Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 113


Chapter 113 Victory is on the way to a new victory
In the sea blue city, a grand parade ceremony is being held.

Walking at the front is the black robed cultivator carrying the incense burner, the strange aroma escaping from the shaking incense burner and permeating the whole street.

The atmosphere of the parade became mysterious and psychedelic amid the smoke.

The four priests carried the remains of St. Mark, which were contained in the golden casket, and followed closely from behind - three hundred years ago, two Veneta merchants stole the remains from the port of conquest and brought them back After the sea blue, St. Ma can become the main protector of the sea blue and even the entire Veneta.

Winters, clad in full ceremonial armor, rode the 'Fortune' of the steed, and followed the remains of Saint with the captured Tanirian battle flag upside down. The same goes for the other Veneta officers who have returned from Red Iwo.

Behind the queue of Knights, there were three prison wagons. The sea blue people don't recognize the prisoner's face, but they don't have to think about it and know that it must be the great character of the Taniria Federation.

They guessed right, the famous pirate, captain, and explorer William Kidd was locked in the prison car in the middle.

The prisoners brought back from Chi Sulphur Island were not only those in the prison car, but General Serbiati and General Layton sent all the prisoners back to Hailan to participate in the ceremony.

However, the transport ship holding ordinary prisoners unfortunately sank, leaving only a few important prisoners in solitary confinement still alive, all in prison cars.

Although the captive queue looks a bit shabby, it does not affect the joy of the Veneta.

After the prison car were two carefully decorated carriages. The clown in Chinese clothes grabbed a handful of Silver Coin and spice powder from the purse on the carriage, moved towards the crowd and splashed it, causing waves of looting .

As if the carnival was coming early, the whole city was restless.

The streets and alleys on the side of the road were crowded with people, the little child ran to the roof, and the woman leaned out from the window on the second floor along the street, waving bouquets and fans. Many civilians followed the parade with joy.

Cannon salutes are fired, bells are tolled, fireworks are set off, thanksgiving services are held, and the city becomes a sea of joy and happiness.

The long procession went around the city like this, and finally returned to the starting point of Parliament Square.

As captured battle flags, weapons, armor, and even four cannons were thrown one by one onto the guard's loggia - right at the feet of Pasius holding Medusa's head high - the crowd become more frenzied.

Excited emotions infected everyone, and everyone caught in it couldn't extricate themselves. The people gathered in the Veneta shouted over and over again "Victory! San Marco! Victory! San Marco!" desperately reaching out to touch the golden casket containing the holy remains.

The atmosphere is blurry and frenetic, with people thanking the gods and Saint for their victories and longing for even the slightest blessing on their own. The victory parade has in a sense turned into a religious parade.

Even the officers' honor guard became the center of the vortex.

The reserved girls and young women were thrown into the Sea of Seine by excited girls and young women, who threw their bouquets and silk fans to the majestic Knights one after another.

Many daring women even took off their masks and veils and threw them at officers serving as guards of honor—a very, very blatant suggestion in Veneta culture.

For a while, Winters only felt that there was a rain of hard objects moving towards him, and the rain of arrows from the Tanirians had never been so dense. He was only fortunate to be wearing a full set of plate armor and helmet, otherwise he would have been smashed all over his head.

After the seven rounds of salute, Archon De Bella's silhouette appeared on the guard loggia.

The Archon begins an impassioned speech, but Winters can barely hear anything.

In fact, no one in Parliament Square should be able to hear what's going on. Every time Debella said a word, the crowd responded with huge cheers. The cheers even interrupted Debella's speech several times, forcing the consul to wait until a little quiet before continuing.

But Winters didn't care what the people on the loggia were saying. According to the process, once the consul starts to speak, the honor guard can be disbanded.

The noise made Qiang Yun a little uneasy, the three-year-old snorted in dissatisfaction, and Warrant Officer Montagne now just wanted to get out of the frenzied parliament square as soon as possible.

Taking advantage of the crowd's attention being shifted to the consul who was speaking, the officers who returned from Chisulfur Island exchanged gestures, got off their horses, and pushed their horses to the outside of the square with difficulty.

Of course, the honor guard left quietly, and the girls along the way tried their best to put jewelry, paper with addresses, handkerchiefs embroidered with family crests and initials into the arms of the young men.

