Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 122


Chapter 122 The town of black liquid and the saber
Although the Winters who left Wolf Town have popped up more than once" Just escaping back to Veneta", but it was not put into practice. .

Not to mention what happens to the military after the run, a horse alone is not enough to support a long-distance trek. Not to mention, as a stranger, how to get rid of the pursuit in this strange land?

Fleeing was unrealistic, so Lieutenant Montagne had to think about it.

Winters came out of Wolftown not to abscond, but to find Andre.

His new companion is known to the Dusa as "Ryzhik," which means reddish-brown horse. So Winters also named the three-year-old stallion "Red Mane".

Winters, who got on the red mane, immediately decided to go to the town of black liquid. Go see Andre and try out Redmane's ability by the way.

The Union Army's horsemanship divides the horse's footwork into five categories: trot, trot, run, gallop, and jump. If you don't want to wear the horse to death, the last three footwork can't last long.

Therefore, the most daily riding is brisk walking, and a horse that can run seven or eight kilometers per hour is considered qualified.

But Red Mane ran all the way, and it took only about six hours to bring Winters to the town of black liquid, which is more than 50 kilometers away.

This speed also has the downside of Redmane being unsuitable for new riders, and once it gets used to Winters' weight, the pace will be even better.

It seems that Anglo, the pony keeper, is right, Redmane's feet are really good.

Although he knew that Redmane was a good horse, Winters didn't realize that he was actually getting a good deal. Because buying a warhorse trained by an old rider is a lot easier than buying a raw horse and training it from scratch.

The owner of the horse was willing to sell such a fine horse to Winters out of Girard Mitchell's face.

Infantry officer Winters doesn't know the goods, but cavalry officer Andrei is the door clear.

Just like when he first saw Qiang Luck, Andrea couldn't take his eyes off the sight of Red Mane. His eyes gleamed, and he circled the red mane, clicking one's tongue in wonder, looking and touching until he almost drooled.

If it wasn't for Winters, who couldn't go back to Wolfsville without his mount, Andrea would have to borrow Red Mane to ride for a few days anyway.

"Hey! How can you make sense out of this? How can you, an infantryman, always get such a handsome horse?" Second Lieutenant Cellini stroked his horse's mane and said sadly, "It's a pity Bud Not here! That guy in bishop would like to see this horse."

Winters couldn't help laughing at the groaning look of his friend.

Winters patted the horse hips and said to Andre: "Then you get me a horse, and this red mane will be for you. How about we switch rides?"

"Fuck off!" Andre was even more distressed: "Where do I get the money to buy a horse?"

"Then I'll talk about it when you have money, I'll have a serious business with you." Winters restrained his smile , asked Andre sternly: "Is there anyone from the family looking for you?"

To be honest, Lieutenant Montagne lived very comfortably in Wolf Town.

For Winters, who grew up living in a crowded, squalid, busy environment in the city, the natural conditions in Wolftown couldn't have been better.

It is located on the edge of Palatu, with a vast area and sparsely populated areas, and the altitude is high, so the air is fresh and clean. Looking around, there are no cramped houses, only the boundless wilderness.

And as the only civil servant in the town, he almost holds the status of half a feudal lord. No one gave Winters any more orders, which made him very comfortable.

But Langtun Town is too closed! There is absolutely no access to outside information.

Since Winters arrived in Wolftown, he hasn't seen a single person from outside, except for a few foot traders.

Lieutenant Woick said that military postmen would come to Wolftown regularly in the future, but Winters has yet to see a sign of the postman.

Within less than a week, Winters is eager to know what's going on in the world outside:
Has the dispute between Veneta and the Commonwealth subsided? How's the deal between Prato and Veneta? When can I go home?

Can be trapped in Langtun Town, Winters knows nothing. This isolation is almost torture for him.

When asked here, Andre's expression darkened: "No! I haven't even seen a Veneta in this place!"

" I thought the town of black liquid was bigger than the town of wolf, and the news was better." Winters was a little disappointed.

