Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 105


Chapter 105 Blood Man

Sergeant Taylor, who was resting in the post, heard footsteps outside , he asked cautiously: "Who? Password!"

"Rush." The person who came answered the code: "It's me."

The code was right, and old Taylor relaxed. , back to the code: "Hundred Flowers."

The sound of footsteps approached quickly, and Warrant Officer Montagne deftly jumped over the wall and jumped into the tunnel.

Taylor immediately saw Warrant Officer Montagne holding a strange short gun in his hand - strange because the short gun didn't have any ignition mechanism, like the kind of gun that requires one hand to carry a gun. , like an old-fashioned hook lit with the other hand, but it is indeed a musket.

"What's the matter, sir? The enemy attack?" Sergeant Taylor asked hastily.

"No enemy found." Winters pulled out a bell: "But the siren tripwires were cut."

"What should I do? Should I warn you?"

Winters hesitated, gritted his teeth, and said, "Ring the bell! Sound the alarm!"

Seeing that the Star Officer was so determined, Tyler became frightened, and he licked his lower lip to dissuade him. : "Would you like to check again? The tripwire may have been snapped by itself... If the alarm is falsely issued, it will be a big stab. Do you want to wait?"

Winters did not dare to Determine if the tripwire has been cut. To be on the safe side, you should wait a little longer, and then warn you when you actually encounter an enemy.

Because if it is later found to be a false positive, Winters will definitely be severely held accountable, and even other sentinels may follow suit.

"Ring the alarm bell now! Light the beacon!" Winters gritted his teeth again: "It's better to make a false report than to miss a report! Go and sound the alarm, and I'll take care of it."

Seeing that the Star Officer's attitude is firm, Sergeant Taylor can only obey. He trotted over to the alarm bell, swung the hammer and began to strike with all his might.

The rapid sound of the bell echoed on the battlefield in front of the city wall. First, there were only the West-Four outposts, and the post on the old siege wall behind Winters also sounded the alarm.

The barracks was awakened from a deep sleep, and the officers rushed out of the tent and shouted, "Emergency assembly!" The soldiers were scrambling to find their clothes and weapons.

Two beacon fires were lit on the earth wall next to the west-fourth artillery position, signaling the presence of the police.

Other artillery positions and outposts lit up a bunch of beacon fires, signaling that their positions would remain unchanged for the time being.

Winters climbed up the wall and counted the beacon fires three times. After confirming that the number was correct, he immediately called Sergeant Taylor: "The west-third artillery position has no beacon fire. It may have been an accident. You Who's in my staff without night blindness?"

"Dan, Wake." Old Taylor named two names without the slightest hesitation.

“Tell them to bring their weapons and follow me.” Winters buckled his helmet, drew his saber, and threw the scabbard on the ground.

"Are you still going out?" Old Taylor was very surprised: "We just need to hold on to the artillery and wait for support."

"We must find out what happened to the west-third artillery position. What." Winters explained: "Hollowing at the post is equivalent to blind, we don't know where the enemy is going."

Sgt. Taylor grabbed Winters' arm: "Then I will take someone there, You stay here."

Winters asked sternly, "Are you good at fighting with me? And I don't worry about being spied on, I just have to see it with my own eyes."

Taylor Ten Men Squad are all long halberd hands, which are difficult to use in the narrow corridors. Dan and Wake abandoned the long weapons and replaced them with one-handed swords and followed Winters along the corridors.

In order to guard against artillery, the corridors meander like snakes, and there is a corner every four or five meters. When he was about to reach the gun emplacement, Winters heard footsteps coming from the corridor ahead.

"Password?!" he shouted immediately.

The people who came didn't answer, and the footsteps were speeding up.

"Enemy attack!"

Dan and Wake saw a silhouette flash out of the corner ahead, then Warrant Officer Montagne drew his peculiar short gun and shot him in the head. Knock down the people who come.

Dan could see clearly that the short gun in the warrant officer's hand had neither a matchlock, nor a reed wheel, or even a trigger, just the stock and barrel.

However, in the hands of Warrant Officer Montagne, it fired like a normal firearm.

"wizard's black magic", a sentence popped into the minds of the two privates.

Winters' palm was numb from the recoil of the firearm. It was also the first time he used this spell to fire a firearm in actual combat. Didn't expect it would actually work, and it worked very well.

For Winters, the spell firing is much more convenient than the arrows. He's not good at kinetic spells, but he's very good at fire spells.

Before he had time to brag, several enemies with short blades rushed out one after another at the corner in front of him.

spell The downside of activating the firearm is also obvious - it's still only one shot.

In desperation, Winters moved the empty gun towards the opponent and smashed it.

A thought popped into his mind: "Maybe three barrels tied together?"

But now was not the time to think about that, and Winters put on his saber. , stabbed in the face of the enemy.

Even a coward who has no power to fight like Winters has experienced several bloody battles, and has long been tempered into a fierce warrior, not to mention that Winters is an officer who has been trained for many years.

Dan and Wake watched in astonishment as Warrant Officer Montagne efficiently killed—no, the rushing enemy.

The corridor is narrow, and the enemy can only go on one by one. When one comes up, the warrant officer puts one down, and there is no enemy at all that is his all-in-one enemy.

