Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 107


Chapter 107 Reversing the Progress
The day Roster Leighton executed the captive with pickets, Winters attended a secret meeting at the base camp.

The location of the secret meeting is in the Legion Vault. Like the headquarters, the Legion Vault is located in the center of the field camp and is one of the most important buildings in the field camp. The semi-underground structure has the best sound insulation effect, so it was chosen here for the meeting.

There were no recorders, no orderlies, and even the guards were placed as far as five meters away.

Apart from the two Corps Heads, the attendees were two identities: Antonio and Layton's most trusted officers, and a veteran sorcerer.

It is said that Winters is not qualified to participate in such a high-level meeting-the other people in the vault are at least majors, which round will get him a small warrant officer to participate in the meeting.

But he still has to come. Because...he is the most crucial party, eyewitness and witness.

The atmosphere of the meeting was quite solemn, and Antonio warned with a stern face: "I don't need to say more about the principle of confidentiality. To be called here means that you are the most trusted by me and Roster. This time, what I want to say is very important, even when I’m talking in my sleep, I will tighten the strings of confidentiality.”

Sorcerer, several officers who participated in the meeting, waited silently for the general to continue to speak.

Antonio and Layton looked at each other: "Then let's get started... Warrant Officer Montagne!"

"Here!" Winters stood up reflexively.

"Retelling the battle between you and the 'suspected magic user' on the night San Marco's Legion attacked the Red Sulphur port."

Antonio's words were vague and uncritical. bright. But the officers sitting here are all elites of the Veneta army, and it is impossible to understand the subtext of the major general.

Suspected magic user? Have you ever fought with us?
There is a big problem here.

There may be magicians in other far-flung lands, but unless their brains are rotten, they will travel thousands of miles to this island to help the Tanis fight.

Therefore, the only magic users who can appear on this island besides the alliance sorcerer here... are only the emperor's court mages.

And no matter which of the two is helping the Tanirians on the island, the deeper meaning behind it goes far beyond the fact that there are more magicians in the defenders.

So after hearing the words "suspected magic user" and "battle", Winters saw that the sorcerers of the attending schoolmasters immediately became uneasy: turning their collars, stroking their noses, Shifting weight to the other leg... Subconsciously small movements reveal their inner ups and downs.

Winters, realizing that the generals were restless, organized the language, and briefly described the encounter with the masked mysterious person during the second raid on the Red Sulphur Bay fort.

This time he didn't say "I seem to have killed a court mage" as he told Antonio, but just objectively described the situation where the other party was suspected of using spell abilities, and the sentence that was suspected to be spell chants The ancient language of "set flames into flames".

After Antoine's improvement, the alliance sorcerers all use gestures to silently send spells. Because simply doesn't need to "sing," Winters doesn't know what spell chants actually look like.

But before killing the old shaman Hestas, the enemy recited the phrase "Put the flames into flames" which left an indelible impression on Winters.

It wasn't a roar, it wasn't a scream. Rather, it is chanted without emotion, rhythmically, and in the ancient language.

Winters read in the book: During the War of Sovereignty, the soldiers who survived the massacre of the court mages reported after the battle that the devil sang praises to the Lord of Hell while killing people on the battlefield.

The officers referred to this act of "singing praises" as "spell chants" because they knew it wasn't the devil, but Crazy Richard's most murderous henchman, the court mages.

Every time the court mages attack, there will be similar reports after the war. Therefore, "spell chant" was considered by the Allied Officer Corps to be a necessary prerequisite for the use of magic by court mages.

Based on this understanding, the coalition forces in the sovereign war have tried various tactics designed to interrupt the enemy's singing, such as suppressing the enemy's voice with noise, singing hymns by devout believers, etc. Failed.

However, after fighting the masked man suspected of being a court mage, Winters discovered that the enemy was "chanting" rather than "chanting".

Imagine this: For the army soldiers who joined the army thirty years ago, they could not understand the ancient language, this rhythmic chanting of incantation was in their ears "singing praises in the language of the devil" ".

Therefore, Winters reasonably speculates that the enemy's phrase "to gather flames into flames [ancient language]" is the so-called spell chant, and also the so-called "incantation".

