Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 108


The eve of Chapter 108
There are multiple high-level mages in the enemy array, although there is no direct evidence, But its probability can not be ignored.

What is the most powerful weapon against magician?
To get the answer, you need to understand where the magician's greatest threat lies.

Not a spell ability. Because no matter how powerful the spell is, it is nothing more than a killing technique on the battlefield.

The most important thing in all armies is the killing technique. Even if he stands still and lets the magician kill, how many people can he kill before the magic power is exhausted?

Are there many kills with swords, bow guns and cannons?
Is there a fraction of kills with swords, bows, and cannons?
After facing the power of magic time and time again, the soldiers of the Cenas Alliance gradually realized that the biggest threat of magician is not its spell ability, but its strong concealment.

You can destroy visible enemies, but how do you destroy invisible enemies?
spell The ability person has no external characteristics, no more eye or less arm than the ordinary person.

If there was any naked eye visible difference between a magician and an ordinary person, then it wouldn't be that hard to spot a spell potential from a sea of people.

Therefore, every enemy may be a hidden magician, a young soldier who is still young, and an old fogey with a face full of vicissitudes.

They can disguise themselves as ordinary soldiers and attack the enemy's frontline commanders when the two sides engage - in fact, this is the main mode of battle for the court mages during the Sovereign War.

They can also disguise themselves as enemy troops, swagger into enemy barracks, and silently assassinate high-value targets - that's how Marshal Ned's best friend and comrade-in-arms General Simmons died in the spell. .

In fact, if it wasn't for the Empire's propaganda, the coalition would not even know that General Simmons died of an assassination, and everyone thought it was a sudden stroke that caused Simmons' death.

So...what is the most powerful weapon against magician?
The answer is simple:
The most powerful weapon against magician,
is another magician.

War, war, war.

War is tiresome, not just for the soldiers, but for the people behind.

In the first week of the war, the war became the topic of everyone in Hailan City.

The senior officials are talking about the war, the clerks are talking about the war, the coachmen are talking about the war, the traders are talking about the war, and even the prostitutes are talking about the war. All people talk about is war, war and war.

But after a week, the topic's temperature dropped rapidly.

Citizens' attention returns to food prices, firewood prices, and the private rumors of the rulers; merchants revisit the trend of commodities; once deserted Lamar Harbor is bustling again; gentlemen Meet and talk about horse racing and whether to donate a military career to take credit; the ladies are looking for trendy clothes from the Republic of Palato.

No one knows what torment, fighting and pain the soldiers on the front line endure.

On the outskirts of Hailan, in the mansion of the splendorous and majestic Nawa Lei Family, a grand dance is going on.

Although it is already night, the chandelier hanging from the dome makes the hall as bright as day, and the light adds a lot of romantic atmosphere compared to daylight.

Mrs. Navarre skillfully arranged the flowers in the hall supported by twelve Dali stone pillars.

The air was filled with the scent of fragrant powder and burning laurel candles, as well as the dark scent of flowers.

Vine rose, coleus, geranium, hydrangea, oleander... Flowers and brocade subtly divide the space, leaving just the right place for guests to toast and chat, and at the same time make the span great The banquet hall does not feel empty.

I really don't know how much thought Mrs. Navarre spent to clean up the "Twelve Pillars" from the normally lonely stone hall so beautiful and pleasant.

The melancholy and beautiful "Lorina" echoed in the dome of the hall, and the costumed youngsters were dancing lightly and gracefully on the dance floor.

Girls are everywhere here: gorgeous dresses with hoop swirls, beautiful slender legsfaintly discernible; embroidered shawls seemingly casually draped over arms, but bare shoulders Come out; a fan with peacock feathers painted gold, hung on the wrist with thin silk polyester dangling.

At the end of the song, the girls raised their skirts with a smile, bowed their knees slightly to bid farewell to their male partner, but refused to agree to dance the second dance with the same man.

Ana Navarre sat alone on the sofa, wondering what she was thinking. When a man invites Nava Young Lady Lei to dance to the next song, the patterned smile appears on Anna's face.

ice-beauty suddenly became angry, and this strong contrast made the hearts of every man who came to invite the dance suddenly shrank.

But Anna smiled and declined all invitations, and when the men regressfully walked away, the Nava Young Lady Lei quickly returned to her haunted state until the next inviter showed up.

Another Nava, Young Lady Lei, Anna's younger sister, Catherine Navarre walked back towards Anna, her chic purple dancing shoes making a 'clack-clack' sound on the stone floor .