"Which one can be better than this bad place? I asked someone to send a message to Bud, let's see if he has any news." Andre spread his hands and said helplessly: "I Now it's just messing around, and it's a day if you can mess around. I've already figured it out. If you don't work if you get paid, you will resist, and if you go home, you will be victorious!"

The two brothers and sisters are right Glancing at him, he sighed in unison, and smiled wryly in unison.

While it didn't get much news, Winters didn't get nothing either.

Second day returning to Wolf Town from Black Liquid Town, Winters had two more heavy matchlock guns in his saddle.

The gun was borrowed from the arsenal in the town of Black Liquid. Black liquid town is far more prosperous and richer than Langtun, so it can afford real weapons.

The muskets in Dusa Village are all shotguns with a small charge, and the large-caliber muskets with amazing formidable power are lacking in dealing with large wild beasts.

As a result, Lieutenant Cellini lent two of the best matchlock guns to Wolftown for free.

I heard that there were large beasts in the forest around Langtun, and Andre, who had been idle to the point of panic, suddenly became extremely excited.

If it weren't for the fact that the resident officer couldn't leave the station for too long without authorization, Lieutenant Cellini could have personally carried a gun into the forest of Wolf Town to "kill the people".

Even if he couldn't go to the wolf town to guard, Andre still grabbed Winters and told him that if there was a definite trace of giant beast, he must send a horse to inform him.

Andre patted his chest and promised to bring the best hunters in Black Liquid Town to help out.

Winters knew that Andrea Cellini was really just having a hard time;
He also knew that if it wasn't for the wolf plague, he might be in a state of mind that would have been better. Andre is about the same.

Winters, who returned to Wolf Town with two heavy muskets, was surprised to find that he only went to Black Liquid Town for a day, and there was a lot of trouble in Wolf Town.

Since I heard that there is an ominous beast in the woods, the villagers now see everything like an ominous beast.

The villagers came to the town hall several times in a day, solemnly vowed to say that they saw an ominous beast near the village.

But when Mayor Mitchell brought people to the sighting site, let alone beasts, they couldn't even find a single hair.

When the witnesses were questioned again, the villagers' descriptions changed to "saw the silhouette of black" or "heard the ominous beast roaring".

This kind of thing happened over and over again. It just so happened that Winters, the resident mayor, went to Black Liquid Town again. Mayor Mitchell, who was over 50 years old, was exhausted.

On another occasion, a villager in Hexi Village was scared witless by what he called the "giant black animal shadow", and lost one's head out of fear and ran directly to light the beacon.

When old Sergey and the Dussacks rushed to Hexi Village, they found that the villagers in Hexi Village had gone back to work as if they were nothing, and made old man angry and scolded his mother.

Winters, who returned to Wolf Town, took Ralph the hunter and went around again, checking every so-called "sighted beast" place, but no claws were found at all. Evidence of seals, animal hair, etc.

While the villagers swore they absolutely saw the ominous beast, Winters were 80% sure they were frightening themselves.

On the way back to the town hall, Winters asked the hunter, "I went to Black Liquid Town this day, did you find anything in the woods?"

"My lord, from the Protestant Village. In the nearby woods, I found some trees with shedding skin, and found black-brown animal hairs on the trees." The old hunter Ralph looked restrained, and replied respectfully: "From the habit, the ominous beast may be glutinous beast. , Xiongzhu likes to rub his back against the tree. But even it is definitely a big, very big dog. But Xiongzhu normally eats more pine nuts and berries, so it won't necessarily come to bother us."

"Continue to observe, pay attention to safety, and report to me at any time if there is any situation." Winters asked a few words, and then asked the hunter: "How is it, is your son still getting used to living in Mitchell's house?"

For safety reasons, the hunter father and son temporarily moved out of the forest hut. Gillard invited them to live in his home, but Ralph refused to live in the guest room like a guest, but took his son and lived with the long-term workers of the Mitchell family.