Although he didn't say it at the end, the only one who chanted and cast spells was... the emperor's court mage to the north.

As soon as Winters finished speaking, someone couldn't sit still.

Lieutenant Colonel Mag coughed twice, frowned looked towards Winters: "Warrant Officer Montagne, you killed a court mage?"

Experience With these recent events, Winters began to think "maybe I'm really not fit to be a career officer", and he even sometimes involuntarily wondered "Is it really my will to be a career officer?"

So he He is not greedy for this credit, but he also does not want others to think that he is greedy for credit.

Winters replied sternly: "No, I'm not sure if the other party is a court mage."

"Then let me put it another way." Lieutenant Colonel Mag touched his nose: " You killed a suspected magic user who was singing and casting spells?"

"No, this person was killed by Hed shaman Hestas, the other soldiers present, and me." Winters didn't want to either. exaggerate your role. He knew that if Hestas hadn't interfered in time, he'd be dead.

"Then I'll change the way of asking." Without asking the truth, Lieutenant Colonel Mag said with some displeasure: "How did the suspected magic user die?"

Winters couldn't avoid it, and dignified replied rightly: "I pierced his head with a flying arrow technique."

Lieutenant Colonel Mag coldly snorted, no more questioning. He leaned back and leaned back on the chair.

"Warrant Officer Montagne, do you know that after more than ten years of sovereign war, we have not been able to kill or capture any of the court mages?" Another participant, Colonel Bruce, couldn't help it. Reminder.

"I know." Winters answered succinctly and forcefully.

"But you killed one?" Colonel Bruce continued.

"I'm not sure if the man was a court wizard."

"Are there any other witnesses present?"

"Warrant Officer Bard was with me at the time. Combat."

"Warrant Officer Bud... Warrant Officer? Is that your contemporaneous?"


"Then you must be very close, right? ?"

"Yes." Although Winters' tone didn't change, deep in one's heart also got some anger.

Colonel Bruce wanted to keep asking, but Antonio didn't speak, but Layton couldn't hold back his anger and slapped the table and cursed: "You are soldiers, just say what you want to say! Less mystifying. What are you bullying the little child for? Seeing people make meritorious deeds, you are jealous? Are you here to talk about this? [The swear words of saliva splash across]!"

Layton has to add after every sentence Dirty words, spittle from one side of the table to the other. Others were absolutely silent, and only Layton's furious scolding echoed in the vault.

Colonel Bruce was scolded bloody and swallowed whatever he wanted to ask Winters. Lieutenant Colonel Mag bounced as he leaned against the back of the chair as if he had been struck by a nail. The other school officials were also scolded and shivered.

All the sorcerer officers were sitting and scolding like freshmen in the military academy, which made Winters look relieved. However, he didn't dare to show any expression on his face, just like all the school officials, he sat upright with his eyes, nose, mouth and heart.

After cursing, Leighton put his hands on his knees, his chest heaving violently, panting heavily. After all, he is in his 40s, and scolding people without repetition and breath is also a heavy physical task.

Antonio knocked on the table and said lightly, "Warrant Officer Budd has corroborated Warrant Officer Montagne's statement. I accept the testimony of both of them. But after all, there is no direct evidence, so Major General Layton And I've decided that this fight won't be recorded as a court mage kill. Warrant Officer Montagne, do you have any objections?"

"No!" Winters replied hastily, asking for much more.

"But Major General Layton and I called you here for the meeting, not to discuss Warrant Officer Montagne's determination of the victory." Antonio changed the subject: "Last night's attack on the artillery position confirmed me until now."

He spit out a sentence that turned everyone pale in fright: "The Tanirians still have a second magic user...even the third and third Four."



"All members of the adjacent artillery positions dozens of meters away were killed in the bloody battle, but why do I make a sound Didn't you hear it?"

After waking up from the coma, Winters has been thinking about this question, but he is puzzled.

When he got the confession from the prisoner, he suddenly had a bold idea: If magic can amplify the sound, can magic make the sound disappear?
All spells in the alliance sorcerer system are based on "input energy" as the basic principle, such as acceleration, fire, and amplification.