A small folding fan made of fragrant wood is even tucked into the viewing window of Winters' helmet. The foreign object moved towards the eyes, and Winters dodged subconsciously before crashing into another lady's arms.

The officers squeezed out of the square in embarrassment, and when they got to a place where the crowd was sparse, they were able to take off their helmets that were so stuffy they couldn't breathe.

"Huh? Where's the Don Juan?" Lieutenant Pisani nodded, realizing that the number was wrong.

"Huh? People disappeared?" Winters hearing this was also surprised. After counting again, he found that Don Juan was not the only one missing: "Won't I be trampled?! I'll go back and look for it!"

After saying that, Winters got on his horse and was about to go into the crowd.

Captain Lailo reached out and grabbed the reins of Qiangyun, and said helplessly: "You kid, it's really... Since they didn't follow us out, there must be a place to go. You don't Recklessly messing things up!"

Winters then realized what was going on, didn't know whether to cry or laugh and dismounted again.

"Montagne is too young to understand." Pisani asked with a teasing: "It's Lalo Senior, why did you come out with us?"

Lalo and Pisani looked at each other, and the two tacitly smiled meaningfully.

Not long ago, Winters was in a purgatory-like siege. Now, he's a war hero, back in prosperous, crowded, bustling sea blue, surrounded by friends chatting women, women and women.

Winters has not been able to adapt to this change in distance and contrast.

In the square, the noisy voices gradually converged into one name: "San Marco! San Marco! San Marco!"

Hearing the crowd's shouts, Winters He smiled: "I don't remember which Tanirian San Marco killed himself."

Other officers around him smiled awkwardly when they heard Winters' rebellious speech.

"We are the hands of San Marco! Hahaha, this is actually a lively scene, to make everyone happy." Pisani immediately laughed and hugged Winters' neck: "You think people Will the old fogey go out to the loggia and spit? Who makes the Veneta like this? If he doesn't make everyone happy, where will the money come from to keep fighting?"

Winters , and also know that Pisani Senior is giving him a roundabout, and laughed a few times with nodded. .

"Don't look at the hype, this may be the cheapest way to save money." Lai Luo was also a little disappointed: "1 month later Hailan people will forget our name, but even a hundred years later People will also recall this grand victory parade afterward. Debella, an old man, is a master at making people's hearts!"

In the familiar carriage not far away, Winters saw inside the car. The person in the car was waving to him, and knowing that the people in the car were waiting in a hurry, they said goodbye to the others. The officers of the honor guard had their own places, and they were disbanded on the spot as a matter of course.

Winters tied the strong-carrying reins to the rear of the carriage and opened the door.

Ana is in the car and has been waiting for a long time.

She stretched out her hand and pulled Winters into the car, and said with a smile, "I really feel that Hailan hasn't been so lively in a long time."

"The battle has not been won yet, now It's a little too early to celebrate the victory." Winters sighed, and he was a little worried when he mentioned it.

But Winters didn't realize it: this is not the atmosphere to say that. The air in the carriage seemed to have suddenly cooled three points because of his coldness.

Anna didn't let go of Winters' hand, she vaguely felt that Winters couldn't be as happy as before.

She squeezed Winters' hand and feigned anger: "Mr. Montagne, you really should learn how to please girls!"

"Hahaha, who can I ask? Teach me?" Winters' face showed a heartfelt smile for the first time today.

"Of course that is..." Anna smiled halfway through, and her eyes were suddenly attracted by the helmet that Winters put beside her: "...Huh? What is that?"

Before Winters can react, Anna has let go of his hand and picked up his helmet.

A small and delicate folding fan is attached to the helmet.

At this point, Winters was ignorant about the crisis at hand, and he replied somewhat unfathomable mystery: "Isn't it a folding fan?"

Ana took the folding fan from her helmet and opened it to check. Once again, I picked up my helmet and sniffed. Anna, who had come to a conclusion, looked at Winters with a very playful look.

Warrant Officer Montagne then realized something was wrong, and he explained cautiously, "It was stuffed by someone else...I don't know who put fact, I don't want to... This folding fan almost touched my eyes..."

