Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 115


Chapter 115 Back to School Season

"To the proudest Taneria!" The male voice overwhelmed the clamor.

"To the most honorable Veneta!" Another part of the hall responded.

Gang and chips are staggered, cups are exchanged, and the banquet hall is very lively, a beaming scene.

In the deserted corridor in the corner of the hall, Andrea Cellini carefree sat against the windowsill and spat contemptuously on the mirror-smooth marble floor tiles.

"I. Really. He. Mom. A. Flying. Sky. Big. Slot." The nuns were either fucked by us or figured out how to fuck us. Has Debella's brain been drenched in donkey piss? Counting on such a bony henchman to keep the archipelago?"

in After a year of fighting on the battlefield, Andrei's conversation has been completely the same as those of the most rude killers.

"I didn't expect you to be able to spit out some golden sentences from your dog's mouth." Bud sat on the floor against the wall, sipping on the special honey brew, and said mildly: "But you have to use some local People, don't have to choose."

Bud, the child who grew up in a monastery and a former "bishop" adult, is now also stained with blood and fire.

Although his temperament is still as honest and gentle as before, Bud's expression occasionally reveals a kind of numbness and sharpness that is used to life and death.

Andre glanced at Winters and said impatiently, "Don't... he... Mom touched, there's nothing on your chin. It's been an afternoon, watching you touch it, fuck it. I want to touch it."

Winters ignored Andre, still rubbing his bare chin. Although the full beard that had been stored for half a year was not long, the sudden clean shaved made Warrant Officer Montagne feel that something was missing.

This is a very high-profile reception, and it is a condescension for the warrant officers to be invited here. So no one came to them to chat with them, and Winters and the others were happy too.

Before participating in the reception, the warrant officers took a good bath, carefully groomed their beards and hair, and put on their starched Tuxin military uniforms.

Only Bud was wearing his white washed student uniform.

In fact, after the war this year, Bud also saved a small sum of money by sharing the spills of war or something. However, he did not use the money for military uniforms, but tried to send it all to his parents.

So he still only has this set of student uniforms, and he is determined not to accept loans offered by friends.

But when Gerald's Bud was still a student in the military, he never had any admiration for walking among his classmates in this old suit. Not to mention that after a year of war, he has passed through several times in his life and death, and he doesn't care about these external things.

Winters and Andre had to go with him.

A bottle of wine was quickly emptied, and Andre stretched out his hand for the waiter to bring the wine.

Bud teased: "You scolded people so fiercely, but it's not polite to drink other people's wine."

"Drink. His mother! Don't drink. Hah!" Andre poured out the last bit of wine at the bottom of the bottle: "This is my humble and honorable resistance. Not only do I have to drink, I have to take two bottles with me!"

Bud waved his hand: "It's alright, don't worry, Debella must be able to hear your unyielding cry in a dream."

The waiter didn't come, but Alves Marcello was holding Two wine bottles came over, Marcello took off the cork and poured half a glass of wine for Andre, and said with a sneer, "You guys will keep quiet."

Alves Marcello is also the same period of Winters, trainee officer, warrant officer. It's just that he was born in the artillery division.

The people in the artillery department...we are not very close to the people in the infantry department and the cavalry department, mainly because the classes are not together.

There are many "big lessons" taught in one classroom for walking and riding. Therefore, most of the officers and students of the Infantry Division and the Cavalry Division are familiar with each other. On the contrary, although they are all from Veneta, they are only friends of the nodded.

But after a year of fighting side by side, even strangers have become biological brothers, so Marcello and Winters are now very close.

After pouring Andre's wine, Marcello pours Winters.

Winters stretched out his hand and asked back, "What are you guys talking about around there? It's very lively."

"Don't you know?" Luo was a little surprised: "It's spread among the artillery."

"Know what?" Winters unfathomable mystery.

"Hey, I said..." Marcello said mysteriously and secretive, " you remember those heavy cannons on Red Iwo? Those 32-pound guys."

Those are the ultimate weapons that can sink a galley with one shot on the gun fort in the middle of Red Sulphur Bay, of course Winters remembers.

"What's wrong?" Winters was even more puzzled: "Didn't those heavy artillery still be used when fighting Gusa?"

