast therefore called the Palatians highlanders.

Langtun Town, the southwestern border of the Land of Galloping Horses, is nearly 1,400 meters above sea level, and is located in the pine oak forest belt at the northern foot of the Golden Peak mountain range.

In the forest south of Langtun Town, one person hugs a thick conifer giant tree straight into the sky, covering the heavens, shielding the sun. Only speckled sunlight filtered through the gaps in the canopy, nourishing the weeds and shrubs in the forest.

In the last ages, natural things grew, died, and decayed, and finally turned into humus soil several feet deep.

The hut of the hunter Ralph's house is built in the depths of such a jungle, and there is only one path that the hunter has stepped to lead to human society.

After receiving Ralph's warning, Gillard, Winters and Sergey immediately followed Ralph's father and son to Orion's wood house.

The wood house is simple and ordinary, with several unpleasant-smelling wooden barrels outside the house, which appear to be vessels for tanning hides.

"Look, two adults." Ralph took out an animal stump from the house and presented it to Girard and Winters: "It was found on the animal trap this morning."

Winters is now no longer trying to correct the villagers calling him "Lord", which Girard seems to have grown accustomed to.

It looks like this part of the stump once belonged to a deer, but now only the hoof to the thigh bone remains.

Winters could only see so much, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Girard also asked in confusion: "It is common for the caught prey to be picked up by the wild beast, although it is unlucky. Why is it related to the wolf disaster?"

"It's related!" Ralph, who was clumsy in words, became anxious and impatient: "Please look at the stubble on the thigh bone!"

"You. He How do you talk? Your mouth can't speak to me. He sews it for you!" Sergey's anger suddenly jumped up, he couldn't tolerate anyone being disrespectful to his Old Brother.

"It's okay, it's okay." Gillard immediately reassured the two.

The old hunter Ralph did not reply, but bowed his head and apologized to the mayor. On the contrary, the little hunter Bell clenched the wooden bow in his hand and glared at the old Sergey.

Winters took the deer's leg and took a closer look at the broken bones. He really couldn't see anything wrong: "Mr. Ralph, we are not hunters, you as it should be by rights. We don't understand. What's wrong with this deer leg, you have to explain it to us carefully."

The old hunter pointed to the cross section of the bone and explained with gestures: "Two adults, this bone was It was bitten alive. The deer stepped on the clip and couldn't move. Some kind of wild beast killed the deer and then bit off its legs, dragging the rest into the woods."

"This again Is there anything strange?"

"The ordinary wild beast can't stop biting the thigh bone of the deer! Because it can't bite!" Ralph the hunter spoke quickly and looked anxious: "Sir! Strong adult stag, the leg bone is even harder to chew, but it was directly bitten off! I can imagine how strong the bite between the upper and lower teeth of this wild beast is!
After listening to the hunter, Winters re-examined the handicap in his hand. Legs—a bone that can tear off a human arm.

Winters brows tightly frowns and asks the old hunter, "Wolf? "

"The wolf can't do it!" A wild beast like a wolf that weighs hundreds of pounds can only eat the deer in situ after killing it. The wolf has no strength to drag the stag's body away, not even a pack of wolves! The wolves hunt the old and the sick. It is by no means an ordinary wild beast that can kill such a large adult animal, it has to be a beast like a tiger and a scorpion! "

It's not enough to talk with the mouth, the old hunter ran back into the house and took out two snowy white light femoral sticks: "Look, sir, this is made from the leftover thigh bones of deer eaten by wolves." handle pieces. Wolves love to eat marrow, and if they can bite it, they will definitely not let it go. But you can see that these two bone rods are intact except for the tooth marks! "

"Then why do you say it's a wolf disaster? Hearing that the other party denied it was a wolf, Winters was at a loss.

Old Sergey explained embarrassingly: "Sir, we call wild beast 'wolf disaster' in this place. "

Winters then understood, he nodded and asked the hunter: "You mean that there is a large beast that is haunting this forest now?" "

"Yes! But it's not quite right either! The old hunter tugged at his hair angrily and muttered, "I don't know how to explain it to you, and I don't know where to say it, anyway, something is wrong in the woods these days!" ”

After spending a year with the soldiers at the bottom, Winters gradually realized that some soldiers who have not received grammar education are extremely lacking in language skills. It's enough to grasp the key words in the chaotic narrative.