Catherine's cheeks were flushed, and fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. Playing three songs in a row made her body feel a little hot, she panted slightly and fanned herself with her hands.

"That Mr. Mitchell is so greedy, he still holds my hand and won't let go after the dance music is over. I'm almost scared to death. Hmph, he doesn't even want to invite me to dance again.

Two dances." Catherine sat next to Anna excitedly, and took the elder sister's arm affectionately: "Don't be sullen, Anna."

Catherine was innocent and unaffected when she was by Anna's side. His lively and fresh appearance stunned all the young men beside him.

Anna was already a beauty, but sitting next to Catherine lost her luster.

Because Anna's facial features have inherited part of the father's tough lines, and Catherine's appearance is completely the shadow of Mrs. Navarre, even more eager than Mrs. Navarre when she was young.

Catherine is wearing a pale green dress and Anna is wearing a blue dress. This pair of sisters eclipsed all the girls present, and among them, Catherine eclipsed Anna.

"Alas." Anna sighed, and lightly pinched Katherine's ass: "You little bastard, this is great, you focus everyone's attention here Lah. When you go to dance, other people will bother me again."

Catherine knocked off Anna's hand with a smile, and said nonchalantly, "Then why don't you dance too."

"I don't want to dance today."

"Okay Anna, just dance one, dance one. It's not easy to have a dance again. I'm suffocating these days. I don't know when the next time will be." Catherine shook Anna's arm: "I really don't understand why we can't have a dance party after a war. How will we get to know the young men without the chance to meet the young men? How can we get married? If we fight for more than ten years, won't we all become old girls?"

"No, you will definitely not become old girls, I have confidence in you..." Anna covered her face with a fan, her tone extremely helpless.

"Ai, many, many, very good young men have gone to war. Without them, I don't think the dance will be lively anymore." Catherine also sighed and said unhappily: "Wei Captain Elson has also gone to war. He dances the best, but he doesn't always step on my feet like today's dance partner. Anna, what's so good about fighting? Why do they all go to war? Stay in Hailan, we There's a dance at home, isn't it good for them to dance?"

Anna was caught up in her thoughts, and she became distracted again.

Catherine rolled her eyes when she saw Anna's appearance, bit her ear and laughed and said to Anna, "I know who I'm thinking about!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What?" Anna Huarong paled.

"Hmph, mother doesn't know, but I know it all." Catherine suppressed a smile, straightened her face, and imitated a low, hoarse male voice and said, "I'm fine, I eat well. Well, I slept well, maybe I'm really lucky."

"Ah? Ah! You Little Lass!" Anna blushed suddenly, grabbed Catherine and asked, "You You, peeked at my letter!?"

"I didn't peek at your letter." Catherine corrected proudly: "You left it on the dresser and didn't put it away, I just saw it."

"Isn't that just peeking?" Anna was angry and anxious when she heard the other party's shameless confession.

Seeing the elder sister's rare loss of proportion, Catherine was even more proud, she continued to bite her ears and chase after the victory: "I not only know about the letter, but I also know that you hid a sword in the closet...

Yayyah, using gold as a scabbard is such a vulgar taste."

Anna's face was as red as an apple, and even her earlobes started to turn red, she said incoherently. : "You... you still go through my closet?"

"Don't we two always change clothes? I see that your closet is not normal?" Catherine quickly changed the subject and teased the elder sister. : "Don't worry about whether I'm peeking or not, tell me who WM is? He even uses the full abbreviation... Hmph, being so careful, he must be a stingy guy."

"Not at all. !" When the younger sister said WM was stingy, Anna became very annoyed. Suddenly, she realized her lost self-control, and hurriedly covered up: "I don't want you to care!"

"Ai, I'm so sad that I neglect the biological younger sister when I have a lover. "Catherine snickered with a fan to cover her mouth.


Anna was anxious and shy, but Catherine was very proud.

To the rest of the sisters, who watched quietly, there was nothing more beautiful than the fact that the young girls were having fun, and Katherine was even more charming.

The band suddenly played a cheerful prelude, and anyone could hear that the next song was a joyous, ebullient tune.

"Yeah! It's "Look! That Sailor Jonny!"." Catherine was suddenly surprised, and she happily pulled Anna up from the chair: "Dancing! Anna! Indulge in dancing! Dance! Until you can't move! This piece has to be danced! Too bad it's not! Come on!"