"Yes, those heavy artillery." Ma Chelo nodded, and continued: "According to the tani who belonged to us, the Federation has not yet been able to cast that kind of heavy artillery. The biggest guy they can make is a 2,000-pound 12-pound cannon."

"That's what I bought, what's strange." Andre said disapprovingly.

"Who sold it?" Marcello immediately asked back: "Those thirty-two-pound cannons are all four or five thousand-pound giants. There are not many arsenals around the inland sea that can make such cannons."

Andre was already impatient: "Old Ma, just say what you mean, don't do this. The detour..."

Badella stopped Andre, motioned him to stay calm, and asked with a frown, "You mean to deal with Veneta, someone specially provided those Cannons for the Tanirians?"

"Yes, that's what it means." Marcello affirmed: "Covillian went to check it out after hearing about these things. According to him , those cannons don't have any inscriptions. I didn't pay attention to them before, but now I look at them and they are obviously worn out. Not only the heavy artillery on the Red Illusion Island, but others made us suffer a lot, and the coastal defense artillery that we finally captured were all That's it."

"That's interesting." Winters asked thoughtfully, "When were those cannons delivered to Taneria?"

"I don't know the exact time. ." Marcello shook the head: "Tani said that Edward Kenway personally arranged it...but it must have been before we set off from Haidong Harbor. By the way, it is said that William Kidd is also from Kenway."

"Does he need to think about this?" Andre shouted angrily: "It must be given to the Tani by those Union-provincial hillbillies! Didn't the Victory Arsenal return before we went home? There must be a fire all over? Someone must be doing it! Gan. He. Mother's scumbag! Crazy thinking to mess with us... Well, Bud, I'm not talking about you."

"Guess without evidence. Stop talking!" Winters hurriedly stopped Andre from saying more: "The United Provinces are not stupid enough to burn down their own arsenal and half the capital in order to send a few cannons to the federation, right? The boat is off to Jade City, don't say these words in front of the Union Provinces, or they will find a reason to detain you and you will suffer."

Budd agreed, Ender. snorted angrily, but didn't speak again.

"Old Ma, tell the contemporaries, don't mention this when you get to Jade City." Winters looked towards Marcello again: "When we come back from the United Province, we will have time to investigate slowly. William ·Isn’t Kidd still alive? That guy knows a lot of things. If I don’t believe it, I can’t find it out. We go to Jade City to confer a title, and it’s best not to make any extras.”

“Understood, Understood." Marcello chuckled nodded, touched a glass with Winters, and went back to the small circle of artillery officers.

When Marcello was far away, Andre said angrily: "I can guess where the cannons of the Tani came from with my ass. Veneta, Union, Empire, veteran There are only three of the arsenals, so the impossible must have come from us. If it wasn't given by the Union Province, could it be the 'oathbreaker' given to the Tanis? Gan!"

[ Note: "Breaker of the Oath" is a derogatory nickname for Henry III, the current Emperor of the Empire, because he broke his oath by executing his own pro-younger brother and all his bloodline in the War of Succession. So much that Henry III's mother "Mary of Lothair" and grandfather "Winfred Duke of Lothair" refused to see him again until they died. ]
[Note: The father of Henry the "Oath-Breaker" is "The Madman" Richard, and there is no good nickname for the monarchs of the entire Lie Sun Dynasty. ]
This time, Winters didn't stop Andre, just looked at the mead in the glass and said: "It doesn't matter who gave it, the Taniria Federation has been divided and the battle is over. After I became a full-fledged officer, I would find a safe and idle job, and be a jerk. If I retire from the rank of colonel, I am successfully accomplished."

"When we came out of Jade City, there were more than 30 people, go back There are only two dozen of them. Many students didn't even make it to the day when they were officially awarded. Fate is really impermanent." Bud muttered.

"I wish there was a place like heaven," Winters whispered, "I wish every dead comrade in arms would be there now."

"Is there any It doesn't really matter, as long as you believe there is." Bud said leisurely.

Andrei heard this with a sneer.

Winters drained his glass of mead, wiped his mouth, and replied blankly, "If I could fool myself, why would I need to say such a stupid thing?"

