Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 116


Chapter 116 Fire Dragon Volume and Galloping Horse
So, what is the truth about Fire Dragon burning the city?
This question has plagued Winters for a long time.

According to the people of Guitu, Fire Dragon is the masterpiece of a mysterious wizard;

According to the religious people, it is the punishment for the sinners of moral corruption.

In any case, one thing is firmly believed: Fire Dragon burning the city is by no means a natural phenomenon.

On the one hand, Winters didn't think it had anything to do with magic, and the sorcerers tried to turn the wind out of goodwill that night; but on the other hand, he didn't think an ordinary fire would call out Fire Dragon Vol.

The man in front of him, wrapped in a robe and sitting on a stool shivering, claimed to have learned the truth about Fire Dragon's burning city.

Winters is desperate for answers.

Axel was also curious.

Christian opened the drawer and began to fumble around.

Winters and Axel glanced at each other, the unsolved mystery was about to be revealed, and the two were suddenly nervous.

In the end, Christian just pulled out a pipe. Then he carefully filled the cut tobacco, lit it with magic, and took a nice puff.

Winters and Axel watched with wide-eyed eyes as the instructor went through the smoking routine.

But Christian's expression was very intoxicated, as if he really just wanted to smoke.

"teacher..." Winters couldn't help it, and was about to ask.

"pu." Christian puffed a puff of smoke into Winters' face.

The acrid smoke was accidentally inhaled into Winters' trachea, causing him to cough repeatedly and burst into tears. Smoke filled the small living room of Christian's house.

Winters, feeling as though he was being teased, asked slightly dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing..."

"Shh." Christian put his index finger to his lips, Signaling Winters to be quiet, he pointed to the top of his head and whispered a word: "Look."

Winters and Ike were hearing this at the smoke.

Christian shook his finger gently, one circle, two circles, three circles...a wonderful thing happened:
First, starting from a point in the center, the smoke that was scattered in disorder seemed to suddenly appear Like the soul, it began to spin in midair. Following the rhythm of Christian's fingers, one circle, two circles, three circles...

The smoke was like a whirlwind, spinning to form a ring-like structure. Instead, there is no smoke in the center, like the eye of a calm hurricane.

The circle of smoke turned faster and bigger, until it finally exceeded the limit of Christian's control and suddenly collapsed.

Winters was stunned, but Axel was dazed.

Ike pointed to the top of his head and asked in confusion, "Is this... magic?"

"Yes, it's magic." Christian took a sip of his pipe comfortably.

"Oh, it's interesting." Ike said with a smirk, "So this is magic, doesn't it seem like it's nothing?"

"Respect!" Winters grabbed Touching Ike's arm, he swallowed involuntarily: "This is...unprecedented...this is magic I've never seen before. Very difficult to deal with, really very difficult to deal with."

Laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway.

Clearly, Christian uses kinetic magic. Changing the kinetic energy of an object is not difficult for a sorcerer.

Almost all kinetic spells are nothing more than accelerating, accelerating, and accelerating something.

Although simple and efficient, it is also brainless, rude, and without depth. So much so that some sorcerers who specialize in burning fire spells sourly call kinetic energy spells "stick hammer spells."

It means that kinetic energy spells are like sticks, and no matter how big the sticks are, they are also sticks. , there is no technical content at all.

Being able to control invisible smoke with the precision of an arm and a finger is an amazing skill in itself. Same level spell skills Winters have only ever seen in one person, Moritz van Nessau.

What's even more incredible is - rotation?

The existing kinetic energy spell does not have the effect of rotation, and the kinetic energy spell is always going straight.

Accelerating an object moved towards one direction is enough to test spell skills. As for rotation...not blind, random random motion, but controlled rotational motion, Winters simply don't know how to achieve this. an effect.

Spin... Fire Dragon roll?

"Is this the spell that called out the Fire Dragon volume?" Winters asked excitedly: "Is the fire Dragon burning the city caused by this spell?"

Axe Er was also taken aback for a moment, followed by Winters and looked towards the teacher.

“No.” Christian exhaled. Strangely, he no longer shivered when he was smoking: "This is the result of my research in recent months, Fire Dragon burning the city has nothing to do with this spell."

"Then what the hell is Fire Dragon burning the city? What's going on?" Ike finally couldn't bear the teacher's narration, and asked straight to the point.