Ana played with the folding fan, with a faintly discernable smile on the corner of her mouth. She didn't speak, just listened to Winters defend himself.

"If you like...for you?" Winters said helplessly. But after thinking about it, he felt that this kind of gift was a bit strange, and changed his words: "I should buy an identical one for you, right?"

"No, I want this one." Anna Suddenly the folding fan was put away.

"Okay, it's yours."

Anna stood up suddenly and approached Winters. The strands of hair caressed Winters' face, so close that Winters could almost feel the heat on Anna's body.

There should be no difference in human body temperature, but Winters could really feel Anna's body hot right now.

" are you doing..." Warrant Officer Montagne's breathing almost stopped.

Ana stretched her arms around Winters' neck, then... untied the belt buckles of Winters' breastplate.

The ceremonial armor that Winters now wears is not the shoddy breastplate that is given to ordinary sword and shield fighters. Although this set of honor guards does not fit well, it is a complete set of three-quarter plate armor with exquisite workmanship.

This armor is especially well protected for the core area. If encountered in hand-to-hand combat, it is enough to give the most brilliant swordsman a headache.

But even with such a tight-fitting armor, several handkerchiefs were stuffed into the gaps under the armpits and waist by the women. Winters didn't even notice when it was crammed in - there were just too many people, too crowded.

Winters voluntarily untied his armguards, and sure enough, he was also tucked into two handkerchiefs.

"You're quite popular... Monta. Nirvana." Anna remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, folded the handkerchiefs one by one, word by word say.

The handkerchiefs were sprayed with perfume, and the car was very fragrant.

Winters said helplessly: "Once you put on this helmet, you don't know what's inside. If there's anything really popular, it's just this armor. You put it on, If you walk around the square, you will definitely gain more than me."

Anna puchi laughed and put the folded handkerchief into Winters' hands: "Okay, okay, keep these handkerchiefs. Well. When you are old, you can take it and recall your glorious days."

"Do I need it?"

After he finished speaking, he put the helmet on Anna's head, grabbed the handkerchief and stretched out the window, and began to concentrate one's mind.

Although in absolute terms, Winters' magic level has not improved significantly. But after a lot of battles, his magic skills are like worlds apart from before. Equivalent to is that the strength has not changed much, but the skills of exerting force and fighting have been hammered increasingly sophisticated.

Winters smoothly enters a spellcasting state, unleashing a fire spell, and the flammable silk handkerchief catches fire instantly.

Anna, who took off her helmet, snorted lightly: "I'm not afraid that you will accept other people's handkerchiefs."

"I don't want to accept it, I'm afraid." Winters only felt exhausted.

Anna glared sullenly, suddenly leaned over and touched Winters' forehead lightly with her lips, then casually threw the folding fan engraved with a certain lady's name out of the window.

The black carriage slowly left Parliament Square.


Actually, what Archon Debella did—what Winters didn’t listen to, the people in the square didn’t—was important.

Although the war is not over yet.

But De Bella used a grand victory parade to convince the Veneta of three things: Veneta has won, Veneta is winning, and Veneta is on its way to new victories .

Debella took the opportunity to announce three things.

First of all, in the future, a new statue of San Marco will be cast with captured Tanirian cannons and weapons - this is basically the traditional habit of the Veneta people, of course, the old ones are used. cannons and weapons;

Secondly, all debtors can receive debt relief through service;
Finally, a draw will be performed in the rural areas of Veneta to form two new Legions . The war will continue until Veneta finally wins;
The second and third things are actually the same thing: the source of troops.

The standing army is a recruited, elite professional soldier; the reserve is a well-trained citizen.

That is, half of the Great Veneta Legion and the entire San Marco Legion are made up of the city's population—most of whom are the citizens of La Mer.

These drafted reservists are the heart of the city. Being trained in weapons and carrying weapons is a privilege in Veneta, and the underclassmen who are struggling to live have no energy or money to acquire them.

So reservists are essentially "citizen soldiers", wealthy merchants and craftsmen in the city. They undergo military training once a week, and a considerable number of reserve soldiers acquire their own weapons and armor.

Because of this, although not as elite as the standing army, the reserve soldiers also showed strong battle strength in the battle on the Red Illusion Island.