Veneta’s midshipmen set off directly from the archipelago and crossed the Inland Sea to Jade City. After being awarded the title, they will return to Hailan to wait for their official appointment.

As for Winters, no matter what he thinks, he does benefit from nepotism. Because Antonio had already figured out where to go for Winters.

Before leaving, the adoptive father said lovingly to Winters: "If you don't want to be on the front line, then go teach. Veneta is going to set up his own military school, and the school is always cleaner no matter what. Some."

Teaching? Winters is a little lost...but maybe interesting too?
With a restless mood, Winters walked down the familiar and unfamiliar jetty of Jade City.

Everything is very different. The fire that engulfed half of the city a year ago has destroyed everything, leaving only a pile of blackened stones.

But without destruction there can be no construction, new cities are springing up from the ashes of the old.

The Victory Arsenal, which ate up most of the land in the port area, was driven to the outskirts of the city and became an independent small town.

You should know about the relocation of the Victory Arsenal, but it has not been able to move for more than ten years. In the end, like the King of Conquerors severing the Gordian knot, a fire solves all problems.

The Fire Dragon roll burned the arsenal to the point where nothing was left, and the last tools and raw materials were easily pulled away by a dozen carriages.

The current port area is no longer a "onion" structure with a layer of one layer. Reasonably planned buildings have replaced the original barbaric growth of the city, and the winding alleys have become horizontal and vertical. The stone pavement, but also the laying of drainage channels.

Winters and his contemporaries hardly recognize the ever-changing Jade City before them.

But the joy of returning to the "second home" was quickly diluted. Because of the tension between the Interprovincial and Veneta, the Veneta trainee officers were closely monitored from the first moment they set foot on Interprovincial soil.

They were not allowed to move freely, they were not allowed to visit the "New Jade City", the Veneta were taken straight back to the dormitory of the Army Officer Academy, and they were not even allowed to move freely on the campus, even the federal province of Bard People are no exception.

".Gan.Lin.Mother! Treat us as prisoners. This is..." Andrei foul-mouthed paced back and forth in the dormitory.

Winters didn't feel mad, he slid back into his bed was a wonderful feeling. Winters had spent thousands of nights in this bed, and he knew it all too well, he knew the broken planks, the nicks on the headboard, the blackened spots from the fire.

It seems that he can fall asleep as soon as he closes his eyes now.

He opened his eyes and saw a familiar face.

"Ike!" Winters exclaimed in surprise.

Axel also punched Winters happily, and the two hugged each other.

Axel rushed over to learn that the Veneta students were returning to school, and other students from the province also came.

There are differences between the Republic of Veneta and the Republic of the United Provinces, but this has nothing to do with the cadets, and it will not affect the friendship between the students.

Marshal Ned's idea seems to have come true in this brief moment. Veneta students and interprovincial students get together, laughing and fighting, as if they are back at school. time.

"My God! What's the matter with you? You're too haggard." Axel looked at Winters' shriveled face and couldn't help but sigh.

“Really?” Winters glanced around the same period in the dormitory.

The ruddy complexion of the students from the United Provinces is in high spirits. The Veneta classmates looked tired and haggard by comparison, but also more mature and sophisticated.

Several names were asked, but the Veneta looked sad when they heard them—they were all dead in Taniria.

"I think your sword technique is completely useless, right?" Axel said enthusiastically: "Should we go ahead and compare it now?"

"Forget it. Well, I admit defeat, it's been a long time since I practiced." Winters laughed a few times and raised his hands decisively in surrender. He thought: But I have a better gun now.

"By the way, how's Christie Teacher An doing? Are you okay?" Winters suddenly remembered the director of the sorcerer teaching and research department, who had a question he wanted to ask urgently.

Axel heard this shook the head: "Not good, he was dismissed, and his mental state is not very good. The War Department ordered him to do self-examination at home, and he is currently under house arrest in the military academy's teaching quarters. Why don't I take you to see him?"

"I would like to." Winters said with a wry smile, "But I can't get out of this door."

Vinetta Cadet officers were confined to dormitories, but Axel wasn't the problem.

Because there is a paradox in the regulatory system: there are no extra staff in the military school, so who is watching Winters them now? It's Winters' Junior Brother...