In the end, only three of Winters, Dan and Wake were pushing forward, and it was not Dan and Wake's turn to make a move. They followed Winters and waited until anyone was dead. Poke a sword.

After eight or nine people were killed in a row, the will of the Tanirians completely collapsed. The few remaining Tanilians were heartbroken, they rolled and crawled, turned around and ran.

Winters didn't pursue after seeing the Tanee jumping over the dirt wall and fleeing towards the city wall.

He picked up the pistol he had just thrown from under the corpse, while Dan and Wake watched him in awe.

"Go, go to the west - third gun position." After the gun was retrieved, Winters took the lead and continued to walk in the front.

Dan swallowed his saliva and couldn't help whispering to Wake: "I finally understand why it is called Warrant Officer 'Bloodman'..."

Continue moved towards West - The third artillery group advanced, and the bodies of Veneta soldiers began to appear in the passage. The Venetas who have been killed are lying all over the corridor where the West-Three Artillery Group is located, and their bodies are still warm.

"Sir! There's a Hundred-Men Commander here!" Wake reported to Winters aloud.

I saw a corpse in an officer's uniform lying on its back on the ground, its arms drooping weakly, and the eyes had lost all vigour.

Winters took a while to identify it carefully before he recognized it was Lieutenant Deckard, the Star Officer of the West-3rd Artillery Group. Deckard has a terrifying wound on his neck, presumably fatal.

"Dead," Dan concluded succinctly.

Wake spat: "Bullshit."

Winters tried to recreate the scene in his mind when Deckard and his men were killed, but there was a question he didn't want to No way.

Brows furrowed together, Winters pondered doubtfully: "No matter how you look at it, there was a fierce battle here, but why didn't I hear anything next to the West-3rd Artillery Group? ?"

The cannons are all on the gun mounts, but the fire doors are all nailed down firmly, and they will all be scrapped in a short period of time.

Obviously, the purpose of the Tacheng defenders' raid here was to destroy the Veneta artillery. The Veneta people were fully prepared for this, but why didn't they hear the siren at all?

Winters went to check the alarm bell again, and it was intact.

The sharp whistle came from the west side, and Dan yelled in panic, "Sir! It's our gun emplacement!"

"Go! Go back!" Winters drew his sword in the Hands, strode moved towards West - Four guns ran wild, and both Dan and Wake were left far behind by him.

Among the eight artillery positions, the smaller the number, the closer to the central axis.

Tanirian soldiers with nails and hammers climbed over the ramparts, jumped into the artillery position, moved towards the position of the artillery and dashed.

Winters' two Ten Men Squads tried to stop the enemy, but the numbers were so outnumbered that they were already trapped in the post.

The two outposts are angled in front of the artillery positions, and the structure has been modified according to Winters' requirements: the entrance is narrow, but the interior is large enough to accommodate a Ten Men Squad.

A fierce Tanirian swordsman howled and charged into Tyler's post, only to be stabbed in the stomach by Bubba's long halberd as soon as he entered. A second Tanirian who tried to rush in was also pushed back by the long halberd.

Seeing that the front was unable to break through, the Tanirians circled outside the post, jumped over the wall and jumped into the post. Old Taylor held a steel crossbow and shot dead a Tanirian who climbed up the wall, then pulled out his waist knife and slashed at another Tanirian who jumped in...

Outside the post , a daring Tanirian archer simply stood on top of the base wall, condescendingly moved towards Sergeant Taylor and they fired arrows.

Winters knocked the archer off the wall with a single shot of the arrow. He didn't care to check whether the archer was dead or not, he picked up his saber and moved towards the post and rushed all the way.

The Tanirians were so focused on attacking the Veneta posts that they didn't even notice Winters approaching them from behind.

It wasn't until one after another screamed that Taniria realized that she had been outflanked by someone.

"Kill! Warrant Officer Montagne is back! Reinforcements are here!" Taylor was stabbed in the head, blood dripped all the way into his eyes from the top of his head, he reached out and wiped a hand on his face, holding up high The waist knife shouted: "Great Veneta!"


The Veneta soldiers in the post were highly morale, and shouted and counterattacked from the post. .

The Tanirian soldiers in the corridor were attacked from front and back, and they were suddenly defeated and jumped off the wall to escape. All the slow Tanirian soldiers were dragged back and killed.

After taking out the Tanirians in the tunnel, Winters gasped on his knees and asked Tyler hoarsely: "How's it going?"

"Cannon. The artillery was lost!" Old Taylor was so anxious that he forgot to use honorifics: "Speaking less of a hundred tani! Another sentry is also lost!"

"Where are the reinforcements at the back? ?"

"Not here yet."

"Go! Go to the cannon! Come with me!" Winters wiped the blood from his face with the hem of his jacket and changed A machete in the dead man's hand—because his saber was already curled—supported the wall and led the crowd moved towards the artillery position.

Third Legion's Soldiers Rumored: Bloody Montagne [Bloody Montagne] is Legion's Bravest Officer, and Tyler's Ten Men Squad Soldiers have just confirmed the rumors for themselves.

I feel like what I wrote is too verbose, fix, fix, fix.

Thanks to the friends who have voted for the recommendation before, thanks to the book friends Tianshui Youjia for the recommendation votes, thanks to the book friends for the monthly tickets of the lens, thank you all.

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