Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 114


Chapter 114 The Wave
"Layton, this idiot, hasn't grown up in so many years." One of the men is complaining: "It's convenient for him to take civilians from his home and hold them hostage. Why doesn't he think about how the Republic will rule here after the war?"

This was an intimate dinner, the location At Red Sulphur Harbor, there were two other people at the table - Antonio and Winters.

Hearing the speaker ruthless berating Major General Rost Leighton, Winters just drank the soup and said nothing.

It was Antonio hearing this, putting down the tableware and defending it: "The situation was special at that time, and he had nothing else to do. But then again, Layton's reputation among the civilians on the island is now On the contrary, it was an accident."

"Of course. He first scared the islanders to piss their pants, and then he came to kill the people. Of course, the Tanirians are grateful to him." The man coldly snorted, said disdainfully: "But it's all temporary, the islanders will gradually forget their fear and gratitude, maybe even Layton's name. I just remember that the Veneta people once took their family to fill the trenches. ."

If someone else said this remark, it would probably be regarded as a gibberish.

However, the man at the dinner table is qualified to judge Layton, because he is Gus Lanci, an old classmate of Antonio and Layton, the governor of Red Iwo Island who has just arrived.

Gus Lanci has an unusual resume. He graduated from the Army Officer Academy in the same class as Antonio Seretti and Roster Leighton, and was also born in the cavalry department.

After entering the army, Gus Lanci has been promoted step by step, and he was expected to get the baton as the earliest general in the same period. But after sixteen years of service, for some reason Gus Lanci suddenly gave up his promising future in the army, turned to politics, and became a glorious and humble public servant.

Fortunately, there is also a great character in the administrative system. Gus Lanqi started from the lowest level of notary public, and went all the way to meteoric rise, and soon sat on the position of the mayor of Modonggang, and got the The evaluation of "smart, strong, and disciplined".

Because of his background, origin and past experience, Gus Lanci still maintains inextricable links with the Army and the military. He is also considered to be an important role between the two major systems of administration and military. bridge of communication.

It is precisely because of this that the ruling five-member group appointed him as the first governor of Chisulfur Island.

Gus and Antonio had a strong friendship, and for Winters he was "the Uncle who used to come to the house as a kid". Antonio invited Gus to a private dinner and called Winters over.

"Soldiers, they shouldn't think about politics." Antonio smiled leniently, and he frowned again and asked: "But I don't understand now, the so-called 'semi-colonies' in the resolution. 'What exactly does that mean?"

"Semi-colony" is the political status given to "new territories" such as Red Sulphur Island and Haiquan Island by the Veneta ruling committee.

"Hi, it's actually quite simple. Think about it, since it's a semi-colony, what's the other half?" Gus's face showed that "smart guy who knows everything" smile.

"Semi-Overseas Territory?"

"No." Gus shook his finger: "It's a semi-occupied area. But if you use this title, it's tantamount to acknowledging the Federation. Ownership of the archipelago. The quintet did not want to rule the archipelago as Conqueror, nor to grant citizenship to the Tanirians now, so the term semi-colony was coined."

"It seems that the Governor The government has no intention of actually including the archipelago as part of Veneta?" Antonio's worries deepened.

"The Archon has a long-term plan for the archipelago. I believe that in the future, the archipelago will gradually have a political status equal to that of the mainland, but not now." Gus Lanchi said and left the table. Walking to the window, looking at the red sulfur port terminal outside the window, he said slowly: "Give the Tanirians citizenship now, how can the Republic squeeze money out of the archipelago?"

, Even Winters, who had been eating silently, stopped what he was doing.

Gus returned to his seat and said with a hearty smile: "To put it bluntly, I was sent here to get money."

"Is finances so tight? ' Winters couldn't help asking.

"I don't know how many ducats are still in the treasury, but war is definitely a costly business. The war with the Federation may be profitable in the long run, but the short-term deficit must be filled as much as possible. Ah, so I'm here."

Winters sighed inwardly: " to fill?"