Axel rolled his eyes, and the junior officers and students who were guarding outside the dormitory obediently gave way.

On the way to the Christian faculty residence, Winters and Axel pass a lifeless second layer detached house.

Winters stopped abruptly—because it was the former residence of General Antoine Laurent.

"What's the matter?" Axel also stopped and asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, I suddenly remembered the owner of this place," Winters replied.

Looking at the somewhat dilapidated house in front of him, Winters thought, "Yes, Sophia stole the notes from this place."

Winters approached the small building and thought. He looked carefully, but the doors and windows were all nailed down, and nothing could be seen inside the house, so he had to leave regressfully.

In the staff quarters, Winters met Christian Huygens.

He had learned something from the small talk with Ike. Although it has not been admitted to the outside world, the Ministry of the Army of the United States has identified Christian as the absolute responsible person for the "Fire Dragon burning city" a year ago.

Although the order to use the sorcerer to change the direction of the wind was not given by Christian, he was convinced.

It's just that as a senior sorcerer, how to deal with Christian has made the Interprovincial Army a headache.

The sorcerer can't be killed or punished.

So the board hit Christian lightly. At present, he is just dismissing his post and reflecting at home. As for whether to send him to a military court, it is said that the above is still studying.

But now the problem is: Christian's mental state seems to have some problems.

At least that's what Winters thinks.

The Christian teacher in front of him was no longer a soldier, unkempt and unkempt. It was obviously the hot summer season, but Christian was tightly wrapped in a robe and a pair of plush slippers. As for what to wear inside the robe, whether it was worn or not, Winters couldn't imagine it.

Christian's residence is also not like a place where people live. The small faculty apartment is full of experimental instruments, and scratch paper with handwriting is everywhere.

The most mental disorder is that these scratch papers are not thrown randomly on the ground, but are laid on the ground one by one, and even cut out suitable shapes for the table legs and corners, as if they were Put a paper rug on the floor.

Winters didn't even dare to go through the door, for fear of disturbing neat and tidy's manuscript paper phalanx.

"Oh... it's you! Come in, come in." Christian warmly welcomed Winters and Axel. It's just that his state seems to be sleepwalking, his eyes are straight, and he doesn't look at the ground when he walks.

Winters and Ike looked at each other in blank dismay.

Thinks Winters: Faculty Christian may be crazy.

Thinks Axel: Faculty Christian is getting crazier.

Unable to bear the warm invitation of the teacher, the two walked into Christian's apartment cautiously.

"Welcome." Christian said, while making tea for the guests in two cups that he didn't know what was in it, "I haven't had a guest in a long time."

"Drink, please." He put two cups of tea in front of Winters and Axel, wrapping his robes tightly.

Winters and Axel dare not drink, they hold the handle of the cup and dare not pass it to their mouths.

"Drink, please." Christian urged again and again: "Drink, please."

Winters' powerful self-help instinct saved him, he looked at the scratch paper on the table , suddenly had an epiphany. Putting down the teacup, picked up the scratch paper and read it carefully.

Seeing Winters watching his draft with concentrated attention completely, Christian didn't speak anymore, just sat on the stool with his robe tightly wrapped and kept shaking.

After watching for a while, Winters lifted the head and asked suspiciously, "Sir [Sir], are you studying the truth about Fire Dragon burning the city?"

"No wonder." Axel suddenly realized, he thought to himself: "Because Fire Dragon burned the city and was fired, Christian teacher must be hard to let go of this. It's pitiful that he is depressed and has mental problems in the end."

"No." Christian said amazingly: "That was my research project nine months ago, and I already know the truth about Fire Dragon burning the city."

Thanks for the previous vote Book friends who have passed the recommendation tickets, thank the book friends writersblock, book friends 20200911140329006, Ami, Xiaocheng young official, world world, calmly gray passed, Yunzhongyue 1981 for the recommendation tickets, thank you all.

I just deleted a paragraph in my First Volume Second Chapter chapter testimonials and it was very confusing. After the paragraph was deleted, the context suddenly changed. I had no choice but to repost it, wondering if I could escape the Ministry of Truth. Forcing Zhenfeng to be victimized...

(end of this chapter)

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