Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 106


Chapter 106 Execution
After a night of fierce fighting, the corridors near the gun emplacements on the west side are now full of corpses, some of Veneta and some of Tanirians.

Last night's losses would have only been worse had it not been for the Veneta everyday all to bring the leftover gunpowder back to the barracks.

After dawn, the Veneta began to sweep the battlefield and collect the remains of their comrades.

Winters and Taylor, who had hastily treated their wounds, returned immediately to the West-Fourth Artillery.

Winters' forehead had a wound that sent cold shivers down one's spine, and the black cotton thread barely sewed up the wound. If the injury was two inches further down, Winters wouldn't be able to keep his right eye.

Taylor had a stab wound on the top of his head and had to be shaved to get the stitching done.

But they are both lucky people because they are still alive.

Bubba lay in front of them, the body stiffened. The dilated eyes looked towards the sky absentmindedly, and the mouth was long and big, as if it was still shouting.

The right half of his neck was almost smashed, and a lead shot from a heavy musket killed him. In addition to the fatal gunshot wound, he had more than a dozen other large and small wounds.

He fought with wounds until a buckshot killed him.

Bubba was still clutching his long halberd at the last moment of his life. Grip so hard that Taylor couldn't separate his hand from the long halberd.

Winters stood silently behind Tyler, in the last scene he remembered, there were a lot of enemies charging at him, and suddenly he was hit with a Warhammer on the head, blood obscuring his vision . Bubba snarled and waved a long halberd to hold off the enemy, as Tyler and Wake dragged themselves further and further away from Bubba.

He couldn't remember what happened after that. The hit on the head made him almost faint and blurred his consciousness.

During the melee at the artillery position, the Tanirian shooters immediately noticed the Veneta officer who was at the forefront.

Three crossbows quickly aimed at Winters, two crossbowmen missed, but the third one succeeded.

A stubby iron crossbow hit Winters in the face, knocking him to the ground.

If not for the helmet, Winters would have been shot on the spot.

Even Taylor and the others thought Warrant Officer Montagne had been shot dead, only to find that Warrant Officer was still angry when they retrieved the "body". Although the crossbow arrow penetrated the helmet, it could not go any further.

Bubba was killed in the process as the surviving soldiers fought desperately to protect the confused Winters.

If Bubba hadn't stayed behind to block the Tanirian soldiers, Tyler and Wake would never have had the chance to drag Winters away.

"He died like this," Winters thought sadly. "He ate only half a piece of white bread and a little beef soup before he died. He said he was happy to eat white bread, and then he died like this. It's gone."

It is glorious and great to die for the country, maybe the messenger will tell Bubba's parents so. But Winters knew that Bubba didn't die for Veneta at all, he died of a handful of ambitious inflated ambitions.

Those people brought him from his homeland to this island with a loaf of bread, and then let him die here.

"He's not yet twenty, he's only eaten white bread once..."

"Isn't that what you want?" Hands closed Bubba's eyes: "You give Bubba white bread, and you give Bubba meat, isn't that what you're doing? Isn't that what you're trying to do?"

Winters didn't answer.

"Is it?" Tyler's emotions suddenly became agitated, he turned around and grabbed Winters' arm, looked into Winters' eyes angrily and asked, "Really or not?"


Old Tyler seemed to have aged by a dozen years, his anger dissipated, and there was only an endless emptiness, and he murmured: "Then Bubba is a fool. Die...not in vain..."

Winters was silent for a long time, then whispered, "No, he just died in vain. If it wasn't for someone's ambition, he might not have died, and so did Dan. We don't have to die, and many people don't need to die. We don't have to fight for our lives with the Tanirians here."

"I ate military rations while the emperor was still alive, for more than 40 years. I've seen it through in the past, the life of a big boss is the most despised thing in this world. Bubba's life, mine, both, no great character treats us as human beings." Old Taylor carefully arranged for Bubba With his back turned to Winters, he said: "The big boss is not afraid of death, but is only afraid of dying in vain. Bubba is not for the great characters above, he is fighting with the tani for you. If you are not using him, he is worth it. ..."

Tyler covered the wound on Bubba's neck with his collar, stood up, looked Winters in the eyes, and said earnestly, "Warrant Officer Montagne, you have a kind of magic. ...a kind of magic that makes big-headed soldiers willing to die. I have only seen this ability in one person before you, and that is Ned · Smith. Please do not abuse this magic, please remember your kind heart now , when you become a great character, don't let us die in vain."



The Tanirians raided eight at night Three of the artillery positions were nailed to two and a half artillery groups.

The guns of the West-2nd and West-3rd Artillery Groups were all nailed to death, and all Star Officers and Sentinels were killed in action. The artillery of the West-Fourth Artillery Group was mostly preserved due to the counterattack of Winters, and most of the heavy artillery in the rear deployment position were kept.

After the reinforcements from the rear arrived, they quickly repelled the attackers at the West-Fourth Artillery Position, and the twenty or so Tanirian soldiers who did not escape were all captured and captured.