As soon as the prelude sounds, the man can invite the woman to dance.

The men who glare like a tiger watching his prey beside the Navarre sisters came impatiently to invite the two ladies to dance.

Many men who were confident or reckless rushed to invite Katherine, and most of them turned a blind eye. Those who didn't invite Catherine felt that there were too many competitors... Miss Anna is not bad either.

Catherine quickly chose a dance partner. Before leaving, she finally bit her ear and said to Anna: "Anna, elder sister, believe me, if any man wrote you such a short letter, he would definitely I don't like you very much. The love letters I receive are filled with large sheets of paper and sprayed with perfume. It's not worth worrying about this guy who sends you off with a single sentence, so young man, there are many more! Come dance !"

Anna, who was already a little lost, was shaken by this sentence, and she almost fell into a sluggishness.

She didn't know what she said, or who she promised. Anyway, she was dragged into the dance floor by a man she didn't know.

The whole song "Look! That Sailor Jonny! "During the period, Anna, who was like a puppet, was just subconsciously cooperating with each other's movements, making frequent mistakes and stepping on her partner's feet many times.

After the song ended, Anna's dance partner politely sent her back to her seat, not minding that Anna stepped on her several times, and invited Anna to dance again.

However, when he looked up to see Anna's face, he found that Nawa Young Lady Lei was covered in tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

The dance partner was also a little flustered. He took out the handkerchief and handed it to Anna, but Anna didn't accept it. She just buried her head in the fan, her shoulders were still shaking, and she was obviously still crying.

The dance partner felt a little unfathomable mystery, and even more felt the pointing fingers of others behind him, he quickly said goodbye and left Anna alone in the corner of the hall.

The atmosphere at the dance party was already warm enough for Seablue City Councilman Mead. It was time to get into the theme, so he walked into the dance floor and tapped the cup in his hand with a spoon.

The crisp knocking sound spread throughout the hall, and the lively dance party fell silent for a moment, and everyone quietly waited for Congressman Mead to speak.

"Hainan hasn't been so lively in a long time." Senator Meade said with a smile.

Everyone clapped their hands and applauded, and there was applause and warm cheers in the hall.

After Mr. Mead had calmed down, he continued: "Watching the children dance, it's like going back to when I was young. We could have played more fiercely at that time."

There was a louder cheer, and someone shouted "Mr. Mead, dance!"

"If you want me to dance, it has to be the prettiest female companion. But I have to get down to business first." Navarre cleared his throat and spoke loudly: "First of all we have to thank the hostess of this place, Mrs. Navarre! It is Mrs. Navarre who has generously undertaken this This fundraising ball will give us the opportunity to reunite and bring Hailan back to life and vitality.”

There was a burst of applause, and Mrs. Navarre nodded with a smile.

"The Taniria Federation shameless attacked us, and at this moment, our outstanding children are fighting bravely on the archipelago to recover our blood debt. Youngster is sacrificing for us, and we I also want to do my part to do something for them."

Mead paused, waving his arms contagiously and said, "So, at this moment, I ask you, ask Donate your jewelry. I'm not asking you to sacrifice, am I asking for your jewelry? No! It's Veneta who is asking for sacrifice, which is insignificant compared to our frontline warriors

How beautiful are earrings on ladies' earlobes! How beautiful are bracelets on clean wrists! But these gold and gems can be exchanged for food, ammunition and medicine for children. Many people have sons, husbands, brothers fighting on the front lines, and we donate our jewelry so they can bleed a little less. Come on! Start with me!"

Made MP The last part has been drowned out by a rainstorm of applause and cheers.

The invitations received by each guest have stated that this is a dance party to raise funds for the front line, and everyone has been prepared in advance when they come.

The two servants held up a large silver tray, and Mead took off his solid gold cuffs and medals and put them on the tray, and walked up to Madame Navarre with a big laugh to invite a dance.

Mrs. Navarre pursed her lips and smiled, took off her earrings, brooch, bracelet and necklace generously, put her hand on Senator Mead's hand, and walked into the dance floor.

"Change a tune!" Congressman Mead yelled at the band, "'Daniela Cooper'!"

Joyful, intense, bright, and catchy, "Daniela Cooper" cascades from the instrument.

Na Be Mead clapped his palms twice, and began to beat with the rhythm, twisting his footsteps and dancing the "Trepak Dance".

No one could have imagined that this nearly 60-year-old old fogey could actually dance so well, and he danced the intense and gorgeous Trepak dance.