But the two Legions have already drained nearly 10,000 of the absolute urban workforce -- able-bodied adult male citizens.

Continuing to recruit reservists on a large scale, the production and life of Veneta cities such as Hailan will inevitably be affected.

So new Legions and supplementary soldiers will be recruited from rural areas... Whether this decision will be a good or a bad one is anyone's guess.

A week after the Victory Parade, a new fleet was assembled at Lamar Harbor.

Before leaving, De Bella held a grand expedition ceremony.

Gongs and drums blared, horns blared, and the clergy held religious ceremony to bless the fleet.

De Bella handed over to Admiral Chloe Zeno a battle flag with a lion embroidered with gold thread on the bottom of the red flag, wearing a crown, grow pair of wings , holding a sword in one paw and a scripture in the other.

The Archon solemnly declared:

You have been given a sacred mission by God to use your courage to defend this Republic and avenge those who dared to insult him and violate its safety. We award to you this victorious and formidable banner and your task is to carry it triumphantly, without tarnishing its honor.

Amid the cheers and salutes of the people, the fleet slowly left Hailan Harbor.

However, in fact, the ship is loaded with only supplementary troops and military supplies. The two new Legions have not yet been assembled, and even their numbers have not yet been determined.

Chloe Zeno is also only a Commodore, and his status in the military is far lower than that of Nareshaw, Antonio and Layton.

But the ceremony was not held when the Legion of the Great Veneta went on the expedition, and San Marco did not hold the ceremony when he went on the expedition. Instead, the ceremony of a small supply fleet made the expedition of the ceremony very lively, so that people who knew the inside story. Can not help but hey.

Winters is also in this fleet.

The reason why he returned to the homeland was to escort the captives as a part-time job, and his main purpose was to heal his wounds. Dr. Kane sternly told him "If you don't want to amputate an arm, just go home and rest."

But after three weeks off, Winters felt that the arrow wound was almost healed.

He didn't want to fight, but Antonio was on the front line, Bud, Andre, Moritz were all on the front line, and he couldn't bear to hide in the safety of home and watch his relatives and friends bleed
So Winters Warrant Officer Montagne applied for early return.

The faces of those who were seeing off on shore were lost, and Winters returned to the cabin. He cautiously opened the delicate pendant in his hand, which contained the portraits of Kesha and Ella...and Anna's.

It is Anna's gift to capture the soul of the person being painted with delicate brushstrokes on a small piece of paper.

Anna's voice lingered in his ears: "Write me a letter! Mr. Montagne, write me a hundred letters, please write them everyday all. Tell me, you can tell me! I will too! Write to you every day! I'll be waiting for you...I'll write to you every day! Please write to me too! Don't forget me..."

Winters stared for a while, then dropped the pendant Closing the button, it cautiously hangs back around the neck.

Before leaving, he promised Anna that "when this is over... leave the military or apply for a secure position".

“Retiring as a lieutenant colonel is not bad, actually,” Winters pondered as he lay on the bed.


On the shore, the shadow of the ship on the other side of the sea has gradually disappeared below the sea level.

Elizabeth supported the tearful Serbian Lady Lei, and Sophia held the crying Nava Young Lady Lei.

Ella didn't expect to be the youngest and the strongest in the end. She actually wanted to cry, but she firmly believed that "Winters will be fine."


Departing with the military, there are also appointed officials, receiving envoys, businessmen, priests, speculators... The number of these non-military personnel is more than twice that of the military personnel.

Dream of glory and wealth, Veneta's Fourth Fleet sailed to the Tanilla Islands.

Note: This story is purely fictitious, and the "Stealing of San Marco's remains 300 years ago" is inconsistent with the timeline of this universe. The level of technology in the book is probably between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the "stealing of bones" in this world took place in 828. And don't take the plot of the novel seriously.

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, as well as the book friends who voted in the past two days: Xiaocheng young official, please call me Pleasant, black computer accessories, social justice old king, justice pure It is a recommended ticket for koala, the most in your life, writersblock, the world of the world, calm gray past, moon in the cloud 1981, sky lens, Tianshui has a beautiful woman, sassy [], thank you all. Thanks Yun Zhongyue 1981 for the reward. thanks.

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