"Don't worry, you can speak slowly and say whatever comes to your mind. "Winters patted the hunter's shoulder, moved a wooden stake and motioned for Ralph to sit down and said.

Hunter Ralph glanced at the town officer gratefully, and thought about it for a while and rambled on. Get up.

Winters, who listened carefully, tried to discern the key information from it.

"...As a result, it was difficult to see deer, deer, fox, and rabbits going crazy from time to time. Running out from the depths of the woods... Our father and son trapped under the animal trail. At first, we caught a lot of good goods... But in recent days, many of the goods we have caught have been dragged away by wild beast and eaten clean, and the location Every time I get closer to the outside... Yesterday I also found footprints in the woods that I have never seen before..."

"Wait. Winters was refreshed and interrupted the old hunter: "Have you found the footprints?" "

"Yes, my lord." "

Then why are you talking so much nonsense? Winters couldn't help but slandered, and he immediately ordered Orion Ralph: "Where? Take us to see! "

Led by the hunters father and son, Winters, Girard and Sergey moved towards the deeper part of the forest.

This is where the real deserted, the deeper you go."

As we walked, the forest became quieter and deeper. Birds and insects couldn't break the endless silence of the forest, only the wind rustled through the leaves.

Looking back, Winters had already I can't find my way.

But the hunter father and son knew the forest like the back of the hand. It seems that at least forty-year-old hunter Ralph was walking fast in the woods and quickly found his memory Location: "It's here! ”

It has been sunny after a rain three days ago, and the footprints in the mud have been preserved.

Poke the bracken that blocks the view, a terrifying paw print It was revealed.

Seeing this paw print, all three except the hunter father and son held breath cold air. With one palm and five claws, the entire paw print was nearly twice as long as Winters shoes.

Ralph the hunter is right, the beast that can step on this kind of paw print is definitely a wolf. The wolf is only food in front of such huge monsters.

Just seeing With this paw print, the peaceful and peaceful forest in Winters' eyes suddenly became dangerous lurks on every side, with murderous intentions everywhere.

The horses began to become restless. The two terriers brought by Girard clamped Tail and whimper.

"The evil beast will urinate everywhere to warn its fellows. Ralph pointed to the two terriers who were trembling with their tails between their tails, resolutely and decisively: "These two fox terriers must have smelled urine, otherwise they wouldn't be so scared! "

"Saint Physique is on!" "Old Sergey approached the paw print and exclaimed: "What can grow so big?" "

"Are there any other footprints?" asked Winters.

Ralph shook the head: "No, only this one." "

"Then you'd better not stay here too long, let's go back to Ralph's first." "Winters didn't bring any weapons, and didn't want to stay here for a second. He looked towards Girard: "Mayor Mitchell, what do you think?" "

"That's right, let's get out of here first." "

Ralph father and son one after the other led, the five returned to Orion's small woodhouse.

Gillard and Sergey are already five He is in his teens, and walking through the forest for too long makes him exhausted. But the hunter father and son walked briskly and looked as usual.

Girard asked the old hunter in a rough dress: "What is it? thing? Can you see it from the footprints? "

"Five claws, looks like a bear." "Ralph replied gravely with facial expression: "But that paw print is so big that I don't even know what it is." "

"Do you think there will be another wolf disaster?" "Gillard asked again.

Ralph thought for a long time, and finally said: "wild beast normally hides from people, let alone go to the forest area so close to people." But this big guy's range of activities is getting closer and closer to the edge of the forest. I think if it runs out again, sooner or later it will meet someone. Once it tastes human blood, it will definitely start hunting people for food. But maybe it will turn around and go back into the deep forest. Oh, but if you ask me, my lord, I don't know..."

After listening to the hunter, Girard looked towards Winters: "Your Excellency Montagne, I think we may need to call up the militia. "

Winters was stunned for a moment, then realized that he was the stationed officer in charge of the militia affairs.