"Oh, you want to know that?" Christian said flatly: "It's very simple, the reason why Fire Dragon burned the city is very simple, I'll show you and you'll understand."


Christian put down his pipe and rummaged through the box to find a thin-walled glass cylinder and a small candle holder.

Winters noticed: Christian Instructor started shaking involuntarily when his hands left his pipe. Winters was suspicious, but said nothing.

Christian placed the short-burned candlestick on the table and covered it with a glass cylinder.

The candle burns only a very short section, and the candlestick is no more than ten centimeters high. The height of the glass cylinder is half a meter.

Christian snapped his fingers to light the candle and asked Winters: "Will the Wind Control Technique do it?"

"Yes." Of course Winters will use the most basic kinetic energy spell.

"Follow my movements and send the air in." Christie sniffed recklessly, and said listlessly, "Slowly exert yourself, and don't blow out the candle."

Just as Winters wondered how to deliver the air, Christian reached out and "took apart" the glass cylinder.

It was only then that Winters and Ike discovered that the glass cylinder on the table was actually made up of two identical half cylinders, like a very sharp sword holding the complete glass cylinder upright. Split into two pieces.

Christian staggered the two parts of the cylinder, revealing two symmetrical slits in the glass cylinder that was originally tightly seamed.

"Wind Control Technique, do it with me." Christian gestured to Winters with a spellcasting gesture.

Winters cooperated with the instructor and activated the Wind Control Technique at the same time, each moved towards a gap to supply air. Winters tried to control the mana output, a little afterburner.

When the magically driven winds gradually increased, a wonderful scene happened.

The candle began to burn violently, and the originally stable candle flame actually began to rotate and extend upward. Winters recalled Andre's description of "a fiery snake moved towards the sky rising".

In the glass cylinder in front of him, a pocket flame snake moved towards the sky, and the flame tongue at the top even jumped out of the glass cylinder with a height of half a meter.

Christian drowsily waved his hand: "Okay, stop."

However, when Winters and Christian stopped casting spells, the fire snake did not disappear. There is still a thin line of red visible to the naked eye in the glass cylinder, until the candle burns out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Fire...Fire Dragon burns the city?" Axel stuttered in surprise: "But this is too small?"

"Yes, this is the ' Fire Dragon ', and the Fire Dragon that burned the Victory Arsenal." Christian yawned, grabbed his pipe and started smoking again.

"You mean... the Fire Dragon is a natural phenomenon?" Winters' eyebrows rose.

"Yes, and no." Christian spit out a smoke ring: "If you have to say it, it is a natural phenomenon. Alas, I will show you a picture and you will understand."

Before he finished speaking, Christian began to rummage through the boxes again, and finally pulled out a roll of dusty kraft paper from the top of the bookshelf.

He spread the kraft paper on the desk, and Winters and Axel took a closer look at the table, and immediately recognized what this parchment was.

is the map, the map of Jade City. To be precise, the old Jade City map before the fire. The Victory Arsenal also occupies more than half of the port area, and the city is still disordered and in a mess, an unplanned onion structure.

"When you send wind to the fire source at a certain angle, you will form a Fire Dragon volume, which is actually a whirlwind plus flames." Christian wrapped a robe that reached the ground and pointed at the map with a pipe. His eyes were blank, but his speech was very clear: "The buildings in the fire field that day acted as air ducts. We used the magic-driven wind and the sea breeze from the sea to converge in the fire field, thus forming the Fire Dragon volume."

As Winters recalled the day, Axel suddenly realized.

But before Christian finished speaking, he continued muttered: "The Fire Dragon volume is a positive feedback system. The Fire Dragon volume will suck air from the surrounding, and the more air that touches the fire source, the more the fire will burn. The more it burns. The more the fire burns, the bigger the Fire Dragon roll will be. Burn it at the end... burn it until everything that can be burned is burnt."

"Then the Fire Dragon burns the city, doesn't it? It's just a coincidence! It was a mistake that led to the appearance of the Fire Dragon tornado. But they made you a scapegoat...why didn't you write a book to defend yourself?" Axel slapped his thigh angrily.

"Self-defense? What's there to defend yourself?" Christian's expression was very strange: "Fire Dragon burned the city because of the sorcerer's reversal of the wind, why should I defend myself?"