"Since it is our enemy, then the Red Iwo Island Council All the fixed assets of the company will be confiscated and realized. The property owned by members of the council will also be confiscated and auctioned.” After explaining briefly, Gus Lanci leaned back in his chair and said with a smile: “The fastest way to create wealth It is to build an empire, and the fastest way to build an empire is to destroy an empire."

The members of the council are equal to all the planters on the island. The fixed assets of the Red Sulphur Island Council are essentially the public property of all residents on the island.

"There is a plantation owner on the island who played a big role in the battle to capture the Red Sulfur Port. Can you give him a little slack?" Winters immediately thought of Carl of Red Pine Manor. Man.

"Yes, it's very simple." Gus replied in a relaxed tone: "You Legion send me a document, and leave the rest to me."

Winters was relieved, thinking of the slaves on the island again, and asked, "What about the slaves in the plantation."

"That's easy too." Gus Lan Qi has already made up his mind: "Vinetta's laws do not allow slavery of any form, but slaves are important property of the plantation. So when the plantation is seized, all the slaves on the island can redeem themselves."

"Where did the slave get the money to redeem himself?" Winters laughed.

“The Veneta government can lend them a sum of money to redeem themselves.” Gus took a sip of wine, as it should be by rights: “The slave who has recovered his freedom will use labor to repay the debt. Okay."

Winters listened to Gus's words, but it seemed that...not much had changed. But this is not the field he can talk about, and he doesn't say anything.

It was Antonio who raised eyebrow and asked: "Doing this would be tantamount to sweeping away the wealthy class of Red Iwo, don't you worry about provoking civil upheaval?"

"Do you think there are more poor people or more rich people on the island?" Gus Lanchi spread out both hands and said with a smile: "The main body of the civil upheaval is 'people'. I will not extend my hands to the property of the commoners and the poor. The rich Strength comes from wealth, depriving them of their property, leaving them with only 'human' attributes, I would like to see how they resist me. Besides, isn't there still you? As long as your swords are sharp enough, Red Iwo Island I can act wilfully. I think they resist, just in time to clean up the red sulfur island."

"It seems that you already have a comprehensive plan." Antonio pondered "You haven't changed in all these years, and you're still so...radical."

"Why else would you want me to come to Iwo?" Gus Lanci used his knuckles to He knocked on the table, and said in a rather cheerful tone: "Who would scrape the money of the poor people of Red Iwo? Only the rich people of Red Iwo would do this. Where did the council's property come from? It's not all from the poor. Squeezed out of my body? I am different, I am too lazy to make money from the poor, I will shave whoever has the money!"

"My duty is to capture the Red Sulphur Island, and I have completed it. ." Antonio sighed: "As for how to rule this place, that is your responsibility. The Directorate must have considered you to be the governor."

"I won't tell you this. Now, I know you're not interested." Gus saw that his old classmate was not interested in his plan, turned his head and looked towards Winters, who was competing with the ribs: "Child, your reputation on the island is also very good! A citizen representative asked me several times 'Can Warrant Officer Montagne stay?' "Buy firewood as a letter", I didn't think much of it at first, but only after the dry firewood was shipped back to the Red Sulphur Port did the residents find that the residents were short of such living materials.

It was originally the surrounding peasants who picked firewood to the city and sold it to the residents of Chisulfur Port. After the landing of Veneta's army, the peasants dared not come. The firewood reserves of the residents were quickly exhausted, and they were worried about what to do.

Seeing that the residents of Red Sulphur Port were in urgent need of fuel, Winters simply distributed the trucks of dry wood they bought for free, which relieved the residents' urgent needs. Winters also stopped by villages around the port to restore firewood supplies to the Red Sulphur port.

Over and over, Warrant Officer Montagne's reputation became very good among the residents of Red Sulphur Harbor.

Two Legions are about to be launched, but there are still some soldiers left on Red Iwo. It should be a Hundred Men Squad, but a Hundred-Men Commander is missing.