But Mrs. Navarre, who was Mead's partner, danced better than Mead.

Youngster has never seen Madame Navarre's dance skills because Madame Navarre hasn't set foot on the dance floor since her husband passed away.

Tonight, the dancers were an eye-opener for everyone.

Not only the guests, but the door of the hall was even crowded with the smiling faces of the servants. The valet on one side and the maid on the other came to see Senator Mead and Madame Navarre, who were dancing happily.

The men among the guests scrambled to take off rings, cufflinks, medals, put them on the tray, and then walked up to the lady they wanted to dance.

The invited ladies took off their earrings, necklaces, bracelets, hairpins and put them on the tray with a smile, and walked into the dance floor with the men.

No woman would decline an invitation in this atmosphere, and Katherine happily accepted a man she had rejected before, while the others sighed.

Every time a donation falls into a tray, there is a burst of applause and cheers.

There were more people on the dance floor, but no pair of dancers was as eye-catching as Mead and Madame Navarre.

Ana began to feel restless. When everyone's attention was focused on Mead, Anna quietly wiped away her tears.

Because she suddenly found herself wearing only one pair of earrings. It's not because she doesn't have jewelry, but because she's not in the mood to dress up today, so she just casually wears a pair of earrings.

But this is her home. She has played here since she was a child, and she knows every corner of this hall very well.

Seeing that no one had invited her yet, Anna quietly withdrew from the crowd and pushed open a secret door from the corner of the hall to leave. She hurried back to her room, ready to pick up some jewelry and go back.

But when she opened the closet, she saw the saber that Winters had given her, a tacky gold sheathed sword.

"If a man wrote you such a short letter, he certainly didn't like you very much."

Katherine's words were like the whispers of the devil in Anna's mind, recalling in Anna's mind.

Suddenly, Anna couldn't hold back her tears.

Anna sobbed and picked up the golden sword: "Why do you do this to me? Anything you say is the father's relic, it's all fake! It's all a lie! You simply didn't like me!"

Anger and resentment filled her heart, and Anna slammed the "golden sword" to the ground. The thought of revenge on that person scratched her heart uncontrollably, she picked up the "golden sword" moved towards the banquet hall and walked towards the banquet hall: "You give it to me, I will give it back to you, the two are cleared!"

Anna cried as she walked, the more angry she cried, the sadder she cried. The music in the banquet hall was getting louder and louder, and the secret door was right in front of her. The moment she opened the door, Anna hesitated.

The first meeting at a dinner party, the quarrel over a painting, bickering and mulled wine in the verandah of the guards, learning swordsmanship at the back of the Parliament Square, one by one the past came to her eyes, and the face of that person began become blurred.

She couldn't remember the person's facial features, but she remembered that person clearly and missed him immensely.

Ana held the "golden sword" and huddled helplessly in the corner behind the secret door, sobbing uncontrollably: "Bad thing...why do you do this to me...where are you? "

So where is Winters · Montagne now?

He is in the triangular fort in front of the city gate of Tacheng, the closest stronghold of the Veneta people to the city wall.

He carefully wiped the gunpowder, sharpened the steel cone and saber, and finally checked the gunpowder again to make sure it wasn't wet or delaminated.

After doing all this, he still couldn't sleep peacefully.

Major Moritz, who was beside him, slept soundly amidst the loud snoring of the troopers.

Winters couldn't sleep, so he put on some clothes and got up and walked to the top of the Triangle Fort.

After continuous heightening operations, this triangular fort has reached the upper limit of the height that the structure can support, which is the same height as the city wall.

Now standing on the top of the triangular fort can look at the city wall, and if the height is increased, the bottom area must be increased, otherwise the rammed earth will collapse.

But what is more interesting is that the defenders are not idle. The defenders also built a wooden watchtower at the city gate to increase the city wall and block the view of the triangular fort.

The sentry on the top of the Triangle Fort saw Winters coming up and didn't recognize the military uniform at first. After seeing Winters' face, he hurriedly saluted.

Winters stared silently at the city wall in the dark, with two lights on it, like a garrison sentinel smoking a cigarette.

"Tomorrow, this will all be over," he thought.

Long-distance relationship kills people.jpg
In addition, the description of the banquet in this chapter is not my original, these descriptions are from "War and Peace" and "Gone with the Wind". Not exactly the same, with some rework.

Because I really don't know what a dinner party was like a hundred years ago...but Tolstoy and Margaret Mitchell sure did.

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