But Winters, who was exposed to Antoine-Laurent's subversive theory, has gone beyond the cognition of ordinary sorcerers. Antoine Laurent's new theory holds that the essence of magic is to change the state of matter and energy.

If the input energy is to change the energy about the extraction of energy?
Isn't pulling out energy also changing the energy state?

If energy can be extracted, then in theory, magic can achieve the effect of "silencing".

Since the essence of sound is vibration, as long as the vibration of the air is smoothed, the transmission of sound can be cut off.

This is why the prisoners confessed that they "can't hear other people's voices, but can hear their own voices, but it sounds a little strange". Because people hear their own speech, in addition to conduction through the air, there is also bone conduction.

Winters didn't realize that he had opened a new door, he just couldn't help but wonder: "If a shock spell can be reversed, can a fire spell? The direction is reversed, that...isn't that the ice spell that the alliance has not been able to achieve so far?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but start to try actively, but after a long time of tossing, Winters made his first attempt. I felt what Axel felt.

What is color for a person who is born blind?
For a person living in three dimensions, what is four dimensions?
A sorcerer who has never used "Ice spell", how can I find the feeling of using "Ice spell"?
Because the essence of using magic is feeling.

The first thing a sorcerer of the basic introduction path should do is to find the feeling of using magic, and then become proficient in using it again and again, and become able to find that feeling easily.

Winters found himself simply not knowing what it was supposed to feel like to use the "ice spell" and how to get into that state, like a path without a "road".

After staring for ten minutes, he couldn't turn the dripping water into ice.

"It's definitely not going to work like this...have to start with the easiest place..." Wiping the sweat from his brow, Winters thought.

But he has more important things right now and doesn't have time to figure out how to "reverse spell".

He had to tell Antonio that there might be another sorcerer in the tower, maybe even more than one.

That night, Antonio and Layton convened all the trusted high-level officers and senior sorcerers within Legion for a secret meeting.



"There are other magicians in the city, is there any evidence?" Lieutenant Colonel Field asked aloud.

Lieutenant Colonel Field and Major Moritz are in the Legion vault at the moment.

San Marco Legion didn't have a few sorcerers in total, so Layton called all of them. Layton's statement is: "Although this boy Field is very mean, he is a good soldier and can be his little valet too."

Is there any other evidence of magician's existence?

The evidence has always been in front of everyone, but no one thought in this direction at the time.

On the day the Great Veneta Legion attacked the port of Red Sulphur, the great wave that rolled backwards from the pier and hit the Veneta was the best proof.

The huge wave several meters high overturned all of Veneta's boats, and even a large galley that was turning overturned directly.

What kind of big waves hit the sea from the coast? That was by no means a natural wave.

Only magic can explain the unexplainable.

So, if the nature of sound is a vibration, is the nature of an ocean wave also a vibration? If you hit the wall of a water glass, doesn't the water in the glass form little ripples?

Perhaps another term, ocean waves, is a wave?
If the wave is a wave, it can be amplified by magic.

"This is too... ridiculous." Field blushed, even forgetting that he was speaking to a general: "You know how much it takes to make waves that can overturn warships. Huge magic power?! Not to mention me, I can't find such a powerful sorcerer in all the republics! The power of magic has a limit! Because the sorcerer has a limit! No magician can match the power of nature! Can't do it You just can't do it! What you're saying is ridiculous!"

"Field!" Layton picked up the cup and fiercely slammed it on Field: "You bastard! impudent!"

Antonio was not angry, he asked calmly: "Then what do you think... how powerful a sorcerer can make a few hundred square meters of artillery positions silent?
I finally know why the words in the input method. The library will be cleared. Today, the bad cat pressed the power button to force the computer to shut down again, and then the thesaurus was cleared again. Cats should never have a case with the power button facing up! Lessons from blood and tears.

I try to make every plot reasonable, so if some plots are unreasonable, it means that there will be a hole in the future...such as the huge wave that almost drowned Comrade Winters.

Thanks for the previous vote Book friends who have passed the recommendation tickets, thank the book friends Writersblock, Battle Qi Storm, Ami, Yuan Hongjian, and black computer accessories for their recommendation tickets. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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