"So speaking of which, the Fire Dragon volume is just a coincidence and cannot be reproduced?" Winters suddenly had a little regret.

He always thought that if he could unlock the secret of Fire Dragon's burning city, there might be one more "Fire Dragon scroll technique" in sorcerer's spell book.

However, according to Christian, the Fire Dragon burning the city was just a coincidence, and the Fire Dragon scrolling technique seemed hopeless.

"Recurrence?" Teacher Christian sniffed again, and said an astonishing sentence: "Of course you can."

Saying, Christian again Find a candle and light it.

He made the casting gesture, not even looking at the candle. And the flame of the candle actually swirled and rose again, like a pocket Fire Dragon roll in the glass cylinder just now.

"Well, here it is," Christian said casually.

Winters was already stunned.

"After I figured out Fire Dragon's burning city, I found the spinning motion very interesting." Christian yawned again and asked Winters: "Student Montagne, do you think there are several types of acceleration in acceleration magic. ”

[Note: Christian has not touched the “Notes of Antoine-Laurent” yet, so he still uses the old name, calling the “kinetic energy spell” an “acceleration spell”]
"Well, isn't it one kind?"

"No, it used to be one, but now it's two." Christian replied: "One is the acceleration you learned, straight line. Motion, I call it linear acceleration [linear kinetic energy]. The other one I just showed you, rotational motion, I call it angular acceleration [angular kinetic energy]. Do you know what that means, Montagne student? "

Christian's remarks shattered Winters' understanding of magic and completely overturned the league's existing kinetic energy spell system. But his tone was like saying "it's so hot today".

Axel was completely stupid, he couldn't understand what the two people in front of him were saying.

Winters was still digesting the teacher's words, and his brain almost stopped: "Uh...I don't know."

Christian knocked on the ash and continued his shocking Speech: "This means that Antoine Laurent is wrong, your training method is wrong, and the training of all league sorcerers is wrong. Angular acceleration and linear acceleration are two abilities, but when you are training, you will It is treated as an ability, just like the hands and feet are trained as one limb. Montagne student, what do you think is the essence of deviance?”

“The application of an object perpendicular to its direction of motion Acceleration." Winters reflexively recites book content.

"That's wrong, Montagne student, that's wrong." Christian patted Winters' shoulder, in the tone of the class: "The essence of declination is to use angular acceleration to rotate the object. You use linear acceleration to Unleashing the deflection is like imitating the sounds of an ancient language in Common. It's both inarticulate and accented. Or to put another's like drinking soup with a spoon in your foot. Montagne student, so you think What is the Fire Dragon Scroll?"

The deadly series of questions brought Winters' mind to a complete halt, and he seemed to be back in class again, being called up to answer the questions in succession.

Christian asked and answered himself: "Fire Dragon Rolling Technique is actually a composite spell of a deflection technique and a Wind Control Technique. Do you understand? Go back and practice, and you will be able to."

The living room fell into a dead silence.

It was a long time before Winters spoke.

"teacher, do you know what you just said?" Winters, who came back to his senses, even trembled.

"What what?" This time it's Christian's turn for an unfathomable mystery.

"You have deconstructed the kinetic energy class spell! Deconstruction, real deconstruction, complete deconstruction, finding laws and principles in chaos. This is what Antoine Laurent could not do. Achievement! The Magic Warfare Bureau... The Alliance should award you a ton of medals!" Winters was so excited that he was already incoherent.

"Oh," Christian replied casually.

On the way back to the dormitory, Ike said to Winters in confusion, “I still don’t understand why you are so excited. It's nothing? Can make things spin... This is very difficult to deal with?"

"Very difficult to deal with, and it's significant." Having left Christian's house, Winters' excitement is still there It didn't fade: "You know what? Maybe the imperial court mages would have used Fire Dragon scrolls for a long time, but they will always only 'know', they will never understand the mystery. And the power of our alliance's sorcerer comes from reason, We are eager to understand the law of everything. The more we know about this world rule of operation, the more we can do, so our potential is endless. From Antoine Laurent to Christian, someday old age The magician will be far behind us.

Winters came to Christian today for another purpose, everything today is an unexpected harvest.

What Winters originally wanted to ask The relationship is even bigger, and he wanted to ask the former director of the sorcerer teaching and research department: on the night of the Fire Dragon burning the city, whether dozens of sorcerers used spell together caused some unexpected changes, such as... increase, expansion.

