Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 119


Chapter 119 Wolf Calamity
At dawn on Sunday, blue-grey in the sky flickered sparsely Morning Star. The wind blew down from the mountain, creating a damp mist. The breath of the earth is cool and comfortable, and the sun drowsily refuses to rise after the sun is still on the horizon.

Old Sergey, who lives in the east of Dusak Village, Wolf Town, woke up early in the morning. The old man stared at the old saber hanging on the inner wall for a while. Then he slowly pulled up his trousers, pulled his cloth shoes, and walked out of the house while buttoning his shirt.

Sergey stood at the gate of the courtyard, silently admiring his small courtyard: the newly built barns and barns were covered with neat tiles, and the big animals in the family were peacefully munching on hay , the grain is full of grain, the old woman and children are still sleeping at home...

Rich, comfortable, and at ease, this is something that Sergei Vladiminovich never dreamed of in the past good day.

The old man watched for a while, moved towards the backyard contentedly. Walking around the wall, he walked outside the window of the younger son's room.

"Vashya! Son!" old fogey tapped on the wooden window: "Wow, come with me up the mountain to see the clip."

[Note: Vasya is Vashka 's nickname]
Sergey knocked several times before Vashka got up from the bed sleepily. He pushed open the window and asked in a low voice, "Dad, what are you talking about?"

"Come on, I went up and down the mountain the day before yesterday to see."

"It's Sunday!" Wasika complained.

Sergey urged nonchalantly: "It won't delay you going to church, let's go, let's go back before the sun comes out."

The son couldn't beat his father, so he had to hum. Grab the clothes and put them on the body.

At this time, his father led two horses out of the stable.

Washka helped Sergey put on the harness, two Dussacks, one old and one young, led the horses out of the fence made of red willows, jumped on the horses, moved towards the mountains south of the village and galloped And go.

If you look down from an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, you can clearly see the two towering mountain ranges running north and south in the north and south of the Cenas Bay, which are approximately parallel.

To the north is the shaded mountain range and to the south is the Golden Peak mountain range. This natural geographical separation will inevitably lead to political fragmentation.

The saying "two mountains sandwich the land" comes from this.

The Wolf Town is located at the foot of the Golden Peak mountain range, backed by the northern foot of the Golden Peak mountain range, a settlement carved out among the bushes and woodlands.

This town is not only the westernmost point of the vast Union Territory, but also the southernmost point, further south is the uninhabited primitive forest.

If you continue to go south, the terrain will rise sharply. The primitive forest was replaced by an alpine meadow, where only weeds could grow up to the snowline.

On a sunny day, the thousand-year-old snow at the top of the mountain range gleams in the sun, with golden light shining like gold.

Hence the name "Golden Peak mountain range".

Of course Sergey father and son is not going that far. Relying on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to drink water, the people of the villages in Wolf Town normally go only to the periphery of the forest.

Sergey rode his old horse, and old fogey felt sorry for his Old Partner, so he didn't send it to the village pasture. Vashka, on the other hand, rode a two-and-a-half-year-old pony, a strong animal.

However, old fogey's riding skills are superb, even if he wears cloth shoes and rides an old horse, Vashka can't catch up with him.

Sergey rode very happily, whipping his whip and screaming "ao wu", filling his stomach with wind.

Washika chased after him, thinking, "What is the clip, Old Master is afraid that he just wants to walk the horse?"

The two quickly ran to the edge of the forest, thank you Ergai pulled the reins and said to his son happily, "Vashya! How wonderful! Comfortable! When I get up in the morning and run horses, my whole body is full of energy!" Rolled the eyes secretly, urging Dad to look at the clip quickly.

Following the memory, Sergey led his son moved towards the deeper part of the woodland.

Sergey's luck is very good, the first two clips actually have a harvest, a rabbit, a pheasant.

The old fogey was even happier, and said to his son beamingly, "My lord bless! Vasya, maybe there will be a deer today! Maybe it's still a beautiful stag!"

Washka didn't answer, urging Dad to hurry to find the last clip.

When they found the last clip, they found that there were already two people squatting next to the clip. And on the clip - only a broken deer leg remained.


After coming out of the woods, Wasika did not go home directly, but obeyed her father's instructions and moved towards Mayor Mitchell's house with the rabbit in her hand.

Leaving the ridge, stepping on the dirt road between the villages, and letting the horses run for a while, I can already see the roof of the mayor's house.

Washka walked around a row of neat oak trees, and a beautiful white two-story house appeared in front of her. Shell Gai Family is just a small courtyard of a rich peasant, and this beautiful building is the manor of a big landlord.

Hearing the sound of hooves, the two hounds barked.

Gillard Mitchell's son and Vashka are playmates, and Vashka is very familiar with Mitchell Manor.

But this time he saw an unfamiliar face, a young officer he had never seen before and Girard standing in the open space in front of the house, both holding sabers, as if practicing what.