"Lao Lao cares." When he mentioned his son, Ralph's vicissitudes showed a smile on his face: "Mitchell Captain has always treated our father and son very well, I am very grateful."

"Captain Mitchell?" Winters captured a special title that only people from Dusa Village would call Girard.

He eyebrow raised and asked the hunter with some doubt: "Ralph, are you from Dusa too?"


Winters Even more puzzled: "Then why don't you live with the Dussacs?"

After a long silence, the hunter Ralph answered with difficulty: "Sorry, my lord. I can't remember why."

Although he had doubts in his heart, seeing that the hunter didn't want to say anything, Winters didn't ask any further questions.


Winters, who returned to the town center, went to the blacksmith first.

In this era, only cities have professional craftsmen, because full-time craftsmen cannot support themselves in the countryside.

Farmers don't need tailors, bakers, builders...they sew their own clothes, bake bread, build their own houses.

But not everyone has the ability to refine metal, burn red iron billets, and forge and bend hot steel. And smelting and forging is an asset-heavy industry that requires not only technology, but also various tools.

So blacksmiths are one of the few professional technicians who can make a living in rural areas. Farmers can do well without tailors, bakers, and masons, but they need blacksmiths.

Blacksmiths play an important role in rural life. You need a blacksmith for farming tools, a blacksmith for repairing pots, and a blacksmith for even pulling teeth.

The blacksmith shop is of course also an important part of the commercial street of Wolf Town - although the town center has only two dirt roads, one horizontal and one vertical, and the buildings that can be counted by ten fingers.

The blacksmith of Wolf Town is also a Dussac, and after being resettled to Wolf Town, he started his old business again. The blacksmith shop was originally in Dusa Village, and after the village was established as a town, Girard took a lot of effort to persuade the blacksmith to move the shop to the town.

The shop is very rudimentary, there is not even a shop floor, the forge and the anvil are open to the street.

A naked young man in his early twenties, holding a bright yellow iron bar with pliers in his left hand and a small hammer in his right hand, was busy beside the forge.

The youth is of medium build, shorter and thinner than Winters. In terms of body shape, it is far from the burly and powerful blacksmith in the general impression.

But the hammer in the young man's hand seemed to have special magic power. With his light tapping, the fiery steel was elegantly bent, and a horseshoe revealed its shape in the blink of an eye.

Watching the young man forge the iron billet, Winters suddenly remembered Anna's comment on the loggia stone sculpture: "It was not the stone that was hewn into a statue, but the man trapped in the stone was hewn out."

The skills of the young man in front of him are so superb that even a layman like Winters can see it.

After watching the young man make a horseshoe, Winters asked, "Is the shop owner there? Are you the shop owner's son? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Winters opened his mouth to ask a question, and the young man who had concentrated attention completely forging iron billets realized that someone was coming. He looked up towards Winters and smiled nodded.

The young man's face was blackened by smoke, but his teeth were white.

The loud voice of old Misha, the owner of the blacksmith shop, came from the backyard: "How can I be so lucky! If that kid in my family can be half as good as Berian, I will die without regrets, sir. "

Misha came to the front yard and pointed to the youth introduced: "This is Berrian in the Protestant village. When you came before, he went to the city to feed. Berian, this is Ben The town chief, Lieutenant Montagne!"

The young man who struck iron, Berrian seemed to be unable to let go, squeezed a smile and bowed, but did not speak.

"Is that your apprentice?" Winters nodded and asked Misha with a smile, "The craftsmanship is really good."

"Well, I'm Master Misha's apprentice. ." Berian replied restrainedly.

"You don't need to take care of my face!" Old Misha laughed heartily and patted Berian's back: "I don't deserve to be an apprentice, this kid is much better than me! He is also a good man in his hometown. Furnace owner, escaped and lost the family business! I treat this awesome guy as a partner. My little bastard is disappointing, sooner or later, this stove belongs to Little Berian. It’s a pity that I don’t have a girl...”