After seeing Christian, Winters can't even help but wonder if the spell overload that night caused his sanity to go awry, since it's likely Christian who actually guided the spell that night.

But Winters held back and didn't ask.

Because he realized that if Veneta was going to build his own military academy, maybe... Perhaps now is the best time to "please" Christie Teacher An to Veneta.

But if you want to bring Christian to Veneta, you can't make the province realize the value of Christian Huygens.

And if Christian can dig out the answer to Winters' question, it may mean more to the alliance sorcerer than the discovery of angular kinetic energy...



When Winters and Axel returned to the dormitory, two interprovincial officers in the uniform of a colonel were guarding the door with a group of unfamiliar soldiers.

Not officers, but soldiers, real soldiers, unfamiliar faces.

"You two! Come here!" Seeing Winters and Axel, one of the mustache commanders snapped, "You two are Veneta?"

" I am, he is not," Winters replied. The term 'Veneta' made him very uncomfortable.

Hearing the answer, the mustache Colonel pointed at Winters and shouted loudly: "It's him! Catch him!"

Five or six soldiers rushed like wolves. Come and restrain Winters.

"Why arrest me!" Winters was furious, but he didn't resist, couldn't resist, and was tied up by the soldiers.

Axel didn't know what was going on either, so he pressed his anger and asked, "Sir! We just took a walk in the school for a while, and we won't arrest anyone, right?!"

"Shut up!" Moustache stepped forward and gave Ike a big slap in the face: "You took people away privately, and you haven't settled the account yet! Go to the Military Law Office by yourself! When the work is over here I'll take care of you!"

Ekko stood still.

Mustache gave Ike another slap in the face: "get lost!"

Axel of Orange gave Captain Mustache a deep look and respected him. With a salute, he turned and moved towards the military law department without saying a word, looking back at Winters from time to time.

Another school officer rode to the door of the dormitory, followed a long distance and asked loudly: "Have you found it?"

"Found it!" Mustache rushes to replied : "All, found."

The riding schoolmaster glanced at Winters, and Winters responded with a look full of anger.

The riding cadet sneered and waved: "Take it away!"

Mustache led Winters to the gate of the Army Officer Academy, where several carriages were parked. It was one of those special carriages for transporting prisoners, the carriages were dark, huge, reinforced with steel bars, and there were no windows all around.

Mustache pointed to a carriage, and the soldiers pushed Winters in.

There was a chaotic sound in the carriage.


"What's the matter?"

"Who's here?"

"It's Winters!" Andre's irritable voice sounded: "It's Winters · Montagne!"

The car had a small window with iron railings on the top, leaking a little light. In the dim light, Winters saw that there were other people in the carriage—other Veneta contemporaries.

The students hurriedly untied the ropes on Winters. Winters calmly asked Andre: "What's going on?"

Andre replied irritably: "I. He. Mom doesn't know either...Gan. His. Mom's inter-provincial hillbilly"

After the car door was closed, there were several more metal bangs, apparently using multiple structural reinforcements.

Not long after Winters got in the car, the carriage started to drive.

Without windows, Warrant Officer Veneta had no way of knowing where they were going.

The shouting was ignored.

Abusive, no response.

The carriage continued until nightfall before it stopped.

Winters listened carefully to the sounds outside, as if changing horses.

Mustache's face emerges from the bars on the roof of the carriage as he oversees soldiers stuffing water bags and bread into the carriage.

"I'm going to pee!" Andre yelled angrily.

"With a bucket," Mustache replied.

"I'm going to shit!" Andre was even more angry.

"Also use bucket."


"I thank you for my mom."

"Where are you taking us?" Winters asked sternly. He doesn't look angry anymore, or too angry to see his anger.

"Where are you going?" A strange smile appeared on the mustache's face: "You are going to Palatu, the country of galloping horses."

The Scroll of Galloping Horses, Of course in the country of galloping horses.

Christian's cognition is still limited by the times. The formation of the large Fire Dragon volume is not only related to the fire field, but also to the atmospheric conditions, but he has made considerable progress.

I drew a schematic diagram of his Fire Dragon volume experimental equipment, and those who didn't pay attention can look up.

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, thank you for the monthly ticket of the book friends day lens, thank you.

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