"Do you think it is necessary to form a crusade?" Winters asked back.

Gillard silently nodded.

Sergey slapped his thigh excitedly: "That's right! . . . he . . . . what the hell is giant beast ! As long as you eat a gun, you're not afraid that you won't be able to kill it! "

Winters ·Montagne never considered himself a Palatine, but at this moment he really entered the identity of the officer in the town of Wolftun Township.

His brow Twisted: "Calling up the militia can at least give the villages a little self-defense capability, I think it's feasible. But whether to send people to hunt down this wild beast, I want to hear the opinions of professionals. "

"Mr. Ralph." Lieutenant Montagne looked the old hunter directly in the eyes and said solemnly: "You don't have to worry, I will be responsible for what you say." But tell me the truth... As a hunter, do you think it's feasible to dispatch the militia to hunt down this wild beast? "

Lieutenant Montagne spoke earnestly, and Ralph gritted his teeth, and summoned the courage to reply, "My lord. You give me face I can't refuse. I'll just speak frankly, the forest is so big, I don't even know where that thing is. If you really want to kill it, the whole town must be sent out to hunt, and if you are not careful, the thing will run away.

The ominous beast has spirituality, once it can't be killed, it will be more difficult to deal with after holding a grudge. even more how it didn't hurt anyone, let alone provoke it. I think it's enough for everyone to be careful now, and if it really hurts, it won't be too late to kill. It would be better if it returned to the depths of the forest on its own. "

After listening carefully, Winters looked towards Girard: "What do you think? "

"This is also a safe bet." "Gillard agreed: "That's it for the time being. "

With nothing more to say, Winters, Girard, and Sergey prepare to leave the Hunter's Lodge.

"Mr. Ralph, I think you the past few days Don't stay here, let's stay at the relatives and friends' houses in the village for two days. "Before leaving, Winters deliberately warned repeatedly. He was worried that the father and son of the hunter would have an accident because of their carelessness.

The old hunter was gratefully nodded.

Winters smiled and said to the little hunter: " Boy, come back to archery next Sunday, next time I will prepare the prize you want! "

Bell the hunter curl one's lip with disdain, this kid's arrow technique is amazing, and easily won the prize from a group of adults - half a dozen quills. But the half-boy obviously doesn't like these things.

Seeing this half-daughter who is in retrograde phase, Winters finds it interesting instead. He nods and stabs the horse to say goodbye to the hunter father and son.


On the way back to Wolftun Town, Winters, Gillard and Sergey chatted all the way.

“Why call wild beast a wolf disaster? Winters still wondered: "Is this a dialect of Plato?" What is the origin? "

"It's not Plato, it's our dialect." Dusa Village and Hedong and Hexi villages are called that. "Girard replied with a smile.

When I mentioned this, old Sergey said with pride: "This place has been plagued by wolves before! In the early years, the peasants who lived here did not suffer lightly. Later, we Dussac were placed here, but it was fiercely killed. Big wolves and small wolves have slaughtered many young and old, and I still have a pair of wolf skin knee pads! In the end, all the wolves were driven into the mountains to finally stop. Hi! The local old ladies are still using 'Cry again, the wolf will take you away' to scare children! "

"Mayor Mitchell, Mr. Sergey, forgive me." If I'm not mistaken, you're all from Dusa, right? " Winters couldn't help but ask the long-standing question: "How can you settle down in the Cenas Alliance?" ”

From the moment she heard the odd name Girard Pleninovich Mitchell, Winters had already suspected Girard of being a Dusa.

"Of course we are Dussack! Wouldn't that be able to separate from the peasant at a glance? "Old Sergey, laughed heartily, he recalled: "Why did we come to you?" That's a long story, and we were still serving the Old Sovereign emperor for more than 30 years, and we'll be..."

"Vladiminovich! Enough! Stop talking! "Gillard obviously didn't want to talk about the matter, so he stopped old Sergey's memories.

Sergey was very obedient. Gillard stopped, and he stopped talking immediately.