The most bizarre aspect of the raid was that the sentries at the other two positions failed to raise any alarms.

Post-war surveys proved that the Sentinels did resist fiercely, but no one heard any abnormal noises from those two positions. West - Montagne squad with four guns, West - Socorro squad with one gun, both.

Rumours arose in the barracks, and the soldiers privately said that the Tanirians in the city sacrificed six children to the devil in exchange for some kind of evil law, which could kill people silently in the dark night.

Layton was furious when he learned about this, and the furious Layton personally tortured the captured prisoners.

According to the prisoner's confession, they did not attack from the city gate. Some sailors in the city had an idea to use the pulley block technology of large warships into small boats. They used pulleys and wooden boards to build a set of temporary lifts, and quietly put soldiers from the city wall from the corner of the city wall in the west. down.

According to the statement of the prisoners, their first sneak attack was the West-Third Artillery Group. When they were preparing to sneak attack the West-Second Artillery Corps, the West-Fourth Artillery Corps sounded the alarm.

In order to destroy one more set of artillery, Captain Hernan, who led the night raiding force, took the risk of splitting half of his manpower back to attack the West-Fourth Artillery Group, and led his team to attack the West-Second Artillery Group. Group.

However, no matter how Layton tortured the captured Tanirian soldiers, they couldn't tell exactly how the silent raid on Veneta's position was achieved.

On the night of the night attack, not only the Veneta couldn't hear anything, but the Tanirians who carried out the attack couldn't hear anything either. Footsteps, shouts, weapons clashing, nothing could be heard.

In the hand-to-hand combat, their ears used to be full of screams and shouts of killing, but this time they could only see others open their mouths, but could not hear others.

All the prisoners confessed that they could only hear their own voices during the night raid, and all they heard were the same voices that were similar to their own voices after covering their ears.

According to the captives, Captain Hernan practiced a form of dark sorcery. As long as he wants, he can deprive other people within a few dozen meters of hearing.

Only one of the captives recalled that there was a masked guard next to Captain Hernan, who was not fighting, but no one was surprised because he was a bodyguard.

But the captive has always been Hernan's subordinate. He has never seen this mysterious masked guard by Hernan's side before tonight, and he has never heard of Hernan before tonight. What kind of black magic is Nanhui.

Apart from this, I can't ask any valuable information.

Unexplainably lost two officers, more than sixty soldiers and two 18 Sects cannons, a furious Roster Leighton, despite the dissuasion of other officers, vowed to use the most cruelty in front of the defenders. All the prisoners were put to death.

But when Layton decides to be reckless, nothing can stop him.

The Tanirian soldiers on the city wall watched the Veneta people trembling with fear as they prepared for the execution: the soldiers moved dozens of logs of more than two meters to the front of the position, and the carpenters began to move them. come sharpened wood.

The shackled Tanirians, many of whom were tortured to death, were led to the front of the city wall.

After being pinned to the ground, the captives immediately understood their tragic fate. They begged, howled, and prayed, but the executioner remained unmoved.

The executioner inserted a sharpened stake into the [monthly] door of the held captive, who let out a scream that would give the bravest nightmares.

The other executioner behind the captive held a large wooden bollard high with both hands and struck down with all his strength, and the wooden stake was nailed into the body at once.

Death on the spot is already a relief for the captives, and the undead captives will experience even more terrifying torture.

The executioner then lifted the stake and inserted it into the clearing in front of the city wall. Under the body's own weight, the stake little by little continues to be moved towards the body insertion.

The victim will die quickly, but the stake will not stop, and eventually the tip of the wood will come out from the captive's mouth and neck, piercing the captive's body on it.

A dozen or so stakes were planted there in a row, and the prisoners died tragically under the watchful eye of the defenders.

Witnessing this hellish and brutal sight will make even the most numb person tremble.

Not only the Tanirians on the city wall suffered great mental torture, but even the Veneta soldiers were shocked.

Leonard, the military priest, said bluntly to Layton: "General Layton, you will go to hell!"

"Well, as long as William Kidd Just go down first." Layton dismissed the contempt from the clergy.

Even Andrea, who had no empathy, couldn't bear to see such a scene, and whispered to Winters: "General Layton has done something a little too much, if he wants to kill, he will kill, Why would you do this..."

Winters replied deadpan: "No, Layton didn't 'kill' them, Layton 'executed' them. It wasn't aimless tyranny, it was It's a bloody show."

"You...will only make the Tanirians on the city wall more tenacious..." Antonio sighed.

"Perhaps so," Layton said nonchalantly, "but I also imprinted fear into their souls."

In the singing of the crows, this The war is moving towards a more savage, cruel, bloody direction hopelessly falling.

I used to go to bed when I was tired when I got home, and then got up to write. This is not very good. Adjust my work and rest. I must go to bed before one o'clock.

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(end of this chapter)

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