Winters was really moved when he heard Gus's proposal. Thinking that it would be safer to stay on Red Sulphur Island and deal with a few plantation owners than to fight against the Union army?
He thought of Kesha, Ella, and Anna, who were looking forward to returning home safely.

Winters looked towards Antonio.

Antonio was stunned when he heard Gus Lanci's proposal, and then said softly to Winters: "It's up to you, stay here if you want."

Winters gritted his teeth, and finally called the head, got up and bowed to Gus, replying: "I'm lacking in ability, there are others who are more suitable for the position in Red Iwo."

"Okay." Gus Lanci didn't say anything more, said with a smile: "The army is still as wicked as ever, I've taken away all the good young men, and I won't leave a useful person for me. ."

"Always frigid irony and scorching satire to the army, aren't you also from the army?" Antonio also said with a smile.

Gus said with a stern face: "So I was a great young man when I was young."

The two looked at each other, laughed heartily.

The slightly drunk Gus Lanci looked towards Winters again: "You brat really looks more and more like your father... I didn't look like this when I was a child... But now I look more and more like Like...when I, Anton and your father were studying in the military academy..."

See the favorite recreational activity of middle-aged males - reminiscing about the glorious past has begun again.

Winters rolled the eyes in his heart, smiled awkwardly, and continued to immerse himself in the soup. Both Rugus and Antonio recalled their youth one by one.

A few hours later, a drunk Gus Lanci was carried into the bedroom by servants, while Antonio and Winters rode away from the more requisitioned Governor's Mansion on Iwo.

"Why do I think" Winters has no scruples with only himself and his uncle: "Lanci Uncle seems to have a personal grudge with the Federation?"

Antonio lightly said : "Because Gus Ranchi...was originally a Tanirian."



Red Sulphur Harbor is formidable The star-shaped fortress was only defended for one day, while the old Tacheng city was finally conquered after a full month of hard fighting.

The siege exhausted the Veneta soldiers and cast a shadow on the hearts of all officers. Some officers even said in private: "If the Tanis' defenders are as difficult as William Kidd, then we might as well make peace on the basis of the results we have already achieved."

After a break After many months, the Legion of the Great Veneta and the Legion of San Marco, who had been replenished, left the island of Red Sulphur.

The officers' fears did not come true to some extent, and not all of them had the will of William Kidd.

Three weeks later, the Union defenders of Cutthroat Harbor surrendered to the Veneta army.

A month later, the Legion of Veneta and the Legion of San Marco captured Santorini.

It's December, and the climate of the archipelago in winter is very different from that of Veneta. It hurts deeply. Even though the temperature hasn't reached freezing yet, I don't feel warm in two layers of clothes.

The waves on the ocean are getting rougher by the day, and it is difficult for galleys to sail safely in this unpredictable Sea Territory. Only large round boats can carry supplies between the archipelago and Veneta. .

After the main fleet was destroyed, the Tanirians changed their tactics and returned to what they were best at - piracy.

Offshore islets, jagged shore breaches, miasmatic lagoons... the Tanirians' nimble clippers are hiding everywhere, waiting to hunt down the unarmed Veneta transports .

The Veneta Navy had to put more warships into the operation of protecting the route, and the brutal attack and counter-attack war started on the sea of Senas in winter.

The supplies of the Veneta Army are getting increasingly difficult, so they have to break the original policy and instead raise supplies locally. This further aroused the resistance of the Tanirians.

In the face of an unsuitable environment, Antonio Seretti and Roster Leighton still relentlessly drove the soldiers towards the next Tanirian city.

However, when faced with the fortified fortifications of Gusa, even the most ruthless officers could not let the tired soldiers attack.

The Battle of Gusa turned into a long and difficult siege. The Venetas were powerless to attack, and the Gusa defenders were powerless to fight back. In the biting cold wind, behind the three-meter-deep trench, the Veneta army outside the city quietly waited for the people in the city to starve to death.