"Okay, don't bark!" Girard heard the bark, and when he saw the person, he yelled at the hound.

The two hounds also recognized that they were acquaintances, and they ran to the Wahika horses and acted coquettishly, wanting to bite the dead rabbit hanging on the saddle.

"Morning! Sergey Novich!" Girard put his saber on the ground and moved towards Vashka from a distance, shouting: "How are you father? You are here? Looking for Pierre?"

"He's all right! He went to the horse race this morning!" Vashka tied the horse, held up the rabbit and said with a smile, "I'm here to bring it to you. This one! My father asked me to give you this rabbit!"

"What a fat rabbit! Thank you father! Wait for me here." Girard took the prey, Quickly walked back to the house.

There were only Vashka and the strange officer left outside the house.

The unfamiliar officer smiled kindly at Vashka, and at this moment Vashka had time to take a closer look at the man.

Different from the dignified and reserved officers with beards, Vashka found that the strange officer in front of him was very young, even younger than her own age, and she didn't look like an officer.

But he's wearing a genuine officer's uniform - a bit odd, but definitely an officer's uniform. As long as he is a Dussack, he will not fail to recognize what the uniform of the officer looks like.

Gillard strode out of the house, stuffing a bag of sugar and tea to Vashka: "Take it back for your maid to cook."

"You haven't finished eating what you gave last time." Wasika smiled and said, "Why don't you light a cigarette leaf for me."

"Okay, I'll take it for you." Ji Rad stepped energetically and bustling up the steps and into the house.

Although I grew up listening to my father's story about the war, although I was repeatedly told by my father to respect Pleninovich.

But in the eyes of the overwhelming majority Dussack child, Gillard is just an amiable and generous Little Old Man.

In the eyes of the Dussacks in Wolf Town, the Mitchells—except Gillard's wife—are all Genuine Dussacs, but they don't live in the Dussacs' village That's it.

"Bring it back to your grandpas to smoke." Gillard ran again and took out a large pack of tobacco leaves for Wasika, he laughed and said, "Give me some points, don't all You exhausted it yourself."

"That's for sure." Wasika answered frivolously, but he remembered there was one more business, and hurriedly told Girard: "Uncle, today I and I When Dad went into the mountains, he encountered a strange thing, and my father asked me to tell you."

"What a strange thing."

Washika said for a long time without getting to the point: "...Sigh, I'm stupid, and I can't explain clearly. My dad just told me to hesitate, and he'll tell you more carefully when we go to church."

After finishing speaking, he was anxious to go home for breakfast. Vashka said goodbye to Gillard and rode home.

It was only halfway through that he remembered: "I still don't know who that officer is!"


Sunday, it's Wolf Town Biggest day of the week.

After breakfast, the villagers from the surrounding villages walked closer, drove cars and horses far away, all moved towards the church in the center of the town.

Everyone wants to be early, because if you arrive early, you will have a seat, and if you arrive late, you can only stand and watch Mass.

For the villagers, the church was not built in the center of the town, but the town hall was built beside the church. The history of Langtun Church is earlier than the history of "combining villages and establishing towns" in Wolf Town.

The Sunday service is not only a religious event, but also the main gathering place for the residents of the villages.

Before the ceremony began, Vashka finally knew who the strange officer was - said to be the town's new resident officer, Lieutenant Winters Montagne.

As the villagers of the three villages gathered together, Gillard stood on the Dao Altar and read out Winters' letter of appointment in public, and introduced the new resident officer to everyone.

This is Winters' first appearance in front of the people of Wolf Town, and his performance is quite satisfactory. After standing on the cloth Dao Altar to salute everyone and then go down.

For the common people, although the multiple officers in the town have little to do with them, they are also a rare novelty in the boring life.

The crowd in the church crowded to the front to see the new resident officer, everyone talking at once about his uniform, appearance and age.

There were some unmarried girls who didn't know what they were thinking, and secretly looked at the new second lieutenant with blushing faces.

After all, the uniform is worn on the body, even an ugly person can add a three-point prestige, even more how Winters can be called a dignified appearance.

After the introduction of the new resident officer, it is the official Sunday service ceremony. The two priests of the church slowly walked to Dao Altar from outside the church holding the icon.

Winters is embarrassed to find himself "trapped" in the church.

As a sorcerer, Winters certainly had no interest in getting involved in religious activities. However, he also publicly left the venue during the ceremony. As the only two public officials in Wolf Town, he and Gillard were both in the front row of the church.

Winters thought: "If I leave now, I'm afraid I'll offend all the believers in Wolftown."

In the spirit of pragmatism, Winters felt that "more Nothing is worse than nothing." He sat until the end of the sermon, looking at the portrait of Anna in the pendant, fascinated.

The townspeople who did not understand the complete truth thought that the newly arrived town officer was praying sincerely.

After the sermon, Winters quietly skipped communion.