Seeing that Gillard didn't want to talk more, Winters also changed the subject: "Mr. Mitchell, I'm a little curious...Why are you called Mr. Sergei...Vladiminovich? "

This question can obviously be answered, Gillard explained with a smile: "Sergey's father's real name is Vladimir, and Vladiminovich means Vladimir's son. . He also called me Pleninovich, because my father's real name was Plenis, and that's what we in Dusa called it. "

Winters laughed and said, "Should my name be Gravinovich?" "

didn't expect this statement, both Gillard and Sergey looked a little embarrassed.

Gillard remembered something else and asked Winters hurriedly: " Did you just let Ralph father and son go to relatives and friends for a few days? "

"Yes, I think it's probably the two of them who are in the most dangerous situation right now." "

"I'm afraid they have nowhere to go." "Gillard said with some concern.

"Why? "

"Because that little doll is of the Heard species." "Old Sergey told the truth in a gruff voice: "Ralph got a Mrs. Heard, and she died. One little doll left. If Pleninovich hadn't pitied them, they wouldn't have been able to join the wolf colony at all! "

"Alright, alright, stop talking!" "Gillard stopped the old friend.

Sergey immediately fell silent.

Gillard scratched the back of his head and continued: "It's actually easy to solve. I'll just invite their father and son to my house temporarily. "

Sergey said coldly: "I'm afraid people won't appreciate it. "

Gillard thought for a moment, then said, "Even if Ralph doesn't want to come, he will come for his son's safety." "

Old Sergey coldly snorted and said nothing.

Gillard looked towards Winters again: "Lieutenant Montagne, what do you think of this arrangement?" "

"Of course it would be better." Winters was a little flattered and replied hastily: "It's just to trouble you. "

"Hey, it's okay, I'm so uncomfortable with so many empty rooms..." Girard was talking, and suddenly slapped his forehead again: "Second lieutenant, the matter of summoning the militia... I will just go to Hedong, Hexi and Dusa villages. But those two Protestant villages, we have to go together. You must not..."


The content about the werewolf recorded in the "Hammer of Witchcraft" published by the Inquisition of the Catholic Church in Imperial Calendar 526 :

"...half man, half wolf...afraid of silver, garlic and holy water...strong as an ox, tyrannical and bloodthirsty, extremely dangerous...Once bitten, even a pure-hearted person, A person who does not forget to pray at night will inevitably turn into a wolf on the full moon night when the Aconitum blooms..."

New Calendar (Imperial Calendar) 1020, Anthropology included in a large database Excerpts from the master's thesis "Exploration of Deep Consciousness Behind Mythical Creatures—Taking Werewolves as an Example":
"...After the fifth century, with the deepening of the process of internal colonization, humans began to ask for land from forests and wilderness. This led to the occurrence of a large number of wild animals hurting people. That is to say, during this period, the legend of werewolf spread like wildfire... The place name of Langtun City, Revodan Province today is derived from a branch that settled here at the beginning of the sixth century. Wolves, there are still legends about werewolves in the rural areas of Langtun City..."

Playing a meme about the beast of Revodan. I wrote 4900 words today and I tried my best.

I still read the book "nurturing a tiger to invite calamity" about the bite force of the beast and the grievance of the thigh bone. After watching "nurturing a tiger to invite calamity", I watched a video that demonstrated in detail that "destroy the corpse and evidence by feeding it to big cats is not convenient". The introduction person's thigh bone needs 1700 pounds per square inch to bite off, while the tiger's bite force is 1050 psi... I checked again, and the wolf can't bite the sheep's thigh bone. So the description of the wolf biting the deer's leg bone should not be messed up... Probably.

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, thanks to the book friends Tianshui has a beautiful woman, a certain uncle of ideal 30, black computer saber, yellow rabbit of Hua Family, I don’t know what it is called, calmly Ashes, justice and purity are koalas, sky lenses, the same week as the world, nothing is a small high.

Thanks to the book friends Wu is Xiaogao, Tianjian, and 54 month recommendation tickets, thank you all.

(end of this chapter)

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