Seeing old Misha babbling and not knowing where to go, Winters quickly interrupted: "How is the thing I asked you to do?"

"I will definitely follow the commander's order. Heart!" Old Misha laughed and ran back to the backyard: "Wait here for a while!"

After a while, Misha walked out with a long object wrapped in red cloth in both hands: "Look, do you like it or not?"

The red cloth was uncovered, and there were three knife blades underneath.

Winters took the carriage with empty hands, and the unfathomable mystery was dispatched to Wolftown, with no sword or gun.

But as a town officer, how can you do without even a handy weapon? So Winters went to Misha, the blacksmith, and wanted to make some swords.

Winters' orders are: a long sword in the form of a practice sword, an open-edged long sword, a one-handed saber, and finally a dousa saber.

In the ancient language, the word "Dusa" refers to the special shape of the long and narrow saber used by the Dussacs. As for which of the two words Dusa and Dusaq appeared first, it is now unknown.

Since there is an opportunity to learn the Dusa people's horse Blade Technique, Winters certainly won't miss it. He is now learning Dussac's Horse Blade Technique with Girard, so he added a saber to the order.

But it was this lucrative order that troubled Misha. According to Old Misha, he can beat the sword, but the quality... It is not as good as the ready-made swords in the city, and the price is even more expensive than the ready-made swords.

The swords that are now sold on the market are all swords produced in Solingen, the Republic of Monta.

It is said that the old Misha said that in Solingen, a blacksmith was only responsible for one process, and a sword strip was completed by the hands of more than a dozen blacksmiths. The blacksmiths there are highly differentiated, and even the blacksmiths responsible for annealing have their own guilds.

So the sword bars from Solingen, even with shipping, are cheaper and of better quality than blacksmiths in other places. The self-employed swordsmiths vomited blood and changed careers one after another.

Even in the Republic of Palato, many blacksmiths have given up their work in forging swords. No longer making swords, but obediently and honestly being sword carriers.

So old Misha's opinion is: if you don't use it in a hurry, just wait for him to send the ready-made sword from the city.

Only the Dusa Saber is very easy to handle. Old Misha said that he can go to the village to collect a few idle blades, and he can make knives in this shop.

The three knives in front of me were received by Misha from Dusa Village in a few days.

Winters checked the three blades carefully, and asked with some dissatisfaction, "Are these blades too old?"

"Old is better!" Old Misha slapped his thigh and obviously had the opposite understanding: "A good blade can be passed down for several generations. Old, it means that it is durable. The blade of my saber was stolen by my father from the wild people in the north. Lord, my father has chopped the savages in the north, chopped the barbarians of Heard in my hands, and it is very sharp in my son's hands..."

"Okay." Seeing that Old Misha was about to start again After the long discussion, Winters quickly stopped: "Then this one."

Winters pointed to the longer of the three blades.

"Okay!" Old Misha happily re-wrapped the other two: "Berrian, please measure the size of the second lieutenant."

Although the blade is ready-made, But the handle still has to be customized according to the hand shape.

As Berion was measuring Winters' palm with a tape measure, Archie, the grocer in the next shop, ran into the blacksmith shop in a panic.

"Your Majesty!" Arzi said breathlessly, "Beacon!"

Dussac and Dussack are foreign world words, so it is more interesting to write this way, Unlike this world. Last night, I also wrote a little bit more, but I only wrote more than 1,700 words, and I rewrote it twice. I always felt that the rhythm was too slow. I didn't ask for leave because I didn't rest either...

Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation before, thank the book friends Yi Xin for the recommendation votes, and thank the book friends for the most in your life, the lens, the kind Hua Family's yellow rabbit, I don't know what it's called, justice and purity are koalas, calmly grayed, Jiang Xue Diao-weng, book friend 20180828194024530, a certain uncle in ideal 30, 鲲鲍, writesrblock, book friend 150811225630563, nothing is Xiao Gao, Tianshui has recommended tickets for beautiful women, thank you.

(end of this chapter)

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