Everything was going well, the priest dim-sighted from old age didn't notice Winters' little gesture at all, nor did the rest of the church.

But the young deacon could see it clearly, and Winters' behavior made the deacon very strange. But he didn't stop Winters, he just watched the new resident officer leave the church with the crowd.

Actually, Winters is quite strange to see the aide-de-camp. This kind of small church is obviously not qualified to have two official clergy, but the wolf section protecting church has two. It's just that Winters wasn't interested in the magic stick, so he didn't inquire.

Outside the church, the weather was clear and dry, with layers of light-colored clouds floating high in the sky.

Gillard is leading a few people to set up the target and field. The target board was carried out from the backyard of the church and placed on the meadow beside the church.

Winters saw this and went over to help.

Gillard wiped his sweat and said to Winters, "Second Lieutenant, there used to be no mayor in the town, so I had to be the top one. Lieutenant Montagne, I'll leave the archery training on Sundays to you in the future. Lay."

"Archery training on Sunday?" Winters looked strange: "Could it be the 'Bow and Arrow Law'?"

"Yes! It's the Bow and Arrow Law!" Gillard replied with a smile.

The bow and arrow decree was an imperial law that required all men to take archery training after church service.

It was only after Girard's explanation that Winters learned that the law had never been repealed in Palato.

The Great Council of Palatine never passed a specific abolition bill - the suspicion of lazy government is quite large - the bow and arrow law has been retained.

It's just that this decree has lost its compulsion, and archery is similar to a recreational activity for civilians. After all, shooting a few arrows on a Sunday morning isn't much of a chore.

Winters didn't expect to be able to see this kind of "historic relic" weekend activity in this border town. After he and Gillard set up the archery target, the archery training officially began.

Women and children, elderly people who couldn't draw a bow, and some men who thought archery was detrimental to their status stood on the sidelines.

A dozen or so young men lined up, waiting for their turn to shoot.

Some people bring their own bows and arrows. Such people are obviously very confident in their archery skills and stand in the queue like proud roosters, waiting to show their skills in front of the folks.

As for those who do not have bows and arrows, practice bows using cheap ash wood provided by the town hall.

Some farmers brought home-brewed sweet beer, pushing the barrels and shouting loudly for sale.

Some out-of-town runners also come to sell small things such as needles and threads on Sundays.

No one cares about the dogma of "no work on Sundays", and the once deserted wolf town has become extremely lively.

Winters has an easy job, just be careful not to accidentally shoot an arrow when someone tries to pull an arrow from the target.

When the shooter misses the target, the onlookers will boo.

When the shooter hits the bullseye, the crowd cheers loudly.

Simple happiness was contagious, and even Winters, who was thinking about going home, had a smile on his lips.

But at the same time, Winters was keenly aware of the fact that there were some grown men in the crowd who didn't fit in with the festive atmosphere.

They are unshaven, disheveled, and mostly gloomy. They don't come to shoot arrows or to watch the shooting range.

Even the people of Wolf Town are deliberately avoiding these people.

Only the bootleggers like them because they drink glass after glass around the barrels.

Although Winters thought about running away countless times, running back to Veneta. But as long as you are in office for one day, you have to do your due diligence.

Then the town officer in Wolf Town stopped the shooters beside him, pointed at the men and asked, "Who are those people? Are they from your local area?"

The archery is shooting The young man looked in the direction Winters pointed, looked the head, and replied, "Sir, those guys are from the forest farm. They were hired from outside to chop wood."

Winters wanted to continue to ask, But it was invited by Gillard.

In addition to Gillard and Sergey, there are two men, one old and one young, in the town hall.

The old man looks like his physique is in his thirties or forties, but the ravines on his face are like spider webs. His skin was tanned, and his lips were pursed tightly. A roll of leather in each hand.

The little one looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, still childish, and was looking around curiously with two big eyes. In his hand he was holding a single unwound bow, about a meter long, smaller than the bows used by adults.

Seeing Winters coming in, Girard introduced them again: "This is the new resident officer in this town, Lieutenant Montagne."

Girard Pointing at Sergei introduced: "This is Sergei Vladiminovich, Dussak of the village of Dusa."

Hearing the name of Dussak, old Xie Sergey puffed out his chest proudly.

Gillard pointed to one old and one young introduced: "These two are hunters in this town, Ralph and his son Bell. Ralph, if you have something to say Let's go."

Hunter Ralph first took off his hat and bowed cautiously, then he looked anxious and nervously warned the two civil servants in Wolf Town: "Sir, the wolf disaster is coming!"

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, thanks to the book friends felixyf0124, the social justice pharaoh, Ami, the yellow rabbit of the Hua Family, justice and purity are koalas, calm gray, sky lens , Jiang Xue Diaoweng, Wu is Xiao Gao, Book Friends 20191002101802042, Book Friends 2018101005850390, 54 month recommendation tickets, thank you all.

(end of this chapter)

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