After eating up all the grain, mules, dogs, cats, mice, and leather, the Gusa who had to start eating human corpses finally couldn't bear it any longer. The citizens of Gusa and the Union army began to attack and kill each other, and even the Veneta people outside the city could hear the sound of killing and screaming clearly.

On the second day, when the citizens of Gusa who had killed all the Union soldiers surrendered, the Veneta who entered the city found that this once vibrant and prosperous city... had completely died. .

No Veneta can be happy, not only because of the purgatory-like tragedies in front of them, but also because they have received a message:
The army of the Forsland Republic [Pedestrian Republic] has Settled in Golden Harbor, and received a warm welcome from the Taniria Federation. Announcement of the Union: The archipelago has officially become the eighteenth province of the Union.

Secretary of State Lionel issued a stern note demanding the immediate return of the occupied archipelagic territories by the Republic of Veneta.

The first "Victory Goddess" Legion of the Interprovincial Army pointed directly at the occupied area of Veneta, facing the Legion of Veneta and the Legion of San Marco across the river.

Victory Goddess Legion is gearing up, provoking small-scale bloodshed and friction many times, and everyone knows the idea of who wants to take advantage of the exhaustion of Veneta's veterans and veterans to wipe out the two Legions.

The situation within the alliance is heating up rapidly, and even the most optimistic Cenas people about the alliance are now unable to assert that a civil war will never break out.

Many interprovincial commentators clamored to "completely resolve the chronic ailment of the Confederate state" and "remove the status quo of the military independence of the Veneta Republic".

De Bella also gave Veneta a new title, giving tit for tat: Lord of the three-fifths of the Tanirian Islands.

This title is on the one hand due to the careful and shrewd nature of the Veneta people to put everything in the balance - the Veneta people really occupy three-fifths of the archipelago's territory.

But at the same time, I am telling the people of the United Province: I can not claim the other two-fifths of Taneria, but you don't want me to vomit the three-fifths of the islands I have eaten. come out.

The Covenetas only got three-fifths after all, which was the result of the continuous battle between Antonio and Layton in the winter.

The Veneta people fought desperately, and in the end they only made wedding dresses for the United Provinces. The Interprovincials, as easy as blowing off dust, took the other two-fifths of the archipelago, including the best parts of Taniria - Golden Harbour and the main island.

On the Tanilla Islands, witnessing military struggles and political games, you will come on stage, Winters has spent winter, spring, and a new year's midsummer.

Compared with the high-spirited and vigorous youth who just walked out of the military academy at this time last year, Winters lost 13 kilograms, and his whole body changed from strong to thin. The cheeks were sunken, and the lines of the cheekbones and jaw became clearer.

Several sieges after sieges have tortured him like this, and all Veneta have suffered the same.

He started growing a beard on his chin—actually shaving in the winter had cracked the skin on his face, and everyone just stopped taking care of it.

Many officers were killed, and even a trainee officer like him is now a Hundred-Men Commander, in charge of a half-staffed Hundred Men Squad.

According to Anna's request, he wrote many letters, each of which was written in great detail. But none of them could be sent back—the exchanges with the local ships were intermittent, and even officers did not have the privilege to take up precious shipping capacity to send letters.

A year has passed, and the probationary period has ended. Winters, Bud, Andre, and the others will return to Jade City to get their official ranks.

(End of Tide Scroll)
This is yesterday's update, there is another update tonight...should...

The Tide Scroll is over, didn't expect First Volume actually wrote 500,000 words. I thought that writing 200,000 words would be wordy enough. The next volume will be written a little more concisely, trying not to drag the content of the plot as much as possible. I really didn't want to write so much, but I wrote it when I wanted to, without any regrets.

This volume is an introduction to the stage background, the main characters and forces appear, and the tide has begun to rise. "All the stories that will happen in the future can find the answer in the past."

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, thanks to the book friends who have been with this book,

Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation in the past two days, thank you Thanks everyone.

Self/entertainment/self/music, never/think/ever/earn/money/also/don't/feel/get/write/get/good/to/other/person/spend/money/purchase

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